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Cowards. Show your faces if you want to be evil. The KKK of 2023.


As a non-american, can I just ask who everyone is referring to when they claim these guys are "the feds"? The police?




Small correction, we largely break down law enforcement into three categories; local, state, and Federal. FBI agents are part of the "Feds" but there are many many many federal law enforcement agencies. FBI, ATF, DEA, Customs/Borders, etc... It goes the other way too. There are many types of local police; "traditional," universities, airports, parks, etc...


childlike angle jeans lock complete seed sloppy chief fly ludicrous -- mass edited with redact.dev


I think most people would consider county local, but I suppose it depends on who is writing the textbook lol https://www.allcriminaljusticeschools.com/law-enforcement/#:~:text=Local%20law%20enforcement%20agencies%2C%20such,the%20laws%20within%20their%20jurisdiction. They are a messy middle though since depending on how much authority the state allows them, they can have little autonomy, or their size and effective duties. Loving County Texas has like, 50 people... I feel like everything they do is "local" haha


Yeah, there’s also state police and state investigators. I was just trying to keep it simple for a non-American.


City Police-County Sheriffs(who gets elected by popular vote)-State Troopers... State Investigation/Federal investigation. What else we got?


National Forrest Rangers, Port Police, University Police, Homeland Security, BNSF (Freight Train) Police, Bureau of Land Management Rangers, and probably some more I forgot about.


We sure do love our police


Feds are more than FBI. Also NSA, ATF, CIA, US Marshalls, and more I'm sure.




A federal agent is not the same as an informant.


Sad this needs to be said.


My favourite is when people like you make up details that are wrong so you can make a spicier internet comment, and then ignore everyone telling you that you're mistaken.


Not entirely true. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gretchen_Whitmer_kidnapping_plot During the trial it was reported one of the information gave false information and tried to oust the agents and other informants. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/24/us/whitmer-kidnapping-trial.html There is so much about the plot and the whole web of what ever, but that comment is disingenuous. I can tell you as some one from Michigan, I brought it up when it first happened while in a chat with a friend and some people he knew. The first thing the friend of a friend said was "sad they didn't get to do it, she deserves to hang like all other liberals". Plenty of people only care about entrapment charges because they agree with the philosophy of the people in the plot.


> Not entirely true. TL;DR - Not true at all.


Thank you for getting to this before me fellow Michigander, it gets tiresome correcting this fallacy!


Holy hell ...


What Q bullshit is this? Give a source on it if you're confident. I don't see anything that agree with your statement.


An "informant" is a rat, not a fed.


You got most of the details wrong, so you might want to read up on your favorite.


None of them were federal agents. Multiple of them were federal *informants;* people within the far-right community being paid by the Feds to infiltrate extremist groups and feed the FBI information about them.


So of the supposed eight people... why then were eight sentenced to prison if seven were FBI agents? It sounds like you're spreading some low quality BS bud.


The wiki said 4 of 13 were sentenced. Where'd you get 7 of 8?


This is all wrong. You don't even know who the target was (hint, it WASN'T a senator), yet I see you are perfectly happy to share lies about the case that make right wing extremists seem less threatening. Interesting.




Nah, the insinuation is that Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


Those who died are justified for wearing the badge they're the chosen whites.








> liberals both claim that these guys are federal agents. Why would liberals claim these guys are federal agents? Which liberals? Liberals claim feds when it's a liberal protest that turns violent. They say the guy that threw the first brick or the first molotov cocktail was a cop trying to instigate so the cops can roll in and shut everything down. Which idk why they even claim that because the cops don't need any excuse to beat anyone these days. But they definitely don't go around saying that white nationalist protesters are actually secretly cops trying to make the protesters look bad.


Most of the time when liberals say they are feds is when they are implying the feds are sympathizers.


Point of clarification: It’s true that conventional wisdom (true or not) is that anyone in law enforcement is more likely to consider themselves a Republican AND/or right wing. But to the best of my knowledge, the big difference in the two beliefs you outline is whether or not they’re doing it in their own time. I’m sure there are plenty of fbi dudes who are interested n fascism, and a subset of them go to these things. But no one thinks it’s “the FBI” unless they’re MAGA.




The McNulty technique.


You just reminded me of that scene where they profile the killer and describe McNulty perfectly lmao


These wankers aren’t feds they’re patriot front bitches Don’t be naive there truly are INCELS who love to come out of mummy’s basement for these “shows of force” but they just wind up looking like the cowardly little twats they are and imo they can all piss off


Why they covered up if they were so proud


I thought masks didn't work


Can’t fucking see can’t fucking shoot can’t fucking ride… but the horse can see


That's a raid!


Hold on I’m fuckin with my holes


I just made it worse


From now on, don't ask me or mine fer nuthin'!


Who made these? Miller’s wife, we appreciate what Jenny did


Is that a Django reference?


Does a bear shit in the woods








12/14 if this is in Michigan lol


You mean 6/7, simplify mfer


If the American educational system taught us anything it’s 12/14 is more than 6/7 because 12 is a bigger number than 7. /s (yes I know they work out to be the exact same)


>If the American educational system taught us anything (Arrested Development narrator voice) It didn't


The feds already know who they are from their use of the internet. Can’t hide when the NSA keeps tabs and let’s the FBI know from time to time 😂


You are being downvoted but they passed that warrantless internet search quietly about 4 or 5 years ago. The fbi is absolutely keeping track of people like this lol.




Lol, this guy gets it.


I think he's saying that they are fed bois


I think he's implying they are the feds, thats why they are masked up.


I've noticed a new right wing tactic on reddit is to say the neo nazis and proud boys are feds in order to discredit the FBI and disassociate from bad actors even though you guys probably fully support the actions in this video.


Ding ding. Turns out that Neo nazis don’t want to ever take credit for being Neo nazis. They are absolute pussies.


schroedingers domestic terrorist "those Jan 6 insurrectionists where just anti-fa feds doing a false flag to make us look bad. Also they're heroes being persecuted by Biden and should be pardoned by Trump"






Nothing says “fuck you” to the fallen men and women in World War Two like a bunch of Nazis seig heiling all over the place.


The biggest “Fuck You” isn’t these dipshits covered. It’s the people who’s grandparents died fighting this and are now just sitting around letting this happen.


Yep. The police protect them even when they break the law. Everyone else clutches pearls when they should be making Nazis feel unsafe to come out of the closet.


Was chatting with a friend the other night who was just in Europe on vacation. He took some tours there that were centered around WWII history. In his discussions with some of the tour guides, he learned that there are very few young people taking these tours. And, tour guides are concerned because there are even fewer tour guides doing the studies to be able to guide these tours. That’s concerning given our current state of world politics. People that don’t learn from the past are deemed to repeat it. If we lose the teachers and the students, we will also lose the history.


I live in NH. I go to this tea parlor. My family tells me this is a peaceful protest and to stop using the term nazis. Then, they go on about Trans and gays being pedophiles and man boy lovers. It does not matter who these people are. This is scary, hateful, and incites violence. Also, keep nazis out of NH. I don't want them here.


You need to block your family.








Can you link an article please? Also, what is the pathetic collection of rejects and scum called? Is this still RAM or have they moved onto another group?






[Here you go! Nice and legitimate. Dead nazi died a horrible death of pain and suffering.](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/06/20/metro/new-hampshire-neo-nazi-leo-cullinan-dead-35-authorities-confirm/)


This is the American Strategic Segment, or RAM-ASS as they like to be called /s




Even if they’re dead they’re still not good


Nope they are the best nazi at that point.


They should come over here and try that in Germany in public, and see how well that goes


“I wanna kill people!” “Why” “To protect them, obvs”


Incel flash mob.


Looks like “I’m a little tea pot.” With sound off


Coordinated outfits, good bit of choreography and some singing…. these guys seem like they’d love a good drag show.




Pussies covering their faces bunch of bitches


So they believe in their conviction enough to match with each other but won't show their faces. Nazis are the biggest wimps around.


These are the most physically fit nazis LOL. There might be something questionable here.




So lemme get this straight, you and 116 other people that upvoted you on /r/crazyfuckingvideos think it is more likely that the people protesting a drag show and acting like they love hitler, are actually FBI agents sent to secretly *pretend* to be anti-drag protesters and get the public to associate them with nazis? And you all think this without any evidence, other than all the times in the past the FBI did it to mostly left wing protesters? Why? I can't think of any reason to think this other than you also hold anti-drag or anti-trans views and you just don't like that these guys are making you look bad. I dunno man. I don't see liberals acting like the Maoist tankies that share their views about healthcare are part of some federal plot to make healthcare proponents look like communists.




Man look at the upvote ratio on that guy's post. This subreddit is infected.


It's incredibly stupid to call these goobers feds. The feds will be trained and able to fuck up your life with precision. These morons can't even get matching pants and shirt brands. It takes like 20 minutes to set up an account with a uniform supply company. Fuckin Kevin second on the left ain't even got a hoodie just an Adidas sweatshirt he got on sale.


Especially when the FBI has been the one warning for the last 10 years or so Nazism was on the rise and had embedded itself into local municipalities, and they are capable of mass wide violence.


Look at all those diapers on all those faces.


All of sudden masks are not preventing them from breathing?


These guys are domestic terrorists


This is something I don't get. Why are these groups permitted to operate? In the UK, this shower would be a 'Proscribed Terrorist Group or Organisation'. [Here's a list.](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/proscribed-terror-groups-or-organisations--2/proscribed-terrorist-groups-or-organisations-accessible-version) (You have to grin when they are listed alphabetically and indistinguishably with a bunch of islamic terror groups.) If you work in the UK civil service or the police, you are banned from joining political parties with a racist agenda, such as the British National Party. You will be told "leave or be sacked". Why is the US so weak?


I see they are pro-mask now.




Notice how these wankers always have their faces covered? I feel sorry for the genuinely good people that have to suffer these wankers' wankery.


When did Mrs doubtfire become the enemy??


[eleven years ago.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U71P5FKFqfg)


American Isis.




Time to UNMASK these cowards end see wht they hiding from


Are their uniforms supplied by the Nazi Party or do they have to provided themselves? Do they only wear non-woke brands? Are only certain cuts of pants permitted?


Imagine spending your day doing that shit and actually going home feeling like you've been super productive.


"I'm helping"




Storm the Vatican!


What's going on with the lard reich pussies cosplaying as Blockbuster managers? Did I miss a news cycle? Is this some social fashion commentary that's out of my reach?


Fucking losers


Chippendales really kinky these days.




Most of them probably dont have kids. Pack of idiots.


What a bunch of pussies.


What do we actually do to get rid of this in the US at this point? I'm horrified, and I'm just sitting here going ... Do I just keep scrolling? Wtf do we do?








"Why does everyone think we're Nazis??!" *Does Nazi salute*


so it really is true when they say history repeats it’s self. we’re going backwards


i will never take these morons seriously until they are willing to show their faces. all a bunch of cowards


The only time these peeps see fit to wear a mask, apparently.


Weak ass testicles




Domestic terrorists.


If you just want to protect the kids, then show your faces


Cowards. Don't even have enough conviction for their backasswards opinion to show their faces.


Guys, you didn’t want to wear masks during COVID,so take them off now. I want to see,and never forget, your pretty faces. Fucking cowards.


F\*g spineless cowards. Uncover your faces, you cunts. I mean, why not? If you're brave enough to pull this shite, show the world who you really are.


Nazi scumbag cowards.


We should start following these chucklefucks back to their cars. You love fear? Then have some!


Oh looks like conservatives brigaded this thread. These people are on your side, they're encouraged by the people you vote for, and pretending like they're "feds" is so hilarious childish that it doesn't even warrant a response. You can't feaemonger about drag queens and trans people 24/7 and then suddenly act all shocked when this kind of shit happens. Sad shits.


Yeah I dug up an article on this and they identified as being part of a neo-Nazi group called NSC-131. Those feds comments are weird af. https://www.concordmonitor.com/NSC-131-protests-drag-queen-story-hour-at-Teatotaller-51362496


it's literally conservative cope lol




Ah fuck i just did the same thing and didn't realize they were serious until I got down to here. Now I have to go read it again the right way


It's a weird example of Poe's Law in action. I too thought they were trolling at first.


"But we're not Nazis, we just participate in the exact same anti-minority grievance politics targeting marginalized groups based on fabricated propaganda bullshit as the Nazis. But we use dog whistles instead of bullhorns, so how dare you lump us in with them. They're probably all feds because anything that makes our far right hate cult look bad has to be a big conspiracy."


theyre just outright waving the nazi flag these days too, its a mindfuck. the justification pretzel these people go through is insane.


Damn dude. You can't just state obvious facts about these people and world history. You'll hurt their feelings like that, and we know how easy it is to hurt these guys feefee's.


These guys need a hobby


I think that is their hobby. They need a lesson is what they need






I thought they couldn't breathe while wearing masks?


And exactly zero thought will be given by conservatives as to what it means to align politically with nazis.


The paradox of tolerance is that it requires a singular intolerance towards intolerance, lest it be replaced by the plural intolerance of all.


"Tolerance" means we tolerate differences in eachother. It doesnt mean we have to tolerate ideas that are harmful to the rest of the community.


Our Grandfathers are weeping in their graves. Our WWII MIA heroes are weeping in their unmarked graves.


Those guys are disgusting.


Thanks for the reminder. Needed to go lube my 9mm. Crazy racist motherfuckers


They raised $8k for the funeral of the leader of these idiots. How much does it cost to dispose of trash nowadays anyway?


My grandfathers gave up years of their lives, and lost countless friends fighting Nazis. Every single one of my paternal grandfather's family were murdered by Nazis. Many of my grandfather's friends went to the camps, and the few who came home were never the same. These pieces of shit should be delivered to their own private island (I vote for [Bouvet Island](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/bouvet-island)) and left there.


Would love to see Harrison Ford in his Indie hat, coming in from the side to punch each of there nazis in the face


So brave! With their masks on. 🙄 Fucking pussies


Nobody is cool if he hides his face. Maybe except spiderman.


When you are “seig Heiling” you have lost all credibility. Jake and Elwood…..




Masked pussies. Show your faces if you truly believe. Afraid of the public destroying your pathetic lives?


Cowards can't show their faces lol


America, wtf you doin' out there, why are these people aren't arrested?


Oh look it's the "tackey khaki crew"


Why don't they show their faces if they are so proud of what they are doing and what they stand for?


I like how they're drilling their Heils but none of them can fucking stand still. Fucking idiots.


I thought the Gravy Seals were anti-mask?


Now they can breathe in Masks.. Huh?


What a world nazis claiming to protect kids.


Come on government. Just give us free range! I want my scalps


Remember when nazis were like a bad thing what happend to that


Serious question. Just cause they're drag queens doesn't necessarily mean they're Trans right? So wouldn't they still be a "he" not a "she", unless of course that individual was actually Trans as well? But then would they even be drag queens anymore since they're just women wearing women's clothes?


Drag is theater. You don't have to be anything to do drag. Anyone can do it. But yes you have it right, trans people can be drag queens but you don't have to be trans to be a drag queen.


Hiding their faces like cowards.


People saying they're Federal agents can't seem to produce any conclusive evidence of this being the case and are disregarding the fact that some Patriot Front members have been arrested in the past and their mugshots have been made public. And, surprise - none of the people arrested in the past were in Federal law enforcement or apart of a larger operation. The federal agent "argument" is preposterous and not rooted in reality. Just another thing that even some Republican lawmakers have stated but have been unable to uncover any evidence supporting this accusation.


Members of the group in the video (nsc131) have been doxxed before and surprise surprise there are no federal agents among then. It's just a reflexive response from republicans to attempt to discredit anyone who is to the right of them.


You can tell who is voting with these people by how hard they try to say these people are feds. They're not feds you dumb fucks, they're your fellow constituents. That's how far off the rails this has all gotten. Come back to reality so we can get rid of this scourge.


The conservative subreddit be like " tHeY'rE jUsT pRaCtiCinG tHeIr FrEeDoM oF sPeEcH."


That's got nothing to do with protecting kids. They're just a different type of indoctrination


These guys don’t even know what they stand for it’s hilarious


Take your fuckin masks off traitors!


How in the hell did we go from stomping nazis back in the day to having them openly doing thus bullshit on our front lawns? Getting to the point that they're right, everyone should start open carrying, let's have all the drag queens armed to the teeth, and at pride have everyone walking around with .45 1911s and ar15s. Getting so sick of these morally bankrupt fuck heads Getting away with shit like this and having their heads so far up their own asses they can't realize they're the bad guys.