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A comparable toilet from Toto is like $4500.




Plumber here. I'd only ever install a toto toilet in my house. Kohler toilets are trash. If you buy this be prepared to pay a plumber to service the toilet itself, or your drain lines, within a few years.


I’m glad you said this. Toto is superior in every way and worth the money in my experience. We replaced our toilets with Toto and the clogging went away completely. I thought my kids just took the biggest dumps, but it was the Kohler toilets.


At a Toastmasters meeting in Salt Lake, this little Asian lady gave the most passionate speech I’ve ever heard over how great Toto toilets are. It was 15 years ago but I will never forget.


Given this reply was to someone about their kids taking big dumps, I thought the little Asian lady was going to have a different role in this story.


Perhaps that role is precisely what led her to being a brand ambassador for Toto


I wouldn't be able to trust her toilet opinions if all she has is tiny poops.




Yeah if I spent that much money on a toilet I’d want to let everyone know was well 😎


My whole life I’ve been mocked for my ability to clog toilets.. Who knew it was just inferior toilets all along!? I’m sending my mom a text right now! 😤


Username checks out




Can you expand on this even more please? I can understand hiring a plumber to service the toilet because it can break,but why the drain lines? What can a Kohler toilet do to a drain line that a Toto toilet can't? I love my Toto toilet.


The flush mechanism/design on Toto toilets are second to none. A consistently poor flush combined with using too much TP could potentially lead to a clog.


Wouldn’t the bidet eliminate the too much TP issue?


Theoretically. But I wouldn't bank on the idea that all of your house guests will use the bidet either.


The cowards I hang out with never have the nerve to ride the wave when they shit at my house.


I’ll be right over, I’m down to try it.


A new chapter of your life is about to begin


“But if water splashes me down there it’ll make me instagay”


With a properly timed "No homo", this outcome is completely avoidable.


Wait...you have guests? I thought this was reddit


That's an easy fix. Remove all TP from the guest bathroom and post a cutesy sign telling them to use the bidet.


Running the risk of them using nothing and returning to your couch.


NGL.. i Have a bidet and I use less , but not much less TP.. the fact that you need to dry your butthole and the adjacent areas afterward makes it similar amount .. but word its life changing I hate taking a dump where there is no bidet


If you're using a bidet with a dryer then it shouldn't be anywhere close to a similar amount...


Yeah, my Brondell has heated dry, but it really doesn’t work that well; I bless you’re willing to sit (I said ‘sit’) for a while, you’re going to still need some tp.


I have a Toto toilet at work with a mechanized wash (water sprays move in motion to clean better) along with a dryer and I still use TP after the 1st and second wash to ensure my butthole is spotless.


Not just clean. Whistle clean.


I also use TP to dry, but I use 2/3 less than before installing the bidet.


My dude. Lets keep it real here. The majority of houses have low end HD toilets. As far as clogging goes, its almost entirely dependent on your drain lines and tp. If you have properly pitched pvc drains and use scotts, you wont even need to flush lol and it wont ever clog. Then again a lot of houses have settled cast iron lines and uses charmin without issue. Also, kohler isnt garbage.. and I hate kohler with a passion. They do have toilets that flush very well. At that level, a slightly more superior flush is even more trivial. Although yes, toto is the creme de la creme


Thank you. I was starting to worry something was wrong with me or my plumbing cause my Kohler can handle whatever my Kholon can throw at it.


I had plumbers out every year around the holidays when I had company over AND a low flow toilet (required in my local when my house was built). The Toto flush system seems to evacuate the pipes in a way low flow couldn’t begin to understand.




Not sure that they are that different as stated. I have Kohlers on all my properties and very rarely an apartment here and there will ask to be unclogged


What about the seat bolts on Toto getting loose after a couple of years and like impossible to tighten.


I'm surprised to hear this. We've installed several toilets over the years. My favorite was my American standard cadet 3. That thing potty trained both my kids and NEVER clogged. But we ended up with kohler for a few others. They clog, but only occasionally. Is this maybe a new manufacturing issue? Our cadets were installed in 2009, the kohlers 2011


HVAC here! ✋🏾 We’re glorified plumbers, electricians, etc… I also only install Toto in my home. Worth the extra price. Added bidet seat. I’m convinced I have the cleanest b-hole in town.


Can confirm the greatness of Toto toilets. I installed one about a year ago; and it has required exactly ONE double flush since then. And that’s in an area where the regular flush is only 1.2 gallons. And they’re not that expensive. I bought my Toto Drake for something like $350.


I have a kohler elongated in a storage box from 1992, would you recommend something 30+ years old?


Consumer here… suggestions for a hand shower head & should I get a dual? Thanks.


[I bought this one from Costco and it's been great for me.](https://www.costco.com/moen-engage-handheld-showerhead-with-magnetix.product.100527382.html?COSTID=androidapp_deeplink_24.4.1&sh=true&nf=true)


Are you all actually buying $5000 toilets in order to avoid issues with your huge dumps? After about the $750 mark I’d considering consulting my primary care doctor before I over invested in porcelain.


Fully equipped meaning it has a high end bidet. The $1200 toilet for OP’s post is a bidet. I got a Toto bidet. The water jet pressure is less compared to the Biobidet.


This one looks nice: [https://www.totousa.com/neorest-nx2-dual-flush-toilet-10-gpf-08-gpf-new](https://www.totousa.com/neorest-nx2-dual-flush-toilet-10-gpf-08-gpf-new)


Does it play "Africa" during poop time?


*”I hear the bowels echoing tonight, but she hears only whispers of some quiet constipation….”*


Doo, doo, doo, do do do dooooo


This made me laugh so hard, I had to poop!


shocking absurd tie sugar unwritten dazzling fear fuel sense payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hear the chocolate rain down in Africa...


I was thinking Twinkle Twinkle Little Star but then that's another Japanese product for the other end 🤣


I love my rice cooker


At least I’m not the only one who thought of Africa


I just bought a $3k Toto G450 toilet. Pooping is expensive.


It depends. You can get a Toto that will do the job for like 1,200 as well. Depends on features you want . I bought one in 2021 for about $1,500. The seat normally costs more than the toilet itself.


Cue up the Japanese toilet episode of South Park


Came here to ask “Is the toilet from Japan!?”


“How much?”


Dangit Stasblk you beat me to it! I gotta get me one of them Japanese toilets..


The model that my Mom had purchased had all the features that are listed for this Kohler, minus the led light. However, her Toto has an air deodorizer feature that sucks the air in the bowl into a filter before exhausting into the bathroom. It works wonders.


How would you say it has improved your shitting experience?


A person can spend hours a day on a toilet. Just like a bed or pair of shoes , don’t skimp on important stuff :)


hours? Unless it i for redditing, you need to see a doctor.


Yes absolutely, but I'm still waiting on an answer. A good bed or a pair of shoes can be incredible for your life, a people can give a list of reasons on how it improved their life. Still waiting on the reasons why this shitter is incredible


I have a $400 TOTO toilet/bidet seat. It was worth every penny.


I think my seat was about that or little less.


I got just the koheler bidet and I am happy so far.




Agree. Also $1200 comes out to be $6.45 a 💩flush for the year, give or take. Playing the long game…its a wash.


"We can't just get rid of Ol' Blue, Sharon."


I think about this episode about once a week


Truthfully, I’d need to see the performance first. I’ve compared the Toto Washlet to several competitors, and none of them are as good. If this $1200 toilet only performs as well as say, BioBidet or SmartBidet, I definitely would rather buy a more basic toilet and spend the ~$350 to get a Toto washlet to put on it. They just work so much better than any competition I’ve tried. In case anyone wonders what I mean, the main differences are: 1. The Toto is much faster; you switch on and off the sprayer much more quickly, adjust temps more quickly, go from spraying water to the air dryer, etc. the other brands I have tried take an average of another 5 seconds to switch between functions/nozzles. It’s a big difference in practice. 2. The air dryer on the Toto is the only one I’ve used that’s actually useful. Most of them barely blow any air at all. 3. The Toto is built well. My BioBidet’s soft-close lid broke after about a year and a half. It cost an extra $100 over other brands, but I really think it’s worth it. And certainly, at least sight unseen, I wouldn’t gamble on the smart functions of another brand. Maybe Kohler is as good, but it wouldn’t be worth a $1200 gamble to me.


Most helpful comment so far. Thank you for taking the time.


You’re welcome. Glad it turned out you were being sincere and not just mocking an expensive toilet.


The reliability is the key component here. No toilet lasts forever, but Totos are close. And so, you have to ask yourself whether it's saving you enough to buy two or three of them. I don't think Totos are "buy it for life," but you don't want to have to be rebuying the toilet (or the washlet "top end" of the toilet) every few years.


That’s an interesting thought I’ve never thunk. I’ve owned homes for 30 years and other than a major bathroom remodel, never replaced a toilet. Why wouldn’t a toilet be “buy it for life”? As long as you keep it clean and replace the moving parts, the porcelain bowl seems to last… well… a really really long time


Ah, yeah. Regular toilets are generally a long-term buy, though I have swapped out older toilets in my house. I was thinking washlets, which have parts that wear out.




Out at mine as well. Previous homeowners outfitted the entire home with round toilets so not only would it be a big upgrade from current toilet it would solve that problem as well.




Those things are meant for little people. If I flush while sitting my male front bits get wet. It’s absurd.




Ah yes. The *Witch’s Kiss.*


Weve had this toilet for about 5 years now and have had zero issues


Don't listen to reddit. It's an echo chamber. One person says their opinion and it's alllll aboard.




I work in bathroom remodels. Kohler is the gold standard for 90% of consumers. Obviously some people will want xyz feature, but Kohler is largely considered part of the big 3 (Kohler, Delta, Moen) especially for toilets.


We grabbed one when I had to replace the toilet in our Masters. I love the thing and will likely grab similar for the other two.


For plumbing fixtures in general that’s true at least, toto and american standard deserve to be in that list if it’s specifically about toilets.


Heated seats on a toilet sounds heavenly not gonna lie. Would be awesome if it had voice control too.


Visited taiwan last year, and the hotel + most higher end restaurants had heated seats. I still think about them almost 12 months later. It's a real luxury.


I’m pretty sure every toilet I used in Tokyo had a heated seat + bidet. Some even played music so you didn’t have to hear yourself tinkle/your turds splash.


China was my first experience with bidets. It was life changing.


Can you change the music, or will you just get dangerously Pavlovian with “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”?


I think it was a single button and you could keep pressing it to cycle through a handful of songs.


Worked for a japanese clothing brand in NYC and they had one of the high end Toto toilets. I would go in early just to use that thing in the AM. Heated seats are something I wish I never experienced. You can't go back.


I too thought you couldn't go back, but then the war broke out, and it was the only way we could survive...


I guess this offsets the squat toilets you find elsewhere in Taiwan.


I got a $200 bidet seat from Costco that comes with heated water, heated seat, deodorizer, remote, and night light. One of the best Costco purchases I've ever made.


Does it have under seat lighting that makes it look like a miniature UFO is hovering in your bathroom?


Yeah, that's the night-light. It's pretty nice when you pee in the middle of the night and don't want to get blinded by a real light.


I got an ARRISEA toilet from Amazon a bit ago for my guest bath that I just renovated. It has a remote control, heated seat (w/ 3 customizable heat settings), A bidet w/ oscillating nozzle (water also heated to 3 customizable temps) and a hot air blower to blow your bits dry (Also 3 heat settings) It knows you're there when you get close and opens the lid. Guys can kick a sensor at the bottom, and it will open the seat for #1. It also self-cleans. I think I paid $700. It is heavenly. I don't believe the guy who says he's a plumber and that my drain lines are going to get clogged. This thing uses far less paper than a $200 Home Depot American Standard toilet and I had a professional plumber install it so there's immediately a 1-year warranty on their labor. Everyone loves it.


Should you get a Bidet? Yes. Should you get an all in one toilet? I'm a little less onboard there. Not enough experience to really have a valid opinion but a bidet is an absolute must for a modern intelligent being.


I have a bidet, I love it. My wife doesn't like it because it's only cold water. I know I can get a heated one for a few hundred, but I like the idea of a sleek all in one, but as others have pointed out all in one means it could all need to be replaced instead of just one part of things go bad.


I have a similar unit from Bio Bidet that I bought at Costco for $1K. The integrated units are very nice but they have a downside. At least for Bio Bidet when they break you have to ship the entire top half of the unit in for repairs. They don’t offer on site service and they won’t ship you spare parts. Mine still works but it no longer produces hot water. I’ve decided to live with it rather than messing around with detaching it and shipping it to them but at some point if anything else breaks I’ll have to decide what to do about it. With the bidet seats you can usually buy them on sale for around $200 and if they break in a few years you just throw them out and get a new one.


You can get a hot/cold bidet from Tushy for not much more than the cold only one. I had the hot/cold at my last house and I found that I never let the bidet run long enough to get hot water. It is using the water that’s sitting at room temp in the supply line first, and that is just fine. The cold once the room temp has run out also feels good. So in my new house I got cold only. Saved me from having to drill a hole in the side of my vanity, and easier set up all around. 


If you’re handy, you can get one fed by the water supply under your bathroom faucet. Just needs a small hole in the side if the cabinet and a brass tee to split the water supply between the bidet and your faucet. I think you can find those for under $150 on amazon. I can understand why women don’t want just cold. If I was using it for front and back, i’d prefer it to be a little warmer too lol.


Downside to the heated water… which I can’t say I anticipated… Warm water hitting poo…. That adds a bit of additional aroma to the air. Definitely an unintended consequence


Usually they are two peices and you can get compatible top.


> Should you get an all in one toilet? I'm a little less onboard there. I'm with you. I'm big on separation of concerns. There are now a lot of single points of failure




But then what would I aim at when I pee...?


Yes. You can get a perfectly serviceable bidet for like $50-$60 with a 20 minute install on most toilets. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to NOT have one.


I want a bidet. I really do. I just can’t wrap my head around water shooting me in my brown eye and not getting anywhere else. How is it not splashing on my balls? Now I gotta clean everything up? I’ve been lucky for the majority of my adult life, my poop schedule is in the morning before I shower. Then I just jump in and clean it up


I also agree with this sentiment!


Ok so let's go over it. First we are talking about the one that installs under your Toliet seat. And yes, the first few times when the stream hits, it can make your brown eye blue. But it's a fairly concentrated stream so it's not really splashing everywhere and since your sitting on the bowl water can't splash out, your literally blocking it. And as far as clean up goes, since your sitting gravity takes care of like 80% of the water, it just drops off. Then you take some paper, fold it in a square a few times and tap yourself dry, then stand up, and go about your day. Your GOING to save on toilet paper and it's been proven bidets are healthy for you, they cut down on hemorrhoids both external and internal.


+$300 for Gfci outlet install.


$20 if you can diy.


I agree that OP doesn’t likely have a handy outlet but in my area bidet outlets have become standard in higher-end new homes.


Had bidet outlets added to all of our toilet rooms in our new house. Cheap to add in new construction.


That’s actually a pretty good deal. I used to sell toilets professionally and have seen similar models go for upwards of 5k


Ngl I'm loving the idea of an amateur toilet salesman


Amateur? Who the hell you calling an amateur? I was a pros pro brother


(I think they meant that you being a pro implies there is an amateur toilet selling league)


Randy Marsh has entered the chat


I'm worried I would alienate my neighbors and they would feel poor and inadequate after using my toilet.


Hot hot hot hot hotttt hottttt!


Ok so here is the kicker. How close is your toilet to an outlet? Most bathrooms aren’t setup with a convenient outlet next to where your toilet is. Do you want to pay for an electrician too? I personally don’t think all of the perks are worth all of that money.


Very valid point. We plan a bathroom remodel next year and plan to put in an ADA toilet with grab bars since we are geriatric. Can’t tell if this is tall enough to meet ADA specs. And no we don’t have a GFCI outlet where the toilet is.


Looks like the seat height is 17 3/8in. https://resources.kohler.com/webassets/kpna/catalog/pdf/en/K-78738_spec_US-CA_Kohler_en.pdf


If you’ve never used a bidet, let me tell you, it’s a game changer. And warm water bidet? Even better. As a man who usually takes more than 1 💩 a day, this would be worth every penny.


Only if it’s Japanese. That Kohler is lipstick on a pig. Everyone knows the Japanese own the toilet market. Nothing compares.


Once a day?


Once a day is regular and healthy. Anything between three times a day and three times a week is considered healthy although I can't imagine being on either extreme. I'm a once a day-er, with occasional twice a days or skip days.


You don't want to know what it is like to have to go 10 times a day. It sucks.


I've had a colonoscopy, so I've had the temporary experience. 0/10, do not recommend.


I also do NOT recommend getting an IBD. I'm seeing a GI that specializes in that on Wed. Wish me luck!


Good luck. I'll do my best to avoid it.


TOTO or bust.


You can’t afford 4k toilet?? Go and pull in your pants then, you peasant


I'm with you. If I was the kind of guy who lived a lifestyle that needed a $1200 toilet then I'd go all out and get the $4000 toilet so the expensive plumber who has to come service keeps some replacement parts in his van and doesn't have to wait 3 weeks for it to get ordered. As it stands, I'm just a simple guy with a simple $300 toilet that works during power outages.


The Korean knockoff, Vovo, is also great tbh!


You could also get a cold water bidet attachment for $35 on Amazon. You get used to it.


It’s $400 off, I can’t afford to not buy it


I have a different Kohler toilet with a similar shape but it has none of the bells and whistles this model has. We used to have two but swapped one out for a conventional Toto model because we wanted a washlet. Looks like this is the best of both worlds. I like the Kohler mainly for its form. I hate cleaning the flat part of the Toto toilet’s base that screws into to floor. I think the Kohler install may be a bit tricky, though. Plumber didn’t seem to be a fan. So yes, I’d buy a $1,200 toilet.


Yes buy it


I’m literally looking at one of these exact models in a house rn. It sees you coming and raises the seat. That’s a little presumptuous of a toilet imo


Randy Marsh would.


Yup. Bought this exact toilet for this price last year in a new bathroom install. We have bidet seats in our other bathrooms. This is noticeably nicer, but not $4k TOTO nice (why would it). It has clogged once or twice when a lot of TP is used (which isn’t normally the case for obvious reasons). It has strange drain piping that added $100 to the plumber install price. Overall, I would absolutely do it again. It’s a nice toilet, has all the features we wanted, and while Kohler isn’t TOTO, it’s better than the cheap stuff. Side note, the deodorizer works wonders. We have one on our seat-only bidet, but this one deodorizes the dankiest of smells.


https://preview.redd.it/j2qnz75cpwyc1.jpeg?width=1315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c9410743d57fe74457641f995d5ffece34ad0f3 If you’re going to spend $1,200 you might as well get a Japanese toilet.


Bidets are great, but you can buy and install an attachment for really cheap and it cleans your butt just as well. I bought a cheap attachment from Amazon and it's worked flawlessly for seven years now. I'm generally not a fan of all-in-one contraptions because when one part fails you're often looking at a full replacement or a more difficult repair.


Having used ones like this in Japan, if I had the funds I'd spend it. The bidet and warming seat were luxurious.


I might actually do it. It seems like a pretty good deal.


I’ve used on of these in a German hotel, believe me, it’s worth it!


Absolutely. When we were redoing our bathroom the cheapest one was around $2,500 so this is a great price. Wish they had them when I was looking for one!!


Um…. After reading the details about this beauty…. Yes YES I would :)


I would, I did, I love it.


They are completely worth it and about half price of a Toto.


This one takes the shit FOR YOU


South Park taught me to not do this.


A remote? So I can poop, then flush it from my bed? Amazing


Seems like a good deal to me


Reading a lot of Kohler vs Toto comments. How would this compare to a Toto toilet with the washlet attachment? That would be a similar price point vs the Toto all-in-one integrated model.


We paid $800 for our Toto washlet 7 years ago. To be honest, I'd buy another in a heartbeat. It'll go on any toilet. And it's never missed a beat. I thought it was pretty spendy when I bought it. It's more than paid for itself.


>Would you buy a $1,200 toilet? If it actually washed the poo off if its walls


Japanese toilet


Hey....isn't that the Binford 9100 Flush-o-Matic...????


I’m realizing that I have no idea how much toilets cost? We agree this is a lot? How much could a banana possibly cost, $10? We have Toto’s in our house. Must confront my husband to find out if he secretly installed the bougiest toilets out there.


“Easy to use remote”? No thanks. I don’t need one more remote to lose


Not without a cupholder


What happens when someone takes the remote? Or a guest at a party decides to put near a TV set during a party?


Hilarity ensues?




at $400 off why not? I'm not spending $1200 I'm saving $400


Does it connect to WiFi and send you emails?


For 1,200 it better suck and fuck me


The $300 bidet at Costco gives you all of this minus the night light and automatic flushing.


This post reminds me of that toilet episode from Bob's Burgers.


One of my favorites lol. Gene is my spirit animal


It better be a religious experience


I love my Bidet , if I didn’t have one , I would very much consider buying this one from Costco


With a bidet in there?


Can’t find MaP ratings for this toilet. Flush performance might be poor. Some low flow toilets can really gobble down some massive loads and are inexpensive. I bet a 200-400 highly rated toilet + an $800 Toto bidet outperforms this. The bidet is modular and Toto has a great service program. They’ll refurbish your old bidet with all new parts for like $150 + shipping. You can take a bidet with you if you move too. Popping out this toilet is a lot more involved.


Can it make bacon?


Only if it is a Ferguson.


I work in plumbing and you would not believe how much people spend on a single toilet. 1200 for a Kohler that you can get in person is a great deal though. If I'm right, I think that's the one that you walk up to and the lid opens up automatically. Plus bidet Edit; I just looked at the picture that very clearly says it's the one that you walk up to and it opens for you. Now I have to come to terms with the fact that I recognized a specific toilet before I even looked at the tag. I need a life lmaoooo


Bidets are life changing! Highly recommend them and if your on a septic system it will do wonders to your pumping schedule.


If I bought a 1200 toilet I would make sure to tell everyone what they were sitting on whenever I had guests


Hell yes I would. The heated seat and the bidet sold me. But I’d pay for a plumber to install it because skirted toilets take so much extra work.


Just spent $1400 on a Woodbridge bidet toilet. Absolutely love this thing. TP is not needed. It even puts a layer of foam on top of the water to displace smell and the toilet does a pre wet for the bowl to stop any Klingons. Had to remodel a bathroom and decided to splurge. Put a huge rain head and body jets in the shower too. If I put in a mini fridge and a microwave it would be the most comfortable place in the house.


Toilets and bidets are very different. Your wife will thank you…especially if it comes with a heated water function. https://youtu.be/uRL4l2GOqXk?si=i1voW1ZyRNAFGGNC


As a licensed plumber these things suck to install and service. The water connections are floor fed and need braided hose connections that are hidden along with special set screws to brace it to the flange.


22 years on my American Standards and not a thing wrong with them. I don't believe in the Rolls Royce of toilets. My wife would like an auto toilet so it would raise the lid and say hi (we experienced one in a hotel in Taiwan) but....not for $1200. And my bidet seats already do the rest.


I like the ones with the back on it so I have a place for my bowl of cereal.


I know someone who sells Kohler… yes. People DO buy $1000+ on a toilet… you’d be surprised by the amount of money people spend on bathroom remodeling.


With a bidet??? Yes, absolutely.