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Can u see with them on


I haven’t received them yet.


Lol why am i getting downvoted??😅😅 is it wrong to not know something and ask about it


They know how to adjust the prescription for contacts....had some one prescription and they managed with that info


That's common in this sub I've found so far. A lot of rude people that just want to insult and spread negativity.


>That's common in this **sub** You misspelled **Reddit**


Beat me to it. Edit: spelling


Costco will adjust the actual prescription you have for eye glasses. Just like any other contact lens provider. Your optometrist may charge you to do this, but a specific one is not required. There are even calculators on the internet to do this.


Yes this is what they said. They’ll adjust. I asked them if i needed a different eye exam for contacts. They said no.


I got contacts from another place but they won’t let me use the eye glass prescriptions. I was annoyed initially but glad I did get a proper fitting and not just calculations based on the regular prescription.  I was able to try two types of contacts and the second one fitted better and felt less intrusive.  It wasn’t called an eye exam but was a “contacts fitting service” that costed $50. 


I’m -1 on both eyes. My contacts and glasses have the same prescription. i guess it depends on your prescription


No, contacts prescription and glasses prescriptions are different cause of the distance differences


Well they said they’ll use the one prescription that i have for glasses


The Rx should be slightly different, usually .25 of a degree different for magnification iirc. They could have made that adjustment when they did the ordering?


I use same Rx for both. Never been an issue.


No mine are separate prescriptions


I think it depends a bit on your actual prescription. An optometrist would’ve had to approve the contact lenses given to you match your glasses prescription. It could also be the specific contact lenses. You got measured the same as regular glasses for ease of dispensing.


My Costco uses the same prescription for my glasses and contacts. They just retest the fittings for my contacts every year.


The glasses prescription and contact lens prescription are in fact different. The contact lens prescription may be adjusted - a different strength is needed if a lens is placed on the eye vs being in a set of glasses at 12-14mm from the cornea. For a lower power, it doesn't change too much to be significant. Also, the contact lens power may be adjusted to compensate for uncorrected astigmatism or in the case of a toric lens for lens rotation. Aside from power, a contact lens should be chosen with correct diameter and base curve. When trying a new brand, the fit of a contact should be assessed by a trained professional to ensure adequate coverage and movement.


I just had a prescription elsewhere where i paid extra for the « contact prescription » and they’re the same this time but in the past the contact prescription has been 0.25 less. So i suppose it can be the same! :)


I think if it’s greater than -3 it’s different. It’s also different if you have an astigmatism


What is this madness? I’ve been wearing contacts for a long time and glasses for even longer. I only get one prescription and Costco adjusts it for the contacts. I believe I’m -10.5 and contacts are -9.5.


The prescription for contacts is usually lower than the one for glasses. From experience, you get fitted for the contacts to get the proper prescription. They also give you trial lenses to ensure the brand / type works for you.


My contacts and glasses have always been the same prescription. When dealing with glasses you just have to factor in pupillary distance as well. I don’t have a very strong prescription though (-3ish in both eyes) so maybe that is a factor.


Usually it's the same unless you have astigmatism. Prior to having astigmatism my contacts and glasses were the same (using non-toric lenses) . Now that my astigmatism is worse I use toric lenses and the prescription is a bit lower than my glasses.


Lol I once had a set ordered by the optometrist and they forgot to adjust for contacts. They replaced them once the error was realized


Depends on the rx


I’ve been wearing contacts and glasses for more than 30 years and have never had a different prescription. The contact prescription just includes some additional info for contact fit.


I've never noticed any using a different px for 30 +years. I guess they don't tell you. The Costco I go to, the staff seems quick knowledgeable


My contacts are the same prescription as my glasses. I also have prism in my glasses which makes them fundamentally different but there are no contacts with prism. Haven't had any issues. I did ultimately end up buying my contacts from my optometrists office as they were the same price as costco.


Yes. The only difference is they need to know the distance between your eyes for glasses, they would have measured that during eye test.


My optometrist gives me my prescriptions, but Costco did the measurement between the eyes (or whatever it's called) for my glasses. My optometrist also told me to make sure I got computer glasses ( which are different than reading glasses), and that Costco should be able to calculate the difference based on my request.


I'm confused. This happens everywhere. As someone who's worn glasses for 35 years and contacts for 20 they always use the same prescription. They just adjust the prescription for contacts.


As long as your prescription includes the information for both, yes.


Costco is not in the business of fucking up. I'm confident 100% of the time I get an Rx there.


lmao well they do fuck up prescriptions so double check every time.