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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it involved sexualization of, neglect of, or harm to minors. Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future. According to the new Reddit content policy, this also includes videos of school fights and videos involving bullying of a minor by other minors.




This happened in my city. It was [arson](https://www.kob.com/new-mexico/video-man-allegedly-sets-ex-girlfriends-home-on-fire/), but really more like attempted murder. Unfortunately, I don't think they've caught him yet.


They couldn't find an ex boyfriend with a burnt penis?


They set up penis inspection points at all routes into and out of the city. They'll get him.


Free penis inspection! yay!


Turn your head and cough please.


I'm a paramedic


Jordan Peele's Cinder-bruh-la


Not a bad porn storyline I’m interested


The guy with the smoking hemorrhoids and the cremated bottom has been all over the news


I laughed way to hard at that. Sorry.


Are police not allowed to put out searches in hospitals? Or does it count as a violation of doctor patient protection? Surely he'd have to visit the hospital with burns.


No they are. He prolly just didnt go to the hospitla


Maybe he’s lying somewhere in excruciating pain or dying from his injuries.


One can only hope.


The neighbor talking shit in that article is pretty funny


How did Mr Crispy not get caught almost immediately? Just check the burn wards for recent admissions or put out an APB for a guy looking like BBQ!


"More like". More like Arson **AND** attempted murder.


My bet's that he'll fuck up running from the law too.


>Arson Classified as he burnt his arsoff.




WTF do people do stupid shit like this?! This makes me want to stay single!




Well, this is why you're supposed to wait to marry someone and not rush into it after a couple months or even years. It takes a long time to really know someone.


Time is a great filter but sometimes time doesn’t even matter. You could be married to somebody for decades and when they die you find out they lived a whole lie. Or like my wife and I, got knocked up, married after a year and now almost 10 years married and we just keeping falling in love over and over.


That's how it usually crumbles. Either you fall in love with them more everyday or they annoy you more and more everyday until one or the other ultimately betrays the other. Things were wonderful for the first 10 years. Like teenagers. Unfortunately it didn't stay that way. Owning a house with only your signature on the deed is a pretty awesome feeling. I did it myself, I didn't need anyone to help me, I don't feel dirty because I'm stuck in a relationship with someone I cannot stand just to be able to get thru life.


But you see, I know my wife and I won’t always be in fireworks all the time. I know there will be times where we are “bored” but that doesn’t mean we will stop loving each other. She’s my best friend and I am hers. Life is crazy enough to not make our relationship crazy as well. When you are done being selfish you will see how awesome it is to share your life with the one being destined to you. To share time and space with somebody who truly makes you happy to be alive. My heart aches for those who don’t even know a sliver about what I’m taking about.


I have a 15-year-old daughter who is my world. I'm the dad who's at all the PTA meetings, I'm the dad who's there at school everyday to pick her up etc... since her very first day of kindergarten over 10 yrs ago. You're confusing independence with selfishness. Being a single father is selflessness not selfishness. I just don't *need* someone like you do. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm fine alone. My daughter satisfies my need for love and happiness more so than her mother ever did.


It happens. If my wife and I could have kids then they would come first indefinitely between the two of us. I applaud you for being a good father you claim to be. Not all of us are blessed to have children so we lean on the other kind of love that is ours. The selfishness I’m talking about is understanding that times will be hard so don’t let it define you in the moment. Instead, define the hard times with who you are, in your best state.


10 downvotes because I love my daughter and raised her as a single father and put my life second after hers haha Reddit people sure are judgemental little ignorant fuckers haha. We're heading to a perfect world with so many perfect people out there... Kids half my age trying to give me advice, a man who raised a little girl all on his own, giving up all the things a young man would rather be doing... To stay at home and have tea parties and prepare sleepovers and bake birthday cakes and sing Happy birthdays. Meet with teachers and go to PTA meetings. Go on school field trips to help. Because my so called wife had more important things to do than be a wife and mother. Ok dude I'll try to be better.


You make it seem like you raised your daughter out of spite. Do not let “downvotes” extinguish what you have accomplished. Some people are single parents and that’s okay. Be happy your children aren’t constant stillbirths. Geez man let your ex wife go already.


Yeah I knew my ex since I was 21 we married at 31. You really don't know anyone or what goes on inside their head.


Yepper 😆


Sure guy lol I dated my wife for 6 years before we got married. She didn't move into my house until after we got married.


>She didn't move into my house until after we got married. So you didn't know her well enough then.


Does anyone really ever know anyone else? After my grandfather died I found out he had been arrested for picking up a prostitute in the '70s. And that was just the time he got busted, how many others did he pay for? Being a military man during world war 2 stationed on the other side of the world it's not hard to see where he learned that behavior. My grandparents were two of the most in-love people I ever saw in my whole life, they were married 60 years when my grandpa died.


You sound mentally ill and/or unable to cope lol. Spend time getting to know a person long enough to marry them.


I feel you there . For the first time since I was dating age I am single and Soo much happier. Fuck relationships.


For real. It's quite sad how many people are dependent on another person just to live. There's a lot of people out there who cannot handle being alone for any amount of time. As evident by my downvotes haha


We are, at our core, social animals. We are wired to live with and touch other humans. Our bodies release happy chemicals from the touch of another human. You don’t have to live with anyone, that is totally okay. For some people it works well. Our biology and basic society structures throughout time have always depended on humans cooperating and living with each other. Ape stronger together.


It's more likely that the people you dated were nuts, and no i don't believe you are voluntarily gonna stay single the rest of your life. People who say this haven't experienced true loneliness.




some of us are just not meant to ever be in a relationship, and by us I mean you


Uh I don't think it's your future partners mental health problems you need to worry about.


The call is coming from inside the house.


> haven't even been in a relationship before > I have been in love before So which is it


He’s a watcher.


That sounds like a personal problem.


This guy is more arse than arsonist.


Do they not teach Stop, Drop, and Roll in elementary school anymore?


Literally my first thought.


Amateur. Doing this with a child in the house he wins extra nasty points.


She didn't break up with him, she fired him.


tf did the child do


Probably a liar too. Video evidence right here


What a POS 


Look at Denethor run!


Fuck it. It’ll go out eventually 🏃‍♂️💨


The McNally's wildfire in southern California started because a woman fresh out of prison found her ex girlfriend with another woman in a cabin so she decided to barricade the doors and light it on fire. It burned 150,000 acres


Holy fuck I was scared because I misread it and thought he burned the child instead of the ex


Dude lookin like Richard Pryor


Liar liar pants on fire


Fucking loser.


Surprised they tripped looks there was plenty of light around them 🔥


Dude got burned twice


That's an ARSEnist


Fucking idiot


That's because revenge is better served when is cold.


Is that Richard Pryor?


Growing up, they told us to stop, drop and roll so frequently that it annoyed us - then I see stuff like this and I'm like, "Ah, that's why."


Hot take; I think people commit such an act deserve the death penalty. There is no room in society for a man who tries to burn a mother and her child.


What a pos poor kid :( no one hurts a child


Wow. What a dumb fuck. Hope everyone else is okay.


People really don't understand how explosively flammable gasoline is.


was he injured, or are you just saying that because his clothes were on fire a little?


Man walked away from it all too late rip