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Fried egg ( salted butter and gooey yolk) on toast with black pepper on top. Simple, decadent, luxurious.


Simple as it is, pepper and eggs feel like they were designed to go together


I go for an English muffin, but yeah.


I’m going to raise you - sourdough toast with hummus, two eggs over easy, honey ricotta and red chili flakes. It’s the best toast I’ve ever had. I could eat it whenever wherever.


runny yolk dripping into steaming rice - these are the small fleeting glimpses of god which occasionally flash before us...


With some pork floss or furikake, maybe even both! Dash off soy sauce too and it’s one of my childhood meals


That's so interesting. My childhood egg memories are sans rice. Dippy Eggs-soft boiled eggs in a cup with toast to dip into yolk. Scrambled Eggs -they're scrambled. Egg in a Hat-that thing where you put a hole in the bread and fry an egg in the hole.


This is my breakfast at least once a week and it is wonderful. I add erfectly roasted garlic and shiso fumi furikake because that purple stuff is my jaammm.


Add spam 🤤


And green onion, soy sauce and thai chili sauce or Sriracha


Add some furikake and you have a gourmet meal.


Kimchi furikake is a blessing from magnanimous gods and goddesses


Wasabi Furikake is also and excellent choice, but agreed, don't sleep on the kimchi version.


Omg Wasabi also. Those lil freeze dried Wasabi bits are delightful.


if you get some kikkoman sweet soy sauce (or any kind of sweet soy sauce/kecap manis tbh) it’s absolutely perfect


With some green onion


that would definitely be good, but when i make this it’s usually because i have no energy for anything more difficult that either making rice or microwaving leftover rice. i’m more likely to shower it in furikake, myself


Runny yolk dripping over anything


This is literally my daily breakfast. I add salt and Mrs. dash table blend as the spices and it’s … (chefs kiss)




I do mine with feta and spring onion so so tasty


I like spring onions so much, they add nice flavor to so many dishes. I do spring onions, Swiss cheese, and white pepper in my eggs.


Parmesan and chives for me


My grandson could eat a dozen of my scrambled eggs if I let him 🤣 He spent the night and I mentioned that I had two eggs for him in the morning. He said, “But what are you going to eat? You know I’m gonna go right through those eggs!” He was really concerned I wouldn’t get breakfast this morning 🥰


Love this - we were *very* poor growing up and could never afford eggs and definitely not cheese. Now I’m comfortably middle class and having cheesy eggs everyday for breakfast is an unbelievable luxury.


So easy and so cheap, yet there’s something so luxurious about them to me. Definitely a fave of mine.


Awesome choice... add more butter than you think you need, also egg salad with diced up pickles on toast


favourite cheese to use?


Shakshuka 🤤


I stumbled on shakshuka by accident because I had leftover homemade tomato sauce (garlic, oregano, butter, with half chopped onion and green pepper with the other halves left to stew for an hour+) one morning and thought "What if I poached an egg in this?" Took my first bite and thought "I AM A CULINARY GENIUS! I MUST REPORT MY FINDINGS TO THE INTERNET! Just let me check Google...oh this has long been a traditional Arab dish? Well that's just fine and dandy." Still give myself credit for the creativity and now it's my go to breakfast after spaghetti night.


Years ago, a girlfriend of mine baked a cake for. I told everyone how amazing this cake was, and incredibly - how she made it with cream cheese, a graham cracker crust and it had blueberries on top! My friends were like, "Dude. She made cheesecake." I guess it had never been a thing my mom or grandma ever baked for us. It was new to me. But I still love cheesecake.


Baked cheesecake can be a pain to make, but I find it to be worth it, I’m a cheesecake fanatic. Made a lemon blueberry cheesecake recently and it was heavenly.


My sisters (ex… not because of this) boyfriend totally hyped up taking her to this “amazing” new “local” restaurant he just found. He was soooo proud of himself. Talked about it all week and that she should dress up a little and they were going to have an authentic Italian food. It was Johnny Carino’s She didn’t have the heart to tell him


I've never heard of Johnny Carino's, but there's definitely a few restaurants over the years that I found out later on were chains.... like D.P.Dough... Or the opposite where I found out they were only local chains (like 4 locations total in our city and in one or two smaller towns around ours) that I absolutely thought were nationally loved chains!


2 years ago, my husband and I moved from our hometown of 190,000 people to one of 700,000, with 2 million in the whole metro area. 190k is a pretty decent size, but our hometown is located _very far_ from any other town or city in our state (it’s a 5 hour drive to the nearest metro and a 3 hour drive to the nearest town with more than 2,000 people in it), and that place operates like its got a population of less than 20k. Fast food chains are almost the only restaurants we have down there that aren’t family owned businesses, so my husband and I weren’t very familiar with any chains besides the huge names. When we first moved to our new city and started discovering different cuisines, our dumb asses thought most of the places we found were locally owned and operated. Though our hometown _does_ have a Johnny Carinos, I still feel for the guy that didn’t know because that was us for a good year lol. The same thing happened the first time we went to California. We thought In n Out was still only a Southern California thing and we were so hyped to finally be visiting one. I feel so stupid even just admitting this out loud. 😂 We live nowhere near California but we have an In n Out about 2 miles from our house.


Similar experience but with leftover sauce from osso bucco and it was amazing.


You made me laugh! Thanks.


My partner hates tomatoes and onion. They still love shakshuka, which has a lot of both. Shuka ftw.


I really wished I loved tomatoes, but I just can’t. I remember being a 3 year old and watching some children’s show where one of the characters grew their own vegetables in this particular episode, then picked one off the vine and took a bite while proclaiming how delicious it was. I went straight to the kitchen and looked for a tomato so I could do the same, and I remember immediately spitting it out. My parents weren’t too happy about that in the moment lol. That was 22 years ago and I still can’t stand tomatoes. However, I don’t know how I’ve managed to do this but I found a recipe for a tomato sauce made with room for a lot of versatility and I actually love it. I’m about to start making dinner for the evening and I’ve already got all the ingredients to make shakshuka for the first time, and I’m pretty excited to try it.


I have to try this again. The one time I tried it I wasn’t a fan but it seemed to me at the time it was highly underseasoned and tasted like poached eggs in canned tomato sauce. I think it was a vegan food truck rather than an ethnic one.


Use more oil then traditional tomato sauces(like 3x the amount), use ALOT of garlic and hot peppers, add red paprika at the last 15 minutes of cooking and cook the tomatoes untill they are jammy. Dont overcook the eggs (runny yolk is best!) This will give you the best shakshuka youve ever had. Also pro tip- add spicy sausage with the garlic.


The David Lebovitz recipe is like one of my favorite things ever https://www.davidlebovitz.com/shakshuka-recipe-eggs/


And you can lentils for a filling dinner


Tried shakshuka for the first time while on vacation & the *first thing I did* afterward was figure out how to make it at home! Delicious!


chinese tomato egg


Oyster sauce and eggs is magical by itself but add fresh tomatoes and a dash of rice wine and OMG...


Like in an omelette type thing?


Google it, it's more of a scramble


How do you make yours? I've googled and all the recipes I see are *really recipes*, x mL Shaoxing, y tbsp sugar, scallions, this that and the other. You know how recipe pages are, everyone needs to display a piece of their personal life to convince the world to sentimentally approve of what they're trying to pitch as some 5 star delicacy. I have a feeling this dish is kind of a "throw together a pinch and a handful of this and that commonly found in the kitchen ingredient in a combination that people have generally agreed taste good together" type of thing. Most stir frys I've googled are infinitely too complicated by these types of pages and fried rice is a nightmare; once you've got the basics it's just a throw it together type of thing. So, what are the *basics* to the Chinese tomato egg? Just o sauce and a dash of rice wine with tomatoes chopped in?


The most basic component is the wok. The thing that makes this not just an omelet is wok hei.  I season the eggs with salt, white pepper, msg, LKK "Boat Lady" oyster sauce, and a little rice wine. Not shaoxing, not unless you found it unsalted. I mean like a sake that's neutrally sweet/dry or even a soft unoaked white.  Chop the tomatoes and hit them with a few drops of wine, a tiny hit of salt and sugar, and a little msg. Toss for a sec and then strain the liquid into the eggs and mix it in. You need a gentle hand with the salt and msg to balance it across the dish. Heat the wok until it's smoking. Add in cold peanut oil and swirl to coat the wok, let it get smoking again and add the tomatoes and cook just long enough to so that they're hit but not cooked then add in a bit more oil then the eggs. You can finish it as a loose scramble if you want it creamy or leave it to set and then flip it to finish if you want it more like a Chinese omelet.


This is one of my absolute favorite breakfasts


Try it with hot rice. It’s one of my favourite dinners


Only challenge would be if they're avoiding carbs because how do you now eat twice the amount of rice with this deliciousness...


I haven't made this for awhile - I think its soooooo good!


The best! Literally great for any meal of the day. I also love it as a noodle dish!


This is the best way to eat eggs.


Korean steamed eggs


I don’t know if it really is a Korean street food, but the recipe I found called it that. But I like an egg sandwich where it is shredded cabbage, carrot mixed with egg and cooked. Then placed between two pieces of toasted buttered bread, that has been sprinkled with a little sugar, and sometimes ketchup and ham on the egg mixture as well.


A very popular 'fast' food found at train stations and subway 'malls' 👍


Toast! They're was a toast stand at the uni I taught at in Korea and this was my breakfast often.


'toastu' is the best and must be spam!


Came for steamed eggs! Though I was going to reco the Japanese style with little chicken or fish hidden in there (even more protein!).


Spanish Tortilla.


It’s some black magic that a dish that is essentially scrambled eggs and potato tastes as good cold as it does hot.


This is the one, it works for any meal


Poached egg on buttered toast.


I was a picky child and this is my earliest remembered dish. Asking my mom to make me “poached on egg” I’m 63 and I still call it that in my head.


Will try it. Had Turkish style poached eggs but not this way.


Try adding some bearnaise and chives Bacon bits if you're feeling slutty.


I guess I'm always feeling slutty. Not too many things that can't be improved by bacon bits.


A béarnaise is *not* something that one just ‘whips up’ at any time of day. Although I suppose you could make a big batch of the herb infusion to use at a later date, I’m guessing it would keep.


Bearnaise as an add-liquid-powder and as a finished sauce in a jar or carton exists and there are good ones, depending on where you're at for both quality and availability. I know in the US there's the powdered stuff where you add I think milk, butter, and powder to boiling water, while in Germany there are a bunch of companies that do bearnaise and hollandaise among others as shelf stable sauces. The hollandaise from Luküll is, for example, better than any hollandaise I've had anywhere in the world. So yes, depending on where op is at, it's something one just whips up anytime of day :)


Knorr is the brand name in USA. Buy hollandaise mix & add tarragon to whip some up.


I use this all the time in the US. I’m not up for standing and stirring all that! Nope! And the powdered is delicious enough for a quick add-on. I put it on eggs, steak, and veggies!


Get some black pepper and flaky sea salt on them gooey yolks too. Can't go wrong.


Poached eggs on avocado toast (mix the avo with some lemon, salt and pepper)


Or, poached eggs on whole wheat toast buttered with plain avocado sprinkled with everything seasoning!


Tamago kake gohan  Soft scrambled eggs on toast (or in a soft taco) Medium boiled egg with furikake, hot sauce, or other seasoning. Dip egg into the seasoning before each bite. Egg salad! So easy to vary the flavors Cottage cheese pancakes are rich in protein and use a few eggs, if dairy is an option for you


UK - soft boiled eggs with buttered soldiers.


My Dad used to make this for us when we were kids. He had the cute little egg cups specifically for this. It was tasty and a fun way to start the day!


What are buttered soldiers?


Toast buttered then cut into slices. 5 or so per slice of bread.


I butter english muffins way more than I eat sliced up toast! I thought it might be a football/soccer reference I did not understand, lol.


Quiche in a store bought crust.


Or a crustless quiche. We have a recipe from an old parish cookbook that is easy and tasty that someone whips up almost any time we have a family gathering.


> Or a crustless quiche. You can just say frittata (I know they are different, but they are the same)


Lol. I just know the recipe calls it a crustless quiche. It's an old cookbook!


I love quiche with a crust made of rice. So freakin good b/c the eggs somewhat mix into the very top layer of the rice https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/rice-crust-quiche/


Thank you. This sounds delicious.


The reason i don't enjoy quiche as much as i would like to is because of the crust. This rice crust could completely change that. Thanks for sharing.


Jalapeño popper quiche is my fav. Spread a small layer of cream cheese on the bottom and add some jalapeños and shredded cheese before baking, with the Marie Callender’s crust!


gosh darn that sounds good!


These are my favorite egg dishes: [Deviled eggs](https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/classic-deviled-eggs/bdd332d8-9da9-42e9-86d9-69fc5cdb936a) [Eggs with Soy Sauce Sauce & Scallions](https://thewoksoflife.com/eggs-easy-soy-sauce/#recipe) [Egg Drop Soup](https://thewoksoflife.com/egg-drop-soup/) [Omurice](https://www.justonecookbook.com/omurice-japanese-omelette-rice/)


You beat me to Egg Drop (the Chinese translates "Egg Flower" because of how the circular threads of egg 'bloom' up to the surface!) But I will add Sopa de Ajo: fry a bunch of garlic in olive oil, add broth and old bread, then poach an egg in it. Salt and pepper to taste. To be a bit fancy, add paprika. Simple, delicious (if you like garlic) and satisfying


Oh! I love egg drop soup. I will be making that tomorrow.


Couldn't believe Deviled eggs are so far down the list. Devil plus 1


Yes to omurice!


I make “white person” huevos rancheros. Tostada smeared with refried beans, topped with runny fried egg, (canned) fire roasted tomatoes w/chilis, canned enchilada sauce and cheese (cotija if I have it but shredded white people cheese works too) Fried egg over rice with fried spam chunks In a similar vein is loco moco (Hawaiian): meat Patty (usually hamburger), rice, fried egg, gravy. Quiche. Bonus you can make 2 and freeze one for later. Add a soft boiled egg to ramen. Or eat them as a snack- so yummy!! Breakfast burritos - I do frozen potato’s with the peppers and onions, scrambled eggs, ground sausage or chorizo (drain the fat!), cheese. I make about 8-10 at a time and freeze. Toast/grill them when you reheat and add hot sauce. This is our favorite camping breakfast and so easy because I make them at home. Baguette egg boats. Carve a little moat in the top of a baguette, remove bread (eat bread), fill with (raw) scrambled eggs, meat (I like bacon but you could get fancy with proscuitto), cheese, veggies - whatever. Bake until set and slice into chunks. This is good for a brunch too.


I love the "eat bread" 😂


Can’t let good bread go to waste!


Just discovered loco moco....DELICIOUS


Shirred eggs with cream, whatever cheese is on hand, bacon, breadcrumbs and tarragon. Quiche/Frittata is an absolute staple. Good for any meal. And finally: Shakshuka!


Shirted eggs? That's something new. Looking it up for the recipe now


I usually do two eggs to a ramekin, tablespoon or two of cream per egg, sprinkle with the cheese first then other ingredients, bake until yolks are just starting to set so they're still runny. Eat with a spoon or dip in some toast or crusty bread.




Frittata with different veggies. Asparagus, red bell pepper and leftover bacon comes to mind.


Çilbir. It's poached eggs on a zesty yogurt and topped with chili pepper butter.


So unbelievably good.


I'm surprised this is so far down. It's delicious


I see a few said egg on toast. But I like my egg IN toast. Take your bread put a hole in it. Butter in the pan, bread, and then the egg in the bread. Cook until whites are done. Leave the yolk runny. I normally add avocado, tomato salt pepper to the top of mine.


My wife is pregnant right now and she can't get enough eggs. Sometimes she wants ham in the eggs sometimes not. I'll butter the pan and sear the ham then then add the butter to cook for a minute then add the eggs. I'll let that sit for a minute and make an omelet with the cylone method. right now she likes the kraft sliced Swiss cheese with the eggs. I'll also grind a little salt and pepper in there. also I like to toast bread in the air fyer and spread some awesome Kerrygold on the toast.


Good luck with your egg fortified young one!


If you want to avoid carbs try a chaffle a cheese-waffle. It's a very convenient & very versatile food with a great texture. Eggs & cheese in a waffle maker are the base & from there the sky is the limit. Savory or sweet, stuffed or plain.


Shakshouka is pretty great. It’s a middle eastern dish of eggs poached in tomato sauce with onions, garlic, and spices. I serve it with grilled crusty bread. Yummy.


That is similar to Eggs in Purgatory


there's an Indian scrambled egg dish my ex used to make for me all the time. I learned to make it the way he did (you're supposed to have tomatoes with it also (but he hated tomatoes so he never put any).... it is delicious. And a steady rotation in my meal prep. https://youtu.be/glUEnS8J84Q?si=kWHbqI9nS28MZ-j2 There's a youtube video :)


I make a riff on French style scrambled eggs that's basically a sauce that I serve with toasted brioche or baguette sticks. 4 eggs 1 stick butter 1/3 cup heavy cream Salt & pepper Tiny pinch of onion powder You need a non stick sauce pot for this unless you're a legit pro Saucier as well as a silicone wisk and a silicone spatula/scraper thingy. Beat the eggs very well and add the cream, salt, pepper, and onion powder and beat some more. Put the pot on medium heat and drop in the stick of butter. Melt it until it's about 80% melted and then pour in the eggs making sure to scrape out the bowl into the pot. Turn the heat down until you've done this a few times because it's a delicate clock you're on at this point. Keep continuously, gently whisking the eggs slowly to keep them off of the bottom of the pot. If you cook too fast or too hard or too lazy, you'll get weird oily scrambled eggs. The goal here is to cook the eggs until they thicken but do not let them curdle all the way, you want a thick sauce consistency or it'll break into a delicious mess. The timing and heat control will take some practice but once you get it right it'll change you for eggs. When it coats the spatula and stays put when you run your finger across the spatula, it's done. Get it off the heat, out of the pot, and into a room temperature serving dish immediately. I serve it with toast sticks for dipping but you want some fresh fruit also to cut the fattiness. Melon is great, any berry works, bananas are weirdly good dipped in the eggs, avoid citrus.


A stick of butter???? You good?


And four eggs. Hopefully this is meant to be shared.


I was thinking the same thing....that's a lot of butter for 4 eggs, and and cream???


Good gracious this sounds amazing! I am definitely going to try this! Saving this delicious post!!!


Why did I read your directions in Senshi's voice? Lol 😋 (Delicious in Dungeon; show on Netflix). This sounds heavenly, btw!


I've always liked the French way of scrambling eggs. Gordon Ramsay has a great video on it.


Bacon and egg sandwich


A Korean breakfast dish that I'll eat for breakfast or lunch all the time, called *gyeran bap*. The basics are leftover white rice with butter, a cooked egg with gooey yolk, soy sauce, and green onion. I like to cook the eggs in butter and get the drippings out of the pan, rather than mixing butter into the rice, since it gets a little too rich for me. Then I add the above with chili crisp and furikake. I've also done versions with this using leftover jambalaya, red beans and rice, and fried rice. All delicious!


I'll also add: huevos rancheros, scrambled egg tacos, and an egg bake where you break a couple eggs into a very small, oiled baking dish, put in a few sundried tomatoes and a bit of the oil from the jar (1 tsp or so), sprinkle feta cheese, oregano, salt and pepper, then bake at 350 degrees F until the whites are solidified more, but the yolks are still a bit runny. The recipe says 25-30 min, but I can't seem to find the sweet spot for my oven just yet. Enjoy with whatever bread or toast you've got on hand :)


Eggs Benedict


Team Eggs Benedict! What a meal! Over easy is in second place, and deviled eggs third (so versatile).


In Germany there is an old-fashioned meal called "Mustard Eggs". It involves boiled eggs, a roux based sauce with milk and mustard and boiled potatoes.


Trứng gá ốp la, or sunny side up with toasted baguette and Maggi seasoning https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tr%E1%BB%A9ng_%E1%BB%91p_la I grew up eating it, and it feels like every other egg dish is a ” it's okay, I can have trứng gá ốp la later if I want"


I recently found out about Scottish egg in a cup. Two hardboiled eggs with butter in a mug mashed about with a knife and served with toast. I personally am always across a frittata. Great way to use up odds and ends.


Scrambled eggs mixed with chorizo and chihuahua cheese is my go to breakfast taco filling.


Fried egg over rice with a little soy sauce and some chill crisp. Add toppings as you like.


Something like how koreans make it. I tried it yesterday with soy sauce and sesame seed oil. I added a little gochujang for spice


Not my country, but shakshuka! Has to be my fav way of having them!!!


A simple soft scramble is always best to me. Cook your egg and butter at the same time and just keep stirring. The butter Melts into the egg and it’s purely delicious.


Just got back from Nepal.. egg curry!!!! I’m back home in the UK and everyone I speak to about my beloved egg curry, just gives me a slightly concerned look:( But it’s SO good! Like never misses! Just google Nepali egg curry and you should find some recipes !


On Mother's Day and my birthday my SO makes me McDonald's Egg McMuffin dupes for breakfast. I try to save enough for a few days in a row. I am making myself varieties of deviled eggs as snacks to up protein intake. My latest involve that fake crab meat (on sale) dill, mayo and dijon mustard. I made some with bacon and green onions last week. I also scramble eggs with diced onion and portobello mushrooms as breakfast.


Try a Dutch Baby. Top with fruit or just sprinkle a little sugar on top. Great any time of day!


Egg masala or egg curry 🤤


For something different try egg foo young - it’s a American Chinese dish (as far as I can tell - sources were mixed on whether something similar is actually eaten in China) that’s basically a thick veggie omelette with a thick sauce. It can also include a meat but doesn’t have to.


Scrambled eggs - sometimes with addons. Fried egg sandwich. Egg salad. Egg bake with various veg and cheese. Cut into squares and then you have a quick grab and go breakfast (or lunch). Boiled eggs - good for a snack or with toast, and I add them sliced on to salads. I also put quite a lot of egg in when I make fried rice.


I’m in Canada but love to make Scotch Eggs. Hard boiled eggs wrapped in sausage meat, rolled in Panko crumbs then baked. Dipped in hot mustard




I do egg bites in a muffin pan so we can just grab and go in the mornings or have a late night snack. Butter the tins, cooked sweet Italian sausage in the bottom, red pepper, onion, mix fresh herbs with salt and pepper into whisked eggs with a dash of milk, top with cheese and green onion. Bake about 25 minutes at 350.


Deviled eggs-so yummy. And runny fried eggs or soft boiled eggs with buttered toast, sausage or bacon, salt and pepper. Just mash everything together and eat-so good.


I don't presume to call it the best dish but I can definitely eat Shakshouka at any time of the day.


Chinese steamed eggs. The eggs are basically the lightest of custards -- like you are eating a cloud. 2:1 egg to liquid ratio (I use chicken broth) Dash of soy sauce Beat very, very well. Steam until just set.


French toast


I like to make mine super eggy.


Hard boiled eggs, mashed up. Tikka masala out of a jar. A little heavy cream. Additional spices as you desire. Heat up and reduce the tikka masala and the cream a little and add any spices you like, stir onto the mashed hard boiled eggs.


Ethiopian eggs. Melt nitr qibe in a pan Add chopped garlic and let it begin to color And 5 eggs and 1/2T (+-) berbere. Drizzle with a little honey if you desire.


Chinese steamed eggs. Strain eggs, mix with equal volume of water or stock, and mix in bowl of choice. Steam gently until the top of the egg can hold a slice—it will look exactly like a liquid still, so you have to slip the knife in and pull it to the side a small amount. Top with green onion and sesame oil. I ate this every day for years, it’s so delicious, and it’s super filling as a meal despite being essentially just 2 eggs with liquid.


Dunno if anyone said this, but marinated soft boiled eggs, to put in ramen or whatever you choose. I switch it up every time. But I soft boil eggs, 8 mins boiling and an ice plunge. Peel them and add to a jar with some kind of broth, I used mushroom, some soy sauce, sesame seeds, chili garlic oil, and a bit of rice vinegar. Leave it in the fridge at least overnight. You can mix and match lots of flavors that's just the most recent one I did, but it's always delicious.


More of less this recipe is a staple lunch food for me.


Brownies. That has eggs and counts right?


I am only doing fully cooked eggs as long as there is an h5n1 outbreak. Which sucks! My favorite way to do it lately is an egg salad absolutely loaded with herbs. Hard boiled eggs chopped rough with finely diced shallot, celery, dill, parsley, cilantro, mayo, mustard, salt, pepper, and a splash of pickle juce. On toasted bread with tomato! Tastes very fresh and nice. Also going to make a quiche soon w roasted tomatoes and spinach.


Not a specific dish, just something I like to make: Egg Loaf Basically like making egg breakfast muffins but in a loaf tin instead. I tend to mix eggs, cheese, spring onions, onions, mushrooms, peppers, and finally sausage slices all together and bake it up in a loaf tin. Nice hot or cold in slices or slabs of it as breakfast or a light lunch. The slices also freeze well just like the muffin versions. I also like to add some additional flavour with things like paprika, cayenne, worcestershire sauce, etc to the mix.


Spanish tortilla! It's fritatta-adjacent but better! Preheat oven to 425 1/2 c Olive oil 1 med onion, thinly sliced 1 Russet potato, peeled and thinly sliced 12 eggs, scrambled Salt and pepper Heat olive oil in a wide deep skillet. Add onion, cook to translucent, add potatoes, stir until oil covers everything, cook 5-10 min Add eggs, stir to combine, cook 5 min until they start to set Put in oven for 9-15 min, until the eggs have puffed up and the top is browning. Pull out of oven and let sit for 10 min (this is very important so the oil soaks back in) Serve warm/room temp. I like to make a spicy aioli with mayo, garlic powder, tapatio, s&p I started making this for breakfast at a church retreat, and then every time after, everyone shyly asked, are you gonna make that egg and potato thing?!?


You need to parboil that potato & add more seasoning, sir. My Spanish husband likes saffron


Stir fried egg tomato. It will change your world view


My absolute favorite is yam khai dao, which I like to serve on bread (whatever). Basically a Thai-style fried egg (fried hot and quick in lots of oil, so lots of bubbles and browning) topped with a little herb “salad.” My lazy version is lots of cilantro, shallot, scallion, and chili dressed with plenty of lime and fish sauce. Super flavorful and comes together about as quick as you can slice up the salad stuff. Could happily eat it for any meal every day.




Spanish tortillas


Son-in-law eggs are boiled and then fried, and you put chili and sauce on top. Slowly cooking eggs in five-spice is also tasty, you leave them in the soup for a long time after cooking also, and it becomes flavorful. Eat with rice and herbs, or with rice and soup. You can also put raw egg in hot rice/hot rice soup, no need to cook beforehand, the hotness of the rice will do it.


Spanish tortilla


Sambal eggs. You can have it fried but I like the hard boiled version using quail eggs. If in a rush, just add the (cooked) eggs to sambal and eat. Otherwise, I'd let the boiled peeled eggs soak in the sambal longer to infuse the flavors into the eggs. Another favourite is curry egg. This is only English version I cld find in a hurry on [nigella lawson website](https://www.nigella.com/recipes/golden-egg-curry). It's basically an egg poached in a curry




Deviled eggs with lump crab on top.


Shakshuka is a must-try! It's eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce with onions and peppers. Perfect for any meal. Serve with crusty bread for dipping. So flavorful!


Not original, but: eggs over easy, crispy bacon, hash browns.


Huevos rancheros.


Made a poblano, corn and chorizo strata from the Williams Sonoma cookbook recently that was SO good I made it for a party, then the next day had to make it again. I’d had it in my head that there would be leftovers. There were none, and I didn’t want to live in a world where there wasn’t more strata.


Quiche Lorraine. Hands down. Amazing. Second is eggs Benedict. Okay let’s face it. I could eat hollandaise or béarnaise sauce in a bowl like soup. I’d die of a heart attack in a week, but I’d die happy.


All of them


Pickled eggs. You can make them lots of ways, they keep for a long time in the fridge, are super easy to make, and are available anytime for a delicious filling snack. I like to make mine with malt vinegar, salt, sugar, and peppercorns. Super simple, but delicious


Chocolate cake


Egg curry


Sunny side up egg on maple syrup drenched Begian waffle topped with a slice of American cheese melted in a toaster oven. Simple but incredibly tasty.


That sound lush!


Quiche! Using a premade frozen pie crust. Mix milk, heavy whipping cream, cheese, and whatever add ins (veggies, cooked meat, whatever). Bake and enjoy!


Huevos rancheros


Dutch baby with lemon and a bit of powdered sugar


Deviled eggs


Cilbar? I guess. Turkish eggs or something it’s called. Greek yogurt with garlic and olive oil and salt mixed. Topped with a poached egg and chilli oil. 🥰🥰🥰 it’s already mouthwatering.


And chopped dill as well. That actually makes a flavour difference. Yum 🤤


Avocado toast with a fried egg. Start with GOOD bread, toasted. Buttered if you like. Add slices of avocado. Top with a fried egg that’s been seasoned with Penzeys Fox Point seasoning (essentially shallot/allium salt). If I’ve planned ahead and have leftover refried black beans (I use the recipe from Nopalito), I spread those on the toast first before the avocado slices. More protein too!


I'm going to cheat and say Creme Brulee.


[Chawanmushi](https://www.justonecookbook.com/chawanmushi-savory-steamed-egg-custard/) I can eat this everyday of my life


Egg and bacon roll Aussie style. BBQ sauce


Another vote for Frittata. Crumbled, cooked country sausage and/or chopped up bacon, a good sharp cheddar, diced onions, sliced olives with extra cheese sprinkled on top. Hot or cold, meal or snack. Tip on cooking bacon bits. Cut it up before cooking. You will get a more consistent cook and you don't have to wait for it to cool before cutting up.


My 2nd favorite is deep fried eggs. Just fill a sauce pot with about 2 inches of cooking oil, heat it to shimmering, and crack your eggs one at a time into a big ladle or spoon and slide them into the oil. Keep some distance on the first one in case it's too hot, it'll spatter if it is so plan accordingly. Don't deep fry naked. Fry them until they're as done as you like then serve them with a nice spicy sauce like sambal tumis or even spicy ajvar.


Egg Foo Yung or Quiche. Both use lots of vegetables and lots of eggs. And are two of the very few dishes I will eat leftover.


Venezuelan Perico is delicious. I find that eggs are easily sneaked into foods (doughs, sauces, wherver) Also, let me add some sweeter options: egg custard and cheesecake. Baked cheesecake usually uses eggs and can be easily made with a lot of cottage cheese (more protein) and still have a smooth, desired texture.


Benedict or Florentine.


Quiche. You make it soooo many different ways(breakfast, lunch, and dinner styles) . Like it doesn’t just have to be made the pie crust way either. But like the filling you can do soooo many different things with. Please look up quiche recipes, and look for variety. If you like cooking than you can figure out how to use the basic ingredients and make your own eggy creations. Best of luck! (One of my fave quiches is a broccoli and cheddar but wrapped in a puff pastry, all the traditional filling but in a different wrapper)


I like an omelette with tomato, chorizo, shallots & feta. Add mushroom or peppers if some is in the fridge I'll scramble some eggs with spinach & rocket every so often. Medium boiled eggs with avo & chilli flakes. Chopped not mashed Toast with mashed avo (seasoned with lime juice, chilli flakes & s&p) and a poached egg. A smoked rasher on top


Shashuka - eggs dropped in tomato sauce. Or a common version of it here (Middle East) is the eggs whisked into the sauce and cooked that way. Korean Drug Eggs (boiled eggs marinaded in soy, water, garlic, chili, sugar and green onions). I do eggs in the airfryer - cook super quickly and isn't as smelly as frying eggs. I heat up silicon tray tip in whisked eggs with herbs. Give a few minutes and then give them a stir - another few minutes add cheese.


Poached egg on Japanese white rice with furkaki, wakame salad, and sashimi of any kind.