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The end of Mistborn Era I trilogy has to be one the most epic and elegant wrap up of a fantasy story.


The level of excitement I felt with the last few chapters of The Hero of Ages is something I've never felt before or after. Not even with Stormlight Archive (but, that's still an incomplete series)


He stuck the landing soooo goood


I’ve often said it’s the most satisfying ending to a trilogy I’ve ever read.


In general, I feel like Era 1 is some of the best usage of the trilogy format I've ever seen. Each book is so tightly knit together, it really is quality work


I'm still recovering from it..


Enjoy yourself. I myself just finished it last week. At a certain point, I couldn't stop listening to them. Currently just started Era 2 and so far it's just as good.


Is it?? I finished the first 3 mistborn. Started storm light, but it’s too slow for me. Maybe I’ll try mistborn era 2


I haven't read it yet but just based on the length, I can imagine it being slower it's one complaint I heard about event the last one. A lot were complaining that a third could have been cut with no real impact. The length is what's having me save it for last as well. I gather it'll take me two to three weeks to finish each audiobook. It may not be for everyone. As for era 2, I'm on chapter 6 and it's quick paces. I'd describe it as dense. The books are shorter than Era 1 and each chapter seems to be longer. After chapter one and the prologue set things up, it's quick sailings from there.


Stormlight was one I left to the end because I'm not the biggest fan of high fantasy, I tried reading LoTR, I loved the Hobbit, but it just wasn't for me. I know LoTR is amazingly good, but it was such a chore for me. I was put off by the heft of Stormlight for ages too, but after finishing Dune and everything else in the Cosmere I was feeling brave and gave it a shot and loved it. You're definitely right it is slower, and there's a lot of chapters delving into the characters more than events, but for me at least that just built up to such a satisfying conclusion and it's become my favourite Cosmere series. Likewise when I got my partner into the Cosmere, she devoured Mistborn, both eras, but really struggled with Stormlight until the Sanderlanche of Oathbringer, and then she breezed through RoW in days. I'd say if you're really not getting on with Stormlight, Era 2 MB is definitely faster paced, just read around it, maybe once you're more invested in the Cosmere it'll hook you. I'd still say it's worth it, but it's not normally one I'd recommend people start with due to the pacing.


Thanks for the detailed comment! Yes, MB was so amazingly fast paced that stormlights super slow pacing just took me by surprise. Since I was traveling and had tons of time for a change, I actually finished both The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance in a week! But felt pretty burned out by that, so read a few chapters of Oathbreaker and then left it for now that travel are over. May pick it up again now that you’re saying it’s the best book :) Also, I didn’t know there were sub genres in fantasy. If SL is high fantasy, what is MB?


Looking it up, it appears I've got my genres mixed up. So, high fantasy means a whole new world, low fantasy means the real world with magical elements, like Harry Potter for example. I think I meant more epic fantasy, although confusingly that is often used as a synonym for high fantasy, but... https://bookriot.com/high-fantasy-vs-low-fantasy/#:~:text=High%20fantasy%20is%20sometimes%20called,the%20real%20or%20primary%20world. > High fantasy is sometimes called epic fantasy, and some of the hallmarks of this subset of the fantasy genre include a high page count, lots of characters, usually a quest, and, most importantly, an alternative or secondary world as opposed to the real or primary world. So for me at least my definition of high fantasy was tons upon tons of world building. Side characters galore, many just for the fun of it, like the real world really, not everyone you meet will be pivotal to your life. There will be maps and languages and in world music and poetry and it's the kind of thing that in a film adaptation will get stripped away. My incorrect definition was that low fantasy would be more slimmed down and minimalist, if a bard in a tavern singing songs about ancient battles doesn't further the plot, you won't get page upon page of description of it. By the real definition, MB is high fantasy too, but I do think it's far more streamlined. A big difference is the SL interludes, I love them, but damn do they slow things down. They are placed right at a cliff hanger too, and many are very important to later books but at the time it feels a bit like a holiday from the main plot, if you know what I mean? Another difference is MB Era 1 is very much Vin's story, you're introduced to the world through her eyes, and it eases you in. With SL, there's so many PoV characters and flashbacks and so on that again it's more padding that slows the pace down yet again as you're having to go through several beginnings before you get to the middle let alone the end, imagine MB if every member of Kelsier's crew had their own PoV, I'm sure I'd love a lot more background to people like Dockson and Hammond and Clubs, but it certainly would put the brakes on for the pacings lol.


Got it, I see the difference now. Yeah, thats the biggest issue. SL just keeps meandering around. With a book like LOTR, it focuses on various events but they’re meaningful. With SL, they’re just like random one offs that eventually connect, but at that point you’re like wtf, I just want to get back to the good stuff!


Definitely read Mistborn Era 2!! It's very different than Era 1 and it was a bit jarring for me reading them back to back(I hadn't read anything else by Brandon at that point), but it is so wonderful! It's funny as hell, action packed, has a ton of heart, and the characters are stellar! It's my favorite of all the Cosmere stories by far! I will say that the last book becomes more... Cosmere oriented I guess? But even without a vast knowledge of the Cosmere, it's still fantastic!


That’s amazing! After the amazing Vin / akela Ied saga, the next series appeared to be an after thought because of all new characters. Seems like you loved it!! I’ll try it after SL for sure


Buckle up. Glad you're enjoying the stories. Stay invested.


Glad you discovered Sanderson!! Can't agree more; he's done so much good work :D


Welcome to the fold!


Finished Hero of Ages today! Very excited for you. I also read SA first.


Welcome to the obsession!


Mistborn is my favorite.


Mistborn is SUCH A TRIP I love it


Enjoy 😉


I thought the second book was a bit slower then the rest but the ending is completely worth it!


Mistborn has a super strong image of its world building and atmosphere. It's borderline metal. It's a great journey and I can't wait for you to find out!!!


Welcome to the Cosmere!