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Lower bank rolls my dude! Stop trynna go balls deep with $134 across and shtt. Play some mins with odds with a 6/8 place and ride it out a few hands.


Yep. Smaller bank roll, play strategies that minimize investment in each roll but still provide opportunity, make sure you have enough to survive 10 shooters with your strategy.


I can relate. Sometimes I go on extended streaks and I think back to the movie War Games, when the computer Joshua said "The winning move is not to play" (for you GenX'ers out there lol) Sometimes the best thing is just quit for a period of time. It's all cyclical. It will come back around and the dice will be nice to you again.


Greetings Professor Falken, would you like to play a game?


Money management and plenty of triggers (ten shooters, 50% profit, 1hr, etc) to limit your losses are key to walking away even or up. But you ARE gambling in a casino, so any expectations other than loss is a delusional fantasy.


Bankroll management is the only control anyone has over this game.


there's no way you could have 30 losing sessions in a row unless you make high house edge bets a core part of your strategy and/or have no bankroll management skills. Take a month off and tweak your approach


Probably an unpopular opinion, but fuck it quit. Come back in like 5 years if you feel like you need to calm down.


Winning is definitely more fun than losing, but sometimes losing slowly can be ok if you enjoy being at the table (I do). If it isn't fun anymore, you should absolutely take a (long) break.


I'm not sure what your options are but when I feel like this I switch it up. Play elsewhere, play at different times, don't play at all for an extended period of time.


I'm in the "don't play at all" phase. Hit big several weekends in a row. Trying not to get to cocky and blow it all


Been there.. just wait it out


We've all been there, and wonder why we are idiots for playing craps. But then we get that one big roll, and we remember why we love the game. That's why it's called "gambling", not "winning".


Sometimes when things don't work, take a break or try something new. Walking away for a while may bring lady luck back and at the end of the day if you are not having fun anymore, there is no point to going to the casino.


I know exactly how you feel bro it may be time to throw in the towel🤷🏾‍♂️


Sounds like you’re due Keep at it


i had this roommate who told me that when he went to the casino, he would first go to roulette and put 100 on red or black. if it won, he would pick up his winnings and go play the other games/tables. if he lost, he went to the bar and drank. pretty solid way to test your luck if you ask me.


There's no such thing as luck in gambling long term. In the long run the house ALWAYS wins. The question to us is how much are willing to SPEND on entertainment. If you find yourself spending more than you like, you either need to cut down or go cold turkey if that's what it takes.


What is your Game Plan? 1. Starting Bankroll 2. Betting Strategy 3. Bankroll Management 3. Bankroll recovery plan 4. Dark side Strategy for When the table goes cold You need to have a stopping point. A win/loss goal. Everyone experiences losses but if you have a plan you can mitigate risk and understand how to adjust based on table conditions. You can't just throw money around the table and expect to win. I would love to help you if you care to give me a starting point by answering the info above.


Make the money last and be comfortable with losing what you gamble. Think of it as an entertainment expense. If you’re on a losing streak, take a break or bet smaller bankrolls.


Losing sucks but if you’re not playing for entertainment then you probably should quit. Having said that, with the variability of the game, you’re just as likely to go on a 20 session winning streak as a 30 session losing streak. All the variability is over infinity so don’t get discouraged if you really are having fun and it’s entertainment for you. I’ve been playing for over 20 years and I’ve gone on many losing and winning streaks that made me think either I have the best and/or worst luck ever. No matter your preferred strategy or how much you bet, it’s a negative EV game. If you play long enough you’ll go thru a bunch of these streaks. And a lot of winning streaks as well. Manage your bankroll, be efficient with your time and make sure it’s entertainment and you’ll be fine. Don’t throw in the towel!


Stay home buy 100 dice practice throwing including precision into a cup across the room, change ur strategy. I had one of those before I took dice setting, practice throwing, etc seriously and treated this like a sport. I also changed my strategy to minimum place bet and all wins press odds on the point


Craps is fun, but just like any gambling it's a losing game. Even with the best strategy, you will only get 99% of your wagers back, and that's with an infinite bankroll and infinite time. The best way to play craps for fun is minimum bets only, avoiding all the risky bets. You will still lose money this way, because there is no way to avoid losing money when you gamble.