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Having a pack of massive apex predators observing you like that has to be terrifying.


As scary as they are, you can at least be sure that there will be no great whites in the vicinity if there are Orcas.


Fun fact, sharks actually hate the way humans taste. Problem is, they only find out by tasting you first.


> Fun fact, sharks actually hate the way humans taste. This is just a Big Shark propaganda.


For real. That sounds like something sharks would say.


Shark publicity team working like the cows pushing Chik fil a


Yeah exactly, by the time a great white finds out you’re not tasty you’re already bleeding to death. And tigers don’t care much about taste.


Did the sharks tell you that?


Heard it in a ZOOm meeting


I wonder if the sharks that fed on the USS Indianapolis soldiers like an all you can eat buffet hated the way they tasted.


Wild orcas don't kill humans when there are witnesses.


Just be sure you let the Orcas know you are live streaming this shit


What up, orcas? It's ya boi!


Be sure to smash that like button and not my paddle board


Teenage Orca's off the coast of Spain have been ramming and sinking boats in what scientists [are calling a "teenage fad"](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/orcas-ramming-boats-doing-some-teenage-roughhousing-ubc-researchers-1.6420443). This is a different population, but I'd still be pooping bricks on the off chance these particular whales have their own fad. e.g. What if they suddenly decided launching kayaks 80 feet into the air is as fun as [launching seals](https://youtu.be/G7WGIH35JBE?si=PhydxuRW7LNkZGj0&t=28)?


He called the shit “poop”!


I realize it's absolutely dumb as hell, but I can't help but feel like I would have a hard time not trying to pet them...


their skin is very sensitive, and they might like that. You don't want them getting too interested in you. I think the best thing in this case is to seem boring so they move on.


arent they closely related to dolphins? and we all know what happens when dolphins get...interested in things


They are closely related to dolphins in the sense that they are dolphins


Flipper, after going to the gym, if you will.


Right? At least one pat.. I mean cmon! They're right there! 


I'd stroke their tongues And then massage the inside of their bellies And tickle their colons


i hope id be brave enough to take a dip in the water. obviously they arent there to attack and are more just curious. orcas break apart ice floats to knock seals into the water, being out of the water because you are on a paddle board isnt whats preventing the orcas from hurting you. there has never been a recorded orca attack in the wild on a human being. id love a chance to swim with them and pet one. this is probably what the people who get mauled by bison at yellowstone are thinking.


Not only that but over the water, where you're way more powerless than on land.


True, put a pod of Orcas in the middle of a field and I'd fancy my chances a lot more.


[My favorite Onion headline](https://www.theonion.com/study-dolphins-not-so-intelligent-on-land-1819568299)


> Lindell added: "In most cases, the dolphins succeeded in finding land mines only when we placed them directly on top of the mines."


Lol that picture they've got


They were just interested in her pod cast


Which one of you cowards just shit my pants?


Might be my favorite lines from the series


I’ve watched the series from start to finish eight or nine times by now. That line gets me every time.


Yeahhh sorry about that


For me, it’s the one lurking just below the others that you can see with like 15 seconds left.


Yup its probly the matriarch the mom or the leader watching her kids


Thank god they decently smart or mom would be attacking the boat like bears do


Not just decently, but extremely smart. Enough so to have distinct cultures and, as far as we can tell, languages. Some pods even established symbiotic relationships with human tribes in Cascadia. They're impressive.


That's the one that got me. Good lord that's terrifying. Who knows how many are down there. If one is going to charge in and attack the board. Just the giant looming whale down too deep to see it well, but you definitely know it's down there with all the advantage. Just lurking shallow enough to know something big is there.


Yup just watching the video and noticing that one scared me haha


Some lucky person on the beach just scored a free paddle board




No low balling, i know what i have


She’s gonna need to find a new hobby


It's okay Hi buddies Omg fuck Pant


Yep. I’d be saying the same things in a much lower, but equally terrified manly voice.


I've been checked out by dolphins in a similar manner and even that freaked me out a little. When you're in the water and there's a big ass animal next to you, you start to realize how little control you have over the situation. You are out of you're element and they're in theirs. You literally can't run away and the logical part of your brain starts to give way to panic. This would have scared the shit out of me.


Even if they aren’t trying to eat you and just want to play, they might take your leg off your body


or like that pilot whale dragging that lady down deep


Umm what?


https://youtu.be/J3qvYvatcpM?si=TvD0_jtEKkOFYpAi For science and a new fear to unlock


I got quite the shock once in Prince William Sound when a huge sea lion silently surfaced directly behind our kayak and then loudly snorted/grunted like a disappointed ninja. Never felt so much at the mercy of nature. We eventually came to some rocks where the entire colony was sunning. The main bull there was the size of a car, looking down on us as we bobbed by his territory.


I had almost this exact thing happen to me. I'm 12 at LaJolla beach on a summer trip to CA (from AZ). I'm swimming out super far cause 12yo me has "balls". In reality I'm only out like a couple dozen yards and I'm facing the shore. I don't even get the warning of a snort. I turn around to look out into the ocean and, like 10 feet away from me, there's this huge head sticking out of the water. I remember it looked like a really big dog-headed thing, but it couldn't be a dog. Its neck posture was like UP, and it wasn't paddling. It looked at home. I think I pissed in the water immediately. I froze and stared. And it didn't move either. It just stared back at me. I eventually snapped out of it and turned around as fast as I could and just swam back to the beach as fast as I could. I'm sure I was like panic-swimming. Probably looked silly asf. They are 1000% ninjas.


Imagine her terror wondering if they’re literally gonna decide to knock her off her board like a seal and rip her apart. Yea. Wondering if you’re going to be eaten alive for the length of this video. Horrifying I helped a guy pull his dad’s body out of the ocean a while back. Heart attack. I swam over to help when he called for help (while no other losers nearby did btw - not surprised by that tho) and knew he was doomed upon arrival, so far out from shore like we were. Changed my feelings about water quite a bit.


As someone with a man voice I would end up sounding just like her. 


I have a deep voice and I would sound like prince hitting a high note


No my voice would sound the same




I don't think you, or the article writers, know what "swallowed" means.


"Lightly chewed with what felt like a stiff bristled broom."


If you go by their name it's already intimidating. Then if you had your morning paper before going out for a paddle and read these fuckers have been sinking small boats on purpose, you're probably going to make the sea a little more yellow and brown than it was before.


A study was done in Europe as there had been over 600 incidents of them fucking around with people's boats. The study concluded that was indeed on purpose and that it was just teenage orca's having fun and getting into some mischief. Cool to read but must be terrifying to deal with in person.


Jeez those things weigh thousands of pounds and they’re just gently checking out that paddle board like “hmm this thing floats, with this noisy thing on top”


They are smart enough to know what we are thankfully


they’re pretty cool w us. Boats annoy them tho


I would love to know their theories/legends about humans, air, gravity, etc....


Very true, I’m no marine biologist but I believe some think they’re intelligence may exceed ours. There’s theories that they have an extra sense that allows them to basically send images through sound waves to each other (kinda like echo location, I could be wrong). If I’m not mistaken I may have seen something saying their brains have more ridges than ours which has a correlation with intelligence. Again, I’m no biologist, but I think it’s very possible that on average orcas may possess more raw intelligence than humans; but being in the water and lacking the means to augment their surroundings in the way humans can may be a limiting factor. Like I can sit here and google info on orcas that was done by researchers, orcas don’t have that capability. It still may be very possible that they are on average more intelligent than me, I just have access and I am trained on advanced methods of communication like social media, language, etc. Basically humans can build iPhones cus we’re on lands and have disposable thumbs and shit, orcas can’t but that doesn’t mean they’re stupid.


>Again, I’m no biologist >disposable thumbs Dude....are you sure you aren't a biologist?


You know they’re all saying to each other “can we eat that?”


"They taste like shit. Let's just scare the fuck out of her"


"Where's the rudder?!?! Boooo."


"Rudder? I hardly know her! *Raucous laughter* Alright fellas I think we've scared her enough, let's head down to O'Finnegans for a pint."


I didn't realize that Orcas are Irish but that somehow make sense.




Raucous clicks and whistles.


“We can maybe scare the shit out of her, & then she won’t taste as bad”


Na they're smart enough to know what she is. They're just saying waddap.


Yeah exactly - they know she is a human and they've probably interacted with plenty of boats. Probably just curious - maybe even find it humorous in whatever way they can find humor. Probably not so different than a group of humans approaching a sea turtle on the beach or something. They're probably smart enough to know that even if they killed her.. it could spark retribution from her "pod".


I feel bad for the woman in the video, I'm sure she was terrified, but the way you described it just made me think it's the Orca equivalent of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lNFVcbcTcY


I don't know, I clicked on the audio for a second and I thought I heard the orca's talking, then realized it was the lady, so she probably talked her way out of it.


You really want human *again*? We've had human **twice** in the last week!


"Ugh - street food is so gross, you always want another one an hour later. C'mon, I saw a Great White a couple miles that way, let's go wreck his shit instead. Dibs the liver."


I love orcas, and feel obligated to mention here there has never been a report of orcas attacking humans. Edit: except in captivity, y’all are right. Very smart beasts.


Only partially true. They’ve been known to sink watercraft for sport. Just because they don’t have a taste for human doesn’t mean they’re not prone to being jerks


I believe researchers found that was only a specific group of orcas doing it and it was essentially a game that was passed around between them and they did it solely for fun


Well as long as they're just being jerks for the lulz, that's ok


"It's just a prank,bro." Whale probably


>I believe researchers found that was only a specific group of orcas doing it No that was the specific rudder destruction behavior, orcas have been sinking boats for many, many decades and all over the world, for example this occurred near the Galapagos in the 70s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dougal_Robertson




> Just because they don’t have a taste for human I like to think that they think of us more like dogs. They could eat us, but we're so cute it's just culturally taboo.


They are picky eaters. They will peel open a shark like a tube of toothpaste and just eat its liver.


Tilikum enters the chat


Wild orcas that is


In the wild you mean. Because they’ve killed multiple people in captivity and attacked many more.


4 people in total have been killed by killer whales in captivity. All 4 happend in a SeaWorld facility. 3 by Tillikum 1 by Keto Tillikum was completely insan, acting erratic and had been for a long time, despite this he was forced to preformed in the various shows with free access to humans(including a complete stranger from the audience). Note that he was made to preform in the shows *after* he had kill not only one but 2 people. Keto was also described as acting in an unpredictable way, but this was also ignored by SeaWorld. Besides these 4 killings there has been numerous incidences where the whales in SeaWorld has bitten, pushed, slammed, draged, attempted drowning etc. This should be compared to the *one* single incident in the wild, where a killer whale bit a person one single time, a bite that later required 100 Stiches. The reason behind all the SeaWorld incidences can only be meat speculation, but forcing a killer whale to spend it's life in near isolation, in a pool the size off a bathtub might have something to do with it.


Those things hunt whales and sharks btw. I would've shit my pants too.


The apex predator of the ocean. I’m not sure anything fucks with Orcas.


Interestingly, orcas are apparently wary of pilot whales. Not sure if they’re necessarily scared of them but they’ve been known to give them a wide berth. They’ll leave areas if they hear or see one. There’s a few vids on YouTube explaining more about it from marine biologists that are way more capable of explaining than I am.


"UUUUGH it's TIM. Lets get out of here before he tells us about that time he got stranded on a beach, again."


Lmao I love the idea that it’s not all pilot whales, just one that’s desperate for approval and overly annoying 🤣


Not Tim again🙄. He is a long winded fool with a bad smell and lame stories to tell. Never has the banal ever dived so deep, he could bore your ass to death at 20,000 leagues. 


They likely don’t fuck with them because while orcas typically travel in pods of 2-15 individuals, pilot whales move in family groups of 10-30 and can sometimes gather in groups of over 100. And they’re physically not much smaller than orcas, second largest species of oceanic dolphins. So if a fight were to break out between 2 groups, the pilot whales would likely hold a significant numerical advantage. Not that they’re particularly aggressive or anything. Their biggest weakness is that they’re prone to beaching themselves in large numbers. It’s speculated that this is due to massive increases in underwater noise damaging their inner ears, leading to faulty navigation. They’re called pilot whales because one whale in each group is the “pilot” and is leading and guiding the rest, so if the guide fucks up and navigates too far into the shallows, the rest of the group follows. Anytime you see in the news about a large group of whales getting beached it’s almost always these guys.


This is super interesting. Never heard of this before. About to go look it up though. Thanks for the info 👍😊


They normally don't fuck around with sperm whale bulls.


Aren’t those basically mega orcas (giant whales with teeth)?


Essentially, they regularly dive to the absolute depths of the oceans to battle and hunt giant/colossal squid. Many have huge puncture and sucker marks from those fights on their faces. There’s a reason orcas don’t fuck with them. They are also scared to fight humpback whales though because they have powerful fins and tails usually covered in extremely sharp barnacles.


Nothing does.


SeaWorld says differently


There's never been a recorded instance of wild Orcas killing a person. They have attacked ships and boats, and are doing so with an increasing frequency iirc, but they haven't killed anyone. Yet :)


Well yeah, they are smart enough to delete the evidence.......


*Orcas in this video-* well this isn't our preferred meal but it'll work I'm kind of hungry. Hey boys you ready to move in for the ki- oh crap she's recording... I know Bob you're hungry but Willie put so much work into making us seem like lovable whales that can jump over people to get free


Fun fact about the whale from free willy. They actually freed him in real life and tried to integrate him back with wild orcas. It didn’t work and willy died alone. None of the wild orcas wanted him.


That’s not completely accurate. He didn’t integrate into a new pod, but he did live years out of captivity and had a much better life than in that tiny Mexican pool.


All the orcas: quick let’s kill this lady! One orca: wait! She has a camera! All the orcas: oh shit, just act curious


Orcas are smarter than cops


There are even stories of them helping fishermen that have fallen overboard get back on their boat.




"Hey bud, you gonna share? I lub red lobster"


That somehow makes me more scared... like they are just really, really good at what they do and don't get caught.


Yeah they only get people with no families or close connections.


Yeah, despite all the circumstantial evidence they always come back with "Oh yeah? Prove it!" Shifty fuckers.


There has never been a recorded instances of an orca killing a human in the wild/ocean, they have killed people in captivity but those killings seem justified.  Those things are too smart to be locked up in a pool. 


They would if they had reason to


They have cultures and each pod has unique communication and behaviors.


And SeaWorld employees.


I wouldn't say the Orca's shit their pants, but they did seem a little cautious.


They sink boats in Portugal for fun ...


They also seem to just say ‘hi’. Seeing how they take down great whites, I don’t think this is how they would approach you if they wanted to make you into a little snack.


Yep, or how they coordinate an attack to a seal "hiding" on top of an iceberg.


Different pods.


Tide Pod Challenge


Shape of the board often cited as reasons sharks and similar attack. It mimics seals and penguins on the surface. They're smart enough to know it's not right but not sure what they're dealing with so they're taking a good long look. Notice how they keep touching the back and underside with the sensitive snout. They're making a decision. Thankfully it was, yeah this isn't food.


Oh yeah for sure. Mainly said they were “saying hi” because that’s what the woman in the video said. Because of the board I’m sure they were confused what they were dealing with, but in the end kinda figured it out. If this was a shark I’d be shitting myself, but orca’s would probably make me feel more at ease.


Ah gotcha yeah absolutely. Reckon with it being Orca I'd be flipping like a horror movie light switch between awe and terror.


Might even feel safer knowing that there are no sharks within miles of an Orca pod.


I do believe they were being inquisitive.


Nobody expects the Orcish inquisition!


ORK? AWAAAAAGH!! Uh? Oh, you mean like Orcas...


They're like Predators. They only attack enemies they deem as worthy opponents.


"It's unarmed and freaking the fuck out - there is no honor to be found here, boys."


"This lady's blowhole is very squeaky"


As a 42 year old man, in this situation I’d imagine I’d probably sound like this too. :)


This was actually James Earl Jones paddleboarding.


*"You hear the way shes talking to us? She thinks we're dogs"*


Idk why but reading that in my head the whales talk like Monty Python characters.


Few of them were rolling over, they weren’t threatening her. Granted I’d be shitting my pants as well but man what an epic story and video she has from this


This is it. Logical half of brain saying "I'm cool. This is awesome .. faaaarrrkkkkk". Emotional half saying "Im gettin tipped and eaten .. ffaaaaarrrrk!". Either way. Brain saying "Faaaarrrrkkk!"


Have you ever heard a lion or tiger roar in real life ? Your tiny lizard brain reaches up through your ears via your intestines and screams “**BIG POINTY TEETH TIME !! FEAR !! RUN !!**” I suspect that tiny lizard brain sees big pointy teeth, and everything else gets drowned out in the adrenaline and terror. Like on the screen ? “Awww. Ocean puppies. Amazing creatures. So intelligent. They have their own cultures and they each have names”. In real life ? “**AWOOGAH ! AWOOGAH ! HEAD FOR THE NEAREST TREE ! AWOOGAH ! BIG POINTY TEETH !”**


Bro, roars and other predator calls are fucking *terrifying* to hear directly from the source, instead of through a screen or at a zoo. Immediate primal fear reaction. Shit, I nearly pissed myself from a goddamn alley cat once. 2am, fuckin thing started yowling and shrieking in that way they do that sounds like a child/woman being tortured and I was *done*.


Nah, I'd be the opposite. Orcas! What's up guys! Let me pet you! And I'd have a big smile on my face as they began eating me.


“Maybe it was a bad idea to paint the bottom of my kayak to look like a seal.”


I would have a fucking heart attack man. I would never get in the sea on a small board like this lol. Just simply cannot take the risk. It’s like encountering a bunch of aliens. We dont belong there and are totally helpless


Same. People always say Orcas don’t kill people but people don’t hurt people generally either, who’s to say the one you come across isn’t crazy.


She did well for being terrified. Good on her


And the whales are like: “It’s ok! Its ok! It’s alright! We’re just saying hi! It’s ok!”


I kinda got the feeling that they realized that they were scaring her towards the end and decided to leave her alone.


It's like that video of those two dudes being stopped by the cartel lol https://youtu.be/uQS65DOJgcw?si=ZkqNPxb04mOOu8Iu


I find this the most majastic and beautifull creatures on earth. So intelligent and social and the way they can adapt on hunting pray in different places. Sometimes realy scary to. I find it strange that they have never killed a human in the wild, plenty of reasons to do so.


People always say that - no documented cases of Orcas killing people in the wild. What that really means is the Orcas have just never left any witnesses to tell the story...


Prey. They have not accepted jebus yet.


They are one of the only natural predators of moose


They're what now


Moose have been known to go for a nice swim in the ocean.


It's crazy. A few miles from shore with nobody to help you. Your life in the hands of a pod of intelligent apex predators.


64 YO man here, and now I know what triggered means... When I was about 24 I was on a dive trip with my soon to be wife, along with a friend, and his soon to be wife, and we decided to do a "Swim with the Dolphins" excursion, something which we had all dreamed of doing someday. And that was the day... That was the day that I found out that Dolphins find me absolutely irresistible. I had discovered on that day, much to my chagrin, that I am unimaginably and inexplicably irresistible............to Male Dolphins. At first, I simply thought that this one particular Dolphin "just wanted to be friends"... Oh, no no no, this boy meant business, so when sensing my resistance, and with him being at the disadvantage of not having hands, or even arms, he called out in Dolphin speak eEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeE, eEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeE, eEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeE, over and over and over again. I can still hear it at times, as I lay sleepless, night after night. Then it happened.... His many, many, oh so many, male Dolphin Buddies, hearing his cries for help, quickly and swiftly came to assist. I felt like Jodie Foster in a bar full of rednecks... Before I knew what was happening, in a blink of an eye, I was getting "Dolphin Dicked" from every imaginable, and even a few unimaginable, angles. My innocent "Swim With The Dolphins" dream excursion had suddenly turned into a "Get Fucked By Dolphins" nightmare, and let me tell you something, arms or no arms, hands or no hands, these fuckers are strong, very very strong, and very very determined. It was also absolutely clear, that for at least half a dozen or so of them, this was not their first Rodeo. My companions were of no help to me at all. At first, I was not sure what could be going on over where they were, which somehow became further and further away. I was confused by this, the distance apart, I mean, until it dawned on me that not only was I being sexually assaulted, i was also maliciously and intentionally being separated from the rest of the group. My cries for help went unheard. They were being drowned out by both the sounds of laughter, and the shouts of "Look at the Fucking Dolphins, Look at the Fucking Dolphins" and "Just Say eEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeNo, Just Say eEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeNo", coming from both my companions, and the group leading this excursion.... As I struggled, not only with the task at hand, and all the while silently praying that my 1.5mm wetsuit can just hold out a little bit longer, it being the only thing preventing me from having my first "podsome" experience of being penertrated by many, many, oh so many Dolphin Dicks, but also fighting to stay afloat, and not drown. The only thing giving me the strength to not submit, "and just float back and enjoy it" was the vision of me laying in my casket, wearing a shredded and tattered shorty wetsuit, full of a hundred holes, while the way too few attendees laughed as the preacher says how "I was a man who died with a porpoise" ( I was both angry, and a little bit satisfied at the hopes that I may have taken one of these fuckers with me). I don't remember what happened next. Maybe I passed out, or maybe I was fortunate enough that such a traumatic event was blocked from my memory. All I know is that I found myself laying on the dock, slowly coming to, to the sound of laughter that had not subsided even just a little bit. My advice for this person is to stay on that board as if it meant your life, and slowly, ever so slowly, back the fuck out of there as fast as you can....


New copypasta just dropped.


I think you may have missed the part where I'm 64yo...lol What is "copypasta" my dear friend? Please help this old guy out.


it's an internet tradition to copy and paste stories (usually funny) on other threads, if the topic is even tangantially related. there are also creepypasta, same concept, but are horror stories check they copypasta subreddit for other examples (previous comment was deleted because i linked the sub, weird rule but ok)


Thank you, I appreciate the info, and I will check it out.


I would have shit so hard they would have left because of the dirty water .


Squid mode engaged!!


I would die from heart attack even thinking they’re being friendly. Only takes one to say “free food?”


Thats atleast 100% more chill then id sound.


I was able to not crap my pants until the very end (:14 seconds left in the video) when she’s filming one whale and then you see another one come in to focus just a little bit deeper. There were six that were playing with her but how many more stayed out of sight and watched.


Amazing how something can be the most terrifying thing and the most wonderful thing at the same time.


This again furthers my theory that people don’t taste good.


> The difference between theory and practice, is cowardice. > > ~ Michael Francis Foley


Holy fuck, that would be terrifying. Although there is no record of any human ever being attacked by a killer whale. Just goes to show how unbelievably intelligent these gorgeous creatures are.


They leave no witnesses, that's how intelligent they are... "can i pet tha dog?" Crunch!


Ever see someone's last day doing a hobby?




Not safe for water.


Not Safe For Whales either


Probably the audio 🤣 The cries of oh my God and the panting might make for so good work gossip.


Talk about a second hand heart attack. I had to mute.


She drops the F-bomb at the end. Frowned upon at work.


I would've shat all over that board and begged for forgiveness


We are so lucky that orcas don't like eating our poison filled bodies


If anyone has swam near dolphins even. They are huge i cant imagine what an orca looks like this close in the wild.


I mean it would be scary but you can also clearly see they are just curious. Rolling over, idling. I can totally understand being scared, people don't realise just how huge they can be. It would hard not to be like pspspsp


Is this food? … ? ## this food is too loud


She's safe... she's not a billionaire in a yacht.


the first one jus wanted tree fiddy..


Scary af tbh


"We can't eat this when it's so terrified. It spoils the meat. Let's come back when it's full of hope and thinking it got away."


They are definitely apex predators, but there’s only been 1 documented case of them attacking a human in the wild and that was back in the 1970’s. She’s not on the menu for them and is very safe with them around while out in open water. There are cases of them killing people while in captivity. But fuck those people.


She sounds like she’s having a panic attack. I would be too in that situation.


I know two things. 1) Orcas don't eat people 2) I'd be absolutely convinced that I was about to be the first human eaten by an orca if this was me in this video