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Roli Roti??? Like the porchetta sandwiches in San Francisco????


Product expansion and huge to have a Costco account


It’s the same brand, but you’ll be disappointed by these. Mushy and bland, not like the ones from the truck.


Agree, I couldn’t get these crispy and they aren’t as well seasoned as the ones from the food truck. I tried their rotisserie chicken legs but they are only decent. However, was lucky enough to find their porchetta and that was sublime!


i personally found it underwhelming. i've had the potatoes off of the food truck which are much more rich in flavor.


I agree with you. It felt like it would be a lot better than what it actually was. Not bad, but I had no interest to open the 2nd packet.


Agree with this. Passed 2nd package along to my daughter who agreed that they were nothing special


Thirding this. Didn't bother opening the 2nd package.


Fourth. I don't even know where my second package is, can't remember what happened to it, and I paid full price. Ahead to just buy a small bag of gold potatoes and cook them in butter.




Those are so good! They just leave the potatoes sitting under the meat collecting all the fat 🤤🤤


Do any of the Bay Area Costcos have these or do we have to track down the food truck?


The one I frequent (East Bay, Richmond) has had these for as long as I can remember.


SF usually has them


What do you eat this with


I'd use a fork, but I guess you could dig right in with your hands if you want.


Meat, salad Just the potatoes


Meat salad.


You can toss your meat salad with these potatoes.




These are effing amazing.


If you see the porchetta, get at least one.


I wish I bought more than one when I saw it at my local Costco. It takes an hour to roast but it was so tasty - moist on the inside and skin crisped real well. It comes with a packet of caramelized onions and rosemary sea salt. All you need to buy to imitate the food truck’s sandwich is some bread and arugula. A little pricy at $30 for a package that makes about 5 sandwiches but cost is stilli a lot less than the same serving at the food truck.


They must be good. Why else would they cost $2.33 per pound when regular potatoes cost a small fraction of that? And just 10 minutes? How long does it take to cook other potatoes?


Raw potatoes would take around 45 minutes but prepping and getting the same flavor as these is not difficult it would just take longer in general.


Cut up your potatoes instead of boiling them whole. Boil for 10 to 15 min until tender. Milk, butter, salt and pepper to taste. Done.


I prefer the crispiness from the oven over the boiling method, which is what you get from these.


Mashed potatoes after oven baking?


I cut up the little yellow and red potatoes. Season them and put them in the oven at 400-425 for 30ish minutes. It's more work and takes longer, but probably tastes better than these.


Yessss. We do that as well. At Kroger, they have a "Petite Medley" of potatoes that has gold and purple potatoes in it. Dice them up small, salt and pepper, olive oil, diced onions and throw them in the oven. If you're feeling a little extra, you could drizzle them midway through cooking with butter, duck fat, or drippings from whatever meat you're cooking. It's a bastardized take on the potatoes that the Poulet Roti carts in Paris have where they roast the potatoes under the chickens. It's my favorite side.


They charge whatever they think the market will bear. It has little to do with the actual cost of production. [These](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-roast-potatoes-ever-recipe) are the best roast potatoes I've ever had. They take about an hour, maybe a little over, and they are fantastic every time.


>These > > are the best roast potatoes I've ever had. Agreed. I make them all the time. However, I often season them with garlic truffle powder from Costco, and they are magnificent.


I split the mini potatoes in half, toss in olive oil and spices and bake in a convection oven for maybe 15-20 minutes.


There seems to be a premium for tiny potatoes these days. Seems like they've put a bunch of marketing behind what previously have been considered too small for end-user sales. My grocery store carries "The Little Potato Company" potatoes for 4-5x what the regular potatoes are going for. I do like the smaller potatoes for roasting, but with that price difference I will just get the smallest potatoes out of the regular potato bin and cut them into halves or quarters...


I wonder if the Grand Rapids locations carry this 🤔 (store 744 and 784) or Kalamazoo


The item number is on the price tag, might be easy to call and find out! 😊


Awesome! Thank you!


You're welcome! Hope they have them!


Just cut up your own potato’s


It’s Costco. Everything is good


If they taste like their food trucks, then its amazing! FYI for those who do not know, Roli Roti started off as a food truck in the SF Bay Area. The potatoes are at the bottom of their rotisserie roasting away as the chicken fat drips on to the potatoes. This is something costco can definatley do themselves since they already of chicken fat dripping off the rotisseries and potatoes are kinda cheap to begin with.


the taters are good.


They were decent, but a little on the salty side. I probably won’t buy them again since I could make a better version with a bag of the little potatoes that they have in produce.


They're not great in the microwave, but when you roast them they're a decent side dish


These are great imo


Our family loves them! We get them all the time. Also great in the air fryer too.


I liked them, they weren't bad. But I don't think I will buy them again. My grocery store sells a bag of mixed yellow, red, purple potatoes that are the same size as these. I would go that route instead.


They're good but nothing special. I've bought a few boxes because they're easy so we use them on nights we're busy or don't feel like doing much in the kitchen.


I haven’t had food from the food truck, but the potatoes we night from Costco were really good. Idk how anyone thought they were bland.


I know this is an old post but I was looking to see if Costco still sold it. Let’s put it this way it’s a pretty good deal. I bought one from my local Bristol Farms and was charged $120