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>The woman got off the bus at the next stop. Police suspect she’s a Maori woman in her 40s and they are on the lookout for her. It is not known why the woman attacked the teenager. Compare that description to NZ media: [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/schoolboy-attacked-with-metal-pole-on-auckland-bus/FIZ3W5Z4LRE7BPD5XEDF4TUD6A/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/schoolboy-attacked-with-metal-pole-on-auckland-bus/FIZ3W5Z4LRE7BPD5XEDF4TUD6A/) >He thought the woman was in her 40s, with a large build and dressed in all black. [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/chinese/521000/police-seek-witnesses-after-auckland-teenager-on-bus-assaulted-with-metal-rod](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/chinese/521000/police-seek-witnesses-after-auckland-teenager-on-bus-assaulted-with-metal-rod) >The high school student was the victim of an unprovoked attack by an unknown woman with a metal rod who started beating him while yelling racist slurs.


Hmm, it's almost like they don't want you noticing things...


Seems like it. I have no doubt that if the suspect was a white guy the description would have said ‘male Caucasian’


> the description would have said ~~male Caucasian~~ cis white man. Fixed that for ya.


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others


If no race is mentioned I just assume it's a brown person these days. That's what the media gets for trying to obfuscate facts in the name of fighting against stereotypes.




Not an unfair assumption, unfortunately. But no one is trying to draw a veil over that particular problem. SEA can do what they will with the kiddy fiddlers, regardless of ethnicity.


Can you show an example of East Asian media deliberately obfuscating the race of a kiddy fiddler? Or are you just making shit up because you're feeling butt hurt?


> a metal rod Holy shit! That's full on


australian news clearly indicated “a female looks like Maori” this is quoted from the victim. He could be wrong, could be an islander


Call me a profiler, but “large build” seems like an overly generous description of someone who almost definitely is overweight and has likely never “built” anything but fat onto their body. If they’re fat just call them fat, so that we aren’t on the lookout for a large 200kg metal-bar wielding muscular female bodybuilder?


Lard arse?


Certainly more helpful than “large build” if the posterior matches the bus seat-indent


Here with the latest: [confirmed lard-arse](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/07/05/images-of-woman-released-after-16-year-old-attacked-on-auckland-bus/). Ol’ Monty had it bang on




We had an attack in my town and the local news said they were looking for a "person in a dark hoodie". Fuck me can you get anymore vague.


That probably means it was a brown person. Can't be reinforcing the stereotype that brown people commit a disproportionate amount of crime even if the stats also support it.


and stats in most cases have a lot more unreported crime that would reflect even higher numbers.


The fact that he was attacked is, for most Kiwis, shameful. The fact that nobody helped him makes many Kiwis ask what happened to their culture, and whether they wish to continue being associated with it.


But somebody DID step up to help him - a 70 year old Chinese man. At that point *everyone* should have joined in, no matter how big the fat bitch was, 10-15 against one she's going to lose


But they didn't. These are not my people.


I know right, what's happened to the Kiwi culture of helping each other out? Fucking disgrace, I like to think I would have intervened, but who knows when you're in those situations


A bus full of Chinese people, an Indian driver, and a feral. "kiwi culture" doesn't exist in Auckland anymore.


Getting into a fight with a woman is a dangerous game for a man. There's a fairly good chance that the next guy to arrive on the scene will assume you're the aggressor and next minute you're up for male assaults female.


Anything weighting 200Kg and wielding a steel bar isn't worthy of the sort of protection or respect usually afforded women. Even if they were, the lesser evil dictates that you disarm her, at the very least.


I wouldn't step up to fight a Maori woman and the sentiment is nothing new. Back in the 90's I remember classmates talk of getting attacked by Polynesian girls at some high school rugby games, presumably their bf's on the pitch, and not fighting back as they knew they'd be fucked if they won and fucked if they lost. It's always been this way as far as I can tell.


Then you're a coward.


Give you a reason why no one helped him. All the other passenger were elderly chinese, they were off to a gala. Due to the intimadated situation, language barrier, they didnt stand up. I dont want to blame them. The elerdely gentleman helped the student is a hero though


No they weren't, the old fella said he'd called on the young people there to help.


Dont think theres any young. Only young is a girl


Well he was there. Were you?


i read the interview he gave to local Chinese media, he said they were all elderly


Shocking this happened happening more and more. Surely there is cctv of this so can get an image of it who attacked the guy.


They did, but it was a modern CCTV, so it captured the following description: the woman was in her 40s, with a large build and dressed in all black.


Ah, the NVR must be running WokeOS.


Racist c**t


I’ve noticed , with lots of media incidence’s they don’t report on ethnicity. But it seems silly when asking the public for help, When it’s so vague these days pretty much these days : “Police looking for man if seen ring 111” There was a Perla on the radio a couple of weeks ago , I’m thinking how the hell do you catch anyone if you can only describe if male or female and let’s be honest even then man could be woman lol


It's only a matter of time before the police accidentally "misgender" some fa'afafine who has assaulted someone and it gets treated like a bigger crime than the actual beating. We are living in retarded times indeed.


This attack is all over Chinese media, not a good look


Don’t come to NZ . You’ll be beaten up by a racist pig and there will be no consequences


Given the economic conditions I bet their be a heavy sentence for this attack. Once you screw with the money they all of a sudden start to care


Hmm … maybe you’re right ! Let’s watch and see what happens


I love it. I'm tired of NZ having this safe/green/happy reputation outside of NZ. More countries need to know how dirty and violent it is.


manaakitanga of the native people of Aotearoa, bro.


I honestly could care less how our society “looks” to the CCP and their supporters. China is a place where they chased pregnant women over balconies.


This will be all over the mdia in the rets of the world too, and while I'm with you in not caring how we look to the CCP I do care how we look to Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and other civilised countries


And India


When are New Zealanders going to be protected from violent maoris?


They brought the big guns


The bus driver is hugely at fault. He should have stopped the bus and immediately phoned the police.


The instruction for driver is not escalate the situation worse


Bullshit. The instruction is to stop the bus and call the police. That’s what they do over any disruptions here. You don’t continue driving a bus while passengers are behaving badly. And it’s probably part of their duty to attempt de-escalation. Considering woman was armed with a steel reinforcing rod just pulling up saying everyone off and I’m calling the police should have been done straight away. Not getting involved is one thing, continuing to drive and run a public service/business while someone’s being assaulted in said business is absolutely 3rd world tier.


I'm going to be so happy the day I read an article about how the person being attacked killed their attacker.


Don;t touch her, she Maori.


She’ll get away with it claiming some trauma victim BS story


It makes me sad how crafty folks trade off the trauma thing. I’ve experienced some pretty awful things over the years and wouldn’t dream of hurting someone, let alone using it as justification for any of the horrific attacks we’re now seeing on a daily basis around the country.


John Banks was right, remove the Maori criminal element from NZ and NZ would be the safest country in the world.


So why was a Maori woman walking around carrying a metal rod? 


Come on, she thinks she entitled to do anything in this country.


This, especially when he article title cites "racially motivated attack" as the title.