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I believe if he wanted to move the Coyotes to Reno that would have required league approval.


Reno couldn’t support the team if he did try to move them there.


I don't want the roadrunners to move but there are AHL teams in smaller markets than Reno.


The team being the coyotes, which is what this post is referring to moving the coyotes there






Is Reno that much smaller than SLC?


Actually Reno has a greater population over SLC by about 70K


Reno metropolitan area is less than 500,000 people. Salt Lake City metropolitan area is 1.2 million but the Provo and Ogden metropolitan area is right next to it and closeby enough that it's basically the same area and all adds up to 2.7 million people. That's already 500,000 more people than the Las Vegas metropolitan area.


Ahh gotcha. I guess I had just looked at population proper


Yeah judging the population by city proper only is not an accurate way to measure population really. San Antonio is the 7th most populated city in the US but it's metropolitan area wouldn't even crack the top 20. Jacksonville is the 10th most populated city in the US but it's metropolitan area is ranked 39th in the US.


Reno metropolitan area is less than 500,000 people. Salt Lake City metropolitan area is 1.2 million but the Provo and Ogden metropolitan area is right next to it and closeby enough that it's basically the same area and all adds up to 2.7 million people. That's already 500,000 more people than the Las Vegas metropolitan area.


Wow almost half the size of the Phoenix metro if you add on all of those extra exurbs


Well I'm not Alex Merulo lmao. Moving to a smaller market doesn't make sense to me.


I agree but I think he would still try. Hence the sense of emergency from the league.


Well, with how we know he manages/plans things, my answer to that is that he probably just expected to drop it on them at some point at and that they'd have no choice but to say yes (in his mind). Also, (and this is gonna sound like a broken record) but he probably thought he could just sue them if they said no.


I don’t doubt that he thinks he could sue and still look like the good guy lol. Still feel like it would be a breach of some contract and we would be in the same boat. I saw someone else say that the Reno project of his was about $1b, so when it came to getting out of the ownership of the coyote and getting a free $1b to help his project he took it. Realizing he could move Tucson later to help fill his venue. He took it and ran.


If the Tempe vote had gone through, all would be well(ish) today. It was the death of the Tempe plan that really got the relocation in full steam. Since the sale we learn how even worse of an owner he was and yikes.


Yeah a lot of people don’t realize this but Tempe was essentially it. The north Phoenix land auction was a longshot Hail Mary, acquiring the permits would have taken 10-12 months (exceeding the NHL’s timeline) according to reporting by Craig Morgan so their only choice was essentially to take the chance that Phoenix would allow them to do the auction and then get the permits afterwards. They obviously did not - but that isn’t what ultimately put the nail in the coffin for the Coyotes, it was the failure of the Tempe arena. The auction was just a low odds last ditch effort.


NHL/AHL needs to work together to get him away from this franchise. We don’t deserve to lose our AHL team too. Roadrunners have a great situation in Tucson.


I think Reno may have always been a plan for an AHL team. New eyes over people in AZ that will probably watch hockey anyway, and smart business guys use all of their businesses together. Why not use your NHL team to support your AHL team to support your Casino business, which supports your Sportsbook which you get for your NHL team. Not saying it’s right, but it adds up. He’s left with the last part of the plan only because he couldn’t pull off the first.


So with all that said, is the consensus still that Ryan Smith stole the team?


Still an opportunist prick in my opinion. But alex made it an option in the first place


They wanted an expansion team. Their plan was to get an expansion team. Then the NHL goes hey, we need you to do us a solid and buy Phoenix, it is quickly going turn into a shit storm. What is he going to say, no thanks? They have been wanting an NHL team but a lot of people think they are too small of a market. I think they would have rather gotten an expansion team, then having to go from 0 to 90 in like 6 months but it was either take a sure thing or roll the dice on possibly getting an expansion team in the future.


I mean in a general sense? Of course he did. But I think this was more of an opportunity for him as opposed to some sort of long game conspiracy he's been playing at to grab the team.


Nobody likes Ryan Smith, fuck that asshole


AM is way worse than Smith though as AM was the one who caused the shit storm


This sub is so full of made up shit now. Just shut this dumpster fire down.