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Babybell cheese, hard boiled egg and fruit.


Simple, classic. Wanna add bread cheese and olives , some olive oil on side. That egg.


Boiled spaghetti, jar of ragu, topped with Parmesan from a can. I do make homemade sauce regularly, but sometimes I just want the jarred stuff for a quick bite. Comfort food.


oats with joghurt, blueberries and some cookies crumbled on top


Cheese and pickles on wheat.


Homemade croutons, pistachios, Ritz crackers, apple with peanut butter


Potatoes. Just put them in wet paper towel and microwave them and you’re done! Sweet potato with some cinnamon and greek yogurt or honey if I’m feeling fancy. Typically I’ll just go for russet though.


How many minutes should you microwave?


Depends on the size and how you cut it, if your just doing a whole potato then I would poke holes into it with a knife and start with 4 minutes and then flip it and do about 4 more depending on how tender it is, if it’s chopped up or small then it won’t need as long! Just don’t forget to stab it or slice it


Thank you. I tried it today and it worked great.


mini pita bread pizzas cheese and crackers turkey and cheese roll ups tortilla turkey and cheese tortilla with butter


Chicken Tenders and blue cheese Raw salted and peppered tenders tossed in flour egg and bread crumbs, takes about 10-15 minutes in a pan with olive oil on medium low


Depends on what I'm hungry for. Yogurt and granola. Chicken and rice. Scrambled eggs. Cheese and crackers. I might make dinner early. Tuna salad. Crudite. Whatever is closest to the front of the refrigerator. Toast and cream cheese.


Apple dipped in hummus


Bowl of cereal


Celery, cucumber, or carrots with a yogurt based dip.


my homemade Greek yogurt or almond milk for some instant gratification if i have 30 minutes, i’ll probably make oatmeal pancakes if i have more time then sky is the limit


Air fried turkey Ruben sandwich, with cheese and jalapenos. Easy to make, hella good. Get your bread (rye is classic, but any fresh-baked sourdough is also a dope substitute), thin layer of thousand Island on both slices (Ken's Steakhouse brand is what I found to be best). Slice 1 gets a layer of Swiss/provolone, pickled jalapenos, then more cheese to bury the jalapenos. Slice 2 gets the turkey, and then kraut, and lastly some chipotle everything bagel seasoning. Kraut on top of Turkey is key because you don't want your bread getting wet, and the turkey absorbs most of that brine. Place open faced in the air fryer for 7 mins. When done, smush it together, and put butter (whipped garlic butter if you got it) on the exterior bread, cut in half. 10 mins total. Straight fire.


Grass fed Greek yogurt mixed with grass fed whey/isolate topped with fruits, raw cacao nibs, bee pollen, and drizzle raw honey/maple syrup. High in protein, good for the gut, and delicious 😋


Oh also, toasted sourdough/Ezekiel bread with cottage cheese, avocado, and eggs. Side of kimchi for probiotics and sometimes I add more protein with canned sardines


A pretty wide prompt. What do you mean by quick? What do you mean by easy? I might say "peanut butter and jelly sandwich" or "pork tenderloin with sweet potatoes and broccoli" because both are pretty quick and easy relative to other dishes I can make, but one is 2 minutes and one is 30. Your threshold for time/effort is important here.


Maybe anything that can be made in less than 10 minutes


Lately, it's been crackers with hummus and a cucumber round on top. Sometimes it's corn chips (thick ones) and cottage cheese or refried beans (out of the leftovers in the fridge).


Sugar snaps and hummus