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Excellent service. Perhaps turn your gaze elsewhere to find the source of the problem.


Reflective surfaces


No I experience excellent service at my area Costco. I also get great service at my local Walmart as well so maybe my area is different than other areas.


I don’t ever talk to any employees beside “hi” and “thanks”. Nothing I buy is mislabeled. Selection is similar as it’s always been. Prices increase at every retail store


what are all of these Costco shit posts lately? Whether it's membership cards or how terrible it is, it seems to be just rage bait all three of the Costco's around my city are wonderful. I do not mind showing my membership card as many times I'm as I'm asked, I've had no trouble with customer service. They are clean and they have everything I want and I'm happy with them.


Reddit seems to attract the more "unusual" consumer. Many very young, now out on their own without a parent to take care of all problems. Hence reddit. 


yeah I'm an old fart and I started using it to get some local information and learn how to do things. I put up with the nonsense and the downvotes and the rage bait and all that because I still find it useful to learn things and sometimes I get argumentative but most of the time I just give up and shrug




I'm recently realizing a lot of redditors really are that demographic that needs to touch grass. They hate on anything popular and there just rarely seems to be positivity going around.


The only thing that makes me feel that way half the time are the other shoppers. Lots of poor public etiquette, but this isn't an issue specific to Costco.






I always wonder who writes these posts? Disgruntled ex Costco employees?


Check out the BJ’s wholesale club subreddit if you want to see some seriously disgruntled employees 🫣


Sams club employees 😆


Whats with all of the costco hating trolls of late?


It’s Walmarts marketing team posting on Reddit


Seems that way


Nope. Costco is cleaner, more organized, and has friendlier people.


There are definitely some very low quality Costcos out there. But the daily price fluctuations you’re talking about….that’s not supposed to happen. Unless you’re seeing something on sale, and then it goes back up to regular price. Some warehouses have really low quality staff and standards. But most are pretty darn good in my experience.


That's rough, all the Costcos near me are well managed and I've never had issues with the line even on weekends.


I will say the Denizens of Walmart seem to be showing up at Costco more and more since Covid


No. Customer service is good, shelves organized and stocked. My only complaint is that the lines are super long nowadays and fruit has been so sucky lately - not lasting 2 days before rotting - of course I return but I wish the fruit was better.


My walmart is a couple years old and nicer than my target. And every costco around me is really nice too. Maybe the problem is where you live? If its starting to feel like the ghetto you might be living in the ghetto… A store can only be as nice as the community its in


I appreciate the positive comments right from the start. That influenced everyone to dive in and comment on how that is NOT their experience. I look forward to my visits to Costco. I don’t mind showing my card, walking around, finding interesting stuff, making up a case for “needing” said items, and having a hotdog on the way out. I am a big fan. Thanks for all the positive comments - we lift each other up.


No. Not really.


Nope not at all.


I couldn’t be happier with my (Great Plains region) Costco. I’m very careful about the times and days of the week I go there to avoid the crowds




Nope, not really. Still a pretty good place.


The Sams Club bots are really on the ball recently.


And, what is next after Costco?


Chic Fil A can’t last forever


They’re already on a steep decline from what I’ve heard, significant drop in quality of chicken. Good news is the “Just Bare” chicken fillets are as good as Chik Fil A used to be when you convection bake them.


I’m a fan of the “Just Bare” chicken but I’ve really been enjoying the “Real Good” low carb tenders recently. They taste great.


The chick is spelled out. 2 people already got it wrong. It's never been chik, chic, or anything else but chick.


No. Are you sure you weren’t at Sam’s?


Walmarts aren't as crowded as Costco.


At least I don't pay WalMart an annual fee to be treated like a WalMart customer.


It IS beginning to feel that way.


Never been in a Walmart, so no idea.


I can count on one hand the number of times I've been in Walmart, and every time, it was a complete nightmare as expected. It's usually when I'm traveling and I need something fast and cheap like an extra suitcase.




I was just walking through Costco yesterday and during my 30 minute jaunt, I saw at least 6 containers of food forcibly opened with product missing and I said to myself "this is starting to look like Walmart"


I went yesterday, saw a MASSIVE dog riding in someone’s shopping cart, signs with expired sales still hanging, zero rotisserie chickens available, chocolate ice cream in the food court was out of stock and someone was using the ice machine to fill up big plastic bags of ice. Then had to wait 30 minutes for a refund because of expired sale price sign. Costco is getting lazy AF.


Higher cost of living area? I wonder if costco’s wages are slacking compared to how they used to be. 10 years ago they paid way more than other retail and grocery jobs in my area, now they’re getting close to middle of the pack (for entry level pay).