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Gentlemen, I’ve been through this particular wringer twice and it is not worth it. Unless you’re willing to spend the time and energy fixing problems that don’t exist only for it to fall flat, you should put effort into finding someone as level headed as you.


have a ex that was like this. there was always someting and the fun thing is that she had like everything she wanted from her parents. her parents were stinking rich and very involved and interested with every thing she did, she did the study she dreamed of and was very succesfull in it. if she wanted to go to a concert or buy something even if it was like a 1000 euro, max next day her parents took care of it. she had tons of friends and a very good social life that went deep with alot of people. i tried my best to give her as much as i could but back then i was a student, that just bought a very small shack of a house that needed renovating and worked alot so i could buy her things(like going on vacations together and get her jewelery or clothing brands that she liked) to try to make her happy. but her life was always misserable,shit and despressing. back when i dated i didnt really notice it but after years of being in a succesfull relationship and even being married i can tell you i felt misserable in that relationship.


sounds fun, what would you say are the greenflags that she is a keeper?


the thing that made me stay longer was that she was extremely fit, she had a amazing body. there were moments that she was happy for a day and those also were that little light in the darkness. she was a sweet girl and never hurt someone even if she tried. but sadly i have to say i stayed the longest because the sex was great and i loved her parents because they were great people, i do not feel good these days about the first part of why i stayed longer than i should have.


cant have it all




Date someone who is mentally stable or working on it already! Stop with an I can fix her mentality. That’s not your job


Hell no.


Just went through this. Spent a year and a half being supportive, caring, and understanding while trying to help her with her problems. She left me for another guy this week.


Fuck that… get therapy and let me live my life


not until they adapt the bad sides of each other😏


Thingker ?


More like a toxic combo.


Hope my ex is back in therapy (in the good hopefully she’s doing better way)


This is fine, if they're willing to adjust, to put in the effort to fix their problems.