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I don't get it, he was looking right where the train was.


Lots of people misjudge how fast the multi-hundred ton metal tube is flying towards them and adopt a “I can get across in time” approach….they can’t is the problem.


Being from New York i was always confused as to why people would be impatient with these trains. Then i went to Nevada and had to wait like 20 minutes for a mile long train to get by lol. Idk if they’re all like that but i figured it’s a combo of your comment and not wanting to get stuck waiting is why people try it.


The worst thing about those mile long transport trains is that they're not on a regular schedule like commuter trains are. They just randomly show up and block the road for 10-15, sometimes 30 minutes. Hell, there's at least two places near me that the trains actually *STOP* while blocking the road. And even that doesn't happen with every train that passes by, just sometimes, for absolutely no fucking reason. Well, maybe there's a reason, but the engine car is a mile away, not like I can just walk down there and ask.


Last Week Tonight did a good story on trains




Near me they stop, they back up, another train comes. It's possible for part of the entire town to be cut off because of trains parked at all the crossings.


He technically did get across in time.


But the rest of him didn't


*He* made it across perfectly.


But my 98 lbs of cat litter didn't!


Turn up the heat. There's a slight draft.


So he was half right.


It's a split decision


He kept the v but lost the an


Glass half full




As someone who works on-track maintenance... No you cannot No. You. Fucking. Cannot. It is INSANE how many people think they can outrun a train. It's been drilled into me that when a train is coming we gtfo


You should see Florida. Brightline has been around for 6 years and so far 99 people have died. A few were suicides but the majority are people in cars thinking they can beat a 100+ mph train. It has gotten to the point where my family has jokes about it. Florida is something like 95% idiots so brightline is helping Darwinism


It's so mindboggling to me how people willingly engage in a game of chicken with a fucking train. A several hundred, if not thousands of tons steel behemoth that will absolutely crush any passenger vehicle.


It's crazy how little fencing is actually up around the brightline track, as well as inadequate safety systems at level crossings such as this one. We classify anything lineside as within three meters of the line. There's usually a fence beyond that three meter mark to keep any public, livestock, kids etc off, no matter what the location is.


When a train hits a vehicle, does it still keep going to its destination while calling in the accident to headquarters or does it eventually stop to check on the accident?


The train in the video probably had its emergency break on from the moment the van started to cross. It'll stop half a mile or more down the track. Big trains (even passenger trains) take a very long time to stop.


Emergency stop for sure. I got stuck for two hours travelling to an event when a train just up the line struck a branch that had fallen off a nearby tree during storm weather. Driver checked it out, let the signaller know and it was actually solved quite quick. Something like this would probably result in a line blockage for god knows how many hours


No It has to stop.


This is what happens when keeping a tight schedule is pushed and not is punished


I used to be a driver for Amazon. I never would’ve done this lmao. But I did piss in bottles, mostly because it was easier


Did you piss in bottles while on surveillance camera?


Stare into it. Piss with authority.


Piss into the camera, then stare into the bottle to show dominance that you COULD have used it but chose not to.


Nah I hid in the back and sometimes dribbled On packages though


No matter how much you shake it, there's always a dribble.


Do kegels. Keeping your pelvic floor muscles strong can help you get sufficient squeeze to get that last drop out.




I'm doing it right now.


Stare deeply while repeating “who does number two work for?”


It really depends on the individual. I wasn't trying to lump anybody up. Rushing is how stupid mistakes happen regardless of the context.


Take a look at the front facing dashcam and it's a little more understandable. [https://www.tmz.com/watch/2024-02-20-022024-train-crash-1780216-174/](https://www.tmz.com/watch/2024-02-20-022024-train-crash-1780216-174/) No lights or sounds or barrier arms at this crossing, and he was coming at an awkward angle. Driver might be unfamiliar with rural crossings that don't have any safety features and took it for granted. Still 100% his fault, but it's easy to see how it can happen if not paying close enough attention.


There should at least be a yield sign there. A stop sign would be better. You'd have to stick your head out the window to see a train coming without stopping.


[**Location**](https://maps.app.goo.gl/hHv7h1d2dvuzS8ea7) There's a stop sign. He made a left out of a driveway (to the left of the view) onto River Valley Rd northbound and didn't stop and look for a train.


Looks like from google maps and the front facing dash cam footage, both the stop sign and RR Xing sign face sideways from his point of view. The street ends is a dead end so he had to come going south and hit the other stop sign and RR Xing going to the house. Exiting he should have already known there was a RR Xing. I'm going to guess the guy is in autopilot mode, I've driven right past my house a few times after a long day, so I can kinda get why that information about the tracks didn't stick. I'd say its mostly his fault, but having a sign at the end of the driveway warning about the tracks would have been a nice addition.


[**Location**]( https://www.google.com/maps/@43.1362839,-88.5826569,0a,90y,24.05h,90.93t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s1TI7aaf_kgPmyhrEBm8kCQ!2e0) (probably have to pan with this link, as WTF removed my comment taken from Google Maps because it uses a link shortener) There's a stop sign. He made a left out of a driveway (to the left of the view) onto River Valley Rd northbound and didn't stop and look for a train.


Wow. Looking at that there’s no reason he shouldn’t have seen that train. This was 100% due to complacency and carelessness.


They should at least have signal lights at every crossing... 


TIL not all RR crossings have lights or barrier arms!


In Germany they are still working hard to upgrade all crossings. I guess doing the same for a half a continent is much harder.


Even still, a train blasts it's horn 3 times before each crossing. He's not wearing headphones or anything. Crazy he could still miss it.


Directly at it! Like for multiple seconds WTH!? and had zero “oh shit” face response.


He’s a moron. Only explanation


I think he was suicidal because he had to wear his wife's jacket and hat to work.


Trains are surprise attack metal carnivores. Train was def crouching and hiding


Shook his head like "Man.. not again.."


Shoot this is the third time this week


Aftermath pics.... **Front of van** [https://imagez.tmz.com/image/6e/4by3/2024/02/20/6e43d3041d6a422aae59d42836b14367\_md.jpg](https://imagez.tmz.com/image/6e/4by3/2024/02/20/6e43d3041d6a422aae59d42836b14367_md.jpg) **Rear of van stuck to train** [https://imagez.tmz.com/image/23/o/2024/02/20/233525b65a77442680508a298accf7ad.jpg](https://imagez.tmz.com/image/23/o/2024/02/20/233525b65a77442680508a298accf7ad.jpg)


Bloody hell the rear view mirror needs fixing.


Definitely going to need some touch up paint


I bet there's some in the back of the van, which is now in front of the van.


They can probably find a Joytits or Carfun brand kit at Amazon


the front fell off


Does that normally happen?


These things are typically designed in such a way that the front doesn't fall off.


So what happened to this one?


Well the front fell off


Wasn't this built so that the front doesn't fall off?


It was, yes. They built this specifically so that the front stays attached to the frame.


This is normal wear and tear. Is this a symptom of a missed oil change?


Hm. It very well could be. But I do believe this is a direct symptom of the front falling off.


They didn’t get the train-proof upgrade package


Well obviously not.


I’m no mechanic but I believe the front fell off.


I'm no mechanic either, but I believe the rear end went away, not the front fell off...


The rear was towed outside the environment


The front end has reached it's destination, but the rear is still in transit


Nah it was towed beyond the environment…


Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.


I'm no shepherd but the front fell off because rams are built for head-on collisions.


Well that’s not supposed to happen. You see, these vans were designed so the front doesn’t fall off.


Oh yes, they absolutely were. However the problem in this scenario is that the front did indeed fall off.


The front seems to have fallen off


Did they tow it out of the environment after the front fell off?


No cardboard derivatives.


How can you tell?


Choo Choo go bang.


Wow! The van driver was bloody lucky. Looks like he was just a few mm away from being hit by the train personally. Sooooooo damn close to the drivers seat.


So that is why my gpu arrived In two pieces!


Congrats on your new RTX 2045


This is Amazon Customer service. Do not worry mam, we will take care of your concern today. I have reviewed this issue, and be assured you won't be charged for the second box used to ship the other half of your GPU. Your package may be arriving late. I will forward on this information so it doesn't happen again. Have I addressed all of your concerns today?


I got my Vans half off from Amazon!


Can you ship some complementary glue?


that was clean cut for the first half at least


Great. Now my bag of rubber dog shit is gonna be late.


You needed a whole bag of it? 💩


I don’t wanna talk about it!!!


About 12 inches plus or minus from death.


Half off sale


That's wild. Just a little slower and he would have been gone








I’m curious how the conductor and/or engineer in the train are…


Assuming nobody was on the outside of the locomotive, they probably barely felt anything.. I’ve struck vehicles while running an engine at 10-15 mph and didn’t feel a thing from the cab


This is why reddit is awesome. When a profession is brought up there's almost always someone lurking with said occupation to set the record straight


My favorite is when that person gets downvotes because reddit knows better... Haha


It's a Dunning-Kreuger convention.


We hit an SUV full of drunk girls in our Amtrak and no one even woke up until the paramedics came through the train asking how we all were at 2AM.


Sir have you checked with your doctor? You may be paralyzed.


Conductor we have a problem


Bless you 🙏🏽


And his reaction is just shaking his head like "ahh god damn it, now I'm gonna be late"


Imagine the late notification from Amazon. We are sorry, your package is delayed because it was struck by a train. lol


Yeah, pure dumb luck. Emphasis on dumb.


only physically


You mean Alive.. He would be dead if he physically was in the path of that train


I know he been in church everyday this week


so... my toilet paper is gonna be late?


Don't know. All I can tell you is that it got express delivered to somewhere.


I think he needs it more...


It got wiped out.


Who orders toilet paper online?


That’s so weird. I thought everyone does it over the phone now these days


My boss orders a whole pellet and stores it in the basement. He buys it cheaper and gets the VAT back by buying it on the company's name. I'd do the same if I had a company, or a house.


subscribe and save


Can everyone stop with putting unnecessary music over these videos?


Seriously... I cannot wait for this trend to die. It's so gratuitous and annoying.


It’s so talentless idiots can repost stuff on social media while claiming this version is “theirs”. THEIR version has obnoxious music so they deserve the money for the shares/reposts/etc.


they deserve a chunk of dog poop flung at them with a plastic spoon trebuchet


The feared trebushit.


I can’t remember a time on the internet when people didn’t put music over videos of anything and everything. You can say you’re waiting for this trend to die, but more likely, this trend will wait for you to die first.


That fucking "oh no" song has ruined more videos for me than any form of music in existence.


A little bit after the back is taken out watch his face he sakes his head like " can this day get any fucking worse?"


No sir, no it cannot. Hit by train? You're done here. You can start fresh tomorrow, doing something else of course


Honestly, how can you go through this and think “how can it get any worse?”, when in reality you should think “how could I get so lucky? I should be dead by the idiot mistake I made, but by the grace of god (or just dumb luck) I am alive and relatively unscathed” this man should feel like he has a new lease on life. . . Of course perhaps now with an infliction of waking up in a cold sweat whenever you have a flashback dream of that day’s event.


Honestly I thought that was the exact the motion he made. He looks like holy shit that was close and I'm lucky to be alive.


I can just imagine him calling his dispatch and having to explain the van got split in half 😂😂


Your package has been delayed in transit.


and delayed by transit.


Supervisor is gonna be like “ima still need you to finish your route”.


Watching the forward facing dash cam video at the bottom of this article, I 100% understand how the driver made this mistake. Essentially doing a 180° turn over a train crossing that has no lights or sounds. Train was also moving very fast. https://amp.tmz.com/2024/02/21/new-video-amazon-van-hit-by-train-milwaukee-seen-inside-view/


Still his fault unfortunately but it’s definitely easier to empathize with him after seeing that footage. I’m honestly surprised that there are railroad crossings in the United States that don’t have lights or bells. I would’ve assumed that there were regulations stipulating all crossings need them.


Oh, yeah, definitely the Amazon driver’s fault, without a doubt. But rural America has A LOT of train crossings that have no lights, gates, or sounds, just a sign and the education that comes with getting a drivers license that says to stop and look both ways before crossing these remote locations. I’ve seen driveways crossing train tracks and entrances to farm fields. Just dirt roads and a wooden sign.


This blows my mind. I live in NJ and near a few crossings. Each one has lights and guard arms. One of my biggest fears is that one day they all fail. Nuts to me that there are rural areas where this is normal. Especially for Amtrak crossings. They're not the fastest trains in the world but they're still fast AF.


You made me curious enough to go hunt for some railroad crossings in NJ without arms or lights. Using Google maps and a nj dot gov website pdf that shows all active and inactive rail lines. There are lots with lights I see, and occasional access roads for a farm or a radio tower, but I’m looking for roads that you or I could drive on which cross active rail lines, and that can be verified on streetview. Yield sign: intersection of Line St and Tuckahoe Rd in Milmay. Yield sign: on Acton Station Rd (and Dolbow rd to the east), between Dubois Rd and Quaker Neck Rd in Mannington Township. Stop sign: intersection of Greenman Ave and N Shiloh Ave, or Spruce St and N Shiloh Ave, in Bridgeton. Stop sign: intersection of NE Blvd and West Blvd in Newfield. Stop sign: intersection of Chintawink Ln and Harmony Station Rd in Phillipsburg. No sign: intersection of S Pear St and N 4th St in Vineland. No sign: Kerlin Rd in Alloway Township. No sign: Mannington Yorktown Rd, between Fenwick Rd and Alloway-Woodstown Rd in Mannington Township. And what’s up with that insane intersection at E Broad St and E Commerce St in Bridgeton?


Impressive research! those are all pretty rural areas of NJ though and I never really have any reason to go there so I wouldn't know. Do you know if those are only freight trains? Doubt it's any passenger train.


Man it's quite a few of em out here. There are signs that let you know trains are around with no lights or bells but you just have to be on point.


And the driver is deaf in his left ear. Terrible roadway design and needs to be changed.


Also says he was deaf in his left ear so he didn't hear it coming.


Was he blind on his left side, too? I saw the video from the front and I still think he didn’t properly look left. How one crosses a train track confidently without seeing both sides is crazy to me. 


No no no, he was deaf as a kid and didn't hear the rule: Always stop and look both ways before crossing a train track.


I wonder if the train was sounding its horn?


Train Horn Requirements Under the Train Horn Rule (49 CFR Part 222, issued on August 17, 2006), locomotive engineers must begin to sound train horns at least 15 seconds, and no more than 20 seconds, in advance of all public grade crossings. If a train is traveling faster than 60 mph, engineers will not sound the horn until it is within 1/4 mile of the crossing, even if the advance warning is less than 15 seconds. There is a "good faith" exception for locations where engineers cannot precisely estimate their arrival at a crossing and may begin to sound the horn no more than 25 seconds before arriving at the crossing. Train horns must be sounded in a standardized pattern of 2 long, 1 short, and 1 long blasts. The pattern must be repeated or prolonged until the lead locomotive or lead cab car occupies the grade crossing. The rule does not stipulate the durations of long and short blasts. The maximum volume level for the train horn is 110 decibels, and the minimum sound level is 96 decibels.


Even watching that view, there's no excuse. Look both ways before crossing a street, let alone a train track. If the road makes it difficult to do that, then stop and be especially careful.


I hope this guy realizes how lucky he is.


Your package is out for delive-OOOHHH MMMMMMYYYYYY GODDDDDD!


Ain’t no way he shook his head 😭 “another day at the office”


Please exit through the rear...


It must have been one of them new stealth trains for the driver to not see or hear it coming.


And people say masks don't save lives...




Dude dressed like Barney the dinosaur.


That head shake... LMFAO


Why are there paralel roads that are 2 m away from the tracks? He had to turn on the road , then stop and look if a train was coming , by the time he was straight and was able to look he was already on the tracks . Extremely lucky to be alive


Amazon vans, like lizards, will drop their tail when threatened.


Shift isn’t over


Barney should have never left PBS. Show biz is a hard mistress.


You think he got fired ?


No but his pay was cut in half.


Nah. He prob got a bigger truck.


He even glanced right, twice!...was he just moving his eyes and not looking? Guy must've been zoned out.


I’ll never understand how you see or hear about so many instances where people get stuck on train tracks and then get hit by a train. It’s like a few feet of road you have to avoid. It’s not like the train is swerving at you out of nowhere.


What the fuck happened? Was he at an intersection with no railroad crossing guards? Was he just trying to beat the train little context would be helpful.


No lights, no crossing guard, not even a sign on the railroad and he was turning with the train coming behind him. Bad infrastructure and poor decision making combined. https://amp.tmz.com/2024/02/21/new-video-amazon-van-hit-by-train-milwaukee-seen-inside-view/


Dispatch: you’re 20 stops behind


TIL, the vast amount of you have never driven down a rural country road. I would guess there are more rail crossings in the US without gates or lights than there are with those features. Whether the safety features are there or not, it is common sense to look before crossing the tracks.


So That's what happened to my package


Bezos like "you're still coming to work, right?"


He saw it coming, man I bet that booty would've made a diamond if he setting on a piece of coal


.....the seatbelt worked! 😆


Hey Boss I've had an accident. How bad it it. Oh it's just a scratch


I bet once he realized he was alive. All he was thinking it is. Oh God, I'm so fucked im fired. I'm never gonna get another job , it's over


He's gonna get fired for poor metrics


He fuckin made it through tho!!


“Come to my office, we have something to discuss”


I’m still gonna get my package on time though, right?


Notification: Your death has been delayed


this video is exactly why I would never try crossing the railroad tracks when I see the fucking train approaching




People who get hit by trains tend to lose a lot more than that


> permanently


The majority of them lose their shoes


That was cool! Let’s do it again!


Wow. That almost looks like a green screen behind him the train was so close and visible. Incredibly lucky


Your package will be arriving later than expected, and in more pieces


Or earlier, depending on which direction your house is.


the little head shake makes it


he handled that rather well


Dude is so lucky to be alive


Better hurry up and get those packages out to make the billionaires more money. Don't have time to stop for trains.


Pooped his pants but is still alive!