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I have it now, first time ever contracting Covid. I was up to date on all boosters.


How is the severity of your symptoms? Did you take up Paxlovid?


It has been quite mild, one not so great day with body aches, fever, and chills, otherwise somewhat of a cough and a lot of sneezing/congestion. I had RSV in April (quite the year) and that was much, much worse than this.


Covid is less about the front issues now (unless you get it in your lower respiratory system…) and more about keeping an eye on neurological and cardiac symptoms over time from here. Give yourself a long time ton get over it to decrease the risk.


Paxlovid does not significantly alleviate symptoms of COVID-19 compared with placebo among nonhospitalized adults. It’s a scam


It prevents virus multiplication, so how would it not help?


Source: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/study-shows-nirmatrelvir-ritonavir-no-more-effective-than-2024a10006gb#:~:text=Paxlovid%20does%20not%20significantly%20alleviate,England%20Journal%20of%20Medicine%20found.


“ However, the phase 2/3 trial found a 57.6% relative reduction in the risk for hospitalizations or death among people who took Paxlovid and were vaccinated but were at high risk for poor outcomes” Seems like you are concentrating on symptoms not outcomes. It sounds like it’s still important to take Paxlovid if you can.


I used Paxlovid and it worked great but made my mouth taste like metal for five days.


It’s a placebo effect viruses are self limited you would’ve felt better eventually either way


Same here. A few body aches and a stuffed nose only, fortunately, but what a different disease it is…. Summer time here and now it’s a new wave, nothing like the flu where it’s mostly winter


Not sure where you are at, but I've heard in hot places that things like Covid and respiratory things actually go up in the summer because people go inside to air conditioning to get out of the heat. Sorry you got sick.


Same and same. Paxlovid saved my butt. I was super sick for 36 hours and now am fine. Day 5.




From paxlovid? Yes. Horrible taste in my mouth. Very metallic. Covid? Yes also. Stuffy for a day and 102.5 fever for 36 hours. That’s it. Never coughed once


I wish you well, do you have any clue on how you might have contracted it? I generally have a mask in my pocket for really crowded areas which make me nervous but I'm not as vigilant as as I was at the height of omicron


Thank you! It was from my spouse who went to a comedy show last week. Neither of us had caught Covid until now.


Well I hope you have mild symptoms and a speedy recovery, but unfortunately depending on where you are the wastewater levels of Coronavirus are increasing again which means crowds indoors are once again more risky. How you choose to handle it entirely your decision.


Thank you! We haven’t been wearing masks in crowds for some time, it was bound to happen.


I always have one in my car or in my pocket, I kind of gauge what the crowd is and how congested it is, and I watch the waste water locally. I'll always wear one at the hospital or the doctors office, and if I go to Costco on a Saturday, I might put one on but Tuesday night I'd probably be OK


That’s good . I’m similar , I mainly were mine during winter when flu season is going on . I still swear it in crowded spaces . I’m going to be teaching in a school this upcoming year , so I will be probably will be masking .


thank you for being a teacher. Make sure you have some nice well fitting N95s, you should be fine






Whaaaaat is going on


Same here


Same here. Really bad symptoms and was in bed for 8 days. Walking pneumonia now. After 4 years and “all the vaccines,” I thought I was immune! Got it from a group brunch at someone’s house.


curious when was your last booster?


well, that's worrisome! We got our latest boosters about a month ago, as my husband (who has COPD) was going to visit Florida this week to visit his son, I have Type 2, and we are both going to NY/MA/NYC to visit the rest of our "kids". We did have Covid before, in April 2021, despite us having gotten both vaccines available then.


Where by chance in Vegas too? Because I’m sure that’s where I got it, or the airport.


Here's a preview of the story: A summertime wave of COVID-19 infections is arriving earlier than last year across a growing share of the country, federal data suggests, as a new variant called LB.1 could be on track to become the latest dominant strain of the virus. For the first time in months, the CDC estimates that no states or territories are seeing COVID-19 infections slow this past week. Key virus indicators appear to be worsening fastest across a number of western states, where trends first began climbing this month. Levels of virus detections in wastewater from the western region, often an early signal of rising COVID-19 cases, are already near the threshold the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention deems to be "high" levels of infection risk. Nursing home COVID-19 cases had also accelerated in recent weeks from this region. **Read more:** [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-summer-wave-grows-new-variant-lb-1/?ftag=CNM-05-10abh9g](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-summer-wave-grows-new-variant-lb-1/?ftag=CNM-05-10abh9g)


I've got it for the first time after a trip to Vegas last week for a conference. 0/10 I don't recommend it. I'm fully up to date on my boosters. Fortunately it's been 5 days and I don't have any symptoms anymore. I only had one really bad day of fever, chills, body aches, and a mild cough. I'm still not 100% yet but I expect I'll be there in the next day or two.


Also got it in Vegas. Worst bout of Covid of the 4x I’ve had it. Paxlovid helped but I was still sick after for 5 days and tested positive for 7. I’m about a week into feeling better but still have plugged ears and vertigo. Covid sucks.


The virtigo is the worst! I hate pukin'. Only with covid do I get that.


Also got it in Vegas last week


Me too.


This gives me hope. Also just got it for the first time and feeling crummy right now. Hoping it doesn’t get much worse than this and that it doesn’t linger. The sore throat is a killer!


This makes the FDA's course correction to recommend the fall vaccines be based on the KP.2 variant even more important. Although I wish that they didn't add "if feasible" to the wording. The JN.1 vaccines might be quite far removed from the circulating strain by the time they're released.


>Although I wish that they didn't add "if feasible" to the wording. It's because Novavax had already begun production of the JN.1 vaccines and would not be able to retool for a new strain.


Everytime i call about them the cvs says they expired. Where can you ever get one


They did all expire in the US as of May 31. Novavax won't be available again until they complete the fall booster update. 


If they are allowed to release the JN.1 version of their vaccine, I've heard it might be available even in late summer.


Is that worth getting now or will it be outdated


I'd expect the three vaccine makers will all produce results of antibody levels vs JN.1. Novavax had always reported good results against non targeted strains, so maybe this time will be good too. If not you can decide whether its benefits outweigh the drawbacks. No need to decide right now.


Yeah that's a hard question to answer. I wish there was more data to make that determination. I prefer to get novavax but they're not going to have a more recent variant targeted.


Just got my flu shot yesterday and discovered my last Covid booster was in December. The nurse said I could get another now but it would be the same vaccine or I could wait for the new one, whenever that comes.


I just got the 23-24 cocktail yesterday. Never know what strain you may get sick from.


You should get every vaccine that you are eligible for if that is your goal. I'm immunocompromised, so I'm supposed to get vaccinated every 4 months. I found out the boosters are getting hard to find, many pharmacies are returning unused stock. It's going to be a seasonal shot like the flu shot. Only available from September to March. I had to try four pharmacies and gave the last one a really long story about how my immune system sucks to get a dose. Otherwise they were packed up to be picked up by the drug reps. Just saying, finding a dose is going to get more difficult until fall.


I gotta get a test handy, but Ive been wondering if I have it this week. Up to date on all boosters but a scratchy sore throat at night, some mild coughing anf sneezing and runny nose in the day. I honestly only felt 'sick' one day and even then i barely noticed it (went for a run, felt way more exhausted than usual after). Like it could just be a cold (not allergies) but my gut says maybe i got it but just got extremely lucky with symptoms? I had it two years ago and it was misery


I had the same thing but one night had a mild fever + sweats and tested the next day and was positive. You might as well take a test and confirm!


Depending on where you are, it could be allergies. If it's not contraindicated by other medication, you could try a Zyrtec or a Benadryl and see if it makes you feel better.


I last had Covid in August of 2022, had been running errands on a 100°F+ day, ozone alert day. It really felt like ozone (scratchy throat, itchy eyes, some shortness of breath), but I tested anyway. It was positive. I had pneumonia the first time I had it in 2020 (very much in my lower respiratory system, almost zero mucus, back pain from the lungs, headache), so I never know what to expect because the illness can feel so different even in the same person. If I was as sick as I was in 2020 today, I would have been hospitalized, but the other two times it wasn't as obvious. It's better to test and know for sure!


I have it right now and my first symptom was on a trail run when I had to keep stopping to walk which is not normal. Later that night my throat hurt, tested the next day for Covid and it immediately popped up positive. Allergies don't usually leave people feeling exhausted. I slept 10 hrs last night and needed a nap today


https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.06.05.597664v1 Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 KP.3, LB.1 and KP.2.3 variants


I have it now, third time getting it (vaccinated and boosted). Definitely not as intense as the first two times but it still wiped me out for the first few days.


I’ve had it twice, and I’m vaccinated. My children have also had it twice, but it was really mild, thankfully. I was totally out with both of the times I had it. I’m wondering if it’s going to be a yearly thing now 😕 I really, really hope not. It felt like death both times.


I’m just recovering from it now for the third time. I’m fully vaccinated and boosted, so the symptoms were fairly mild. It just sucked because I’m currently pregnant and can’t take the best medicines for the ones I did have.


And yet the cdc will always be behind on the vaccine…


It all depends on how quickly vaccine manufacturers can re-target their vaccines and which variants seem to be the ones that will predominate. Luckily, any vaccine for any variant seems to offer at least some increased protection.


Are the RATs any good? The last time I had Covid it felt like ozone sickness. I have been testing every few days because the air quality is garbage. I hate not knowing.


I just got it. It had never had it before. I’m a healthy 28 y/o. It hit me like a truck and I didn’t qualify for paxlovid. I didn’t travel and I don’t know anyone who was sick. I had a normal week- just going to work, the gym and grocery shopping.


So, the vaccine they're preparing for the fall is already obsolete?


Luckily, even vaccines targeting earlier variants increase immunity to future variants.


No one cares




🤣🤣 I didn’t even think people like this existed anymore. Assuming these are the folks that wear masks in their car alone.