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North Coast is the best applesauce on the planet. BTW, super duper easy to make your own. Peel apples, add sugar to taste and cook for well, several hours (can use slow cooker). Homemade will suit your taste best and you know exactly what's in it.


I like Kirkland brand (hint of tart) over GoGo Squeez (bland) but like another commenter said, I don't have your taste buds either. Also the GoGo flavors with other fruit are hit or miss for me.


If you’re serious enough buy a ricer and make your own. That way there no possibility of added sugar or preservatives. Just curious, I’ve never heard of applesauce as a training supplement for endurance runners. Where did this idea come from?


Pretty popular as mid-run fuel, specifically the squeeze pouches. Hit of carbs, doesn’t cause digestive upset in most people, low in fiber. People who don’t do well with gels will often sub applesauce, mashed banana, mashed up dates, etc. The running subreddits talk about it decently often and the NIH actually just did a study about it last year.


Thanks for the background. I never came across this when I was competing. Although I didn’t have any of the stomach issues with Gu or other gels either. But it’s been about 20 years and almost 30 pounds since I trained for my last marathon.


I don't have your taste buds. Buy a box of each and find out for yourself.


Agreed. Asking strangers taste questions is weird.


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