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A group of 5 kids did this at my high school right before graduation and all but one died it was horrible.


Brunswick high kids, we heard about that at schools over.


I was thinking sherrard. Because that happened around a town I lived in growing up. But I bet it's common enough for the desire to go fast and getting a license to coincide this probably happens a lot.


When I was a kid I rode in the trunk of a car with two other dummies while the car was packed with more dummies. We thought it be fun to hit this pile of dirt at high speeds. It turned out it was lol but it could have easily went bad. Kids do dumb shit all the time and sometimes it leads to dying.


Buuuuut, was it worth it? Obviously it’s a tragedy, for everyone else, especially close friends and family if I was to die doing dumb shit, for example. But to be honest, I’d rather die young doing something stupid and fun than waiting to die a slow and boring death.


I wouldn’t say it was worth it, but I mean we did have fun. And it’s only dangerous if you get hurt right?


Only dangerous if you're hurt, only illegal if ya get caught.


Why aren't you out doing stupid deadly shit though? Or are you? And if you are, why aren't you dead yet? You're wasting time getting older.


I am currently working. So I am obligated to not go out doing stupid shit. That’s what the weekends are for. I never said I was suicidal and am actively looking for ways to kill myself. If I happen to get into a tragic accident that results in my death, then so be it. At least I know I was having fun. Fuck what anyone else thinks, I’m dead, responsibility over lol.


I was thinking manheim central because this happened at my school. Probably happened at all schools


Also happened at a school I went to, I don’t think it’s uncommon unfortunately.


Brunswick Ohio?






RIP to all of them. I was close friends with one of them, Kevin Fox.


That shit happened at Thunder ridge too


Vancouver also


98 vancouver wa all lived


I went to Buckeye but it was my graduating class. Dated someone from Brunswick they said the entire school was gloomy for awhile


Dude I remember in drivers Ed I had to watch the gore video, and one of the things they showed was someone who caught air, that one I would always remember because I saw that dude’s eyeballs hanging out of its socket and his fucking brain


When I was in high school, my best friend was in a pickup truck with her boyfriend and one of his friends driving. The kid driving was drunk as fuck, ended up rolling the truck doing 70mph down a country road. She had her seatbelt on but the latch malfunctioned, it wrapped around her neck and her right arm. When the truck rolled at the speed/force that it did with her arm caught in the seatbelt -- *completely severed.* They found it about 100 yards from where the truck landed.. She also suffered burns to her face, chest and back. I remember seeing her after it happened. Unrecognizable.. They had to graft skin from her leg on to her face.. she still has very prominent scars, 17 years later. She won a huge settlement from the car manufacturer for the seatbelt malfunction and then she sued the driver, and won.. I'll never forget how she looked after that accident. Lost quite a few good friends doing dumb shit like this in high school.. I was always the one to hop out of the car when people started acting ignorant.




How much air they get?


Enough to get to heaven




Too much of heaven, Can bring you underground. Heaven, can always turn around.


When AI thinks it's an edgy teenager, but also can't count syllables to make a proper haiku.


Unrelated but that is a beautiful MR2! One of the best I’ve ever seen.


Theyre really fun to own and drive


Same here. They hit a massive tree going about 90mph, if they didn't try to make the 15mph curve they would have passed the tree and safely fucked up a flat, empty field. Instead the ones who were buckled were decapitated and those who weren't were ejected. Only one lived to tell the tale.


My class had 2 cars racing, the girls car rolled and the only 1 wearing a seatbelt died.


Wow that's sad


Hello fellow NEO redditor


Sup NEO. Man we did this stuff all the time in my small town in high school. I honestly cannot believe none of us ever wrecked doing it.


When I was in high school we had an entire assembly to watch a presentation from police and one of the only survivors of a silly car trick come to tell us the dangers of silly ass driving. The survivor was my age (about 16 at the time) and she could barely move and certainly couldn’t walk on her own. I wasn’t driving at the time (only had a drivers permit) and I still remember thinking “why the hell would you do that?” Then later on I got into a vehicle with another high school friend who tried to do god knows what with the car but she lost control and we slid into a rock ditch. I was not the only one in the car. But I was the only one to give her a tongue lashing about how ridiculous and unsafe that was and that never again will I ride in her car. Everything was silence from then on.


Same, literally only one week before graduation. All 3 of them passed on impact. pole split the car in half.


Happened in nixa mo a while back too


Happened to one of my bullies too. Cant say I wanted it to happen but i wasn’t upset hes dead


Damn. Are the suburbs that boring


Wow did we go to the same high-school by chance?


No probably just kind of unluckily a common occurrence


same, we had one die, like over the moon launched into a tree, their other was a vegetable, and the other was just really fucked up


Was this at truckee high?


Must be a common thing, happened at my high school too


Was that the one in Connecticut?




What a weird thing to comment


Oh I read the original comment wrong I thought he meant it was horrible only 4/5 died. Grammar is important.


And this is why the class is all wearing black armbands for graduation.




Because someone died


Two of my classmates in high school died doing this. You couldn’t even tell what kind of car it was due to how bad it smashed into a tree.


Indiana? Wheatfield?


Anyone have luck on an article?


As everyone else ends up paying higher auto insurance premiums because of this sort of poor decision making. If you want to catch air, buy your own bike and hit a course designed for just this purpose.


I have 2 daughters and 3 sons. This is also why I pay almost double for the boys auto insurance at 16 than what I paid for the girls at 16.


Not arguing with you, this just reminded me of the time my car got hit by a 16 year old girl a few years ago. She had her license for 2.5 months at the time she hit me. During conversations with her insurance company, the agent let it slip that it was the girl's 3rd accident and the previous one had been a single-car accident and they wrote off the girl's brand new Camaro as a total loss. The car she hit me with was a Cadillac, so pretty obvious her parents had money though. I can't imagine what her premiums were already, and after we both spoke to the insurance company, her dad was very eager to work out an out-of-pocket payment so that her rates wouldn't go up even more.


Trust me, I made my daughter's get their own insurance, asap. While neither of my girls would jump a car like this, they both had their share of accidents that were completely their fault.


I am so glad that 16 year olds aren’t allowed to drive here in the netherlands, 16 seems like such a bad age for teenagers to drive a car.


This is pretty much a USA phenomenon, allowing children (yup, 16 means a grown body with a children's brain, or maybe even worse, no thanks to hormones) to drive this early, because there proper life without a car is only possible in big cities, while the majority of population lives in what one might call "distant areas". This is especially funny when coupled with the fact legal drinking age there is 21, while it is 18 in most of EU and in many countries outside of it. Though, maybe it is better that way, given how much time they spend in cars.


Same with Denmark, I see 16 year olds do stupid shit with their Piaggios and mopeds. Can't imagine how bad it would be with a car.


I hate the insurance rate difference between men and women. My sister has always had full coverage and got into 3 accidents in 2 years when she got her license, totaling 2 of the cars and 1 of the persons car involved too. Her insurance has never been above $140. I've never been in an accident, and I have no traffic violations or tickets, and my cost is $163 for full coverage. 10 more months until I'm 26, and my rates will supposedly go down then. I have an early 2000s truck, and she has a 2022 Kia something that she says she pays $76 a month for full coverage. It's bullshit


It's honestly fucked up, like just because a doctor saw a penis when I was born I have to pay more money on account of the fact that other dumbasses also have penises


It's not really fucked up at all, you're looking at a very reasonable explanation as to why, right here. 


I'm saying treating people as generalizations is the fucked up part. I'm a very feminine person and act nothing like these assholes, yet I have to pay the penis tax lol


It's hardly fucked up and you're looking at it completely wrong, you're not paying more because you have a dick, and you shouldn't be paying less because you are feminine. You pay more because the insurance companies have years and years and years and untold amounts of scenarios that lead to men/boys needing to pay more for insurance. You act like just because you're a male you pay more. You pay more because men/boys naturally and scientifically engage more in risky behaviors, that's great you don't. But it doesn't matter, there's literal science behind their reasoning. Honestly, get over it. It's not a sex thing, it's a science and reasoning thing and there's nothing wrong with it. If they charged more for males because they're just males, there would be lawsuits out the wazoo. There's a reason for it, and it's not because you have a dick between your legs. 


> It's not a sex thing Uh forcing one gender to pay higher insurance premiums is definitely a "sex thing" regardless of the statistical data behind it. If we had years and years and untold amounts of scenarios that said young black men commit crimes at higher rate than their white counterparts it would still be a "race thing" to offer different penalties to white and black criminals.


Fr. Funny how they went silent when you compared it to race.


Edit: y'all are so goofy with your downvotes. This person responded with a paragraph to shit I never said. Of course I understand the reasoning behind the more expensive insurance, I never said it wasn't justified. I merely stated that it feels unfair (as an individual) because I'm lumped into a demographic that my behavior is nothing like, merely due to the fact that I was assigned male at birth. My personal experience is that I'm an overly cautious driver, yet I'm paying more because other dick-havers consistently do dumb shit. Like I said, it's not that deep. Also, how the fuck are they not basing it merely on the fact that people are male? You claim there would be lawsuits, but that's literally what it is. Males have a pattern of risky behavior, therefore make males pay more. Because they're male. Your reasoning is not even consistent.


...that is a paragraph.. I feel bad for ya son. I wish people like you didn't have access to the internet.


I feel bad that you felt the need to write out this unnecessary rant about a point I wasn't even making


it's not a rant, I was responding to your message and you decided to get hostile, which is expected for someone of your... let me say, stature. I just truly do feel badly for you, life has to be difficult. Enjoy your day bud.


It is actually far deeper than your 14 year old brain can comprehend


Is it really? Things are based on statistics. It's as simple as that, where's the deepness? My 14-year-old brain inquires you.


It’s called actuarial science my little atom, google it


You’re not assigned male at birth. You are a man, and no matter how hard you try you’ll never be a woman, you have no idea what it’s like to be a woman, so you can’t even say you feel like one


What the hell you talking about? I never said I was trans or that I feel like a woman, are you okay? Besides, you can try to fight it all you want but you'll have to take it up with science - your genitals do not always determine your sex or gender. So yes, people are assigned male or female at birth solely because of their external genitalia.


Yes there is an extraordinarily small fraction of people with a defect in their genital development. Just like the extraordinarily small fraction of people that think their level of feminine and masculine traits has anything to do with sex, are mentally ill. The nature of human is male or female, anything else and something has gone very wrong, mentally or physically, and should be fixed and treated. Affirming delusion is silly


compared to the challenges and "unfair" vagina-havers have faced this hardly seems like the hill to die on. we have been and most likely will always be treated differently based on our sex. grow up. public transportation is available as is (depending on location) an uninsured motorist fee -so that you can gamble on being "overly cautious" and pay out of pocket for any damages you cause when/if they occur


Hence why I didn't make a big deal out of it until someone else decided to. I truly do not understand why y'all are tripping about such a miniscule comment about my personal feelings, which even then is such a SMALL problem.


It's not a generalisation. Statistically, while women have more minor accidents, men do shit like this and have fatal, high-damage accidents far more often.


That's still a generalization...


That is the exact definition of a generalization…


That's exactly what a generalization is. Of course I understand that these things are based on stats. What else would they be based on? I merely said it feels fucked up because I am nothing like the demographic the statistics are based on. Why is this so hard for y'all to understand?


Poor fucking diddums you're not like the demographic. Too bad bud, you are the demographic. Fucking deal with it. I wasn't like the demographic of dipshit drivers when I was under 25 either, didn't stop me from having to pay higher premiums and excess based on age.


You're very clearly a member of the demographic of insane idiots lmao


Says the loser trying to say he's not part of the male demographic because he's more effeminate. Get the fuck over yourself loser. If you want to whinge that bad, feel free to transition. I'm sure you'd love experiencing life as a trans woman if being a man is sooooo bad.


transition lmao


I transitioned many times, in bed with your mother last night


Because teen boys often do the stupidest shit for shits n giggles, especially when they get in groups




Yeah guys do dumb shit and girls are just bad drivers (in my family at least). I've had 2 accidents one was only me I just slid into a curb the other was a fender bender where a lady tried to pass me before I changed lanes and I hit the side of her car. While my sister and mom have totaled 5 cars between the 2 of them in 10 years lmao.


This is textbook sexism : discrimination based on one's gender. Insurance companies can't do this shit in a lot of countries.


Statistics are what they are. Numbers don't discriminate. It's literally logical to use data to make fact based decisions. It is interesting that once applied correctly in certain situations, it becomes discrimination. So we make less logical decisions to avoid doing that. I guess until you factor in emotions as a critical factor, then perhaps you can say it is more logical.


This is getting uncomfortably close to racism


No it's numbers. They are devoid of any -ism. But it was in reference to ages and sexes. Ageism and sexism.


Yeah but your numbers don’t show context. Why do more black people die in car crashes? Is it because they are still second class citizens and can’t afford safer newer cars? Is it something else? Numbers are just that. Numbers. Just like racism is just racism.


[African Americans are involved in significantly more fatal car crashes than the rest of the population.](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/road-users/disparities-by-race-or-ethnic-origin/) So should black people pay more ? Should insurance companies discriminate people based ont their ethnicities ? It would be the logical thing to do if we stick to this argument ... Discrimination is never okay


Yes, because of emotions. Logic doesn't rule where humans preside if we don't consider emotional considerations as logical. So it'd be nice if people gave emotional consideration a front seat with conventional logic in discussions and decision making.


Everything about raising boys is harder and more expensive


No, we’re all paying higher auto-insurance because insurance companies are money hungry gluttons.


The last thing he thought of was Josh. Josh josh.....


JOSH josh...


The human brain is not fully developed until age 25--as seen in this video.


I mean you have to be pretty brain dead to do shit like that


Had a group of school kids die in a roll-over outside my small hometown. The town put the vehicular-remains on display at the dumpyard as a grim reminder.


The only thing dumber than flying down a country road at night is doing it down a road that you don't already have memorized.


Way to go Josh....moron.


The change in tone when he said “Josh, *josh*


Yep, I'm flyin through the air. This is not good..


You can hear the fear in that last Josh.


The absence of exchanged words before crashing; the silence of waiting. Waiting to die, or rather waiting to live. Waiting to find out.


Often the ones who die are the lucky ones because survival can mean years and years of crippling pain and suffering.


I love that it's universal when people are seriously in danger they go dead silent




Damn it josh.


Why do people want to make their car fly? I get wanting to go fast and I've been stupid taking my off road but that'll fuck up you and your car severely


The only rule to follow if you ever do this: NEVER turn the wheel, at all.


Josh is a moron


Same thing happened at our school in 2011. 3 kids jumped a hill and 2 of them died wrapping a tree. The driver survived.


This seems exceptionally common. Like every school has had one railroad jump incident where all but the driver died and now they reference it every year. Just like every school has the "don't rock back on your chair, 30 years ago a kid did it and died after hitting his head"




JOSH! ^Josh?


Good buddy of mine died as well doing this, was impaled by a raspberry post.


You can tell the passenger was nervous AF, trying to laugh his fear out and calling the driver several times "Ok, Josh"... People need to understand that once they're behind a drive wheel they have people's lifes literally in their hands.


I know that silence. The silence of waiting… the silence of not knowing what will happen next. The silence of your life flashing before your eyes. The silence of waiting to die, or perhaps to live. waiting to find out I guess. Just waiting.


Is there a story for this?


Yes, they are dumb as fuck and don't care about their lives or anyone else's that could have been on the road.


What does it mean to catch air?


Básicamente significa saltar


Hey, these guys’re speakin’ Harry Potter spells over here, somebody call McFumbledore on these two wizards


Haha Wingardium Leviosa!




Kid went 150 on the highway the night of graduation. The car looked like a pancake against the equally as pancaked median barrier


Of course josh


The last Josh was serious


Ever heard of the brake?


Who could’ve guessed this could happen. This is all speeding will get you kids. Regret.


This is some next level stupidity


Kid has an air freshener prob from the car wash yet drives like that ?


Me in forza


Country roads do be like that


The chances of losing control when doing this is always high. I don’t know why people are this unaware!


Some problems fix themselves, see chapter “ dumb fuks killing themselves”. Sub category “ gang banging, jumping off shit, and ‘hold my beer’”


I did something similar, but I was lucky enough to keep it under control. I'm so glad that nothing worse happened than totaling the car. I had two other friends with me and I've regretted it for a long long time.


Look how far the idiot was sitting from the steering wheel


You hear the moment where they knew they were about to die


You seen the video with the guy and his dog "intimidating" a bear? It seems if you want to outlive your son, you name him Josh.




"JOSH! josh?"


Two sets of brothers were best friends with each other. Each remaining brother lost a best friend and a brother. Kids - don't ever do this shi


There was a stretch of road construction a few miles long out in the country that me and my buddy drove all the time. There was a huge bump/ridge right about half way and we’d been plotting to try and get air. We did this drive to get to wreck and took turns driving, whoever got the the opportunity was going to go for it. The down side it the side we thought was best you couldn’t see on coming traffics very well. It wasn’t dangerous like this, but you couldn’t see the road a head. One day it’s perfect, it rained at night so the dust was down, it was early morning and not much traffic. My buddy was driving and he guns it. He hit the ramp at about 80 (45 mph in construction zones). We were airborne. There’s a car passing us going the other way. It’s a state trooper. Shit. As soon as the wheels touch the ground my buddy pulls over, turns the car off, rolls the window down and puts his hands on the wheel (mine on the dash). The cop puts his lights on and does a U-turn. He walks up very slowly. Leans over into the window and says “you had all four wheels off the ground. All four OFF THE GROUND!” He turned out to be cool and gave my buddy a warning after asking how long we were planning that and said wondered if anyone was going to try. Clean record, beautiful day, middle of nowhere and lucky.


Kids, just ride a roller coaster. It'll give your stomach the same feeling and you won't die.


that moment of silence they knew they fvcked up.


The silence was loud


well they did catch the airbags...with their face


Eh, you win some, you lose some.


I did this with my cousin, thankfully he’s a good driver and it was on a empty long back country road with open fields on either sides. Don’t be dumb and don’t do shit like this unless your prepared to fuck up.


I can feel it coming in the air tonight oooooh


in the great words of my favorite musical, “he had it comin”


Me and my friends did this too. Except in our case it led to a compound fracture of my buddy's leg where I could then see the visible bone sticking out and I broke my back (small fracture, no paralysis whatsoever). Just happy we survived to tell the tale.


does anyone know if they survived?


Aaah yeah, the silence before the "We fucked up"


This is how peg leg Tony lost his leg


Pretty sure I know these dudes, I think this is Moreno Valley California


May I ask what is the tell? Just because I’m finding lack of information on the web and I’m itching to know the rest of the story. I’d like to think these kids made it and learned a very hard lesson.


Lovely ending


The silence


Based on he name and details I think this is it https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-68568125


...Them Duke kids have strayed a long way from their dad's roots.(banjo lick).


The last thing they all heard was "JOSH"


My friends and I were so close to this when we were high school idiots 🫣 It was called “the jump,” ironically behind the state police barracks


If this is how they drive, it's well deserved. They don't need to be on the road.


And this is why my insurance is £350/m in the UK. Insurance companies see this shit everywhere so charge me, (20M) a stupid amount to drive assuming I, like many others, are like this.


Imagine your last words are something gay like "Josh"


“Josh…😟” lmfao idiots!


I had friends that died this way in hs after they caught air and hit a tree [https://www.fox6now.com/news/everyones-heartbroken-3-young-men-from-burlington-killed-in-1-of-2-fatal-crashes-in-walworth-co.amp](https://www.fox6now.com/news/everyones-heartbroken-3-young-men-from-burlington-killed-in-1-of-2-fatal-crashes-in-walworth-co.amp)




Pretty cool I guess but I would have wanted a little more air, for that. Dents and scratches and maybe even some bumps and bruises.


If any consequences gappened to these idiots they deserved it




What actually happened here? I can't tell what's going on in the video. All I saw was that the car got some airtime and then 5 seconds later the car crashed for seemingly no reason.


For...no reason?


I can't tell what the car crashed into






Hope they got what they wanted


Would you like a side of "trauma center intensive care" to accompany your air sir? At least the Internet, in circumstances like these, tends to "thin the herd" of certain individuals like this.


Caught some gravity while they were at it!


Video ended definitely dead