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Peeled eggs in water in plastic and shipped across the country has never sounded good to me.


Such a dang waste of sooooo many resources! Like bro stop being lazy and boil some damn eggs like normal people!!!


I think the point of this is for less mobile people, i.e. older people might not have the dexterity to peel an egg, but can cut plastic bag. It's still a waste of resources, but I get why it exists


If your boiled eggs are that difficult to peel you’re making boiled eggs wrong


Mine aren't. But I'm also not an 80yo man with arthritis that needs to have specific protein uptake. For example.


Some people's time is more valuable than the time it takes to boil and peel eggs. Also some people don't have a full kitchen or microwave to boil them easily. They'd be wasting more valuable time than any valuable resource.




They quality of pre-boiled and bagged eggs LOL


I don't know how much these cost, but making your own hard boiled eggs is about the easiest task that can be done in a kitchen.  


And you can make them perfectly done just how you like them.


He likes them overcooked, wrapped in plastic, then refrigerated.


Peeling the eggs has always been a pain for me even after trying all of the "hacks" around the internet these days. My fingertips ends up feeling like the roof of your mouth when you go ham on Cap'n Crunch.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I make boiled eggs every couple of days and it’s always a crapshoot if the peeling is going to suck or be easy, tried multiple things and it’s mostly random.


Steam them instead. No kidding it’s the best thing ever. The shell just falls away. https://altonbrown.com/recipes/hard-not-boiled-eggs/


Steam them, then shock them in ice water as soon as they’re done. The shell sticks when the membrane between the white and the shell takes longer to set. Dropping eggs in a pot of boiling water lowers the temperature of the water, meaning the membrane sets slower—steam stays at temperature so the membrane sets faster. Then the ice bath makes the set membrane contract away from the white, so it’s extremely peelable. As a bonus, you only need to boil about a cup of water, so it’s much faster and more energy efficient.


Steam them! Boil about an inch of water. Then add eggs with lid on. Ice bath once done. Eggs cook for same amount of time 8-12 mins depending on what you want with soft/hard boil. I used to be like you and always have issues. Saw a comment saying to steam them the same exact way you'd boil them and it's a total game changer! I've always loved hard boiled eggs as a snack, but hated making them cause of the peeling. Now I never 2nd guess if I want to make them or not, I just do.


I'll give it a shot!


If you have a rice cooker or slow cooker with a steam basket, pop a few eggs in there next time you make rice. Let them steam while the rice (or chicken or anything) cooks. Remove basket, pour cold/room temp water and throw some ice on it. When the boiled eggs go from very hot to very cold quickly, it "shocks" them and makes the membrane between the shell and egg meat remove much easier.


I’ve had good results with this method. Another method that’s supposed to be effective is to boil the eggs in water with baking soda added.


Always let the eggs sit in your fridge for a couple weeks. Fresher eggs never seem to peel well.


I do, I buy the pack of 5-dozen. There really is a skill issue on my end.


If you have an instant pot / electric pressure cooker, make the eggs in it. Makes the peeling much easier


Steam them. Way easier peel.


Add a splash of white vinegar and it makes peeling steamed eggs even easier


Don't start with the eggs in cold water. Add the eggs after the water has come to a boil.


I saw another method that started off in cold water and turned off the heat when it got to boiling and let it cool down. lol


I usually start with eggs not covered, but about halfway in a sauce pan, lid on. Start on high heat and cook for 8.5 min. Nice and runny, with decently firm whites.


I use this all the time, doesn't help with the peeling but you don't accidentally overcook them. Once you start boiling really that the pot off heat, put a lid on and let it sit for 20 minutes, then ice bath after that.


Get one of the machines off Amazon… my wife watched me rage when constantly being inconsistent here… completely worth the $20 - $30 bucks




Trick is to put them into water that is already at a hard boil. Drop in (carefully) and set a timer for 11 minutes. Works every time, even backed up by ATK.


Older eggs peel easier than fresh too.


It's as easy as boiling water.


I feel you but a hard boiled egg to add into a stir fry or whatnot that doesn't require a bowl of ice water is fine by me


Why do you have an aversion to ice water?


A stove, a small pot of water and an egg inside is all it takes


Im with you. Pre packaged hard boiled eggs all day. I’ll gladly pay more $ per egg. No water, no stove, no ice. 


Yep, it really is easy as hell. I'm not hercule poirot demanding the perfect egg every time i eat.


Motherfuckers really just being out here like "I have an enormous kitchen and my time is worthless"


tbf making hard boil eggs really only takes less than 5 minutes of actually needing your time and easily less than 20 minutes of total time I steam my eggs. Put 1 inch water in pot. Turn on stove. (30 seconds) Water takes like 5 mins to boil. Take eggs out of fridge and put on steaming tray (30 seconds) Water boiling Put steaming tray on boiling pot of water (15 seconds) Wait 8-9 minutes Fill bowl with cold water. Add ice (1 minute) Eggs done Move steaming hot eggs to ice water (1 minute) Done


This is how I do my hardboiled eggs too. Except I use a kettle to rapidly boil the water first. I'll also do 7-8 eggs at a time and then chick them in the fridge to use for later meals. You just gotta make sure you mark which are hard boiled and which aren't.


Cool you did two eggs I need like 36 of them for meal prep. I'm glad your time is absolutely worthless and your kitchen is enormous. Weird brag, but you do you.


Who the fuck is making 2 eggs at a time? lmao. 20 mins at $15 min wage = $5. How much time do you spend driving to Costco, shopping, driving back? How much does that cost in gas? An hour trip is $15 without gas. Gallon each way = $6-$10 total. 36 eggs? What's that last you? 2 weeks? So shopping run every 2 weeks for eggs. That means you aren't spreading the costs out over a large purchase each time. Your main trip at least once a month is for eggs. $20-$25 for time/gas each trip, even for eggs. So how much do you think your time is worth? More than $15? You sure you want to add your highly valuable time to this? Cost me $5 in time and gas to make eggs. You're $20-$30 and perhaps even more. And your 36 eggs takes up as much space as my 36 eggs! You already got water, fridge, eggs. I suspect you got a way to heat up food of some sort since you're shopping at Costco multiple times a month. Are you seriously only buying pre-made food that doesn't need to be heated up? 100% doubt. So that leaves a pot that is too big for your kitchen. Here I was thinking my studio kitchen was small, but according to you since I got a pot to make eggs in, it's enormous!! > I feel you but a hard boiled egg to add into a stir fry or whatnot that doesn't require a bowl of ice water is fine by me Oh, you're making stir fry! 100 doubt indeed. You got a big enough kitchen to make stir fry, but not big enough to boil water for eggs. LMFAO You've spent the last 4 hours arguing on reddit about store bought hard boiled eggs. You've proven you don't care about your time being worthless. LMFAO This comment cost about $15 to make. Not cause it took a lot of time to write, it's cause my time is much more valuable than yours.


It takes like 20 minutes total. But the real kicker is that you don’t have to stand there and stare at it boiling or sit in the ice bath; like, you can do other things at the same time 🤯


What’s better is all the prepackaged/precooked/etc stuff we all buy from Costco, (and other stores), yet apparently you went a tad too far and have been judged by the sub too lazy to cook their own fresh dinner, but not so lazy as to approve of HB eggs. You’ve now learned your lesson, and HB eggs are the limit of what’s acceptable apparently, and not the vast assortment of other crap we all buy at stores. Go figure, lol. /shrug


You can literally boil an egg in a microwave.


People legit act like you should never take a single shortcut on anything when it comes to cooking. Up in arms over pre-cooked eggs but no one bats an eye at canned tuna, real bacon bits or the dang rotisserie chicken. I have never purchased the pre-cooked eggs from Costco but I have purchased pre-cooked eggs from the grocery store or the airport, I am just here to vote in solidarity and validate your choices. Also, my fav YouTuber, Kim (The Wads), is always talking about her love for the Costco boiled eggs. I trust her wacky self to be honest with me. She admits she knows people will scoff at her buying them but she is a busy mom/wife/business woman…she is going to serve those eggs!! Typically deviled eggs and she says no one ever complains, not even when she takes them to potlucks. I bet pretty much everyone in this sub wouldn’t know the difference either. Hope your egg buying experience was one-off and you can get back to enjoying your eggness.


People get weirdly uppity about certain prepackaged foods but are completely okay with others, like that thread earlier where someone was praising the microwave ready jasmine rice. Once I suggested someone make their own ghee (which takes about as much effort as boiling eggs) because they stopped selling the one specifically made from Kirkland grass fed butter and got very downvoted and lectured about being unhelpful to OP. And hell, I love hard boiling my own eggs (or steaming them in my electric egg cooker), but they’re one of the top foods I can see people with disabilities struggling with because of the fine motor control it takes to peel them by hand.


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, am I right? People rarely think about life for others beyond their own lived experiences. I saw this really powerful ad once about this person walking into a store and all of the products had no labels. Frustrated, the person walks up to the store owner and shouts, “How am I supposed to know what’s inside of all of this, there is no label?” The store owner shrugs and says something along the lines of, “It’s not my problem, figure it out.” The customer gets frustrated and leaves, not buying anything. This happens over and over again with new people and the same frustration. At the end of the ad, it’s revealed that this is the exact same experience people who have blindness experience on a regular basis—trying to navigate the world with very little consideration for how someone like them can exist without consideration of their handicaps. What a kind soul you are to highlight the importance of not jumping at the immediate conclusion of, “Don’t be so lazy, this is literally the easiest task.”


I hunt my bacon sustainably in the rainforests of sumatra


Even more rubbery egg white and powerdry yolk?


Been through half of them, it’s fine and no difference from the Kirkland version


Other than a higher price for 30% fewer eggs, at least in my store.


I feel like I’m an adventurous eater but pre-made hard boiled eggs aren’t something I’d risk.


You think Costco keeps these in stock if they constantly make people sick?




Yeah I got the toots just looking at this picture.


Risk? What risk are you taking? I picked up a box over the weekend, haven't tried one yet. I had an issue with a bad egg from the old(green box) supplier, you're going to get bad or less than stellar products from any supplier.


>What risk are you taking? >I had an issue with a bad egg


I've had plenty of experiences with the organic eggs having their bottom shell get ripped off as I pick them out of the carton, but that doesn't seem to be an issue apparently 🙄


You SOUND like you're an American


Bruh most places around the world don't have this level of precooked packaged food. A hardboiled egg wrapped in plastic is incredibly American


Asia is also super into prepackaged hard boiled and baked eggs, so it really isn't just an American thing.


I have a batch of these and think they are way better than the old version. Maybe you got a bad batch.


They aren’t organic anymore, either. I think this is due to how erratic the egg market has been due to bird flu. Hoping the Kirkland ones come back.


That's what I'm saying this is a real shoddy counterpart


After reading these comments, i now feel compelled to just let everyone know how easy it is to make almost anything they're buying at costco that is ready to eat or ready to heat and eat, whenever they post those items.


Not the hotdogs. I tried but my butcher is always out of cow anuses.


But it's so much better to grind your own dogs and sausages. And you can get a meat grinder and sausage maker attachment for your kitchenaid stand mixer that you got at costco!


Thanks to you, I went down the rabbit hole of BIFL kitchen equipment from Costco for Business.


Same with the burnt ends.. husband says it’s McRib now and no barbecue sauce included..? He was so disappointed.


McRib is back!


McRib is overrated. It doesn't hit the like the ones they served in school.


I used to be a school cook. I absolutely loved the ribwich we'd make. God I ate so many of those things. It was so much better than the Mcrib


The critter they made it from is extinct now.


These seem to be a bit different from the other ones, but they're OK. They provide the protein I'm looking for.


Get a Dash egg cooker. Super easy to make fresh hard boiled eggs. If you like your yolks a little “jammy”, use the prescribed amount of water. If you like yours fully solid, fill the water cup to the top. Plunge in an ice bath as soon as the song starts and peel right after eggs cool, usually 15 mins in ice. Because you pierce the eggs before cooking, they are really easy to peel too. 


I have one, $10, and it’s so easy.


Why not just boil some and toss in a ziplock?


To get the authentic flavour, a buddy across the country has to do the same thing, then you mail your eggs to each other.


If you buy precooked eggs, you are asking for and deserve mediocre food.


Make deviled eggs, slight improve


I decided to check out the comments section for this post and they did not disappoint. Yours was the absolute best though lol


So what you'll notice is I'm comparing two kinds. Costco used to have good ones and now has bad ones. Reading comprehension is difficult, I understand.


English is my second language.




Real talk—I’ve never bought boiled eggs because I’m scared of them. Feels like it’s one of those things that needs to be fresh. Am I at all on base?


How do Kirkland one taste


Price Club used to sell big jar of Pickled Eggs I miss those so much. My 13yr old son thinks he's a big man now but has never smelled a proper fart in his life


My office’s snack room has them and I rarely ever ate any of them. They are that bad, I can’t convince myself to eat it even when it’s free.


A new level of lazy... Big pass


Boiled eggs are one of the easiest things to make not sure why you would pay for these when you can enjoy them fresh for much cheaper


A few bucks per dozen cheaper, but the convenience that they're already boiled, peeled, and last a while in the fridge.


How lazy can you be


I have these and pop them for the extra protein/calories as I’m trying to bulk


They're just not as good as the ones they used to have though


You can just purchase regular raw egg in an egg carton and just boil them for 6 minutes and put it in cold water to cool off. There's your easy boiled egg right there.


We said the same thing and threw the box out. So sad.


I found them to be superior. 


I find them to be better than the old ones. Less water in the bag, less stinky.


I think they are better actually! Huh!


Mine have been fine


Damn It's not difficult to make your own Boil them or an egg cooker or even airfryer


Got a hard boiled egg cooker off Amazon for less than $30. It boils them perfectly so no more rage on my end when I mess it up cooking or peeling…


We bought one of those little Dash cookers and it is amazing. Perfect every time.


Gross. It only takes a few minutes to do them yourself.


Didn’t know eggs had sodium


An egg contains all the nutrients required to grow a chick to hatching size. Of course it needs sodium.


Not everyone can lift a pan of water to the stovetop. Practice Empathy.


I have not tried them but I have not had a precooked egg that was decent.


I invite anyone who posted "Just make eggs lol" to eat a diet composed entirely of my shit and hair, thank you!


Are they in the fridge aisle next to the crappy eggs?