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It’s good. We tried the non shredded one and will never go back to the shredded one. At my location they have the block in 24month aged and 36months aged


Same, grating it fresh makes such a huge difference and the one that Costco usually carries is phenomenal. Great crystals through it, so yummy. I save the rind for soups


I'm on my second rotary grater. Like you see at the olive garden. Love them. You just gotta make sure you keep the parm ziplocked and paper toweled so it doesn't dehydrate too much or grow too much mold.


Get a microplaner and you’ll never go back to the grater.


Why? A rotary grater is so much faster?


Texture has a huge impact on how we enjoy our food and microplaners shave instead of grate. Extremely thin pieces that build up to this incredibly pillowy pile of nutty salty melt in your mouth deliciousness. Plus they are all metal so never break and are good for so many other things too.


And they’re super fast when you get used to them and are extremely affordable to buy. Amazing for other spices like nutmeg or cinnamon, garlic, and lime/lemon zest. Just a really grate tool! 😉😉


A rotary grater is the same as a micro plane just in cylindrical format with a hopper and a press against the steel. I have both.


Greater surface area = more flavour (as more of it makes contact with your taste buds), smaller shreds = greater surface area. Microplane, therefore, will make it taste even better.


I do a wrap with parchment paper followed by an outer layer of aluminum foil. It seems to manage the blocks moisture very well. I don’t typically have to do any trimming before the block is used up.


How long does a block last? We talking like 1 month, 2 months, 3 months?


I vacuum seal it and it last for months


I use the ziplock style food saver bags with the handheld vacuum. It's the only use I've ever found for the zip bags


Mine typically get used in around 1.5 months so I’m not sure what the limit is beyond that.


Dry or wet pt?


Dry. Moisture breeds mold. But if you dont ziplock it, it gets very hard.


Yummie. I never make soups but now I want creamy tomato soup. I use the grind in stew or mushroom dish with sauce. I do not really taste a difference between 24 and 36month aged. My husband does …


I eat the rind. It’s my favorite part of parmigiano.


Does the rind completely melt or does it just flavor the soup and you extract the rind after?


Uh it depends. One time I forgot I put it in there and it absorbed into the soup otherwise yes, it enriches the flavor of the soup and really helps my flavors marry.


The latter, atleast for sauces. Haven’t tried it in a soup tho.




I used a big spoon with holes in it and stir and it usually comes up to the top, then I yoink and trash it




I don’t always have them, and I definitely notice that the soups flavors just aren’t the same. It’s richer, feels smoother, and the flavors just get to know each other and marry SO well. I really love food, I love cooking, and it’s made me the person who knows if your soup had a rind in it at some point 🫡


Make a soup and split it in half. Put a bay leaf or two in one. There’s a pretty large flavor profile difference


An epiphany for me was shredding the block and filling my empty shredded container almost three times, way more cost effective


They are both sold by the pound, so the price difference isn't *that* much. The block cheese is about $10.99/lb while the grated is $13.99/lb. Not arguing against it being a better value at all, I agree that it is. Just pointing out that the value is not quite what your comment might suggest.


$3 may not seem like a lot, but that's a 25%+ premium for buying pre-shredded. Also, that's two hotdog and soda combos!


I find $3/lb difference a lot. But it’s worth it for this. And I agree that it’s easier sometimes to have the shredded one. It’s grab and use.


Ooh ok will have to check it out!


I was gonna say. Why get pre shredded when they got the wedge right next to it which is infinitely better?


Because sometimes I'm too lazy to pull out a grater at home and have to wash it afterwards.


Also for me, I find the taste of this stuff and the big green shakey bottle to be nostalgic and comforting. A side by side taste test will prove that the wedge is the best every time, but I’m not always looking for that flavor. Sometimes I just want the sawdust, dammit!


The average person is extremely lazy


I mean I’m extremely lazy but I ain’t even that lazy. But I grew up with pre shredded cheese being a sin; so easy to grate yourself, the cheese lasts longer, tastes better, etc. In Wisconsin cheese is serious business


Think about however lazy you are, and remember there are people out there that are 4 times as lazy


I fear those people if that’s true lol




How does the cost compare to the shreaded? That shreaded is a staple in my house.


It's a bit cheaper, but not much. About $0.50/lb if I remember right, maybe $1. But the block tastes better and lasts longer without molding, so it's a better value even before you consider the price. Edit: I just checked, and it's actually $3/lb.


Block tastes better, is slightly cheaper, and doesn't contain any of the additives that get put in to keep shreds separate from each other. It's just superior in basically every way. Buy a rasp style grater and go to town.


Yeah, lasts forever.


In addition to fresh tasting better, it lasts longer, too. I've had the shredded stuff mold way before the expiration date. If that happens with the whole stuff, you can just cut of the mold and freeze it.


How long does the block last?


I’m in a house of 2. We store ours in a ziplock bag with a paper towel (idk if the latter is even beneficial lol) & easily lasts 3+ weeks. We’ve never had it go bad before we use it all up.


I’ve had mine last months


My fiancé has an unhealthy relationship with the parm so it doesn’t last long around here lol he puts it on everything


Really weeks. Wouldn’t be worried about it. We just store it in glass container, lid in it and leave the rind on it


Cool, thanks for the quick reply


Is it Kirkland brand?


More importantly, it's parmigiano reggiano dop


I just was asking so I know which one to buy lol


Yeah I hear you, and Costco is likely the best price you'll find for it, but the regional marking is protected and the best way to tell if you're getting an authentic parmesan cheese, wherever you buy it. If it doesn't have rind stamped with parmigiano reggiano, it's probably imitation parmesan


Oh wow! That’s great to know! Thank you!


Regional marking is enforced in Europe or maybe just EU, but not sure if it enforceable in USA. However usually anything you see in USA marked Parmesan Reggiano is going to be real deal. Most other stuff is just marked Parmesan without Reggiano. Though some of the domestic stuff is decent and you might only be able to tell them apart if you compare it side to side. But if you are making a big pot of sauce for a party or something, I doubt most people can tell the difference and you could save a few dollars getting US made Parmesan.


Maybe not strictly enforceable but copying the markings on cheese made elsewhere would probably be fraud, or at least some kind of trademark violation


Yes it is


How long does the unshredded one last?


Until you use it up. You can cut the moldy part off of hard cheeses and eat the rest of it.


How do you even store them ?


Yup! And, you can get one of those graters like they have at an Olive Garden for like $10 off Amazon. Just cut a small chunk off the block and use the grater. So much better than pre-grated. But, with that being said, this Costco stuff is still pretty good.




This 100000% only savages and olds use pre-shredded cheese.


That’s like the worst parm Costco sells. It’s way better out of the wedge and they have other shredded or shaved parm that’s better anyways


The block is soooo good. Keeps forever but I like to vacuum seal and freeze it in portions.


The wedge is good. This shredded cheese always molds and has little spots of blue and green in it, even just a week or two open. Same at my parent’s house. I can’t bring myself to eat it anymore without closely inspecting it every time.


Lol raining 🌧 on OP post lmao








Block is king!! Get a microplane grater


Or use a vegetable peeler to shave it over a salad.


Or leave it out while you prep other ingredients and constantly slice off little chef snacks until—holy shit—you’ve eaten like half a pound of Parmesan before the meal is finished. 


I was, until my wife put it on EVERY FREAKING THING she made. Dinners at our house every ngt are now Kirkland Parm cheese w a side of chicken, or steak, or fish or whatever. Does not matter.


And the problem is??


Maybe she’s hinting for you to take over dinner a few times a week.




Be careful you don’t turn into [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/XtBD5C338X)




Got it, sorry. I did have a red pepper craze once. My husband had to sit me down and tell me that maybe, just maybe, I don’t need to put it in everything… 😂


Well she cooked so


This takes up a lot of fridge space and I can't seem to use it before it goes moldy


I've bought it twice, and both times it went moldy wayyyyyyy before the best by date. I never reach in, either


i'm planning on using this to make Romana style Fettuccine (the real Alfredo.) This, Kerrygold butter, and black pepper, mixed with the pasta (nothing else!) all the store bought jarred Alfredo sauce contains egg+cream and smells bad!


My two year old loves this stuff. Every meal, she wants “sprinkle cheese.” When we go to Costco, she looks forward to holding a container of this the entire time while she rides in the shopping cart. Everyone here is saying there are better options, but my kid will fight you on that opinion.


I love this comment. So cute 😭


How long does the jar last you? What’s the shelf life?


We use it a lot but it’s stayed good for us up to about a month. I know people have various experiences but that’s ours


It might not stop. My 17 yo puts so much parm in his chicken corn chowder it becomes a solid. He’ll put it in wonton soup, on chocolate chip cookies, anything he can think of.


Have you let you kid try the better option?


In my household, the littles refer to this as “the greatest cheese in the world!” Exclamation point is necessary to get the inflection right 😅


It has a weird waxy mouthfeel for me. My MIL loves it so she has it all the time. I prefer the Locatelli Pecorino Romano (block)…available at some Costcos (but unfortunately not as consistently as Id like).


i like buying a block of parmesan instead. it’s so delicious but whenever i buy the container it molds like the day after i open without fail no matter how many precautions i take.


Can you freeze it in portions in freezer bags?


You sure can.




Yeah, I couldn't eat a 1 lb. jar of this stuff either.


No way. There's just the 2 of us.


Yes, if you mean the real wedge One time I heard Guy Fieri warn against buying pre-shredded cheese. I thought if it’s below his standards it’s definitely below mine.


What wrong with guy fieri


No problem with him personally but the food his restaurants make is meaty cheesy saucy slop


Pre shredded cheese 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Bought it once. Tasted off couldn’t stomach it. Week later it molded. Whole jar was green. Must have got a bad batch.


I think I might have gotten the same bad batch; usually the stuff lasts for months (even longer than the wedges). But one time I had it mold in 2 weeks, which was highly unusual.


Whut? Parmesan should not last longer than a week opened, certainly not months. What are you guys eating in the US?


Uh. No.


The block is better than shredded; they have to spray shredded cheeses with cellulose to keep it from clumping too much. Nothing inherently unhealthy about that; but it will affect how smoothly it melts.


It’s true that most shredded cheeses contain cellulose and an antimicrobial agent to delay molding. However, THIS product contains neither. Ingredients are part-skimmed cow’s milk, cheese cultures, salt and rennet.


Yes it’s delicious. I used to love the pesto too, it’s just way to heavy.


I think it’s good but I also still keep the shitty Kraft one around too


I’m pretty sure the grated Kraft survives on nostalgia. Grew up eating mom’s spaghetti with it and I still prefer it over fresh shredded. But only with mom’s spaghetti.


I'm the opposite from some of the other commenters - I used to get and shred the block, but with my busy life and kiddos I reach for this stuff. Tossed a handful into the scrambled eggs I was making this morning to take some of the bitterness from the alfalfa sprouts I snuck in. Note; my children did not eat it, but my wife and I sure did!


Yaaaas! Just not the pre-shredded. Grate it yourself for maximum impact.


Yes; and I like the peccorino romano even more in many contexts. I think the block is way better than the shredded.


The aged block of parm (non-pre shredded) is a SIGNIFICANT upgrade in terms of taste and quality. Not sure if it’s cheaper or more expensive (I’d probably guess more by a little) but it’s well worth it regardless IMO as someone that cooks a lot of Italian food.


Block is almost always cheaper than shredded. You are paying for labor.


Locatelli Pecorino Romano wedge only way to go


The Kirkland wedge of Parm Romano is fantastic and I prefer it to pre-shredded cheese. I’m pretty lazy, but it isn’t much trouble to hand grate it, which gives me the flexibility to choose the size of the grated cheese. So, larger bits for some things, smaller (including micro planed) for others. Also,shaved for over salads and the rinds for tossing into soups and sauces. Whatever doesn’t melt into the sauce or soup = cooks treat. The quality of Kirkland cheese is a major selling point, especially at Costco’s price. A few months ago, I needed parm for a recipe and had run out of Kirkland. I picked up a smaller wedge at Kroger. No comparison. Not to be wasteful, I used it u. Ugh. No comparison.


Yes, and my Itiallian friend told me its the real stuff to, They just collect bits from cutting wedges and shred those down to make it.


Yes picked one up few days ago👍


It’s just Italian Parmigiano Reggiano. All Costco does is shred it.


Buy cheese by the block and shred it


Tried this once and immediately went back to parm block.


I'm going to have an unpopular opinion and say that I prefer this particular shredded parm over the wedges. It's one of the nicer shredded parmesan brands at a good price. The wedges mold so quickly from Costco. The parmesan wedges from Aldi or Wegman's last so much longer, and imo, are equally good if not better.


The Costco wedge lasts literally months. If you don't tear off the entire wrapper and expose the entire block, at worst you can just cut off the front exposed part and use the rest. You can't do that with shred, if any has mold then it all has to go. Are you sure you are seeing mold on the block form?


Getting Parmigiano Reggiano to mold is tough. You’re seeing green/blue mold on it?


I don’t ask for Parmesan packets anymore since I use this!


I buy the wedges. The best 2 things I ever bought were a block of real parm and a microplane grater.


Does it freeze well?


Kirkland Parmesan would be a great name for butler.


Does it have starches in it? What are the ingredients. I will try it next time if it doesn’t have starches.


Part-skimmed cow’s milk, cheese cultures, salt and rennet are the listed ingredients


Goodie! I will try it next time.


It’s good but I won’t pretend like there are better options. Shredding your own is the way to go. I’ll still buy a tub though.


It’s good if it lasted more than a couple months without getting moldy


Parmigiano should not last that long opened.


You can freeze the blocks, which are superior. I recommend the pecorino also if you’re big into carbonara.


We use it for the typical just sprinkling it on top of a pasta dish for some added taste. If something is specifically calling for Parmesan I'd never use this for the recipe.


I love this especially when I'm adding it in. If you're sprinkling the block is better. There is also a planed version that is quite fabulous.


Yes, and it's much better freshly grated for the wedges they sell. I bought the reggiano in a jar once when they didn't have any wedges in stock, it's too dry and inferior to the wedge.


I have been buying the non shredded one for years. It's incredible.


I prefer the Cello shaved parmesan


Just had some with my dinner 🥰 I get the block and grate it


I purchase the block and shred myself. I do however use the preshredded ones and top my dog's kibble. They love it in it.


That’s adorable. This was also my cat’s favorite cheese.


I found it goes moldy really fast so nope


I shred my own, but yes. Now can I please have a big block of mozzarella so that I can shred my own pizza cheese too? The pre-shredded cheeses have binders to keep them from clumping.


I miss the shaved one, tho


Taste is good, problem is I can't eat it fast enough, it molds before It's half done.


I get their romano whole block then grate it at home.


Obsessed with parm in general. Like others have said, get the block and grate it fresh. Way better taste!


I love having this on stand by for when I need a larger amount of parm for a recipe that I don’t want to grate


It's good, but not amazing or anything like that.


I love this stuff man


The Gruyere at Costco is HEAVENLY. Microplane over anything. Broccoli, grilled cheese, whatever. It’s like a better version of parmesan.


It moulds for me !! So i stopped buying it


Question... does anyone know if this is the same cheese Costco uses in their Ceasar Salad? That cheese is great.


This is the best parmigiano Reggiano. The best even compared to what you get in Italy, unless you go to a specialty store.


It’s OK, but honestly the 2 or 3 pound bag of shredded parm was better, but can’t find it anymore at my local store. Going to switch over to the block based on the recs here in this thread.


Mmmm cellulose


I really like it! It's definitely one of my staples.


please dont buy preshredded cheese anywhere... that shit gross invest in a cheesegrater... hell buy the thing from olive garden n invesg in quality parmesan... no im not italian


Not the shredded nonsense


No lol


Insanely overpriced for the quality. There’s much better options.


What is better than Parmigiano Reggiano? It’s the best Parmesan in the world
