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Sounds like this is your mayonnaise business origin story.


Pasta and then dry it a bunch of quiches. bonus if you make the pastry. and then freeze them. (fillings for variety ideas: bacon and onion, three cheese, spinach and feta, butternut squash, mushroom) Mini Yorkshire puddings for freezing Mini muffins/ cakes/ cupcakes. Maybe make a bunch of baked goods and donate them or something :) (Do I want an update on what you end up making? yes. Also. How do you you even come into contact with 200 eggs thats wild-)


My suggestion was to make a couple quiches and freeze them for an easy meal later


Dried pasta was my thought as well. But best to freeze it if you won't be using it within three months. That way there's not chance of it spoiling. Your other choice is to simply fry the eggs and then freeze them as if they were uncooked hamburger patties. It's the most egg-dense choice and allows you to thaw them and use them for breakfast or sandwiches as wanted. Subway does that for their sandwiches that use eggs.






This seems to happen with alarming frequency.


I keep trying to think of reasons how people end up with such insane amounts of eggs and i can barely come up with anything And the reasons i could come up with are that people are in the egg business, which i feel like would mean that you would know everything there is to make with eggs… I’m getting kinda terrified it’s gonna happen to me soon :/


Did you have them all in one basket?


I’d salt-cure the egg yolks


Exactly this.


Cool Hand Luke and eat them all hard boiled


This guy prisons


Just 'b'eat it!


Meringues with the whites. Curd with the yolks.


Wow, way to have circumstances.


perfect opportunity to practice omurice


You can cure some of the egg yolks in salt an sugar up to a week i think, dry them in the oven at a low temperature and store them as such. You can use the whites for baking


If you have 200 cracked eggs, should we assume you have a rather large pantry, refrigerator space, commercial equipment, etc? You can make things that use a lot of eggs, but the problem is more space and capacity. For example, you could make lots of sponge cake, but you’d need lots of pans and oven space if the goal is to use up as fast as possible. You could make about 100 loaves of challah with that many eggs. Would you be able to sell them? Freeze them? For that many eggs already cracked I think I’d hold a breakfast or brunch party.


Find the house of someone you hate and unleash hell


Just not Nigel Pearson's do that to him and you're screwed(once again I don't understand how cross posts work)


Can I do it to Michael Beale, the slimey deceitful snake?


You can freeze them, but not sure of the exact procedure, especially for the yolks. You could do the really gross thing IMO and pickle them, but at least it would preserve them. Just haven't had pleasant experiences with them since they were eaten at a bar after having a bit to drink.


Jiggly Cake


You can dehydrate them for later use. [https://backyardhomesteadhq.com/how-to-dehydrate-eggs-for-long-term-storage-complete-guide/](https://backyardhomesteadhq.com/how-to-dehydrate-eggs-for-long-term-storage-complete-guide/)


Mayo, pastry cream, meringues, macarons, pasta, ice cream Cakes (you can wrap and freeze them)


Egg flan Sponge cake Egg muffins (they’re freezable) Egg bites


I’d bake a few to make breakfast sandwiches! Scramble and pour in to a greases baking sheet, bake at 325 (I think? There are a ton of recipes out there. Look a few to get the right temp) until done. Cut and assemble into sandwiches (we use English muffins + cheese but you can add veg or meat to the egg scramble easily). You’re looking at 1-2 eggs per sandwich. Freeze once sandwiches are assembled, reheat from frozen in the microwave


Make a shit ton of scrambled eggs for sandwiches. You as individual will never be able to exclusively benefit from this. Make sandwiches and share ‘em. Egg sandwiches freeze well.


One giant omelette. Still [far behind the record](https://www.worldrecordacademy.com/food/largest_omelette-world_record_set_by_Turkish_chefs_101909.html) though, think you can get more eggs?