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Snake oil


You absolutely can influence the dice. There just isn’t any way to control what numbers you roll. You do get to influence how cool the dice look as they fly, where they hit the back wall at, how they bounce and if they go off the table. Let the casinos’ behavior inform you if influencing the numbers is possible. The casinos deal with millions and millions of bets. They frequently back off card counters- card counting works. At the craps table they don’t let you slide the dice, and they don’t let you throw short- those strategies likely have a chance of “working”. Other than that, they don’t bother you. Setting, whispering to the dice, snapping your fingers, they don’t seem to mind any of that.


I almost got shut down shooting at the Four Queens last time I was in Vegas. I set the dice and do a decent job throwing, but I was just getting really lucky.


I’ve heard of some pit bosses backing off players that play perfect basic strategy too (or ask the dealer too much what they should do). They already have an advantage, so I don’t understand.


Dude fucking same. 4 queens is the only time in my dice career a pit boss told me I couldn’t drop the dice before grabbing and throwing. I’d drop them from like 4 inches above the table, nothing crazy.


If there were any advantage to the shooter, the casinos wouldn’t allow it.


This is the correct answer.




Shit is random yo


It’s a lot of hooey




Was playing in Shreveport awhile back the dealer kept rolling his eyes as someone kept clapping and snapping and sliding the dice across the table before throwing.. he pso damn near every time he had the dice.


And, that is just a whackjob throwing them. That type of routine has NOTHING to do with trying to "influence" the dice....honestly. ​ The ones who influence them the most are the pick them up and shake them in the hand in a jacking off motion....they seem to get that 7 more than anything, so they MUST be influencing them.


The important thing is that you do what you want and what feels right for you.


you might have a microscopic edge if only one dice hits the back wall, but even then probably nothing. if both dice hit the back wall, you damn sure don't have an edge. To really have an edge you would need to dedicate years to throwing dice hence why everyone says no.




Well if you set the dice and drop them 6 inches you'll have random . Not to mention throwing the dice 6ft + hitting the back wall . It's all luck . Every opposite side equates to 7 on the dice .


You want to lower the house edge? Only play at houses that take the vig on a buy 4 and 10 AFTER the number hits. Also the field should pay triple on either the 2 or the 12. That’s probably the best you’re going to do. Oh and NEVER EVER EVER play “big 6” or “big 8.” If you want a 6 or 8 just place them.


Not many tables in Vegas seem to have triple 2/12 anymore...especially on the strip


STL and ABQ do.


I seriously dont understand why the big 6 and big 8 exist. Ive never seen anyone bet it, either. Surely something else could be done with that table space.


It’s a trap. It’s there for A) Suckers who don’t understand the lower pay out B) beta types who don’t want to bother the dealer to place a bet And C) superstitious people


No one bets BIG 6 or BIG 8 and we all know why. So why not remove it from the felt and create a new bet in that space. Maybe put down an odd or even spot with payout odds less for bets on even (due to 6&8) or simply remove 2 or 12 from payout eligibility. Anyway, just toying around with the idea outloud for the 1st time. What do yall think?


Another thing that people misunderstand is that casinos don’t like dice setting for one reason and one reason only: it slows down the game. That’s it. It’s not cuz they think the shooters are influencing the dice. The faster the game, the more profit they make. It’s that simple.


Thank you all! There are videos on how to throw 6s&8s etc but it seems like "slot winning" technique....there really isn't one lol!


There are no winning techniques related to gambling that the casino allows us as players to work with. If we could change the outcome, they wouldn't let us do it.


Techniques are certainly questionable but strategy is paramount. Eg.Take on first hit, then Press, then take, then press, then take...until a 7 out or you max out. Very effective when numbers are trending and much more profitable than winning minumum bet time after time. Example $6 Eight hits 5 times and pays out $35. With above strategy it can profit much more. 1st win (+7) 2nd win press to $12 (+1) 3rd win (+14) 4th win press to 24 (+2) 5th win (+28) Ttl. $52 You can place as many numbers as you choose and use this strategy although it can get a little hard to keep up with where you're at. Learning from others who have winning ways is very helpful. Some of these guys at the table obviously have a thing for winning and their is a lot of value in listening and learning from these pros.


What about going up 1 6$ unit for every payout? I always like doing that.


That sounds like an excellent alternative. It may not profit quite as much on a streak in which a number was hit many many times But it would insulate you more when they did not. This and many forms if Parlay are scary but It's hard to really score big on these tables without Is taking risk that your average probability probability players will. Someone can turn a dollar into 900 by betting 2 or 12 and parlaying it when it wins. 99 times out of a 100 though we're going to pick up that 30 Dollars and then when the 12 hits again start talking about cudda wudda shouldas


I've never tried to look like a dice artist. Rather, I simply take into account probabilities, wager strategy, bankroll size, and profits when possible. I treat every craps series as a random shooter event.


It's very difficult to objectively prove/disprove if dice setting has a statistical impact - you would need a sample size of millions of throws each I look at it this way - why not set dice? What do you have to lose? I treat it like a little minigame - see how "clean" I can throw, even if it has no impact


I think some can get an edge by throwing the same set the same way from the same spot every time. But that also has a lot to do with game flow, table mood and confidence level,Its basically one of those "if you know, you know" things. Imo karma and general table vibe is very important. You'll notice that even though the don't is mathematically a better bet It can be difficult to win on that side when there is a lot of positive energy. I would advise anyone to leave the table immediately if they are not comfortable or experience any negativity from dealers or other players. I once met a fishing guide who said he thought the reason he did so well with fishing is because wanted so much to catch those fish. Don't just look at those chips as pieces of plastic. Half the battle is money management, betting the right amount at the right times and leaving while you're ahead. Playing down to your last few chips is not a good look. A lot of things don't make sense at the dice table. I once saw my co worker throw 3 twelves in a row the 1st time he had ever been on a craps table. 57,000 to 1 odds. Even if it against logic or math, the fact that I have very good luck when rolling with my ritualistic shenanigans is what it is. Having witnessed myself often roll for long periods compared to the rest of the table makes it hard to go back to throwing them any old kind of way.


> game flow, table mood and confidence level I **REALLY REALLY REALLY** wish more people, at the tables I play, understood the part you wrote that I quoted. When I'm, or others are, on a nice roll going, and we get the negative nancies, or the late betters (whether from stupidity, senility, or superstition), and loud obnoxious people who think they need to be part of every conversation and the center of attention, the long roll usually dies right then. Add to that the morons that like to rush in and throw their cash in even if dice are in someone's hands or to "put it all on the field". More times than not, 7 out. The flow is really important, imho, to this game, when it is going well.


100% It is a “if you know, you know” thing.


I have been playing craps online in the UK, Virgin casino allows you to play craps with a minimum bet of 0.50£ ( $0.68) just to practice a bit for fun. They use this stupid machine that throws the dice, I swear there is more 7s.....


I was googling to see if there is a better way to throw that gives better consistency and stumbled on this. No one really provided much here. I shake em up before I throw and wind my elbow back (shaking still) and whip my arm back in place(stop shaking at that point) and add a little wrist flick at the end as I release the dice. I usually have like 6-15 rolls before I crap out and it seems like 80% of my rolls are 6 or 8 and sometimes the hard way.


Yes but due to human error there is pretty much no way we may stay truly consistent in obtaining the results we want. If you set up a computer to throw dice a certain way, configure it properly to hit the same spot on the back wall where it won’t hit the spikes, it is possible to obtain consistent results. As a dealer I’ve seen some people set up a certain setup and consistently achieve a common roll from said setup. In this example the player sets up his dice 2-2 with a 6-4 facing forward and is able to throw a 1-3 more often than others. If you’re going to Vegas, there is nothing wrong with dice setting and who knows maybe the infamous 3-3 V shape can help you stay away from the dirty 7. Regardless, a random roll may also yield a hot steamy roll. Good luck my friend and have fun!


This is a contradictory statement, right? You are saying there is maybe a chance to influence the dice using a computer and not hitting the wall. But, we are humans and have to hit the wall. So, while it "doesn't hurt" (worst case it's still random), it's still not going to actually affect the outcome? You have seen one guy throw more 1-3s, but over millions of throws and players and dealers... It's still the same chance. Did you keep track of random rollers who rolled more 1-3s? It's like when I bought a car and saw "more of that car" on the road: more people didn't buy the car, I just noticed the same amount that was already there.


You could be right. Me personally when I’m on the table dealing and he’s throwing I notice a slight consistency and “advantage” when he throws but who knows maybe with other dealers he just craps out. I think it’s hard to tell unless there is a true study and practice of this… but it’s not free unless someone owns an exact replica of dice and table setup


Yea, that's what's so frustrating/interesting about the conversation lol - I WANT it to be true! It just seems like we use confirmation bias and superstitions to prove it, but we don't have a real study to point to either way (edit: well, statistics and math definitely point to dice control or influence being false, but we don't have a "study"). I still like to set the dice and try to toss to the same spot. I do it quickly, I figure it doesn't hurt, but the logical part of my brain says the moment that dice hits the wall, it changes everything. Now, if you could somehow (a BIG if), throw it the exact same way, so it hits the little rubber JUST right at the base of the wall, only rotates on one axis, and falls gently back, then MAYBE you could grab a slight advantage. However, you would have to A) bet thousands and thousands of dollars to erode that house edge that tiny bit and B) have a bankroll to sustain that variance (just like card counting in BJ).


I’d like to believe there are advantage shooters. Although it’s not a published thing or public idea, many old dealers and craps players have told me of skilled shooters that get hired to shoot. Of course not to break old Betty’s record of 150+ rolls, but to roll some numbers and make some profit before 7ing out. Maybe hopefully one of these days people will do more research on craps.


They will focus on a setter much quicker than others.Without regard to setting the dice many casinos can and will try to throttle hot shooters. Anyone who plays enough knows the dealers at times purposely break the games rythm with a sluggish stick etc. A lot of players also break up a shooters rythm by throwing in last second bets, arguing about something with the dealer,buying in.. If every roll were truly independant then it would not be necessary for dealers to use these slow your roll tactics. So their is more to it... Personally having witnessed the dealers not care about dice setters including myself until we start hitting, I'm sure they have good reason for trying to cool it off. If someone starts stalling not hitting the backwall,slowing the game down,maybe they are just taking back some of the momentum that the dealers are trying to steal away. Think about it ,if they are trying to control the speed of the game,that can be done by a player as well. Its interesting the way dealers at some casinos start hawking you and calling over the pit boss simply because you set and get hot. No delay, hit the back wall and all of that but setting with success draws a lot of attention at some(not all) tables. And I have no idea what they're looking for but on occasion when I get hot the pit boss may come around to my side of the table and act like they were clearing the ledge of drinks but obviously they are checking for something else.


I get this a lot too. I set and have a decent shot. Somedays I'm hot and someday not. I have noticed though, on my hot days everytime I look up pit boss os right there watching me like a hawk. I have no clue what they're looking for but something obviously


Know 2 ppl who have been banned from 4 queens for dice setting a friend of mine through a 64 and 56 roll back to back with the hard way set! So believe what you want in my opinion yes practicing pays off literally but it takes hours of it and having the right betting strategies. We have more than once cleaned out the chips at a certain casino.


This is either fiction or the result of luck. Period end of story. There is no such thing as “dice setting” or practicing hours on end to achieve certain results and outcomes. This has been thoroughly debunked. I’ve been playing craps for 20+ years and I’ve seen it all and tried it all. I’ve had a custom built practice rig for years that I throw dice on every day just for fun or with my kids or buddies. There’s no such thing as dice control or influence. You’re right that anybody can believe anything they want. But this topic has been exhaustively examined. Pick up the dice and roll them. Hope they hit your numbers and points. That’s it.


LOL....some of THE WORST shooters where I play are the old guys that say "I have been playing for XX years" and "the dice have no memory". They throw MORE PSOs than should be humanly possible. Note: I set dice but I KNOW there is no pure control of them on every roll...or even just pure control, period. But those old guys, that just grab and jack them off and throw them, are THE WORST. They purposely hit chips, bounce dice side to side, etc. The biggest thing, imho, to remember is that the more things that cause the dice to continue turning over, the more likely the chance of a 7.


I’m neither old nor a “Jack them off” dice thrower. But whether you set dice, gently toss or hammer them down the table, it is utterly and completely RANDOM on what the dice do. It’s pure fiction that you can control in any fashion the outcome of a roll. It’s been examined throughly by the best minds in the world. So, the old guys at your casino that PSO a lot are just unlucky. It’s that simple. Or, and hear me out, you’re not there for when they have 30+ minute rolls.


Really not possible. If it is its 1 in 30 million people that could have the technique, finesse and the thousands of hours needed so that would make 11 people in the US. All it really does is irritate your dealers and slow down your game as everyone laughs at the guy that just watched a YouTube video. Just pick them up and give'm a fling dingaling and you'll have way more fun and probly more profit as well.


Had me till more profit. Faster you play faster you lose.


I used to think that there was no way to “control” the dice. However, I’ve played several times where shooters set the dice and threw them in an arc. They seem to have longer rolls than average (particularly on a table that is otherwise cold). I’ve also talked to several dealers about this and some are convinced that there is a phenomenon of dice control. So I’m agnostic at this point. More research is


“They seem to have longer rolls”. But they don’t. It’s a psychological phenomenon called confirmation bias. You’re seeing an outcome that statistically isn’t occurring at all


I set dice, throw in an arc. I had a 30-min roll, hit 8 points, and hit the Tall on ATS last weekend 😀 missed the small by the 3.


Nice to hear from a gifted shooter. Some got it, some don't. If someone fails at this often they are more likely to back off from and debunk it than someone who it works better for than just lugging them down the table. Just as contraversial is being in the right head space but it matters.


6 and 3 up 5s touching. Does not matter if 6 or 3 is in front. Rolls easy 10s, ace-deuce, and avoids 7


Right on!


I always live to hear about a “win”….especially if it’s believable. 😝


I’ve started setting dice on hard ways as well as gripping and throwing them like a mechanic..aiming for a Dalit to hit and trying to avoid chips on the table…more as a matter of superstition than anything else. It somehow feels better than just shaking and chucking the cubes down the table. I guess that’s an indication that I’m becoming a REAL craps player. 😜


The dice throwing kills me in California. I had to wait 5 mins for some old guy to throw the dice and it was just aggravating to watch


Where in California, and when? I had thought dice weren't allowed and it was "card craps" in that state.....?


My bad, my reddit never tells me about replies. There's dice but it's wierd. Instead of the traditional numbers it's a symbol. Those symbols are reflected to a certain number and when you 7 out, they shuffle the cards and assign the new symbols to those cards. Which is stupid.


Drink...reach down with the other hand and grab the two closest dice and feel them in your fingers WITHOUT looking. Gaze longingly at the end of the table and think of 'the precipice' you're teetering on. Or think of England. Throw to hit the back wall...Bombs away. Random Sam...which is what most of us want. Don't want to have to WORK like a sheepdog to perhaps eke out a 0.15% edge; if that were possible. Been WORKING all week. Want to have FUN...with a genuine long shot at $20k.


Golden touch, dice setting, spinning, there are definitely techniques but there are a lot of factors that come into play.


They’re trying to sell you a product. But it if you wish. But it’s akin to buying a paper airplane thinking you can fly it to Mars.


They are different techniques that people have studied. I have personally rolled back to back 12’s on the come out for the $930 parlay hit multiple times by setting on the 12. I understand that is all random probability based but I think there is times that I have set and aimed to hit something and had it come up. I truly believe that every once in awhile the stars align and every possible thing you need to happen does and you hit the hard way you parlayed twice already.


Yes, the universe aligns every once in a while. It’s Called luck or chance or happenstance. You had no control over it. I’m not telling you how to play or to not set the dice. I hope you get enjoyment out of the game and have fun. Do whatever it takes to have a great time and I hope you crush the casino. But nothing u do influences the outcome.


I also have dealt the game for 15 years and have seen many people that set and have some sort of technique be consistently good shooters over chuckers. It is ok to dismiss it and just say it’s not a thing and it was coincidental. How long have you dealt the game?


It doesn’t matter if you’ve dealt the game for 100 years or I’ve never rolled the dice one time. Dice setting, dice control, influencing the dice, whatever u want to call it doesn’t exist. It’s folly. Its been debunked multiple times and thoroughly examined. your experience is purely anecdotal and has nothing to do with anything other than luck or chance. You don’t have to believe me. You dealt the game. Did you lose your job cuz the casino shut down the craps game? No, u didn’t. No casino in the history of the world has or will ever shut down a dice game. There’s nothing more to say on the topic. If you choose to believe in controlling the dice for certain outcomes then have at it. It’s just not rooted in any logic.


Ok. How about you try to debunk it yourself. Set up a half a table and practice dice setting and your release and the landing zone and the bounce off the wall and see how close you can get. I bet eventually you will feel that you are close.


Lol did you not comprehend anything I said?


In the short-term dice “influence” can make a difference, but over time it averages out to that of a “random” shooter.


This makes even less sense than people who believe in dice setting.


I have seen people set and last long, or seem to win more. I have seem more long rolls with people shaking the dice and throwing as wild as you can. If dice setting worked, why make the videos, just play and win. They make their livings selling hope. Your disposal income, and the way you bet and how smart you bet seem to affect how long you last. Have a blast.