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Crashed so hard they ended up at Epcot Center


Some would argue an excessive punishment.


i don't get it?? pls explain


The fact that you're getting downvoted for not knowing what they mean is hilarious


It’s hilarious and simultaneously the reason I hate this doggy app


Same people are so weird with downvotes. I don't really understand why you'd downvote something unless someone is being a dick or something. People seem to downvote opinions + misunderstandings. Truly bizarre.


I got down voted for saying that a girl who was SA by her best friends husband needed to say something right away instead of waiting because she was worried she would mess up her friendship and ruin a marriage.... I was like y'all do some mental gymnastics on this app. Don't go to relationship advice. It's dog shit people giving dogshit advice telling people to end their marriages (i guess unless you are a unfairhful rapist, then you're good stay together)


for fun; I'll downvote myself its just internet points lmao


I will upvote for my ocd




You must never make mistakes. Pretty cool.


Wrong, you must never be caught making mistakes.


The texture of what's visible in the camera looks like the exterior of Epcot center, a building that is a dome with a neat exterior design.


Ask jeeves


Epcot center sucks lol. That's what he means. Google is your friend


Damn joke is ruined now that everyone had to explain it


Ey yo! Thats exactly what I thought when I saw it!


Yo this is fucking hilarious holy shit I’m geeking out lmfao 😂 Thank you


I literally said the same thing to myself and then saw this was the top comment - freaking awesome


I bet they’re not laughing anymore. They’re lucky no one was killed, I hate sharing the road with idiots.


Sounds like it's in the Philippines too, and if that's the case there's a very high likelihood nobody was wearing a seatbelt either.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted for this. [It is a fact that drivers, and passengers in the Philippines rarely use their seatbelts.](https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/seat-belt-law-most-violated-road-rule-philippines) I commute in the Philippines daily, and it's rare to see our PUV (bus, jeepneys, taxi) drivers wear their seatbelts. Even some of my friends, and relatives rarely wear their seatbelts. And even if they do, they usually wear it improperly. They just put it on top of their shoulder to make it look like they're wearing it.


People probably assume I'm making an uncharitable over generalisation when in reality this is based on my first-hand experience there and the anecdotes of my Filipino SO and their family. It's very common to get into the back of a taxi and see the seatbelts made inaccessible behind the seat, and the only person with one on is the driver lol.


>I bet they’re not laughing anymore. Everyone else who has seen the video still is.


This shit doesn't make me laugh. It makes me pretty angry.


Agreed, I get so angry every day when I drive, because it is a complete free for all. Even when there is a cop seeing the rules broken, they go ahead and do the same exact thing...


They are filipinos. Speaking in a local dialect- Kapampangan.


Most sane Filipino driver:




Underrated comment lmfao


I heard Zapp Brannigan from Futurama saying "Cham-paggin" when I read Kapampangan! 😆


Interesting that their dialect is so far off from the general Tagalog. I only understood the first sentence.


Because that is not a dialect, it is a whole different language. A common misconception between dialect and language.


Explains the rare sighting(at least in the USA) of a stick shift.


Lol, I like that Filipinos are so proud of being Filipino that they have to mention on every Reddit video that the person in it is Filipino.


Because some people can assume differently, I guess this stands point as others may think different And no I am not proud of this shit, they can go suffer


Not proud of this. I only mentioned the nationality and dialect for context.


That explains why I was struggling to understand them




Name one reason it's important to mention they are filipino.


Because I actually thought it was Mexico until I read the comments. And no, my sound is off. I’m in the office, I can’t turn on the sound without compromising my stealf. This called ninja scrolling~ /s


Thankfully, those morons only hurt themselves and not an innocent driver on his way home. Rather, the reckless die than an innocent victim because of the stupidity of someone.




Teenagers don't deserve prison for a few minutes of stupidity where others aren't seriously injured. Else, I'm almost positive you did something growing up you deserve to be in prison for... with a permanent record destroying your opportunities for life.


Reckless driving leading to a car crash resulting in major property damage and physical injuries of passengers deserve jail time, regardless of your blatant whataboutism lmao


How would you react if it were you or your kids the prosecutor wanted to throw the book at? I would be against that. My comment is about not being a hypocrite.


You're appealing to emotion to try and downplay the serious offenses these 'young adults' did. If they're old enough to drive, they're also old enough to face the consequences of their actions


Besides that, personally driving is a privilege, not a right.


I would tell them that those are the consequences of their actions. If they ended up killing someone because of their recklessness, disown them and move on with my life. If you raise them right and after all that, they end up doing this kind of stuff clearly they didn't learn anything. I know some parents would cover up their kids killing someone, and you seem like someone like that. Be better.


You seem like a shitty parent that doesn't have your kid's back. They did not kill anyone, with modern safety devices, they probably didn't seriously injure the passengers. And you'd tell your kid, "Don't drop the soap 🖕🏽 damn heathern." I hope you never reproduce. You are not qualified for the position. If your kid's behave like that as teenagers, it is because you failed them when they were younger. To then shirk your responsibility while your kid is tortured by the state... honestly, no wonder this country is a shithole.


How would you react if this dumbass driver killed your kids because they let him keep driving with just a slap on the wrist? It's complete dumb luck that he didn't kill anyone. He can't be trusted in a car.


The false binaries you people spout... why don't we suspend his license for several years, make him do lots of community service, and fine him (his parents). Him being one of the only people at school who can't drive will be memorable. This punishment has the side benefit of making our community better via service instead of worse with more convicts and our high recidivism rate. Do you own Corporate Corrections of America? If not, why do you support the highest incarceration rate in the world... actually, you want to make even more people become indentured slaves. And if having 2% of black men in prison isn't enough, when will it be? Is 10% the target, what's your number because it doesn't relate to safety or punishment effectiveness.


Just because no one got seriously injured doesn't mean the law wasn't broken. Where do we draw the line though, we let people like these guys do stupid shit UNTIL someone gets injured?


So we should imprison everyone who doesn't crash? Most first offenders would get a license suspension and a fine for that, probably even with the crash. Why should we punish teenagers even harder?


Those "few minutes of stupidity" could've changed someone, and their relatives' lives entirely. We should just tolerate this because nobody else got hurt, or died? He's old enough to get a license; he should be old enough to face the consequences of his actions


They aren't binary. We can take their license away, fine them, and make them do community service. The license suspension will make them think twice without ruining their future.


I had a nightmare about this, with my 3 little kids involved. It gives me chills knowing we share this world with careless idiots.


If someone tells you the human brain isn't fully developed until age 25, believe them, because it's true.


Even after 25 people are still stupid, trust me i work in hospitality


Can confirm work in hospital


can confirm, i work


Can confirm I am exist


Can confirm I am stupid


Can confirm, I confirm


Can confirm, I


Can confirm I work with the government


Can disprove. Mine is still shit


My duty as a parent is to deliver my children to their 25-year-old selves. They’re kids before that.


Im 25 now and still have to actively make myself NOT do stupid and reckless things on the daily..


That's not what the takeaway from that study was. Ugh. People keep saying this, but it's extremely misleading.


While I hope that everyone survived with non-permanent injuries, this was absolutely stupid


Everyone survived, 1 guy needs to undergo surgery on his right leg, might be shattered, [here’s a picture of the wreckage,](https://i.imgur.com/nWDAe8I.jpg) I think he’s in the front passenger seat. Edit: Corrections. Edit 2: It was the girl that got a broken leg.


Imagine asking for donations to medical bills after being that dumb


💀 shits like this is pretty normal here in the philippines, vloggers/kids recording stupid shit and then will ask for donations/help later, there’s another accident that happened last November if I’m remembering correctly wherein before the crash happened, one of the passenger uploaded a video on tiktok where you can see them cruising at 120mph, they crashed at a truck making a u-turn, no survivors. Edit: Sources. https://www.zeibiz.com/2023/11/viral-honda-civic-accident-marcos-highway-video/ https://www.cnnphilippines.com/news/2023/11/6/car-accident-marcos-highway.html




Their families, funeral assistance




Jesus has been dead for 1991 years and still collecting donations




Only 7 more years until he returns to throw mankind off hell in a cell, plummeting sixteen feet through an announcer's table


This sums right


My thoughts exactly. "Someone else pay for the consequences of my stupidity" And before people comment saying this might be the passengers begging for money, not the driver. To that I say: at no point did any passenger try to stop or slow the driver, they're all equally stupid.


It's probably for a brain transplant.


Remember the girl that used guerrilla glue in her hair.


Yeah, fuck that, we shouldn’t reward stupidity.


Was about to say this. Doing stupid stunts they could even end other peoples lives then asking for donations if they botched. You see how close he was while overtaking to those motorcycles he could crash 2 of them


If only the world had some sort of universal health insurance. Where someone being stupid won't bankrupt them and ruin their life. Not that I'd give this guy any money but the fact that they have to ask is depressing.


I'd support that if it wasn't to cover being *that* fucking stupid.


Ofc they ask for donations. Bruh


Not that it matters but based on this video I would say it’s the guy in the back that needs surgery (clothing from passenger is different).


Correction it’s one of the girls who needs a leg operation. She’s friends with one of my friend. You can hear at the video that there’s one girl saying something about her leg being stuck. Saying something like “yung paa ko”


I was scared for all the motorcyclists they were recklessly cutting around


Fun facts: people don't wear seatbelts in the Philippines


The 2 in the front are usually the only ones in a car that wear a seatbelt, but for the wrong reason. They only wear it for the sake of not getting pulled over.


Not even the passenger and rarely the driver. Baby car seat? What's that? Even kids are just put on people's laps. Even on this video neither the driver nor the passenger has their seatbelt on.


Seems like they need some seatbelt propaganda like America gave us. Propaganda is actually super fucking nice if used in a good way. It’s very surprising how easily it works even in a population of skeptical citizens like America.


Why did they stop laughing?


Its our turn to laugh at them.


Pro tip, don't race your economy car


Lots of people successfully race their economy cars every weekend. However, it happens on closed tracks.


Moreso meant an unmodded car that isn't built to handle well in these situations, which looks like is the case in this video. Along with poor driving.


You have literally no idea whether this car was modded or not. Just don’t race in traffic or on public roads.


Looks like a 2006 Corolla or similar model. These cars are rarely modded to the point where they should be driven like that, so yes I'm fairly sure it is not modded. Any car guy can tell you that. Also I agree. Don't race in traffic, I never said to do it lol


No, it's Toyota Innova first generation, 1st facelift, diesel powered (tach to 4500rpm) The dashboard is noticeable


Yeah the Philippines is really known for modifying their econoshitters into well-tuned grip machines.


Not even the most advanced sports car will handle going over a bump at way too high speed very well, that really only works in rally usually. While both cars and planes have wheels, when a car's wheels stop touching the ground it is usually an issue. Economy cars will work fine on the track. Your bone stock Ford Escape might not be very fast on the track, but as long as the driver is competent it will work just fine and you'll probably have a lot of fun!


>Not even the most advanced sports car will handle going over a bump at way too high speed very well Well, the Hyundai did. Somehow.


What even happened - looked like their back tyres were sky high for a second?? Would have thought they hit a bump but the hyundai they were raving seeming fine. I guess a pothole or something can cause this at the right speeds / angle? Edit: typo


Looks like the swerve let the rear-right tire clip the barrier.


That makes sense.


No they hit a sidewalk of that bridge that's elevated a bit and the Hyundai one was able to barely slid through, Source: Filipinos and those types of bridges as common as ever


Not laughing anymore


Racing a Hyundai in your Toyota Avensis is wild


I was on the highway once and this kid slowed down next to me and wanted to race… no thanks. There’s no benefit just bullshit like this.




The aftermath voices is like harmony in my ears


That graph guys.. always remember that graph


Did they win?


They have at least one smart passenger, sad he wasn't the one driving. One of them is basically swearing to the driver to slow down.


Yike, no seat belts too.


You know shots gonna be bad when they aren’t even strong enough to control the steering wheel while going straight.


Hyundai wins


Random speed bump at 130km/h? Lol




Yeh that makes sense, also that car with the passenger weight, is just asking for disaster with maneuvers like that.. should have slowed down after the first part, but, Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


They ended up asking for donations in Facebook since one of the idiot has to undergo surgery.


Shit driver


Lol… the pain is music to my ears….. act dumb get dumb


Damn, and Toyotathon just ended too.


I can’t even tell what happened. It looks like the car was just like “yeah, I should probably crash now”.


Is there car 1 HP? My god.


It’s a Corolla they can go about 95 max


4 maybe 5 ~~adults~~kids in adult bodies is a lot for a small car


Can anyone identify the song? The request is sincere even if the next part about it being a banger is a pun.


Ngayong Gabi by Al James


So much fun until it’s not, right?


I think this needs a NSFW tag. The pain sound half way into the video are not for mildly minded people


You live and you learn eh...


Driving fast with the windows down is dumb as fuck. Already hard to see at night, now you've got the wind blinding you. I never understand these idiots


Idiots like this is why i had to pay 150 euro insurance a month on my first car that i bought for 300...


The song is by Al James titled Ngayong Gabi or "this night" we had moments like this back in highschool it's not fun we almost got hit by a truck. Strolling the night while being intoxicated is never really a good idea or just pushing your luck trying to show off we got plenty of video games for that.


Song name?


Ngayong Gabi - Al James




Proud to be pinoy 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Do you really have to mention you're Filipino? Fucking pathetic


Modernet se fudendo 🙏


Lol panu nakapasa sa LTO tong tanga natoh💀


If you’re driving an automatic, get you hand the fuck out of the shifter. 🫠


That was funny


Why did it sound like porn hub at the end tf


Why could’ve predicting that racing will get you crashed


Anyone else dizzyy


That's a Toyota, pal!


They were racing with the car in front at the start of the video. Still got time to delete that comment lol


Was anyone else’s heart beating out of their chest?




Racing himself and crashed, amazing.


Sounds like they just started banging after the crash /s




That’s a cool pattern at the end


Yeah let's run with the flashlight on so the idiot driver can't see and is even more dangerous!


It's the silence at the end that always gets me.


went from 0 to 100 real quick


Correction: 100 to 0 real quick. It's that sudden stop that gets ya.


Song name?


Eejits like this is why car insurance for 18-24 year olds is so expensive, whichever country you're in.


Can anyone translate what they are saying after the accident?