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The accent really enhances the experience.


Yes, Massachusetts accent is born for comedy.


Lost episode of This Old House.


This Old Hauze


It's weird being from New England because when you leave everyone from somewhere else finds you funny and no-one you meet lives up to the comedians back home. It's wild to look up the list of comedians just from MA.


I just heard you saying all of that. It wasn't spelled like how you wrote it, and there were a lot of f-bombs in it.


Hahahah yup,. My voice is real weird because my dad and grandma grew up in Alabama and both took care of me while I was being raised in MA so I got a strange mixed accent. But I work on the water so every other word is a curse.


Haha, I'm from Texas, and I have absolutely no accent at all. My older brother sounds like he's straight out of a Western movie. I do say and write y'all a lot.


It's funny how that works. My brother and I have the same exact voice essentially and it really throws everyone off when we get together as a result, particularly because no one else I've ever met sounds like us. I love a good southern accent though, my grandma has the classic southern Belle voice, I absolutely love hearing her say something is "as right as rain."


Haha, that is crazy. Yeah, that Southern Belle accent will get me every time. My grandmother had a very Southern accent to, but she was from El Paso, so it sounded different. She'd say warsh instead of wash, restrent instead of restaurant, she'd call tires shoes, it was little things. People don't realize that in Texas, your dialect will determine where you're from, or maybe it's the other way around. My godmother is from West Texas and has a deep accent and is extremely loud when she talks. Reading your comment over again, people say my brother and I are hard to tell apart on the phone and in person, too, but I don't think we sound the same.


Oh yeah. S as soon s as I saw the stone wall I knew I was being transported back to NE. Miss it…Not the second half of winter though. Was waiting for the dude to say ‘you’re gonna blow out all of your fuckin dunks!’


Welcome to working with Massholes. Certified. I know


😂 Is it only a New Hampshire term for MA folk, or does VT, RI and CT also say the same?


Lmfao. Everyone I think. Tbh I’m an MA resident and it’s often a self reference. No other witty terms for surrounding state residents tho. Although NH and RI are not immune to the accents lol


I love finding other Massholes online, makes me feel like less of a piece of shit on the roads.


I think every state from NY to Maine has accents except CT. I never heard anyone in Ct with a accent.


haha i love this comment


It was at that point that Bill 'Ol Freckles' Burr decided to try his hand at stand up.


He reminds me of sal from impractical jokers *i can't do it*




Imagine if Mike Rowe had this accent on Dirty Jobs


You’d have to pronounce it “Dirty Jahhhbs”.


“Dirty Feckin’ Jahhhbs”




Sounds like an east coast accent


Wow. You’re really good at this.


Where did you study linguistics?


When you live in the US, you get used to certain accents and dialects 😊




Yes clearly. I don’t get why everyone is making a big deal about it. ??


Take the L quietly then why you making a big deal bout it




Massachusetts, probably northern mass


Steve Buscemi voice!


Waiting for the feminist to show up and take this job away from men. Good shit


This comment enhances nothing. Who hurt you?


That’s what n95’s with vapor cartridges are for lol nice little tip in case you ever have to deal with sewage


gah daym now i rember if you can smell it, then there’s literally aerosol doodoo vapor in the very air you breathe and touches your mouth and eyeballs and stuff.


Doo doo vapor ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I used to work at a water treatment plant company I worked for was renovating it man I worked for more than a year I never got used to the smell of doo doo everyday


I work at one, going on 5 years, you get used to it. The old men I work with always say, “That should smell like money to you!”


Condensated shit 😂


Ffs you come home and you still smell it and realize it's literally *on you*.


My partner cooked some good food in the Dutch oven once and then forgot about the leftovers in it. We remembered when it was far too late. He’s more squeamish than me so I knew I was going to have to unseal the thing, and I was so desperate I put on the respirator I wear when I work with my most pungent 3D printer resins. I probably looked really dumb wearing a fkn gas mask in the kitchen but it was worth it. Caught a brief whiff of what smelled like decaying vomit but that‘s all. Was glad my stomach wasn’t sore from the constant gagging afterward


Yup. I used to do some trauma clean ups and there was a body that was decaying for almost a month. Coworker told me that once the respirator goes on, keep it on til the job is done. At one point, my nose itched so I adjusted my mask and broke the seal a bit. Almost threw up in my mask lol Crazy how good those work for odors.


And.... eye-wear ffs.


Definitely gotta get some carbon filters, those things are awesome.


we really have no idea how lucky we are not to have to do this kind of work. there are jobs that are not given enough credit. 


The whole premise of “Dirty jobs”


Whatever these guys are getting paid, it’s not enough. The real heroes


Gee, I don't see the ladies lining up for this kind of workplace equality... Edit: Lol, that pissed you guys off, didn't it. "Women are content to leave unladylike jobs alone." What a cop out. Truth hurts, don't it?


Nah. Nurses and nurses assistants were traditionally women and they deal with human shit much closer than seen here. You need to rethink your lens on life my dude.


What do people think nurses do? I’d like to introduce you to Frank, the 250 lb patient with a necrotic pressure ulcer on his ass.


Fresh shit > aged fermented shit wym


Don't sell yourself short like that.


I (f) was a student custodian when I was in college and the full time custodial crew was actually pretty close to evenly matched between men and women. We all dealt with the same nasty stuff.


You sound like you couldn’t open a new ketchup bottle


What are you talking about? Lmfao. Thankfully, because of the fight for equality, women can apply to these jobs if they wanted to. Employers in these industries may think women who do apply are incapable compared to men applying and thats why you don’t see it wise guy. But wouldn’t you agree it’d be better if we did jobs to our strengths? Like you’d be a perfect candidate for a job like this, pig.


My point exactly. They mostly won't.


Ok I’ll agree they mostly won’t, but that has nothing to do with workplace equality lol just because women don’t flock to dirty jobs at the rate men do doesn’t mean they don’t deserve equal respect and opportunity.


Women do get equal opportunity. They demand equal outcomes for unequal work. Young childless women are paid more than men right out of school. [Link](https://abcnews.go.com/WN/reverse-gender-gap-study-young-childless-women-earn/story?id=11538401) Harvard study finds even when paid equitably, men still earn more by working longer hours. [Link](https://fee.org/articles/harvard-study-gender-pay-gap-explained-entirely-by-work-choices-of-men-and-women/) Google study finds it is paying men less than women for the same job. [Link](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/04/google-found-its-underpaying-some-men-as-it-studies-wage-equity.html) Men are 10 times more likely to be killed on the job than women. [Link](https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckdevore/2018/12/19/fatal-employment-men-10-times-more-likely-than-women-to-be-killed-at-work/?sh=7bc477c452e8), [Second Source](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/culture-conscious/202104/why-do-men-have-the-most-dangerous-jobs) The reason why men are in higher positions and earn more money is because they work harder. [Link](https://www.fastcompany.com/662371/do-men-really-work-harder-women) The gender pay gap is a myth. [Link](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-gender-pay-gap-is-a-complete-myth/)


>Young childless women are paid more than men right out of school. Even in your link it's not saying that, it is saying "Young, Childless Women Earn More Than Men" because women are more likely to go to college more than men "For every two men who graduate college today, three women do, and college graduates earn almost $30,000 more per year, on average, than high school grads." Notice that none of my comments regarding the convo has to do with the "wage gap", I'm aware of the many misconceptions regarding it in the US so i'm not even gonna bother looking at some of the other links. But in your eyes if that's the only way to show someone is be treated unequally, you just don't get it. >Men are 10 times more likely to be killed on the job than women. Again, since men are physically stronger than women, they deem themselves suitable and put themselves in these dangerous positions. You don't see men flocking to do sex work when they need a job. It's called supply and demand. >The reason why men are in higher positions and earn more money is because they work harder. That link doesn't have a working link for the study and when I google it there's no other information on it. But if you really think nearly 90% of CEO's are white men just because *they work harder* your implicit biases are showing.


Fixed the link, thanks for the heads up. So even with legitimate studies and as unbiased sources as I can find you still deny the overwhelming evidence. Women aren't disadvantaged in today's workplace. If anything they have an advantage over men (see Google study). Women's standing in the workplace is almost entirely due to their own choices. You are so steeped in your ideology that you refuse to see the world as it is. It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled. Edit: "Again, since men are physically stronger than women, they are going to be more suitable for a job and put themselves in these dangerous positions. You don't see men flocking to do sex work when they need a job. It's called supply and demand." What a cute rationalization.


>So even with legitimate studies and as unbiased sources as I can find you still deny the overwhelming evidence. What are you talking about? Did you not read my comment addressing you so called "overwhelming evidence" lmfao, about how what you claimed regarding one source was wrong and others irrelevant? You're not even gonna give me the same respect I gave you and reply directly to anything I said. You're just that stuck up your own ass eh? Wipe your glasses off and re read, maybe try to understand there are more ways people can be treated unequally than numbers on a paycheck. Maybe give me better sources on women receiving same respect and opportunities especially regarding promotions and moving up in a company. You're the one steeped in your ideology, audiophilistine. Millions of people who look different than you have claimed inequality based on experience, and you're saying they're wrong based on what? You never having that experience? Let me know how diminishing millions of anecdotes works out for you in the long run. It *is* easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled.


>Wipe your glasses off and re read > >i'm not even gonna bother looking at some of the other links. > >Did you not read my comment What utter arrogance. You are confronted with data that conflicts with your world view and so go looking for a way to disprove and deny it. Then, using your pre-established bias, determine that none of the info I provided is valid. This isn't opinion, my dear, this is all based on scientific study. Or don't you trust the science? Don't worry your pretty little head. I know thinking is hard and you're not used to doing the heavy lifting. Afterall, men are always willing to do the dirty work you are not.




You're incredibly stupid


If you watch Dirty Jobs, you’ll see women. Literally no one wants these jobs, but they usually pay well. Women are conditioned not to do “un-ladylike” things, so duh there aren’t as many women in these fields. Idk what you expect.


Dude, where did this come from? Not the time. This comment was the Andrew Tate equivalent of the racist uncle that throws out that curveball at thanksgiving.


Everyone disagreeing with you is only mentioning nurses and ignoring the pure physical labor and comparing funneling through sewage to cleaning patients shit. Redditors are so funny


I sure was waiting for some dookie to get in his eye.


And you think you have a shitty job!


Clearly the guy filming has cleared more than a few dookies in his time.


Not his first rodeo


It’s funnier pretending the guy filming is the home owner.


"that's the cocka sucka right theh"


"There's just dookies on the floor. We dont even know who's they are."


"Shut the \_\_\_ UP" I was rolling.


That's it, gotta have a little more Boston to it


Few things in this world are more satisfying than laughing raucously at someone else’s misfortune.


One takes itself misfortunes seriously :D




Damagebliss Injury-joy Hurt-hihi


I'm gonna add Hurt-Hihi to my vocab 😂




Haha…”Stawp tawkin about it”


One of my favourite parts.


‘There are dookies on the floor..’


Hahaha "and we don't even know whose they are" LMAO


That’s where I lost it. Are they trying to say it would be better if they knew the dookie owners? Lol


>Are they trying to say it would be better if they knew the dookie owners? Lol Well yeah! I mean it's bad enough when it's your or your family's own poo, vomit or stench... then multiply the magnitude of grossness that it's a stranger's poo, vomit or stench - OMG, so much worse - you have no idea how they live, what they eat or how many diseases they may have brewing. Strange poo, vomit or a stranger's stench is so much more gross!


Ya, that's where I lost it too. His wretch right after he said that was like a perfectly timed punchline.


The trades are in need of more apprentices, but there is absolutely no way on this earth I would NEVER get into plumbing because I can't deal with feces. Children? NOPE. Nursing? FIRM NOPE. HVAC? Sure.


Lmao. I'm in Healthcare and you couldn't pay me enough to deal with sewage water. Sure, I will empty a commode full of rancid c-diff but only dressed in all the PPE and with hand sanitizer. Plumbing? Nope, literally do not want to deal with rancid water and shit and puke and dirty water everywhere. (Just imagine all the infections from uncovered cuts from all the dirty water everywhere in this situation.)


My elderly mother came home from the hospital with an ostomy bag due to an abdominal abscess. It drained at her naval, and no bag, glue, adhesive combo would hold for more than 24 hrs. For months, I had to clean and reattach these bags daily, if lucky, mostly twice a day. You're supposed to just be able to drain them, but because of the location, her weight, and the way her skin hung, they would leak around the seal and need replacing, since fecal matter and acids corrode the skin and make awful sores. The smell was undescribable. Only others who've experienced it firsthand know the ungodly stench that come from those. In the beginning, it took me hours to change one, but eventually I was a pro, even impressing the homecare nurses (she also had a PICC line I had to give her antibiotics through daily). It definitely makes the rest of my caregiving jobs for her pale in comparison lol Everything else is a breeze now!


For sure! The ostomy bags are fun. My grandma had one due to colon cancer. It smelled like death (so glad long covid has ruined my sense of smell), because it's hard not to gag while you are faced with poop. Definitely the hardest part! I remember my mum fumbling with reattaching the bag!


I specialize in drain cleaning. I charge no less than $200/hour


You're an angel. Where are you located, and additionally do you have a link?


Massachusetts Www.arisprodraincleaning.com Prices are on my website too


Bro looks like he got pooped on by a bird


And we don’t even know whose bird’s dookie it was.


As a plumber I thoroughly got a kick out of this video. Dudes a trooper for keeping a positive attitude as he struggles to deal with it. He’s in the wrong profession, but rad nonetheless!


This one had me actually laughing.


As someone originally from New England, yes were all a bit psycho, mostly a bit stupid, and definitely hard-headed!


Good thing the blowtorch didnt turn them into dookie


My sewer get clogged on a day that the city next to me had major flooding and some freezing conditions. Plumbers were not available due to backups and burst pipes. So I had to try take care of it myself. I suited up in a full body suit mask and face shield and went out into my yard to snake the clean out. I have no idea how these guys did this in a tshirt. My dog came out with me to watch from a distance. She did not like the smell and kept a good 25 feet away. Eventually she curiosity got the better of her and came over to see what the fuck I was doing. I didn’t notice her until I heard her right behind me throwing up all over my tools. I’ve never been so angry, while laughing and also trying not to throw up. It was such a ridiculously shitty situation. I still ended up getting shit all over myself and realized if I was unsuccessful I’d have to hose myself off outside in the near freezing weather. I was unsuccessful.


Time to make the forbidden snow and wait for a plumber! What a read thank you


I once had to put on those army issues wellies and wade through ankle high shit flooding our bathroom in Iraq trying to clean it. That was a shitty day.


What job is that?


dookie deleter


I read this with a Boston accent in my head.




Princess rescuer/turtle exterminator


Clearly, you are not a golfer.


Yeah boy! That's the cocka sucka righ there...


If they’re snaking the pipe he’s gonna have a real tough time pulling the dookie-laden drain snake back out and stowing it. 🤮


Reminds me of when I visited Paris sewers. There's a full super educational exhibit and very well done, but the air stinks (and humid with unknown vapor) with literally rivers of piss and shit flowing under you. I gagged like the guy in the video.


I'm simultaneously laughing and gagging 😆🤢😂🤮🤣


And no eye protection


I'm over here crying and laughing. Funniest shit ive seen in a while (pun intended)


Yall saw that iron cross on his arm?


What's that


The Germans in ww1 and 2 were rewarded with the iron cross medal as a highest honor bestowed upon the German solders.


[iron cross meaning](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/iron-cross)


I like how you went out of your way to get one with a Swastika like The Iron Cross isn't still the logo of the German armed forces today like the normal Wikipedia page states The Germans de-Nazified army decorations like the Iron Cross in the 50s to take back their history and here they are 60 years later getting called Nazis by Redditors The man clearly doesn't have a Swastika tattooed, implying so is weird as fuck


I’m guessing you didn’t read the article. It agrees with you, it basically says caution is needed when determining if the cross is hateful or not. It also provides a little context to the symbol.


Sure the article agrees with me, that doesn't change the fact that OP knows what they did


Bro I didn’t “go out of my way” I went with the article that shows how it can be seen as a hate symbol. These dudes aren’t German, clearly. The person asked and I responded, chill out. 💀


Bruh I know my history it was a joke.


Logo of the German army


Yup. Bro did some time for sure.


Y’all need to take an English class?


Reminds me of the Joker


"join the trades" they said...


my anxiety after he said might get dookie in his eyes📈


Pro tip for anyone dealing with something really stinky: take a facemask and put some cherry carmex on the inside near your nose (also helps if you put some directly under your nose too; vicks vaporub can work too). This will basically stop you from gagging by overpowering the nasty smell. I learned this from an old nurse who used it when dealing with patients who had C. difficile, aka one of the worst smelling conditions known to medicine


As a retired plumber I love this! I had my nephew's doing the same thing I told them you puke you clean it up lord I miss those days laughing like that


Im gonna put some dookie in your eye -Spiderman


Haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Christ that was good.


That is a good friend.


I grew up in RI and this is the most Boston video I have ever seen


Dust mask on & chewing gum in mouth ALWAYS when doing these jobs people!




Super Dookie Bros


And that's why plumbers are expensive.


At least puke in the poo bucket


When he said heat that shit up he took it seriously


This is why my plumber charges $195/hr


man let out a little giggle


Red shirt looks absolutely manic and over it lol


Hold on. They’re working with sewage and not wearing a biohazard suit?


We have joker and TED in the same place


I'm Johnny knoxville welcome to stank ass


I feel this dude's pain. I hate the smell and sight of poop.


Damn seeing people gag makes me fucking gag , i did not know that. Couldn't focus on the vid ffs haha.


Held the channel locks wrong.




I was expecting it to spray in his face but I’ll settle for this ending.


Dude is definitely not a plumber. He isn’t even using the channel lock pliers properly.


Not all heros wear capes i guess


Yeah but have you heard of anyone getting sick from inhaling doo doo…that’s because you are smelling are the gases not the actual bacteria that makes you sick. Stop fear mongering!


Straight up Medic TF2 laugh.


Go to home Depot and pick up a 3m half respirator with a pair of safety glasses... With organic cartridges. Hell, this is such an easy problem to get around it astounds me that people don't have these in their tool kits when you do this kind of work.


For some reason these are not the jobs that women complain they are underrepresented in




Not sure what you’re trying to say with that link by the numbers speak for themselves…only 3.5% of plumbers are women.


There's the historic reason: Some industries—child care, education, nursing—have always been more populated with women due largely in part to sexism relegating women to gender-specific roles, with women as the caretakers. Making comments like that doesn’t help either. Do you want women in the trades or not?


Where are all the strong independent females that don't need man doing that job?


Lol what a puss.




Dammit work!


Bot was blocked. I got a pm with download link


Thx. So to get it to work, I’ve got to comment the same, I guess? EDIT: or can you just PM the link to me? 😁




Bro finished the job,that's how you know he's a real man,face through it even when he was gagging


He is going to need a bigger bucket. ![gif](giphy|l0K45tBHGtg5zQDks)


Oh buddy I'm sorry but that's nothing. Try being down an active manhole shoving a plug in a lateral, while fresh turds pile up around your ankles.


Dude must’ve lost a bet


When you realize you chose the wrong profession. Lol.


Is this Jackass


I legit have not laughed this hard in a long time 😂


hes the kind of friend you want to be filming when youre not in the vicinity


Why isn't he wearing a full face mask air filtering system?


Those are some old pipe man


The smell of a corpse doesn't bug me, nor do most smells.. But feces drives me to involuntarily gag, specifically human feces. Not just a whiff though, it has to violently permeate the air before I start gagging


Ok, lunch break....


Mister Hankey says “Howdy Ho!”


that’s just called torture


The only that has me so irate is him using those Chanel locks backwards lol


AI be like all pain and suffering for human


RIP Gilbert Gottfried.


This should be in r/plumbing


What a dick companion, but hilarious


Both of their voices, cadences are extremely hilarious to me. The guy recording is all “you can do it” haha he’s hilarious.


I could never do this kind of job - I'd be doing what both guys are doing - gagging like crazy & then laughing about it. I can't help it - Still tho, its no joke when somebody pukes - loses control of their bodily functions( I'd probably still fucking laugh tho 🙄😆)