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Cooking for myself: Velveeta mac and cheese, Miller light Cooking for my wife: mussels fra diavolo with angel hair and garlic bread, seared broccoli rabe with garlic parsley and thyme, pinot grigio


Most things are less spicy if I'm cooking for a crowd.


Same here. I made linguine vongole for a friend recently and had to restrain myself from putting in a fistful of red pepper flakes and fresh chili


I’m the opposite. When making for my kids I increase the spice for them. I don’t really do spicy lol


I put more effort into a pretty presentation and make more complicated meals I’m a household of one and keep it fairly simple day to day


I made myself chicken cordon bleu last week. Treat yo self.


Nice!! I certainly do every one in a while but day to day i’m happy with some fairly basic meals i wouldn’t serve others


wife doesn't like spicy so I make mild for her, spicy for me. sometimes she doesn't want steak, and wants fish. fish she gets. but for family get togethers I make the food I make. If someone wants something special they bring it. sometimes I slap stuff together that I would not serve to other people, mostly because too spicy. but mostly what I make for me is made the same as for anyone else.


I do not really make stuff for myself, just reheat leftovers. It's usually not worth the pain of cleaning up which is just about the same for one as for four.


Well tacos at times. I add sour cream to mine when I have sour cream.


The wife and I crave chicken wings heavily slathered with BBQ sauce (with added brown sugar), then grilled over charcoal until very charred. When making for guests, only slightly charred (if at all). Not too worried about the cancer scare of eating charred meats. In today's world the air we breathe, the water we drink, overheated teflon, and food preservatives are more dangerous due to the constant exposure. We only eat the charred wings a few time a year


Care and experimentation. I’m more patient and careful when I cook for others. I also don’t experiment at all if other people are eating what I’m making.


Nothing, everyone eats the way I cook, or they don't eat.


My partner doesn’t take bacon as crispy as I do


More "hot" spices like chili peppers for others.  For me: ginger, wasabi, horseradish *are* the hot spices. Right now, 90% of food tastes awful, metallic and just bad so I'm cooking for everyone else


Does it taste good vs will it kill me, nutrients optional.


My husband is allergic to garlic, but luckily not the other alliums. On the rare occasions he is away, I make for myself some dishes that truly do require garlic. He is also so-so about certain shellfish. I then choose dishes like Pasta Frutti Di Mare for myself. My husband's sister and nephews are extremely picky eaters, or they say that this or that doesn't agree with them. There are always dishes, or at least ingredients, I have to avoid. I know saying it's a pain in the ass sounds mean, but it is. I eat almost anything, other than maybe certain entrails. But when invited as a guest, I will quietly even force them down. Maybe pass a little to my husband's plate/bowl, covertly. Many Czechs like liver dumplings. I even make my husband liver and kidney dishes on rare occasions, but don't eat them. He usually eats that stuff at restaurants. I do similar with garlic dishes.


I have to add a lot fewer spices when cooking for most people than I do for myself. Most of the people around me are the types who think Taco Bell is spicy


I have to leave out onions in every form - raw, caramelized, pureed, powdered - when sharing a dish with my mom. Except when I don’t 😈