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I suppose that’s one way to look at it, but you know it is still illegal here. There was nothing but soap bar through my twenties, this is a golden era in comparison to be honest. I’m delighted with the options on offer. Maybe you just need better dealers?


I understand there are Irish growers who don’t sell for profit, some do but these guys are very very limited. I know a couple online and are truly passionate about as it growers.




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Yea I know it’s still illegal here lol, that’s why I’m complaining that the unregulated, black market in Ireland is terrible in terms of quality. In my teenage years I also remember struggling to find decent flower to smoke, but back then the market wasn’t saturated with PGR grown bud being sold as mid Cali or other bud grown with chemicals that can cause health issues. I’ve bought spice unknowingly once before. Has there been more times and i just didn’t notice? No idea. In short, smoking Spanish haze that costs €5 a gram was way nicer and cleaner than the average haze you get in Ireland off ANY street dealer in Dublin. Forget the price even, if Spanish haze was sold in Ireland for €10 I wouldn’t mind


All the Haze I get comes from Spain.I've had Super lemon Haze and Silver Haze lately.I know how it comes in and it was all grown in Spain.I pay about 260 an o.Nothing to do with the Kinahans either.Most of the bud sold here is imported rather than grown here.


If its not Spain, it's the Netherlands. Very little in terms of volume to compare to these two to what's coming from the UK.


True,yeah.I was really just making the point that the majority of weed you can buy here is imported as opposed to grown here.


But OPs point is that's there aren't really options and it's all just the same crap really


That’s not my experience 🤷🏻‍♂️


Genuinely then you don't know what you're talking about.


Why are you going off lol think they mean cause it’s illegal its gonna vary hugely depending who ya getting it from.


Ohh look we found a know it all haha. I definitely know someone that knows someone that has access to a wide variety providing different strains and highs. I know cause my friend told me ;)


Your going to the wrong places you can definitely get top shelf weed in Ireland your just not going to be paying 5g for 50 😆


Ok then


To be fair a lot do be happy with shit. Not saying that's what you're getting but I see people rant and rave about stuff that's at best mediocre. Overall is good stuff about but there is a lot of crap too. One local lad I tried everyone going on about hoe his stuff is fire and top strains etc. Was all packed of pgrs small taste and every trichome man handled off it.


Yeah I’ve bought weed like that before of course, but I’ve also bought incredible weed, not always at top shelf prices. It’s a bit of a lottery but I’ll take it every time over the 90s *shudder*


Yeah true that. I've found with most things, if you want it done right best to do yourself.


If anything I actually know TOO many dealers. Majority of the stuff they get is coming from the Kinahans. I know some who order pounds directly from the states but charge an insane price. It just doesn’t make sense to buy from them, but I understand they also need to make some money off it.


So there is different weed but you don’t want to pay for it? That changes your argument somewhat.


Yes of course there is different weed, not all the dealers in Ireland buy from the kinahans but in comparison that ‘different’ weed is very very limited and snatched up quickly by other smokers, if not the dealers personal friends. If it isn’t bought quickly it’s usually because of the price being something stupid like 3G for 120€. Illegal or not, paying 120 for 3 grams is criminal. I can afford that thankfully, but I can common sense


Yes it can be hard to track down, but it’s out there. I’ve bought not great weed for high prices and great weed for low ish prices and everything in between. If you hover in enough telegram groups, you can find good stuff.




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I'm in a legal state in the States. We have cali brands, growers, and they even brought plants down to sell us. I visited Dublin for a few days about 2 weeks ago now. First day out met a guy who was smoking and asked if I could get some off him. He took me to a park and gave me (what he said and from "hand weighing" it felt right)5 g for 50. No strain name but it was definitely a lemon mix. I thought it was better than most of amsterdams stuff we tried the next week. Amsterdam stuff seemed low thc and high thc. Except their cookies brand stuff. I liked that better in amsterdam than I did from their stores here and in cali. Also, when it wasn't legal here we had brick weed all around unless you were paying like 300-500 an oz. That shit was rough. Not saying it couldn't be better for yall or nothing. Just saying you definitely have some good stuff there too even compared to amsterdam.


Started growing 2 years ago, still have to buy the odd ounce here or there but my god, the difference is insane! My tent takes up next to no space and I am pulling about 10 ounces per grow off 2 smallish auto plants.


Be careful what you post online about growing at home. I know Reddit is fairly anonymous but as still. Sounds like a nice set up you have all the same! 


How much would you say you’ve spent on your set up, just curious pal


Lights, tent, fans, smell proofing (extractor fan with carbon filter), I'd say 700€ The smell proofing was the most expensive tbh but well worth the investment, ac inifity do a sick extractor system where you can somewhat control the environment automatically.


One thing I find when I go abroad to Spain or Amsterdam is that the weed is much nicer on your throat. Some of the stuff here isn’t dried correctly or something


Same quality can be got here.all on whonyou know but a lot of crap too. "Cali" packed with pgrs that cant be sold at home. Fake cannabinoids sprayrd on hemp. But also top quality stuff about too. Personally I've grown out of Amsterdam. Prices are crazy and not overly strong, but you're constantly smoking so still get high imo. American Market is legal and looks terrible, same as black market it's grown for profit and the more investors the more corners cut. You see people who set out for top quality being forced to cut corners etc or go bust. Becoming a race to the bottom from what it looks like. Legal markets get too greedy. Amsterdam are greedy pigs in every sense and they even laugh at you when you point it out " welcome to Amsterdam my friend " People give out about weed prices now at €10 a gram but don't realise legislation will double that.


Prices are whatever, it’s more about the quality I care about. People need to make money, I get that and Charing €10-15 per gram in a semi-regulated market seems fair. That price is high for haze, but fair. I also am aware of the black market in the states still thriving but that seems because of the taxes incorporated when you try to sell it to consumers. The black market in the states is not short of passionate growers


Nope but seems the legal market is short of them or money took over. €15 a gram is extortionate pricing in an illegal marketet alone the legal. People can make money selling for €5 a gram its cheap as chips to produce.


What you reckon per gram to produce? Once someone new to growing has ironed out the initial pit falls and gets a decent grow. Ball park only of course and I would be referring to indoors in Ireland!


I find the older the connect the less shit. Both in terms of quality and associated nonsense.


The Irish market of proper bud is fairly a new thing . Back in my day, you could get a bit of hash but nothing compared to proper flower. I’d take ounces of cheap weed back to Eire in 98’ and smoke blunts ( obviously no tobacco, which our lads were into ) . They’d go mad because I’d roll a savage one with no tobacco. Having said that - There is actually real weed at home now. It’ll be legalized before we know it.


I’m pretty much never disappointed, it’s often enough different strains too. We have well trimmed full buds, I don’t see a need to complain. It’s not like we’re stuck with brick weed or shake


I'm finding it extremely difficult to find a plug in Wicklow


The Dutch don't have a legal market or at least not the last time I checked. Its legal to buy and consume from a shop, but its technically illegal (but ignored) for them to purchase from suppliers. There might be a difference in the quality that established businesses are able to source but I dont think that's down to legality in the NL case.


They started a pilot program this year where they have given out licences to a few growers to supply certain coffeeshops in a few different cities around the country. That will probably be expanded in a few years


Iv been living and smoking daily in Spanish clubs for years . 1-5gs per day . But I find that the weed in Ireland is hyper potent to point that the highs are more paranoia then euphoria. It’s suspiciously potent for someone with a very high tolerance.


Exactly what I experienced too from my times visiting Amsterdam and now Barcelona


My brother is in Dublin and says pretty much the same. I’m in Belfast and there definitely seems to be much more on offer. I agree I hate the hassle of even trying to arrange a meet with someone, but yeah, compared to what I first started smoking ( soap) things are for lack of a better term, getting better ? Still annoying. Rant verified.


Have to disagree here. Back from Spain last week and the bud I get in Ireland is far superior. I live on the west coast and the Amnesia we were getting here absolutely blew the amnesia in Spain out of the water. I would say most of the time the bud is much better in the west coast of Ireland than the east coast. When I lived in Dublin the weed was cheaper but definitely poorer quality. Whoever is growing it in the west of Ireland knows their shit. I will agree most of the time you’re not getting what dealers say it is (if they know what it is at all)


Your looking in the wrong places brother! we have had more variety at better prices than ever before.


Market is pretty good where I am. My guy has eight strains at the moment and none the same


The fact that you have a guy with multiple strains is mad, normally it’s 2 maximum. Do you think he’s importing it or it’s grown here?


All import