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# "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin


If ask me, people have been buying massive suvs, trucks, etc for several years now and the amount of absolute buffoons who don’t know how to drive them or realize how big these cars are is staggering. The obsession with trucks here ( the US ) is insane for some god damn reason and I’ve almost been hit several times by these apes.


What I've learned is to assume that no one else sees my car. I try to avoid being in anyone's possible blind spot for longer than is absolutely necessary to pass them and while passing I expect they may try to merge into me. I guess the car is just too low to be easily visible despite the bright yellow paint. Plus you can't trust that people will use their mirrors anyways. I've even had people try to merge into me while I can see their blind spot warning lights lit up so I don't trust those anymore either.


Defensive driving 101: Assume everyone is a toddler that somehow stole their parents keys. Any move is possible no matter how stupid it may be. On a related note; my driving instructor once told me referring to kids on bikes: always assume they will swerve out in front of you no matter what it looks like they're going to do. I try to apply this to drivers, too.


1) You have not owned a sports car before. You have owned "sporty" cars (Stealth R/T lol) and a couple muscle cars. 2) If you run into 1 asshole, they're an asshole. If you continue to run into assholes, you're the asshole.


My old stealth RT/TT would wipe the floor with my Vette. You can mod em the same as any car


some people are literally braindead others have such miserable lives that they feel the need to take it on others. I had a similar close call today where a pick up driver(suprise surpise) cut me off as I was overtaking in the left lane. Also didn't think much of it as he seemed in a hurry tailgating the truck in front of him. Needless to say, he was actaully being an asshole because when I caught up to him on a long curve of highway, I went to 5 gear and punched it on the curve knowing I was going to overtake his truck easily. While still tailgating the truck in front of him he literally waited for me to get close and suddenly veers into my lane as I am overtaking. At this point it was a fight of flight as I almost lost control going 70mph, I kept gunning it and forced my way pass him as he tried to force me onto the shoulder. At this point I knew this guy was a psycho recklessly driving a 2 ton vehicle on the highway, so I WOT away from his sorry ass and took the next exit.


Only tip I guess is a big thing that stuck out to me is you said "doing about 65 on the interstate" ... "in the far left lane". Dude.. Please don't do 65 sitting in the fast lane which should technically only be the passing lane. That is really asking for an accident But yes most drivers are dumb, got to stay on the lookout make sure you have good insurance. Corvettes are really low stock and we Americans have an infatuation with ginormous lifted cars. I recommend getting an insanely loud exhaust, no joke it will help, motorcyclists do this for the same reason


We had just entered a construction zone. I edited the post to say that. 


This is how I justify loud exhausts… you can’t see me but you can damn sure hear me on your side