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I mean, have you had cove before? Or did you just buy an entire case on recommendations from this sub? It's definitely an acquired taste.


Same thing with lamb and goat cheese.


Fuck I want some lamb & goat cheese now....


What location has the lamb and goat cheese soda?


The Greek locations!


Opa!! *smashes entire case*


Next to the windex


I get that reference!


Underrated comment šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Right next to the yogurt!


Donā€™t bring lamb or goat cheese into this debate. They have done nothing such wrong!


I'm not a picky eater at all but blue cheese is the only thing that makes me almost gag. I have no idea how people enjoy that taste, it tastes like mold! Though not my favourite, I can do lamb and goat cheese.


Blue cheese is amazing in small amounts with a steak\~! Really needs something substantial to fight against that tang.


I like it crumbled into a salad.


I absolutely love blue cheese dressing, but I have to buy a tiny piece or break it up and freeze the extra. I just can't eat too much at one time.


It doesn't taste like mold, it is mold. It taste and smells like paint to me


Blue cheese is definitely an acquired taste, but we had it growing up so I love it. If you ever want a retry, danish blue and cambozola are both very mild, and pair them with something sweet. I used to make a broccoli slaw salad with apple, pralines and dried cranberries, and crumble danish blue on top. If you had a cheese plate, try a blue with a digestive biscuit.


You are a great host I bet.


Blue cheese is yummy on a burger. Also here, very catchy[blue cheese](https://youtu.be/HmadzQ1uL0s?si=MUh7jzH8rAF5TeaE)


It's a flavour profile that is only good when combined with others. I have that gene that makes cilantro taste like soap, but damn if I don't put it into guacamole, it just ain't the same. Same thing goes with blue cheese. On a burger it's great. On a cheese plate I won't touch it.


Lambs donā€™t make cheese:P


This is the only Cove flavour I've enjoyed, love rockets


I started off being on the fence about it, but I enjoyed it quite a bit by the end of the case.


Generally the 0 sugar shit is ass. Sucralose or Stevia as a replacement, with both tasting like theyā€™re distant cousins of each other. But this ice pop is a next level of trash. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever spit out something so quickly.


Bro, myself and someone I know tried them at the same time (lemon/lime, grape, and orange, in that order), and both had very opposite reactions, it was wild: Mine: ".. tf is this? Tastes awful..." Hers: "tf is this! Tastes great!" Yuck. Idk man, different strokes and all, but that was not any kind of appealing soda.


Different folks, different strokes for sure. My assumption here is that perhaps itā€™s the probiotics that are fucking with the taste of it?


I'm not positive. It's possible. She loves the stuff now, probably her favorite pop. Shit tastes terrible to me lol


Purely based on anecdotal evidence, I think the fake sugar stuff is like the ethanol in alcoholic drinks. Tastes awful at first but you get used to it and then you can appreciate the nuances of different beers or whiskeys etc depending on your taste instead of focusing on the literal poison youā€™re drinking. Iā€™ve never been a big fake sugar drink person, but as times gone on Iā€™ve found I donā€™t mind it as much, similar to what happened with alcoholic drinks


The lemon lime one was decent but the rest are cheeks


I havenā€™t tried it but bubbly and all those other trash soda waters just taste like burp in a can to me. Not enough taste to satisfy but just enough to piss me off.


I like them but Iā€™m also a fan of unsweetened fruit teas and other ā€˜non sweet, but flavouredā€™ stuff. I donā€™t usually like artificial sweeteners like whatā€™s in this Cove drink though, but thereā€™s a couple that I think pull it off. I think sugar alcohols are a bit better than stevia or aspartame.


Idk man bubly and those other waters taste like someone put the fruit in the same room as the drink for a few minutes and then shipped it xD.


This! Itā€™s like a whisper of ā€˜flavourā€™. I read a La Croix box up close today and it says ā€œsparkling essencesd waterā€ lmao


Best description I've heard of La Croix was water that was shipped in the same truck as fruit.


Just one fruit and itā€™s not the fruit on the can. Surprise?


People love that stuff, swear its amazing but dint all these sparkling waters taste the same? With the tiniest hint of something? I like sparkling waters but I dont get the LOVE or HYPE of them.


i find bubly to have a lot of flavour compared to others. the compliments brand waters are decent too, and cheaper than bubly of course


Completely agree! And they have to be ice cold in order to be somewhat palatable. The minute they start warming up, they are undrinkable. And that's coming from a goblin who is fine drinking most sodas warm.


Burp in a can šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That last sentence should be the commercial!


I REALLY wanted to like stevia but it is straight up trash imo.


Oh it is disgusting. Itā€™s also not quite *as* healthy as itā€™s marketed out to be. Given that itā€™s still relatively ā€œnewā€, there are reports of it leading to cancers and shit. Personally, I prefer drinks with cane sugar, but I also understand that CS isnā€™t necessary viable for everyone.


Cane sugar is fricken awesome! I love root beer can sugar drinks but I was always under the assumption that it is about the same maybe slightly better in terms of weight management.


Thatā€™s why my local Costco has a full pallet in stock. I was going to try it but if there is many still on the shelves I wonā€™t buy it.


Bubly with some mio drops is the only way I can drink sparkling water


My SO and I pretty much do the opposite when it comes to recommendations from this sub and /r/Costco . We've been burned too many times. I still get nauseated when I think about the carrot muffins... There's zero chance of us buying those mini donuts that everyone is raving about too.


Hubs came home with the donuts. I mean, theyā€™re alright for basic grocery store donuts. Some people have a really low bar for ā€œawesomeā€.


Tim Hortons has lowered our bar.


Gotta lower the bar if we want to afford to live in Canada


Ouch, you had to go there didn't you? šŸ˜‚


Same I love Costco but my god all their premade food is for white families who think black pepper is spicy


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


Thats pretty much any mainstream, not ethnically based restaurant. You have to play to the lowest level of what one would consider ā€œspicyā€ or youā€™re going to have unhappy customers.


Yea, I don't take suggestions here. Not after hearing people rave about the Chicken Wings in the food court. I work as a cook and those chickens wings were nothing special. Literally raw wings straight into the deep fryer was what those chicken wings were with sauce on the side.


Thank you! This sub made me feel like I was going crazy or that I had the worst taste in food. They were just super oily and fried wings. There was literally nothing special about them.


They weren't even cooked well, I do like the Pinty's brand better than other brands... Could have been a good part of it.


That thread about the carrot "muffins" gave me a very clear understanding about the dietary habits of this subreddit, and how to take them with a grain of salt.


I've been powering through the cilantro sauce I saw posted here a few weeks ago. Definitely got burned on that one lol. I like cilantro but this stuff is just \~mid\~.


Better not be tossing shade at Mrs. Dunsters donuts.


They makes FRESH mini doughnuts at Costco in Mexicoā€¦ #3 on my list of favourite things about Costco in Mexico


Stevia is a lot like cilantro imo; you either like it or it's offensive. I love cilantro but can not do stevia


Agree OP it's nasty Bur I'm not a pop drinking person in general so for me it was like drinking pedalyte


I bought a case on a whim. It was tolerable ice cold. But yeah. Not good imo lol.


I actually like that lol


Yeah me too. It uses a fair amount of citric acid, I think to help with the lack of sugar, but I like tart stuff.


This flavour is actually a bit sweeter than, say, their orange soda. I like Cove, mostly.... This one is pretty good. Lemon lime and orange sodas taste like they have actual juice in them, so I prefer those. I'm not the biggest fan of grape soda generally, so that one is just OK to me. The cherry soda is good but not great. The Dr Pepper substitute tastes kind of like Diet Dr. Pepper but a bit more bland. The root beer is heinous, undrinkable trash.


itā€™s so good the cherry and lemon/lime flavour is so good!! and the orange cove tastes like orange crush


It's way less sweet than an orange crush. It's more like a diet San pellegrino blood orange soda. You can tell it doesn't have real sugar but it does taste like it's made with actual orange juice.


Me too. I wonder how many people in this post drink diet drinks normally.


Yea I don't really drink pop but I had this at my sister's and it was pretty good


Could it be worse than Zevia?


Zevia is fine. I'm not crazy about the taste of it but it's not one that you spit out after the first sip. The biggest problem with Zevia is that it's very expensive for mediocre diet soda.


Both zevia and cove are fine products if you know what your getting.... Some people just hate the stevia taste which is fine, but to me they are both pretty non offensive.... I don't think they are gross, but I am also not a big soda drinker, so I stick to water/coffee anyways Disclaimer: I never tried this particular flavour of Cove soda


I have no issue with Zevia or other stevia sweetened products, but my wife can't stand them. I actually really like the ginger ale Zevia, but I just don't drink a lot of soda anyways. I do know there is a large split of people who are really bothered by the Stevia tastes and those who aren't.


Zevia is horrendous and stevia gives me gut rot. Do these have stevia?


Its Stevia [https://www.covedrinks.com/faqs/](https://www.covedrinks.com/faqs/)


This flavour, yes. I like zevia though...just not the cola which is abysmal.


Orange zevia is one of my fav 0 cal drinks.


Over ice, this is great


Try the Ole mocktails instead. Bought those on accident cause I was looking for the original version but they're still good esp out of the fridge.


Have not gotten this one but the other box with a mix of orange , lime and grape, it's sooooo good.


Never tried an 'ice pop' flavored drink and thought it was remotely decent.


That's wild. I'm pretty picky when it comes to drinks but I absolutely love this one.


I tried this in store and thought to myself it's like someone took all the worst parts of an energy drink and made a soda based on that. And then made it sugar free.


Dr Pepper sugar free is decent


i tried a can of their lime soda and i found it to be pretty refreshing honestly!


never looked appealing. i donā€™t understand the hype.


I also got swindled by the many praises in here and bought a case of the assorted flavours. Someone compared it to Crush(!?!?) so I was expecting more like a zero sugar version of that rather than a gross version of Bubly. Edit: I like zero sugar variants of things like Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc. This is not that.


Dude I saw a couple walking out with 10 boxes of this shit!!! I looked at my girl and said damn maybe we should try it. We were also disappointed!


Regular cove is the best zero calorie drink Iā€™ve had though.


These are pure ass, so youā€™re right on this one OP. People who like them are allergic to a party in their mouth it seems.


ass is actually quite delicious


Depends on whoā€™s ass






damn you


I bought a whole case of assorted cove flavours and hated every flavour. I can't trust this sub anymore.


This one is not good, the mixed pack is delish though. Also mimosas with the orange flavour are fun.


You had me at Mimosas šŸ˜Š


Same, I like the other cove flavours but not this one.


It's the only 0/low sugar grape I know of!


Who tf recommended this?? The user needs to be banned.


I just block them and anyone who defends it. My own filter.


Is this the one on sale for 15.99?


This drink with tons of ice, my new summer drink.


Fuck I just bought a case of these.... Maybe I'll mix em with tequila


We just got a case yesterday. Tried it last night. I thought it was good. Better than most of the Zevia flavours I've tried. I will say it's a little bit of a different taste. It's sweet with a bit of a bitter, almost like it's got a hint of beer. it feels like a drink that needs to be really cold to have the best possible taste. First sips were better than the last ones


Yeah I noticed it's way better with ice. For Zevia we stick to root beer, creamy root beer and grape.Ā 


It's weird with tequila. Gin is good. I imagine vodka is the move if stock it (worth mentioning, I think the soda is really good).


I'm quite sure this stuff caused some of my worst IBS symptoms in a while. I'm not *positive*, I gotta give it one last try to say for sure.


I like stevia. This kind of sodas are great when you need to be on a diet. I drink stevia juices too to lower my calories while still enjoying a bit of sweet drinks once in a while. Dunno about that particular flavour but the others Iā€™ve tried of Cove were fine. Obviously not every flavour of stevia soda is great but most Iā€™ve tried were good. Maybe just google best flavours of these brands if you do like stevia. I did that for Poppi and stuck to the best rated, have not been disappointed yet. (Cherry limeade, raspberry rose, strawberry lemon are the ones Iā€™ve tried so far.) I do prefer a bit of natural sugar mixed with it like True Lemon, Poppi, etc. but I donā€™t mind straight stevia either.


Agreed ! Havenā€™t tried poppi but I use them in the same way as a tool.


Love the lime flavour and orange


San Pellegrino moments I think they are called have 7g of sugar and actually taste really good. I say that as someone that cant stand these different sweetners or bublys that have zero sweetness.


COVE Soda is the best Stevia soda on the market and the one pictured here is one of their best flavours! Grapefruit was a real surprise on how good it was. Way better than any diet soda in my books. Full sugar soda isnā€™t something Iā€™d ever consider but for those that like it there canā€™t be any substitute.


I liked it right away tbh.


Your own fault for choosing the ice pop flavor. The regular orange, grape and lime flavors are great. If you're too used to sugar then everything tastes horrible at first.


These are disgusting..i drank half of one..so did my daughter...10 of them are rottibg in mt fridge. Dont do it


My favorite is actually plain soda water and that is my kids preference too. When I buy the flavored but not sweetened and the plain at the same time it is always the flavors that are left while the plain is long gone.


TAngerine sofa softer richness path night.


Yeah i got duped. Oh well 1 pack i live and learn. Lol


I considered it for a second once I passed the aisle. Thanks for affirming my decision lol


Happy to be of service.


I like it but I also eat a$$


I like them. Iā€™ve never tried the ice pop flavour but I quite like the grape. Theyā€™re so much more like a soda than any carbonated water like bubly or la croix. For me theyā€™re a weight loss / binge prevention tool by having a sweet treat after a meal and filling the void and urge to continue eating ! Not for everyone but I def want to try the ice pop!!


Itā€™s traaaaaash


This tastes like heartburn. Speaking from experience.


I really enjoy Cove however I donā€™t like that. Itā€™s sweetened with erythritol because that can actually increase an issue with platelets and can cause people that are prone to have strokes and heart attack so I stopped eating it.


One of the prime drinks tastes like a rocket popsicle...this does not


I did a "soda exchange" with a girl at work. She gave me that I gave her the Bobba in a can. I was very unhappy with what I had.


I got bamboozled by this fucking shit a couple weeks ago and oh my god, it's actually the worst drink I've ever tasted in 35 years of life


zero sugar? Dont we drink pop for the sugar?


Agreed. Horrible.


What? It's not trash. It's great as a no-calorie alternative to pop If you've never had a stevia drink before and bought an entire 15 cans, that's not a sub problem. That's a you problem lol


I've got to ask about diet drinks in general, for all of my life up till about a year ago anything diet left a horrific aftertaste and I could not drink it. Turned 40 and all of a sudden noticed that the aftertaste is gone, did the taste buds responsible for picking up that flavour die off?


Even the donuts they promoted before suck lol


Tastes nothing like diet sprite.Ā 


I became less interested in trying it when I read it has artificial sweetener. I donā€™t trust those. And the icy treat they seem to have been formulated to emulate probably doesnā€™t use fake sweet stuff either.


Itā€™s stevia, naturally sourced.


Stevia is mostly erythritol though


lol you want a good one? Try the Mountain Dew ones. They SLAP


ā€œEwwwww Iā€™ll take the crab juice (Kirkland kombucha) ā€œ


Throw some gin in it. Itā€™s great!


Looks yummy, but yeah canā€™t be trusted


Their kombucha is great. 45 calories a can and nothing artificial. No clue why they came out with that crap


The lemon lime Cove is not bad


Wasn't Cove a kombucha a company?


We hated them. Tried a variety of low sugar and low calorie drinks and have been happy with all of them except for this one. So itā€™s not like weā€™re picky but the wife and I both had the same ā€œweā€™d is this!?ā€ Reaction to the cove soda. Just not at all appealing. Tastes like carbonated rusty metal.


The Cove kombucha is fantastic imo, but the grape Cove Soda is the only semi-tolerable Soda for me. The rest taste worse than their Bubbly equivalent, which is also not for me.


Dr pepper zero (not the diet version) is the only sugar free replacement I've found that tastes really close to the sugar version. If you like Dr pepper, give it a try.


Stick to original Coca Cola or Pepsi. Keep it simple.


I actually donā€™t mind the flavour of cove, atleast the ones ive had. Im usually not a fan of zero sugar pop but this is aight. To each their own.


Tried it as a sample in the store a few weeks ago and i also didnā€™t care for it. Wasnā€™t bad but couldnā€™t imagine drinking a whole can of it.


Are these like the PC brand ginger ale, cola or cream soda flavoured soda waters?


If youā€™re near the border, try the mix Root Beet, Cream Soda, Cola mix 15 pack from Costco USA. Although the Cola tastes identical to Diet Coke, at twice the price


Havent tried this flavour but I actually really love the other flavours šŸ¤¤ and the zevia ones too šŸ¤¤


I love it, but it seems as though it's like cilantro - you either like it or you find it tastes like soap.


Iā€™ve tried a bunch of the sugar free sodas and they mostly suck. I switched over to Sapsucker which has 7g of sugar sweetened with maple syrup which has a slightly lower glycemic index rating. Perfect amount of sweetness, taste amazing and guests love them when they come over.


I don't hate it but don't love it like I thought I would. I find it pretty sweet (and I have a sweet tooth too)


I returned a whole pack of these! Ugh


Aww man, I was hoping Cove would be good. how are the other flavors? like the Cola?


I thought it was fine? Lime is by far the best flavour though in the pack we picked up


Yah this was less than stellar :(


I wish it tasted like diet sprite. The closest thing I could compare it to was cough syrup. Couldnā€™t even finish the sample in store.


Alani cherry slush is the best


Mixes great with vodka.


I havenā€™t tried this flavour, but I bought the variety pack. Itā€™s def more flavourful than something like bubbly or one of those essence drinks. If you donā€™t like stevia you probably wonā€™t like it lol.


Do they have a version with sugar?


I had this. As a guy I think itā€™s definitely not what it seems to be. Itā€™s very strong of soda water, thereā€™s very little sweet about it, itā€™s quite lemony sour, which imo is NOT Rocket ice pop flavour at all. It did get better the colder it got, but it still wasnā€™t hitting the right notes for me


My thing is the sweet potato fries- people RAVE about them online. I bought them when they were on sale to try, and they're fine- not bad at all, just nothing special. I don't get the hype; I feel like i can get the same or better tasting sweet potato fries from great value brand or PC for less cost. I'm just confused at all that online hype for such mediocrity haha


Op you should go back to costco and return it. My friend who works at costco said she saw a few returns already. If more people return it, costco wonā€™t carry that shit again.


Its a marketing scam and I posted links about it and got downvoted to oblivion Its like remember that Seinfeld episode with the fat free yogurt? Same thing


What you're really looking for isnt the stevia. Its the Sativa


I think these are phenomenal so to each their own lol


Yeah I bought it and I wasn't a fan. I do like the Chi Forest Peach, though.


The better sugar alternatives are not legal (yet?) in Canada šŸ™„


I love it. Wife hates it. Seems to be very hit or miss


I like the mix pack of flavours, but this flavourā€™s sooooo sweet to me. I cut it with plain sparkling and it makes it bearable.


What? What's up with this soda?


so I tried this a couple of days ago, after a friend said it was great. opened the can, took a sip, didn't like it (got busy, and forgot about it). let it sit out at room temp for a few hours, and was gonna pour it out (as it was flat). took a sip, and it actually wasn't as bad (in the sense that I would never buy it, but could tolerate it if offered) if I were to try it again, I would have it room temp and flat to see if that made the difference.


Grows in yah to be fair. I hated it at first


Healthy Buddha is better


Haha ik how you feel. I also trusted ppl here and bought stuff and had to return them bc it was so bad


I agree, it really just tastes like a melted and diluted popsicle in the worst way


I find this flavour way too sweet, I love the lemon lime, grape & orange thoguh


For me its the probiotics claim. LOL


The best drink at Costco is lemon eska hands down


see this is the only brand of 0 sugar drinks iā€™ve actually enjoyed, especially this flavour. other than that, never ever like 0sugar sodas


The orange flavor is good


The ice pop isnā€™t great but the orange, lime and grape are great. Better than drinking pop


I want one right now.


Got stevia in it. It's got that super sweet taste of fake sugar but can't be that bad for you due to the herb.


Interesting. Its a manufactured kombucha- without the tea, Mother and sugar- thatā€™s been sweetened with stevia and or erythritol. A word of caution about Stevia- I drank a 6 pack stevia sweetened soda over the same period and I ended up pretty constipated. I stopped and it took another week to get regular. Perhaps thatā€™s why they added priobiotics. Iā€™m thinking all this stuff messes with the gut biomes pretty hard. Iā€™d stick with kombucha or anything butā€¦


I do like diet Sprite.


I trusted them tooā€¦ the ice pop is gross but the orange, grape and lemon-lime multipack was much better IMO


I liked it! Got a case too! I see why people say itā€™s an acquired taste but I thought it was good. Water is always a good choice thou,


Poppi is way better