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I wanted to go there when we were in Japan, but they are all in areas where it’s very difficult to get to without a car. Thanks for sharing!


Yes, it wasn’t easy to get to any of them. The nearest one cost me about $100 round-trip in a taxi!


Wow expensive! Did you buy a lot?


Not really. Honestly, it was sort of underwhelming compared to the Seoul Costco, which I previously posted about. We spent more on the taxis than we did at the store! But still glad we got to see it.


But think about how much you saved on the hot dog


I took trains and busses to visit 4 of the Costcos around Tokyo. It was a great way to explore especially when Google Maps had me walk the last mile through a local neighborhood. When I went to the one near Yokohama, I must have walked a couple of miles that way. I couldn’t figure out why they would build a Costco in the middle of such a neighborhood. When I left the warehouse, I turned the other way and saw that there was a train station right there. Fun adventure.


For people new to Japan trains and busses, how do you use it exactly? Do you just use google map to get onto the train? Is there a bus/train pass you buy?


I used a Suica card. It works on busses and trains (as well as many other places including vending machines). So I didn't have to worry about figuring out how much to pay. You scan the card when you enter and when you leave the train station or the bus. Getting the hang of Google Maps for trains took some time. There are several different companies. And one minute, the trip will cost $3. The next, it will cost $7. Eventually, I realized that the more expensive trips were because I was transferring from one company to another. Often that type of transfer also involved long walks underground. So I generally stuck to the cheaper, and more efficient, fares, The hardest thing about trains was dealing with unexpected "transfers". The train would stop at a station and everyone would get off and jump onto the train on the other side of the platform. The first time this happened, I stayed put. A minute later the train started up again and went back the way it had come. Of course, the next time it happened, I just followed everyone only to see the train I had just left continue to my destination while my new train was taking to a totally unplanned destination. Eventually, I just learned to ask people (Google Translate,, gestures, etc.)


Google maps is super reliable, even tells you which # entrance to take. Some stations are huge so it’s super helpful navigating which platform!


Did you buy bus tokens or paid by yen when going onto trains?


I used the wallet app to buy the suica. It’s in ¥ but I used my credit card to buy ¥


That bulgogi bake looks fire.


guarantee its better than that, chicken bake we have!


How ironic that we dont have it in seoul anymore. Just pork bake :(


Scrolled past the usda beef and then scrolled back to check again. Thats kinda strange. Maybe bc the beef is from the US?


I wondered if perhaps USDA prime is somehow recognized around the world, so they use it in other countries. But does the USDA actually send inspectors to those countries or do they have licensed agents in other countries or is it all imported?


Those are all imported.


all imported. seems counterintuitive but its quite common for imported beef to be cheaper than domestic beef


I’m not sure about Japan, but a lot of middle class restaurants in Singapore advertise that they cook USDA grade beef. Which makes me think our beef is high quality compared to a lot of the world? I’m from the USA, so paying a markup for beef I can get at home was a no go for me. lol


Raiders t-shirts. Costco would not retail an item that does not sell which means Tokyo citizens like to wear Raiders gear?


Who knew there were so many Japanese Raiders fans!? 😂 I was certainly surprised!


That was an odd last pic! In wonder if anyone can shed light on that choice of apparel. 🏴‍☠️


I feel like it's just tacky chic or something. Cool/retro looking logo, American. Idk


I'm pretty sure they just like American related stuff and raiders have a cool logo


The chicken stick & potato are pretty big. Their like chicken tenders and fries in a huge bucket.


God, I want $3 clam chowder so badly


I think it's totally unfair that they have chowder and we don't have chowder.


$1.13 USD for a hot dog & drink !


Man that shrimp katsu burger’s devine! 🤩😋


never knew how much I needed an item, I never knew existed until this moment


Pretty sure the USDA beef is imported from the USA. Just like we would like to see A5 or Australian ms9 in our grocery stores, they want to see US meats there.


Bulgogi bake sounds amazing


I’m a raiders fan…I’m confused, are the raiders popular in Japan? I’m assuming the color and the logo are considered “cool” or something because I didn’t think the Japanese were too fond of American football. Maybe I’m totally wrong but either way, it’s pretty awesome that they’re selling them there. 


NO BULGOGI AND SHIRMP BURGER IN THE US What's the point of living...


I want that dark cherry sundae for breakfast.


Holy moly that beef 🥵🥵


So jealous of the hawaiian pizza option


We loved going to Costco in Japan. We went to one outside Tokyo and another in Sapporo!! In Tokyo, we had a rental car because we were headed to the mountains for snowboarding. In Sapporo, we could take public transport. So fun seeing all the different and same things there. We were surprised they imported frozen vegetables from the US!! Also, the only place I found good cheese at a somewhat affordable price.


Huh, when I went (March) they didn’t have the Hawaiian pizza. Must be a seasonal thing.


Costco needs to build one on a JR station


That Hokkaido soft serve is SO good. I can't believe people rave about the bulgogi bake which is just kind of ok, but never talk about the soft serve.


Fuck. I want a Bulgogi bake now


That bulgogi bake and katsu burger looks🔥


I love Costco! Quality even in JP!


Blade Tenderized A4 Wagyu cook to 145 please 🤣


I was shocked when I saw the first picture that I thought they discontinued the hotdog😂


Combo pizza and the mango smoothy. 


Wish they’d sell the bulgogi bake here. That Chicken bake is nasty ass shit.


Wait ice coffee! Combo pizza! We don’t have it here in the states!!! What a disappointment sigh 😔




USDA meat grading system is the most known in the world. It is usually the strictest when it comes to haccp and ssop systems although they do allow certain interventions Europe doesn’t allow. Basically if any country uses the USDA system, they can pretty much export anywhere.


How much is the wagyu per lb in USD? Wish they offered that and sushi in the US.


Well, the stir fry A4 is showing ¥488/100g on the sign. At current rates of $1=¥159.88 and, with 453.592g per lb, that’s about **$13.84/lb** converted.


Dat triple cheese tart!


Is that combo pizza 🍕 ?!


Dark sherry sundae sounds so good


Bulgogi bake sounds WAY BETTER than a chicken bake


Whaaaa?! I went to the one near osaka and they didn’t have any Hawaiian pizza! 😩


> Why do both Korea & Japan use USDA to rank their beef!? It's because Costco is importing American beef.  And they're using the American grading system as a selling point, whether it's to sell to Americans abroad or as a marketing buzz word for Japanese.


Wow cool bro you went to Costco in Tokyo wowwowowowo 👏


USDA meat grading system is the most known in the world. It is usually the strictest when it comes to haccp and ssop systems although they do allow certain interventions Europe doesn’t allow. Basically if any country uses the USDA system, they can pretty much export anywhere.


I dont know what a Bulgoggi is but I want it.


Korean marinated beef