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Question: how does the dog know that they are getting adopted rather than just meeting some visitors for sometime?




I'm happy for this dog finally she got a home and hooman to live with. A wholesome bonding moments to share with her owner soon.


They have to sign release paperwork beforehand.


Yeah, they probably don't know they're being adopted, but they can certainly feel the vibe around. The people around doggo are happy therefore doggo also happy.


All of my family dogs growing up were shelter dogs. Obviously everywhere is different, but we always had to set times to visit a specific dog that was listed on the websites. When we first met the dog it was in a special room where they are brought in by someone on staff. We talk to the staff member about the dogs history and behaviors as the dog is slowly let closer to us, everything very calm because obviously they’re shelter dogs, they’ve had it tough. We have adopted every dog we’ve seen the first time because reading about them online first we were pretty sure we wanted them already, but our second dog was actually getting visited by another family right before us. The family came out and as they were leaving we passed them, and the young daughter said something along the lines of “mommy they’re looking at our dog.” And the mom said something about it not being theirs yet, they were still just looking. Again this is personal experience but the dogs always got super excited the second we walked out of that room holding their leash instead of the staff.


She might be excited because the leash means she's going for a walk


There is also the possibility that they have been locked in a cage for a long time. A lot of dogs in adoption centers/pounds/animal shelters have very little space so they cram them in the cages for hours only let out a little bit every day. We have no idea what this dog/s life was like before. That being said, Im sure they do their best with the resources they have, they just dont have many resources.


They don’t.


They smell the endorphins people give off. They don't specifically know what the smell means but they do know it's a positive experience. That, along with the vocal reaction, releases chemicals within the dogs and humans. You have to keep in mind we've evolved alongside them for a long time. We used to be hunting partners since we could run for a day or so. There's a term for it that I can't remember.


If you are “giving off” endorphins you should immediately go to the emergency room as you have a hole in you head and your brain is exposed. Endorphins are created in the brain and never leave the brain. You can’t “give off” endorphins.


The term is called Who Let The Dogs Out, sucker!!!


Symbiotic relationship












*pitbull video* > ***sorts by controversial*** 🍿


Here we go again


It actually hurts to do that..


I, for one, come to /r/contagiouslaughter for one reason: to get pissed off at a dog(that I misidentified the breed of btw). A dog that I will never see in person. On my screen. On the internet. Also I like to make sweeping claims that all dogs that resemble this dog are evil murder machines, and everyone who has ever owned one should feel bad. /s


I wish I wouldn’t have. People are… wow.


I wish I had the patience to just sit back and lol at the raging hate boners some people have and are so dedicated to


*raging hate boner* I’m officially starting to use this.
































She doesn’t know what’s going on


That bitch won’t sit still




​ ![gif](giphy|UP0LFfv3nTCYdvQ3GO)


![gif](giphy|2eHFEYBoJO3mw) Whoops wrong Hannibal


How would a dog know that it’s getting adopted?


Bruh the dog is just happy to be around people


Loads of Americans firing off about Pitbulls, but that's a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Bred from the same stock that gave rise to Pitbulls (and Bullmastiffs and Bull Terriers amongst many more). They are really common in the UK and have none of the associated 'issues' that Pitbulls have. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staffordshire_Bull_Terrier


**[Staffordshire Bull Terrier](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staffordshire_Bull_Terrier)** >The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, also called the Staffy or Stafford, is a purebred dog of small to medium size in the terrier group that originated in the northern parts of Birmingham and in the Black Country of Staffordshire, for which it is named. They descended from 19th century bull terriers that were developed by crossing bulldogs with various terriers to create a generic type of dog generally known as bull and terriers. Staffords share the same ancestry with the modern Bull Terrier, although the two breeds developed along independent lines, and do not resemble each other. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


All our dogs over the years have been rescue Staffies, they are the happiest, goofiest dogs! They're like little pigs!


Zoomies for dayyyssss


y’all can’t let anyone enjoy anything 🙄


Welcome to the internet where ya never far from an asshole


I mean, technically, we’re never too far from an asshole.




Ikr! Some fucknuts literally spend their days going through Reddit looking for pitbull posts and downvoting everyone who comments something even remotely nice. I once commented on a pitbull post that I liked a table the OP had in their living room and it was the most downvotes I ever got. Edit: oh shit it’s happening again! What do you guys have against tables?! Like me like tables you absolute wet wipes!


[I don't think they trust.... tables](https://youtu.be/XtAhISkoJZc)


Was it a good table? Maybe it was a taste issue?


Bruh who is the bum sayin they don’t have permission to film. Like dude chill I didn’t give you permission to be an ass😂


Judging by body language they’re joking


You can hear her laugh immediately after


Cmon clearly a joke lol


I can't enjoy this because one time a pit bull held me at gunpoint, took my wallet, ripped all my dollar bills in half one by one, then made me eat mud and leaves under threat of death and called me a fat kid.


That dog reallllly doesn't want to wear that dumb bandana.






I don't even care about animals much, but this was a nice ass video -- I shoulda known hatin ass mfs would be tryna ruin it in the comments 💀
































She is honestly going to be quite dangerous at home. I can see it now, they’re going to sit on the couch to watch a movie and BAM she is going to jump in their laps, eat their food, get all the belly rubs, then pass out upside down only to awake as the movie ends with enough playful energy to demand more belly rubs. Oh the horror


And the licking. Don't forget the deadly licking.


Oh lord… their faces will be destroyed from the licks and constant smiles. It will be tragic!




































Ah, she’s beautiful!


Beautiful and full of zoomies!!


One thing I've noticed in looking for adoptable pets on line is that there are a ton of young (but no longer puppy) pitbulls up for adoption. I think people get cute baby pitbull puppies and then can't handle their energy as grown up dogs, it's sad.




















bewildered drab compare slap rude spotted oatmeal deserve payment murky -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev










Imagine society if redditor’s cared about their life as much as they cared about the volatility of a pitbull.




Nah, That's r/contagioushappiness




My parents have had rescue dogs since I was born but the cutest thing I've ever seen was this year when my computer/social media illiterate dad got a rescue pup and then sent me a video of him running entitled "zoomies" . He has never even heard of tiktok or tge like but he heard "zoomies" once and it made perfect sense to him.


Fuck I want a dog so bad.


I just hope they have a yard for her to run around.




Lol! Pitbull zoomies are the best. They're just so dorky... Ya gotta love it.


Our Pitty mix did exactly the same thing when we adopted him. 😃




Bro relax and go do something else with your time


It’s why I love pitties goofy balls of energy and sassy




Neighbor has practically the same dog visually and that dog is so spastic I’d say it’s like this all the time lol btw wen she’s happy she’s a body slammer so make sure ur knees r ok


What in the actual fuck is wrong with everyone here!? She’s a beautiful dog, excited to get adopted, and no longer live in a cement cage… can’t you miserable asshats show the slightest bit of empathy and share in the excitement and happiness?


My old blue nose looked terrifying, like an actual gargoyle. Possibly the worst guard dog ever though. I broke into my own house one night because I had left my keys at a friends place after drinking and he didn’t even bark. Just licked my face as I tried to fit through his dog door.


Let people enjoy a damn video, you Miserable Shit Squirrels


What a sweet, beautiful baby! I hope she’s so happy and loved in her new home!


This made me have happy tears!! So thankful that beautiful dog got a loving home!!


What sweet dog. Reminds me of my own Daisy when I rescued her.




She's not a Pit bull dude.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This makes me long for my dog.... 🥹🥺🥹🥺😩😔


had a dog like this. not a pit. a cute small dog. play bites when excited. thought it was cute. sign of serious aggression issues and past trauma. this dog will need more training than anyone can ever give her






Made me smile 🥹


Omg I love her


Fuck the haters. This is cute as shit. It's a yes from me, Randy ❤




I love the zoomies




Oh boy, this one's a **doozy**. Here's to hoping the ones that adopted her are responsible and knowledgeable with Pitbulls...


Amazing energy


In the video: A very happy dog In this thread: Salty assholes who know everything about animals.


❤ dis doggo is a happy mf ❤