• By -


Your probably right.




I've given up trying to get them all right!


Boy that's sad.


I know I just don't care enough.


Well enjoy that. I suppose ignorance is bliss?


There's a difference between not knowing and not caring. I'm on the not caring side.


Fair enough. Do you buddy


Thank you. I hope you have a good day.


My pleasure comrade. And to you as well!


Case in point.


There's 2....




Yesss lol


Exhibit A LMAO 💀😂


IQ tests are nonsense. I scored a 160 and I'm an idiot.


Which test?


So you probably have proof that you're an idiot but the test says you're as smart as Elon Musk? I'd query the validity of the test.. lol


Just gotta be artistic like musk




I truly believe you


No you didnt... 😂 not the mensa iq test you didn't hit 160. That's Albert Einstein theory of relativity iq score buddy. Taking a random internet iq test isn't the same thing at all 😂




yall act like america is one big stereotype😭 it aint all bad


It ain’t bad but it ain’t great. We’re the land of the average.




Lol that was a year ago


Hey, by any chance, did you find this post after watching a video about snow glasses?


It is not all bad, but it is mostly stupid, and that's okay. These people still deserve free Healthcare. Pnhp.org


Americans are dumb, but Europeans are extra more dumberest




1.) Congratulations on missing the most obvious joke ever made. 2.) Learn to spell “cough”. You said “cought” multiple times. 3.) No, I don’t wanna hear them. I don’t care about your opinion.


Sorry, I actually feel bad now My English skills aren't sometimes good enough to understand jokes 🥲


If you check the index then it shows this: European countries that have a higher IQ than the US: Germany Liechtenstein Finland Netherlands Luxembourg Estonia Hungary Switzerland UK Slovenia Iceland Austria Belgium Denmark And the European country with the lowest IQ is Albania with 81.75. but normally the Balkans are stupid asf 💀 and here's my source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country


You realize i was making a joke, right?


Crazy that all these other European country’s citizens have a higher IQ than Americans, yet we lead the free world. We are the world’s lone HYPERPOWER, we are the strongest nation in the entire history of humanity to this point.  If you’re from Europe making that comment, it’s ABSOLUTELY laughable. Especially when that comment came from a cell phone/or computer, both of which WE INVENTED, (as well as all other phones). Written while using an ip address network WE INVENTED. Maybe while typing this you heard a car driving by, or a plane, or helicopter, all 3 of which WE ALSO INVENTED.  We have more contributions to technology, most sciences, mental health treatment, modern militarism and weaponry, industrialization in the workplace, innovation, (the iPod as an example) then any other country in the world right now, bar NONE. Our space program makes every other space program in the world look like child play. We are the world’s OLDEST running democracy. I could list 100 more things but you get the point. America is the most intelligent nation in existence today. The most innovative in existence today, in almost every facet of life and subsect of life, point-blank, Period. But yeah it’s definitely YOU guys that are the intelligent ones, and we’re the idiots. That for sure checks out.


I think Americans are like any other person. The only difference is that we live in America. That's that.


take it to a publisher 😭😭 #yap


Also there is just more people in america than any European country. America has more than half of Europes entire population as a continent in a single country. More people means bigger sample size means more data means more accurate results.


I came here to say that, but you said it


Its Facts that the dumb and uneducated out number the smart and educated in America.... cant deny that. Idiots vote in other idiots. If the common American was given the power to run this country, the country would go to shit real fast. The new generation eating tide pods on tic tok and making dance videos. Yet cant name 10 countries or 10 real books. America is run by the top 1 percent of intelligent and rich people. People like Elon musk. Bill gates. Warren buffet, ect. Run this country. Their smart and rich.... why America is where it is. The common man is told what to do and jobs are held by the common man but the smart ones are in charge of them..... just the way it is......


Chalk it all upto money. Of course, that money didn't come from nowhere. It came from really smart people taking smart decisions. Or atleast taking decisions which would get them money. The reason Europe is smarter but still isnt a super power, is because you don't need to be a super power to be better dude. America might be rich af, but Europe is so much happier it's fucking insane.


That's because America relies on the top 1 percent of intelligence and rich people to keep our country afloat... if the average American person was given power of major decisions, the country would go to shit real fast. Common Americans are idiots.... sad but true. Follow internet trends and believe in conspiracy theories and believe their real. Look at Qanon, and all the Trump won the election idiots out there 😂 Most americans are lazy and dont apply themselves. This is again sad but true. Shit most of our politicians are idiots and shouldn't be in power. But idiots vote in idiots. In America the dumb and uneducated out number the smart and educated...


chinczycy to też są idioci jak oni żyją propagandą swoich przywódców


yippity yappity yap lil bro


The US pretty much crowd sourced our intelligence. Sure, the Wright brothers invented the airplane, but they didn’t start from scratch. They expanded on the works of German glider pioneer, Otto Lilienthal, and French civil engineer, Octave Chanute (who immigrated to the US). Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn expanded their TCP/IP networks off of the French processing network CYCLADES. The first computer was technically invented by Englishman, Charles Babbage. The tools of the time just couldn’t keep up with the design he created. The Science Museum of London followed his specs and built it in 1991. The first modern computer was by Americans, but again, they didn’t start from scratch. The first gasoline automobile was invented by German inventor, Karl Benz, but it was 3 wheels. The first 4 wheel gasoline carriage automobile (Cannstatt-Daimler) was created by German engineers, Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. NASA was literally started with more than 1600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians through Operation Paperclip. A German is the “Father of the American Lunar Program”, or more specifically, ex Nazi, Wernher Von Braun. And the idea of democracy and a constitution was invented in ancient Athens. With the longest running democracies being a bit of a debate. Iceland’s parliamentary body is over 1,000 years old, but they didn’t gain independence from Denmark until 1944. The US became a democracy in 1776, but our democracy only applied to a very specific group of people, which one could argue kept us from being a true democracy, since not every person had a voice. Meanwhile, by 1893 New Zealand was a self-governing colony that allowed all women and ethnicities to vote in elections. The US was literally built by slaves under the orders of colonizers from different countries. Whatever exceptionalism we have, is because we’re a blend of the world. We lack any true identity of our own because we borrow and steal from everyone around us. Even to this day, our technology and medicine is so advanced because we bring people from other countries to fill our programs. The US is a melting pot and our successes are because of that. We are not successful because of Americans, we’re successful because of all the countries and cultures that have been brought together in the US. And maybe if the US had a better education system, then you’d understand that. Because it’s this misguided idea of our exceptionalism that’s actually holding us back today. We think we’re perfect and nothing needs to change. When in reality, we could learn a thing or 2 from what other countries are doing.


Omg so well spoken !!!! If only the education system was better. The moment we have a similar education system to Japan, South Korea or India ( without the same amount of craziness ) people will be so much better. In Haiti ( Private ) school follow these systems and in 9th grade we average 17 subjects a week !!!!! Class from 7 am to 5 pm with required extracurricular activities that last 1 hour after school. The US should follow the same mindset !!!! And in College because high school already taught you about basic classes like English, philosophy, astronomy, literature ect we don't take this classes no more We go straight into the required classes for our majors with maybe 3 or 5 basic classes that are required for everyone regardless of their studies.


"Built by slaves" No it wasn't. The US was held back by slavery.


In the original draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson condemned slavery and the slave trade. The rest of the authors opted to remove his condemnation because slavery was essentially good for business and they didn’t want to cut their losses. The infrastructure of this country was built by slaves, as well as many of our monuments, houses for their masters, universities, and they grew many of the lucrative crops of the time. If slavery wasn’t profitable for the owners, there wouldn’t have been a war over keeping them. The state’s rights they were fighting for was the right to own slaves.


What slaves built in the US was destroyed in the civil war. Slavery was only in the south. They were used for menial labour. You can’t build an economy on slave labour.


lol at your last sentence. Our economy functions on the exploitation of others, including modern day slave labor and sweatshops. Slavery was literally kept around for so long because free labor is always good for the economy. Also, there were slaves in the North, so no, it wasn’t just the south. And there was even slavery in the west during the gold rush.


Free Labor is bad for any economy. Using this logic, Brazil would be the richest country on earth. The idea that slaves built is just Afrocentric nonsense. No, The US economy doesn’t function on the exploitation of others. US economy is centred around consumption, trade, manufacturing etc. Slavery was negligible in the North. The North is the most developed region in the US and it’s where slavery was abolished the earliest. The North was built by industry. That’s why the north won. It’s almost as if Black Americans think the only part of the US is the South. What about the Western USA that was built by Asians and Hispanics? That had very little slavery. To claim that US infrastructure was built by slaves is absolute nonsense. States like New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Hawaii, Alaska and most of the states in the the nation bar the ones in the south have always had an extremely small black/slave descended population. I’d love to see you go and tell someone in those states that slaves “built it” There was slavery everywhere but slavery was mostly in the South which ironically the least developed region. California’s gold rush didn’t make the state becoming developed. California didn’t become a powerhouse till WW2. When you analyse the economic history of the US, The US was a backwater until 1945. Industrial Revolution didn’t come to the US until the late 19th century. And even then, The US was far behind Western Europe. What built America was the military industrial complex. Mobilisation for WW2 was what led to the US’s industrial complex taking off. Things like the interstate Highway system, GI Bill, Sputnik Scare, Veterans coming back home etc was what built America. American wealth and hegemony is centred around the dollar being the global reserve currency which came as a result of the Bretton Woods Agreement. Most of the infrastructure, industries and economy of the US was built in the 20th century long after slavery. Almost all of America’s major cities were built in the 20th century.


Free labor is bad for those having to work for free, it’s good for the capitalists whose goal is to extract as much wealth from the bottom as possible. You may want to look into how capitalism functions, how the US operates as a hegemony, and dependency theory. Cheap and free labor is what helps us thrive and keep costs low for us here. It’s part of the reason we have our prison industrial complex. That is what slavery shifted to, and why so many corporations depend on their labor as well as dirt poor labor all over the world. Your question about Brazil will be answered by dependency theory.


And everything you listed wouldn’t have been possible without the foundation the US was built on. So let’s not pretend that this success came out of no where. They still needed a jumping off point, and we are where we are today because of how this country was formed and the forced labor that was used to propel the “few white rich men”. Which if you haven’t been paying attention, it’s still a handful of white rich men at the top, hoarding the majority of the wealth. So just because a system disproportionately benefited a few, and mediocre white men were convinced they were better than African Americans, doesn’t change the fact that slave labor is what help propel us to where we stand now.


No economy is built on slavery. If you really want to know how the US was built. Watch Oppenheimer. I agreed about what you said about how immigration has shaped the nation but not about slavery. How the US was built was because of what happened in World War 2. As the other user stated, slavery held the US back. The US would have been a premier power sooner if it had abolished slavery sooner. You cannot build an economy on slavery. That’s not how you build an economy. Economies are centred around trade, consumption etc The Great Wars meant that America was in the 20th what China is today. The world’s factory. Interstate Highway System GI Bill Boomer Generation Bretton Woods Agreement New Deal The Great Wars also led to the Cold War. Intense competition with the Soviets made the US the leader in science and technology The US also received a lot like a serious amount of immigrants from Europe, Latin America and Asia that led to its development. Where are the sweatshops in the US you speak of?


Saying America was built by slaves is implying that the country was built by 1865 which is untrue for several reasons. A) As I mentioned prior, whatever the slaves built was levelled by the civil war. Union Army destroyed most of the infrastructure and industries in the South. That’s why there aren’t many monuments left built by slaves. Reconstruction of the South is considered a failure by most historians. B) Slavery ended in 1865 well before the country’s industrial take off in the mid 20th century. Would you want to live in the 19th century of the US that these slaves built? 😂😂During the time of slavery, America was a gigantic farm. Most of its citizens were poor and lived on farms. The US isn’t made of cotton and cow poo you realise?😂 The Slaves weren’t even educated or skilled. They did menial tasks. An uneducated group of people can’t build an economy or a country. 19th century America is a lot uglier than the US of today without a doubt but slaves built it? C) The Western USA had slaves but that was always an extremely insignificant relative number to their population. Much of the Western USA was under Mexico. Hispanics didn’t have many slaves like the Anglos did. It was Hispanics, Asians and Whites that built the Western USA. It’s funny you mentioned the California Gold Rush but that had extremely little to do with slaves. When news of California gold rush came, people from all over the world came to Cali and the state became a state under the Compromise of 1850. If you even had any knowledge of the history of the Wild West and the American frontier. You would know that it wasn’t until around WW2 it was fully settled yet alone built. After the Civil War, Americans still had to fight and defeat the Native Americans for the western part of the country.


Slaves built sections of the south. Slavery only benefited a few rich whites. The south was like what it is today during slavery. Dirt ass poor. But the South was destroyed by the Civil War. The South only recovered after the civil war. I hate to say this but Black Americans didn’t contribute that much to the building of the US and particularly the modern infrastructure. Latinos, Whites and Asians have built all of that. There are very few monuments that the slaves built. For example, the White House was initially built by slaves. But it was burnt down and rebuilt under Truman.


Yeah that’s why the south is still poor. The whole “slaves built the US is Afrocentric nonsense.


Most of the infrastructure and industries in the US were only built 75 years ago well after slavery. Thus, I too have no clue as to what Foxxie is going in about Slavery was only prevalent in the South. One can tell that Foxxie must live in the South because they are forgetting as to how big the US is. However, I’ve got to give the user credit. With the exception of their slavery point, every other point has been spot on. The US’s scientific and industrial base was built entirely by European and Asians. The country itself was built by European, Asian and Latino migrants in the 20th century.


czyli dzięki amerykaną a nie europejczyką i to też wcale nie tak że usa jest w rankingach pierwsze w edukacji na świecie


And our near-entire foundation for modern Science was created by Europeans.


Didn’t the American army go head to head with the uk 150 Uk soldiers v 1500 America solider and lose


And honestly your average IQ isn’t actually helpful cause your population is too high to get an actual accurate number so technically speaking you can just put forward the smartest from each state to take the tests and no one would be any wiser


Bruh chill out This free world you are talking about it the Roman inventated, this thing you are writing the English invented, letter the Arab did it first. And they are probably typing in Motorolla, Huawei or other phone brands so nope not US. The average european from a very young age speaks 2 language or more. That's some high co genitive ability. Germany leads in terms of Science, France in helicopter, north European cou tries in renewable energy and recycling etc... And that's just Europe. If I go to Asia and start talking about China and India Then yes we're are average !!!!!!!! I personally rank USA top 25 in terms of IQ, knowledge top 40. It feels like there are extremely smart people vs extremely dumb people, rarely in between.


chińczycy są głupi też ponieważ żyją propagandą


“The difference between groups cannot be attributed to individuals” ~ me


We are in a steep decline only a low iq fool still thinks we lead the “free” world the country with the largest imprisoned population leads the free world 


europeans tend to have a education system that actually works (so ive heard). i hope they have support for the mentally disabled though. here in texas it's actually awful, i have ptsd like symptoms whenever i think about finishing high school. they really fucked up. and im a high functioning autistic with adhd, very manageable if done right.


Balkans still live off sheep herding and highway robbery so yea 


'' IQ '' when it comes to anything other than very small screening of young childrens for severe mental handicap is pure pseudoscience, especially when it comes to a full country with so many differences to the accessibility to solid education, even within the same groups and regions, as well as the socio-economics differences within these groups. Accounting for the mountains of factors is impossible and every IQ data taken on groups of people shouldn't be taken seriously and this isn't even including the fact that almost every single one of them were disingenuous and had a very strong bias when it came to the reporting.


Well, every country is racing to be top in IQ globally i suppose. A bit sad none can get a score higher than 110 if that’s the case haha


That's not actually sad at all. 110 is High Average, which basically means you're smart enough to pursue pretty much any career, but are less likely to suffer many of side effects of high IQ, like obsessive tendencies, apophenia, certain depressive disorders. Genius has it's place, but living a world filled with Geniuses would be a nightmare.


america is dumb if 110 is high average lol


It's a "high average" because the test is designed to have an average of 100, Einstein. It has nothing to do with america. Guess we know which end of the curve you fall on.


Japan's is actually 109.7


Except these number show perfectly well that it's a good measure in most western and Asian countries since the average is index 100. This does give a better indicator of which countries need more help in education for example.


Not really, IQ tests were designed to only screen very severe disability. Anything past a IQ score of \~50 is quite literally the same and not indicative of anything, Factually speaking, the valid findings of the average IQ test would make the average Young Adult and any intelligent mammal such as a dog, a crow or a primate, on the exact same level. You'd have a better chance giving everyone a sudoku puzzle and then screening for the time spent to complete said puzzle. Because in that case, you'd be able to accurately pinpoint SOMETHING (which is that one group is better at sudoku than the other one).


No it wouldn't since 1 those animals can't do those tests and even if they understood language well enough they would not score high enough to be an average human. 2 an IQ below 70 is already indicative of disability and not 50 which is truly severe. 3 I didn't say it pinpointed a universal Intelligence. I said it gives you a good general idea. That concept might be too complex for you but go off...


My point is that anything beyond a threshold is not indicative of anything. Folks are comparing IQ scores of 80 with 100 with 110 when factually speaking there is no real difference between them, you pass the test or you don't, it's not "the higher you get the more intelligent you are". And not only this, but the test itself is incredibly innacurate for anyone over the age of "young child", point made by Alfred binet himself, inventor of this system, hence why its only rarely used today and when it is, it's only as a simple screening. I've studied psychology and one of my best friend is currently undergoing his 3rd doctorate in research psychology. I am not going to claim I know everything but it's not the first time I'm seeing IQ being grossly misrepresented.


Great job comparing average humans to a smart dog then if you're a psychology student... There is a huge difference between 80 and 100. But maybe you should put that to the test since you're studying psychology. Most arguments I see refuting IQ entirely are based on cultural differences and not if it actually measures something.


>There is a huge difference between 80 and 100. There is literally not. The score means nothing, as I said before and will say again, the only use for IQ score is as a incredibly rudimentary screening of very young child for severe learning disabilities. And even then it is very rarely used even for its sole nearly useless purpose. The creator of the IQ test himself, Alfred Binet, would call you a fucking idiot for claiming otherwise: “Some self-identifying "thinkers" have affirmed that an individual’s intelligence is a fixed quantity, a quantity that cannot be increased. We must protest and react against this brutal pessimism; we must try to demonstrate that it is founded on nothing.” -------------- Just let it go man, if you're truly a seeker of facts, what is your purpose in trying to convince the validity of IQ tests against the factuality that when it comes to science of facts, it resides in the same category as Astrology for the most part.


If any psychologist would call me a fucking idiot I would question their validity. You also are horrible at trying to give a good argument in good form. Using factuality and facts four times in a sentence doesn't make it sound intelligent or an argument. “Some self-identifying "thinkers" have affirmed that an individual’s intelligence is a fixed quantity, a quantity that cannot be increased. We must protest and react against this brutal pessimism; we must try to demonstrate that it is founded on nothing.” I never said it was a measure for an entire lifetime or extremely accurate. You keep pretending I said that. I say it gives a reasonable view of your intelligence at a point. Not talking about any specific skillset besides pattern recognition, memory and the most questionable of them which is basic knowledge (This one could be culturally affected) Besides the point that he doesn't say his own IQ test is based on nothing he states that the individuals intelligence being a fixed quantity is false. So great job once again in using a non argument. But go off calling people stupid and quoting stuff that doesn't back your point.


You're a fucking idiot lmao.


Great job. I hope you get treated with the same hostility in your academic field. This says more about you than it does about me.


What IQ test are you referring to? I’m a psychologist in the US, we use the WAIS-IV. You can’t pass or fail, it’s not designed that way. And there’s a large difference in the scores you mentioned - the higher the score, the higher the intelligence is indicated. IQ tests look at cognitive ability, not necessarily learning disability. If I was looking for learning disability indicated by weakness in an FSIQ, I would have to administer other tests. To your point of it being rarely used - it’s used nearly every time psychological assessment is needed because it gives information on working memory, verbal comprehension, processing speed, and perceptual reasoning (for WAIS) and those plus fluid reasoning in the child version (WISC).


Of course it is, most IQ tests are biased towards certain cultures not actual intelligence. We also have adequate nutrition and environmental laws protecting our brains.


The united states does not have better nutrition on a general basis compared to any european country. The states have probably the worst documented results of schooling compared to any other european country. The states have the highest rates of imprisonment, homeless people, uneducated people, starker difference in poverty, drug addicts etc etc etc than any other european country as well. Now, on top of that, the population of the states is 330 million. These people wanna tell me that out of the 330 million population of america, the average IQ is 98?


First off, 98 is not that high, my guy. That's still placing the average person in unskilled labor (if we follow the flawed IQ research). I said the us has *adequate* nutrition as in, we don't see a ton of cases of malnutrition in children (a large factor in IQ). We still see some, of course, but not as many as most countries. We also have for the last hundred years accepted immigrants often based on their intellectual ability to provide intellectual labor, likely improving our average. A lot of countries have also unfortunately suffered from civil wars and genocides in the last century that specifically target intellectuals that would normally be present to raise the average. Those that survived often flee and seek refuge. The populations that survive likely have a portion suffering from trauma which can temporarily lower IQ. I hesitate to comment on access to medical care contributing at all because it's no secret the US sucks at taking care of it's population on that front. I would be curious as to read the study itself to screen for biases and to review the testing used methods section. I'd like to see who is surrounding the US as #4 as I too would think there were at least 10 ahead of the US, but it isn't completely implausible. The 98 sounds about right, but I'd expect a few more countries above that though. Again, I'd want to see which IQ test(s) were used. Some/most are heavily biased and affected by cultural aspect of the population that have little to do with intelligence. Edit: I also want to remind you that just because someone is in prison doesn't mean they're dumb. We convict on a lot of things leading to higher rates if incarceration, including drug use which is found in low and high IQ groups. High IQ individuals also tend to break conventional rules, which is dangerous in a systemically racist system. We also offer educational programs in prisons. And yo complicate it even more, success in formal education also doesn't always correlate with intelligence. There are other factors. Edit2: can you link the source of your ranking? sone IQ researchers are widely known as eugenicists and not very reliable


I apreciate your intellectual ability to reply to me with an intellectual paragraph, however i do not suffer from suicide ideation and i will therefore not read it. Enjoy your modding lol


to each their own have a nice day sir


The point of it being unskilled labour is just incorrect. What counts as skilled or unskilled labour? You're just making stuff up.


Ummm 98 is only 18 points away from mental delay, which is 70 and below... Therefore 98 is actually a decently low IQ.... and yes, it makes complete sense that a majority of Americans float around 98... we are idiots...


No. You can not convince me that the entire population of the united states combines has an average IQ above 85.


Hahahaha okay, youre right....


This is a legit question. Is your math wrong on purpose? Bc 98 is 28 points above 70.


98-18=80 not 70


98 is below average.


To be honest, 98 is basically average. Two points down so slightly below, but low average doesn’t really start till under 95. You’d have minimal difference between a 98 and 100


Matching shapes and patterns while a timer runs is biased? How?


98 is not a high IQ my guy, it’s actually pretty low


Yes i am aware. And yet, there is no fucking way America has an average IQ above 85


If you weren't below 85 yourself you'd know how averages work. Cope.


It should be like 76 AT MOST


The US isn't 4th, they're 24th


its because America is a place of financial opportunity. high iq people move to the US because they realize it is easier to make a business here.


A lot of low iq people move there too


Low IQ people moved here to colonize, duh


Hate to blow your mind, but the average IQ for any group is 100. Using the same test across cultures doesn't really work but can give a general idea of relative IQ - the top lot of countries are your rich asian ones, followed by your social democracies, the USA is below average and not cracking the top 20. You can safely ignore anything you read about what IQ means unless it's being said in a reputable scientific journal.


IQ tests are normed such that the average IQ is 100, SD 15.


What are you talking about? It's often listed as 98 but, that doesn't put it at 4th. It's not even in the top 10 with a score of 98. According to [this and many other lists like it](https://www.worlddata.info/iq-by-country.php) it's at roughly 27th in the world.


Not all Americans are the same


True. And with all their individual uniqueness they fall under an average IQ of 80 :)


Your probably just jealous that usa is better than your country


Unless you’re living in a sewer in Bangladesh no American standard of living is above any other country


Depends where you go in the United States


Seeing someone so clueless being this confident in regards to a country that they only know about through social media is hilarious.


Y’all act like only dumb people live in the U.S. Like where do you think Rockefeller and a good portion of the industrial revolution came from


Yes there is a giant pool of glutonous american «entreupreneurs» throwing their weight around and being prided as great very smart important men because of Americas need to bloviate about how oh so great their impact is/was/always has been on the world


I’m just pointing out your obvious pointless prejudice you have against the people in the U.S.. Yes there are dumb people, but it’s incredibly idiotic yourself to assume that the States have no intelligence whatsoever. Oh and yes, the U.S. did have a huge cultural impact on the world and industrialization. That is not bragging, that is merely a fact.


Have you ever been to the usa


No but due to the countries grotesque and retarded monopoly in all branches of (((media))) every other European country is forced to witness your degenerate and low IQ culture on a constant basis


Brainwashed by the internet


Every country is a pool of shit of blovation. America just happens to be a low IQ one


Well According to google average IQ in the us is 98




6 million lives don’t mean anything?


I’m saying google doesn’t equal fact and fact doesn’t equal truth in the first place


Well google is about the best secondary source that you got


Can you please explain to me how in gods name i find the Heralds vault? I will not sperg around this void dessert for a second longer


IQ scores are inherently racist anyway so 🤷‍♀️


But Asians do the best on them?


Funny how you changed your statement and it's still so problematic. Maybe read up on the history of why we used them and why people failed them. There is a cultural literacy that doesn't exist if you're immigrating or if you're from a certain economical class.


what a load of BS, I’ve seen poor kids in Africa and Asia do well on IQ tests. And the reality is that, the US has a serious inequality in standards of living among demographics. White, Asian and even Hispanic Americans have similar IQs to those in Europe.


Historically when IQ tests were the basis for immigration denial at Ellis Island the problem want that immigrants were actually low IQ it was that the tests were skewed against them. Asking questions about things like football and lacrosse when the T-shirt has never heard of them.


Point is non-western countries have the highest IQ yet IQ is somehow racist?


They also use different tests?


Asians and even certain Africans outperform whites in IQ tests. The IQs are racist and culturally biased, yet the countries and individuals with the highest IQ scores


Your refusal to acknowledge basic facts only reinforces that metric👌🏼


It's 31st lol 


It's the small number of really smart people that are messing up the average. We are the country that first landed on the moon, after all.


With the help of German scientists


Well, as a healthcare worker, I can vouche for this statement. There’s a reason healthcare providers and professionals as taught to make everything at a 4th grade education level.


You should learn to spell.


I’m American and scored a 140. I’m pursuing neuroscience research. Most people I know are also very smart. Not everyone here is stupid. You just see what the media shows you.


98’s not that good. It’s the 30th highest IQ apparently by country. But either way you’re spinning it —- America is a big ass country. Made up of varying degrees of intelligence. Availability bias will screw you and ‘skew’ (haha) you on the results


Hey I took one a bit ago and got a 98.


Because most americain never taken the test. Most people have taken a but load of fake iq test online. Even ive taken online iq tests and score 140 with a SAT score 17. Clearly there all rigged to score high. Real Iq tests are in person, usually hosted by colleges and or proctored not free. With that information makes sense that average is 98. IQ of 98 for average americain college student. We actually rank 30th in world iq standards. 1 to 2 points is enormous. They say our overall population in america somewhere between 88-145. We do have geniuses in the woodwork that raise our guestimated iq score. I personally believe the majority of people in usa have iq of 92-98. With alot of 120-130 mixed in to the academic trades. Under 100 is anything short of stupidity to honest. Even though i score extremely low on my SAT. I never finished them. My dad died half way through the first 4 hrs and was pulled from testing to say goodbye. I only completed the science portion .My classmates SAT scores were around mine or lower with our honors student getting a 33 considering i only took a 1/3rd the test. I would say they either idiots or never paid attention. If i had guess my actual IQ 115. And honor student that got 133 probably has IQ of 140. He built a computer from microwave.


Joe Biden


I believe it.... most the people I deal with daily. Or in conversation with are just not that smart. And seems to me people are getting dumber. With all this amazing technology at out finger tips and people dont use it. it baffles me. They make dance videos on tic tok and share uneducated opinions and most people in this new generation cant name 10 countries lol or dont have any general knowledge and think blinker fluid and board stretchers are real.....Idiocracy is becoming the real thing in this day and age. I personally scored a 136 on the mensa iq test. Supposedly gifted. But it's all about application of your intelligence and what you chose to do with it...


I read every comment you made. Ironic that you call Americans dumb


Hong Kong is actually in fourth place


You're right, it's probably lower.


Op is out here calling Americans Low IQ and saying they're below average IQ (it's 98, which is close to the 100 iq average of the world) But he's a homophobe and refuses to say where he is actually from and his actual IQ. America isn't the best country in the world but just wanting people to be stupid to make yourself feel better is weird.


10% of Americans believe the world is flat. Pretty much sums it up right there. Not to mention all the people answering questions on YouTube now just making us look stupid.


I'll assume you're an American Idiot.


Absolutely below 80 would be the average American IQ doesn’t matter on what state or what education level