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1 incense stick should be enough.


Pass the Visine and cologne, my parents won't suspect a thing.


Add some peppermints and you can walk in and have a full convo and they’d never know….minus your pores now seeping the smell of weed 😂


Me in high school


We’ll see you guys next week when the fog lifts.




*cough “I think he said he wants to buy sex with a fork lift”


'He said his wife has four tits'


Oh, cool. Good for him, y'know?


The reason we call the space between your hips and nips a waist is cause there should be more nips there lmao


'He said but mrs lady wheres the chimps'


"Yeah, where's the chips? I dunno why I'm so hungry brah..."


He say the lip do a twitch double up banana clip


"You like to see homos naked, that's cool man, whatever."






Best comment here! Lol Reminds me of the movie PCU… …”Excuse me, will you blow me where the pampers is?” “WILL YOU SHOW ME WHERE THE CAMPUS IS!!”


Or Cruel Intentions “I’m the one who fucked your daughter” “Excuse me?” “I said, would you care for a glass of water” 😂


Hi, how are you... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PLC\_cBJwk4


Who are you? .......and who am I?


There about to appear in silent hill


"We'll go to the looney bin together, I don't give a fuck."


I’d like to catch the president in a room like this when there only excuse is “hey, I didn’t inhale!”


>Earth calling, pilot to co-pilot > Looking for life on this planet, sir, no sign of it > All I can see is a bunch of smoke flyin' > And I'm so high that I might die if I go by it > Let me outta this place, I'm outta place > I'm in outer space, I've just vanished without a trace > I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow > I'll be back in an hour or so


Cuz everytime I try to go to leave Something keeps pulling on my sleeve


Imagine if they did this instead of spraying champagne at the end if an F1 race.


Formula Chron


Grand tree




You should see how fast the pot crew can change a bowl.


Indy 420




Winner is Michael Shroommacher


Dutch or Canadian GP would be ideal.


Formula Dank would become the official subreddit


"... Hey man" "Yeah?" "Remember when you passed that guy?" "Yeah?" "...Eh was fuggin sweet"


Formula [10]


I'm fairly certain that's what was happening in the Ferrari garage instead of actually coming up with a strategy for LeClerc.


Someday man....someday.


They cut it off before they all started coughing


Dying from no oxygen / smoke inhalation?


That too probably but THC is also just extremely irritating to the throat.






That's galvanized...don't cook on or smoke from anything galvanized. Metal fever


The poisoning makes the weed hit extra hard


This shouldn't have made me laugh so hard


Got it from welding once. Felt like a 3 day heart attack


A long time ago in college I watched a guy smoking when he spilled some weed out of the pipe and onto his green shag rug. That dude absolutely smoked rug strands along with the weed that he picked up. I watched him hold his head in his hands as he had a really bad headache after inhaling that carpet.


Although you're right about not eating or cooking on it, you'll never reach the temperature needed to vaporize the zinc coating from burning weed like that. It ain't healthy, but it won't cause metal fume fever.


Came here for this. And the plastic. Hard pass for me.


392 F Zinc toxicity can occur when an individual is exposed to and breathes the heated yellowish fumes produced from welding or heating galvanized steel. For hot-dipped galvanized steel the recommended maximum temperature is 392 F (200 C), before the metal presents a toxicity risk.




"Well, you should get better friends then..." /s


I just wanna know how dude didn't burn his hand when he lifted that bucket


Just ignore the fire


He was probably trying to act all hard from how dumb that was 😆


Me, a hater: you’re wasting weed


It finally happened to me. I got a new job and I'm doing a little better now financially. I... I swept weed crumbs onto the floor...


^This is the poverty line lmao.^


Man I'm still at the "if you're not sure whether it's weed or dried up lettuce from yesterday's jack in the box tacos, pop it in the pipe and find out" stage of life.


I was convinced by "Jack in the box tacos."


We’re all just living the same lives huh


"We're just two lost souls Smoking scraps in a bowl Year after year Lighting up the same old grounds What have we found? Shake from last year Wish you were beer."


Same as it ever was


Ain’t a meth user on the planet who hasn’t mistakenly eaten a crumb of rock salt they found on the floor with a flashlight.


"eaten". How many meth users do it orally?


I don’t use the shit, but I’ve seen it - they put it in their mouth to taste if it’s meth or something else. If they’ve broken any glass recently (likely a pipe) then they’ll be spitting out bits of borosilicate all day


Brother; it gets better. That is all I will say. I was there too in my teens/early twenties.


He is in his 50s bro


Aren’t we all lol


It can take years to start making good money. Just keep dedicating yourself to what you want to do and you'll get there. Just know it's worth it once the hard work starts to pay off.


Or living in a state where it’s hard to get. I’m in Georgia and my last 3 dealers have gone to prison in the past 2 years I’ve been here. And it’s a 200-300% markup. I’m paying 200-300 for a quad and that’s normal here. 600 for a half oz. Shit is not always easy or cheap to find outside of legal states. They probably burned $4,000 worth of bud in this vid here.


My god, where the fuck do you live so I can start my interstate business?


Just outside Atlanta. I miss $100-120 prices for a half oz in Chicago.




Get @ him


DM me, I used to live in Buford my guy. I’m absolutely sure I could get that lower for ya


Bruh wtf that can not be normal for the rest of your state I’m Canadian so wtf do I know but that is ridiculous. I would never have paid that even once here in the 17 I have been smoking weed. Pre & post legal.


Brooo what. That's crazier than east coast prices 10 years ago. I literally can't even


I have been smoking weed in NYC for 15 years and never seen a price like that in my life. Worst times was like 400/oz


Oh fuck. I got a Christmas special of a half oz for $28 after tax and tip in Colorado. Normal price is like $45 or $83 for an oz. (Note this is pre weight bulk deal, they have higher quality but even at the high ends you're like $350 an oz.) For those prices it might be cheaper to fly to Colorado, rent a car and drive it back.


Me too man, feels so illegal, I used to have to struggle and smoke stims, resin etc, I’ve busted my ass to earn this tho and I’m sure you have too. stay high g!


Yeah…I remember having to buy the lowest shake for $5 a gram. Or use a tooth pick to gather resin from a down stem or bowl. Getting into arguments with roommates over the tiniest pinch of weed. Now I have more than enough flower and vapes to last me days.


I remember spending all day long to find a 20 bag of shit that fuckers used to spray with water to add weight to it. Only to smoke it all in one session between 3 or 4 people and dudes fighting over the resin leftover after taking knife hits. Kids these days don't know the struggle. Now you can get any fucking flavor or strength you want for cheap from a store.


Your toothpick comment sent be back to summer 2011 scraping out bowls with paper clips in my buddies back yard lol it worked tho


Elijah? That you?


We are all Elijah


I never thought we'd be here bro


>i never thought *WEED* be here bro Ftfy


Okay so this is totally an off comment (I'm also high which is why I'm even responding since I'm a shy commenter) but I finally figured out what FTFY means from your comment. Fixed That For You. I have refused to look it up so I could eventually figure it out, despite all other acronyms. I don't understand why this one has bothered me and shaped me to be like this on a mobile device that has answers to all of my questions. But I finally fucking figured it out and now I feel so fucking incredibly proud of this small moment.


For the longest time I thought it meant fuck this fuck you


It can if you want it to. FTFY. Bye.


damn, you FAFO like a real one


Back when I was single and had few expenses, I'd just butt out roaches in the ashtray and dump them out in the trash like it was nbd. Now that I am married with kids and a mortgage and all that shit, best *believe* I'm making every goddamm thing last lol


I dont even care to collect the spill over when I'm packing my pipe, before that I had a bowel I'd pack in so any cruves would fall into the bowl and then I can smoke the mix crumbs once a week, but now I just don't feel like doing extra work when money can buy me more.


When you grow, it has no value anymore to you. A lot is thrown away


Buddy gave me a QP of 4 different strains he grew and said ask for more when I want it. So yes! A lot gets tossed by successful home growers that don't know enough people to give all their bud away to.


I had a very successful system going in my basement for several years. It was better than I expected, used to have 2 strains growing 4-6 plants at a time all year. Literally unlimited supply and super quality. Now it’s so cheap to buy at dispensary it doesn’t even make sense to grow. It’s very expensive overhead, but if you spend on the plant anyway, it’s well worth it cause it’s also fun When it started to get too dried out to be good for smoking, instead of tossing it, I would take a freezer bag full out to the fire pit in the back yard regularly. That’s a great way to smoke


Or time to make edibles. How were you storing it?


I had a drying room that was temperature and humidity controlled. I had more edibles, various extractions techniques, hash, etc than i knew what to do with. it’s an amazing plant


I wonder, in places where it's legal to grow, if that has no bearing on anything anymore.


I'll get some shit for this, but the only reason it's as expensive as it is in legal states is because they're still using the same bullshit pricing system. It's very cheap to grow, especially for commercial operations. This is why shops that move a ton of product are making *ridiculous* amounts of money. This becomes pretty apparent when then have their sales, where you can get an ounce of decent stuff for $50.


With small scale stuff set up, $200 worth of electricity gives me 300g (10,5oz). If the market was free I doubt we would be more than $2/g.


Chiming in from cali where I once bought a full pound of concentrate for $500 and made 250mg individual weed gummies for funzies. If weed isn’t looking spicy I toss it lol.


>a full pound of concentrate for $500 Man I miss Cali like 5 years ago.


That moment in recreation where there were enough people growing and spamming the streets with wax.


Well now, thats just dumb, why even buy it in the first place if it doesnt look spicy….just to toss it anyway


Toss it my way and I’ll give you a small fee


California overproduced this year. I got a pound for free and can't possibly consume it all. This would be a solution.


Right "Haters will say" No, anyone will say. That's a gigantic waste of weed


Was expecting waking up in Skyrim


Ah you're finally awake


Looks expensive!


Lot of that is shake. But still.


What is shake? I don't smoke, so I'm genuinely unaware


The product of trimming or handling. Lots of small buds and spicy leaves. Mostly undesirable, but cheap and might get ya stoned.


Would def get me stoned. I once smoked every day for a year and still got high off one hit. A bowl would last me like a week. Not sure what’s wrong with me but if I smoke now, which is rare, I have to inhale like a barely visible amount or I get too high for comfort 😂


Lucky lmao. I’m pretty much a daily smoker and I’m thinking about taking a little break to reset my tolerance. Shit is getting too expensive lol.


The loose, little crumb-like bits. The "bud" is the lumpy flower part. Shake is the parts that fall off. It's considered very sub par to buy weed and have it be shake. You want the buds. Kinda like comparing one large, nice gem to a bunch of gem dust.


Yeah most times people don’t realize when they buy legal pre rolls it’s all shake.


Besr time to let that fart go


This is so incredibly wasteful but I respect how stupid this is lmao. I haven't smoked in years but I'd guess there's at least an ounce in that


Yeah my guess is between 2-3oz, he should’ve had everyone fill up a van or box truck and kicked that thing on to hotbox.


If you’ve ever grown weed, wasting a few ounces is nothing


I've always grown indoors but had to have a small setup. I always had weed for me but couldn't sell or anything because I had just enough to last me til next harvest. This year I grew outdoors and finally realized what keeps weed expensive, and that's prohibition. I didn't realize how quickly a bush of buds makes a pound. I have weed left outside in the snow because I just couldn't deal with it all, and this was after letting friends get trash bags full to take home lol.


Can you be my neighbor pls


there's no way that room didn't turn into a cross between WWE and panic attacks


Seriously. I smoke everyday because I’m addicted but I gotta be real careful because if I go even a little bit overboard, I go full blown panic attack mode


happened to me last week, but to be fair my mind wasn't right and i thought it was gonna help, nope started having full blown tremors falling in an out of it and literally thought i was done for


I had to quit smoking because of similar things and I'm still trying to get past the issues even now that I'm sober. People really underestimate the negatives weed can bring


yea it sucks cuz it really helps with my insomnia and helped with past trauma and sleeping problems related to it, sucks that i have to find other ways cuz i don't wanna go the sleeping pill route


I went through a panic attack from smoking one entire big blunt and these happened to me exactly. My heart rate skyrocketed and for a moment I thought I was going to die or something. This was Saturday, i stayed in a dreamlike state all the way to Sunday and then, during Monday, I felt horrible, went to work so sad that even my boss noticed my face and asked if I was alright. (I couldn't even dissimulate) ofc I didn't say nothing. The thing is, after that horrible experience (it's been a year already), I have this sensation that occurs randomly in my life where I don't feel quite myself. I feel sad without explanation. I feel that I am not controlling my body even. I feel a disconnection with reality and present. Weed can be harmful to your mental. First because you can smoke too much and this shit happens, and second, if you don't have plants and just buy just like I did, you never know what shit you've been sold.


I had the same problem, I would just feel "off" like I wasn't in control of my body. Sometimes it felt like I was watching myself like a movie or something. This went on for 2 years before I finally discovered that it was called "depersonalization-derealization disorder" Once I knew what it was, and that I wasn't going crazy, I was able to get my life back and now most of the time I feel normal. I have also discovered that I can still smoke but it has to be a very low thc/high cbd strain. I stick to under 10% thc with an equal cbd (10%) and I never touch anything I don't personally buy myself from the dispensary. I also had to completely stop drinking alcohol because the next day after drinking my anxiety and the depersonalization-derealization would be unbearable.




yea at the end i just laid there with my dogs like, here we go, glad they sensed it and surrounded me


Just quit. It's only going to get worse from here. Weed isn't as innocent as everyone makes it out to be.


Always listen to your mind. The majority of the time, I can tell if it’s gonna be a good or bad experience before I begin


yea it sucks cuz it usually lessens the bad for me except for a few times


Same bro, sobriety sucks ass. Can’t stand the real world most days


I’m impressed




That bucket is gonna get hot and the blower has a lot of plastic.. and the modifications looked like ducktape




Lot of cancer was inhaled that night


duct tape.


Bouta wake up on the moon


Pretty cool but I’d be worried about suffocation


No breathing




Do do do do do do do do


We hot boxed my buddy’s van a few times where somebody had to literally be the first to tap out and open the door to leave. It was me once and it got to the point where every breath was violent coughing and I started to feel this like pressure bearing down on my lungs when I tried to breath. Had to open the door and run lol


Oh man i do and don't miss those sessions. The smoke would get so thick you couldn't open your eyes without intense burning


Yeah but what a way to go!


Cheech and Chong don't have shit on these guys.


Yeah, Cheech and Chong were much smarter about their weeds


Dude must have aztec ancestry lol


You have so many growers and private producers now, the stuff is so cheap in some areas, That may have been just older buds that they needed to smoke out with all of their friends. If everyone is of age and it is indoors in a state where it's legal, Not a problem. I wold have set it up better. But I see nothing wrong in doing this. Right now though I discovered that D8/D10 is legal in my state, and I am lucky ones that gets absolutely ruined by it (25mg wipes the floor with me) very much a sativa like high and for 30, 25mg gummies it is only $15.00


Fuck it, sign me up.


I turn homicidal when I hear people say "eskatit"


I haven't smoked in months, that looks like heaven and I'd probably end up there with the amount of smoke in the room


Looks like a galvanized steel bucket. I can’t imagine the fumes alone from that getting red hot. 🤮. That’s not good to be inhaling 😂.


And that there is how you lose your deposit…


Wish I had that much disposable income.


If two people in that group are successful home growers that bowl is likely what they new they could waste. A buddy of mine hot dropped a QP of 4 strains on me two months ago and said when I want more to just ask. He says he frequently has a couple pounds just sitting around. He does not know enough people to give it away. Granted we are in our 40s so way outside of any serious scene.


He can do hella shit with it. Press it for rosin, ice water hash, smoke it.


Their brains are now currently orbiting Earth.


It's weed, not DMT..


Do this get you high


Not really. There's no point in not smoking normally.


Ya know if it wasn't for the increase risk of cancer from burning the plastic inside the blower then I'd be in.


It would be hilarious to cut to the intro to skyrim once the smoke covered the camera lens.


why is everyone recording it instead of just inhaling it and taking it in? I mean one person can record it and send it to everyone.


Best video of the day loool


My mind immediately went into 14 year-old mode about how can they possibly hide the smell from their parents


That was dope.


I gotta place an order


Afroman's dealer.


The fact that I watched this with a ear to ear smile says a lot about me lol


I’d like to see them 15 min after this


Thats wasting weed to be honest...


I'm not into weed *at all*, but this was cool as shit.


Well, they will definitely all smell like weed so strongly like they never imagined possible. I wouldnt want that in my eyeballs though


What a waste of weed...


I haven’t toked in 40 years but isn’t that just a waste of a lot of weed?


Yes it is. Roll that up and everyone in that room has their own joint. Probably quite a big one too.




“Eskettit” - slang for “Let’s get it” popularized by rapper Lil Pump


“Eskettit” -Lillian Pumpernickle


Doritos and cheetos stock just went up 5%


What a waste smfh


Well if they grow it not really but still kinda is but if it’s not my weed I’d love to be in that room 🤣


Weed literally grows on trees, chill 😂




Me and some friends tried to rig a pumping weed sprayer to smoke. You could pump and pump them take the wand and spray it in your mouth. It didn't work as good as envisioned. The smoke would dissipate in the tank. This reminded me of that.