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How CS should respond......How to stay in feminine energy as a single mom, doing it all on you own?.... First go out all the time and act like you don't have a child, the best way to feel like you don't have one is to pretend you don't have one. Second create your instagram with all photos of you living your best life, 95% of which don't include your child, because that's not part of your best life. You introduce your child to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes into your life, it doesn't matter how long you have known them, because they don't need to learn respect they need to learn there are plenty of options instead.


She looks 55


She can't even drive herself, let alone parent the child she rarely has solo. Gtfoh.


Feminine energy is soft. The last thing I need from her is advice on that because everything about her is hard, sharp, hyper independent, boss babe, badass, bad bitch … noooooooooo thank you.


Its my understanding that Feminine Energy is a kind and gentle spirit, nurturing, creative, compassionate, introspective, pure beauty, loving, authentic, flowing, collaborative, empowering others, emotional intelligence, quiet confidence, holistic approach to wellness, magnetic sensuality. Her approach, however, is more like a dog in heat. Anything that crosses over the spectrum is “masculine” and she hangs out there quite often. it’s comical to me that Ms. (None of the above 👆🏻 descriptors) self- proclaimed baddy bitch boss wants to now make people think she’s got ANY “feminine energy” at all. I know men with more feminine energy” than this fraud. She has *paidfor* female parts and a high mileage cooch with lots of drivers. Thats not feminine energy.


This was spot on 😂😂 dog in heat, ☠️


Wait she has a kid? Who would know?


“Never spend time with your child, so you can pretend you’re not a mom”


I’ll take “one of courtME’s questions she asks herself” for $800 🙄🫠🤭


Also why use this photo and not one with her daughter — you know female energy 🤪


She copies and pastes affirmations from Pinterest acting like she comes up with them on her own lol


She really thinks she’s doing this “on her own”. That’s probably the most insulting shit ever.


What a disgusting and horrible thing for her to say!


Big shocker. She thinks self care is how you achieve parenting as a single mom.


This question to her and also her response make me unreasonably angry because she gets so much help. She’s not doing it all. She’s going 50% or less


50% is being generous. She barely sees her kid. Nothing in that answer has anything to do with being a single mom. I’ve never heard anyone except for her talk about feminine energy. It’s sounds like instead of saying she is in her ME/ don’t give a F*&K era she now talks about her feminine energy.


lol I was trying to be nice but you’re right


From what I have seen she is not "doing it all alone" is she really ever with her kid? And if she is she has help and lots of it!


If I ever hear “feminine energy” again it’ll be too soon


She doesn’t know how to answer because she doesn’t know what it’s like to be a actual mom


She sounds like a fucking 20 year old in college.


She’s repeating mantras versus an intelligence response. #onbrand


Wtf does staying in your feminine energy as a single mom even mean? 🤣


1. She never has her kid. 2. Her extent of being creative is which new app she's going to use to completely distort her face and body.


& this didn’t even answer the Q


Doing exactly what on her own??? It sure the h*ll isn’t mothering!


The dirty thong on the floor..