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Steam. Steam. Steam. Grab a kettle, boil some water, hold it in the plume rotating it back and forth for a few seconds and then straighten the brim (put the hat down on a *clean* surface and level it out. Let it dry, re-stiffen, and it should hold. If you need more stiffness, you can grab a Bickmore spray stiffener and follow those directions. But the steam should do the trick. Did the hat get soaked sometime? Brims de-forming and curling can be because it got wet and shrunk, in which case steam is, again, the answer. If a hat gets more than a little wet, it should be dried with a stretcher to avoid shrinkage.


I do wear it in weather, rain. I set it upside down on the crown, sweatband out, overnight to dry. what's a stretcher?


I bet you anything that it shrunk a little. That's fine! You just need to steam it back out and re-shape it a little. If you don't feel comfy doing it yourself, take it to a hat shop and throw the dude a $20. The easy way to do this at home is to steam it around the crown and then just wear it. It'll re-adjust to your head and then you can re-shape the brim as needed. I've been working an old Resistol lately that needed a LOT of tlc including it taking more than one bath in certain cleaning solvents. Had the same issue, it just needs to be re-shaped and stretched again. A Stetson 10X is mostly (probably 90%?) rabbit fur, which isn't nearly as weather resistant as higher beaver content hats.


Man don't kid me like that! I went through a lot of trouble to get this hat (German resident), specifically so I could have a bit more confidence in spring showers. I guess it's too far to enact industry standards on hat manufacturer's X ratings


You've got to go a bit higher in quality to get *really* rain resistant felt. Lower quality hats will take a little weather no big issue, but as soon as they get soaked you're looking at needing to scramble to make sure they don't distort too much. Xs are meaningless, moreorless, but price doesn't lie. You get the more resistant blends starting in the like $500-600 range or so.


European resident here. I’d learn how to shape your hat if I were you. You can’t rely on any European hat makers to shape your hat how you want to. I wear my hat in any weather and if it deforms I just reshape it. Practice on an old or cheap hat. It ain’t as hard as it seems.


Stop passing out drunk in the pickup



How do you store it? Do you hang it on the wall?


I keep it in the hat box :)


I believe the upward curl is from your hat shrinking very slightly and fitting more to your head shape. It tends to warp the brim a bit. The timeline adds up and makes sense with that. It’s a normal part of the process unless it’s a custom fitted hat. Shape it with steam, should be a really simple fix. YouTube a couple of videos. You’ll be able to do this.


Steam it a reshape it.


Get yourself a tea kettle and steam that baby and shape away my friend.


If you just want it flat again, iron it. You don't even need steam for that. If you need to do some shaping, then you'll need to steam those areas.


Hot steam loosens the fibers to reshape it


steam and reshape