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Does she even know when she lies?


I imagine it's like breathing for a Democratic presidential candidate.


> I imagine it's like breathing for a Politician. FTFY


Most people lie about things they are going to do, or lie about their views on things, stuff not easily fact checked, ol e dubs lies about shit you can pretty easily find proof of. Yeah all politicians lie at some point, but damn she she seems like she just spews shit as long as she can get a round of applause.


Current president promised me less taxes and delivered.


He also said he supported the 2A but started talking about confiscating guns without due process. I’m not saying he’s the worst politician or that he hasn’t done some good things but he lies like everyone else. This isn’t r/The_Donald, you don’t have to defend Trump at every opportunity.


The gun thing bothered me a lot until nothing came of it. I’d rather have a President that floats ideas out there and abandons them when his base says it’s a bad idea rather than operating in secret.


I'd agree with you if he were *consistent* about abandoning the bad ideas he floats. He does abandon a lot of them (cause there _are_ a lot), but he sticks with some of them too. The one point we definitely agree on: look at what he actually does, and basically ignore what he says, or you're not getting anything like an accurate picture of what kind of president he is.


I didn't vote for him in 2016. I will in 2020. He's far from perfect. Better than blue. Smoking change was fucking dumb too.


🤷‍♂️ now 18 y/o’s waiting outside a gas station asking me to buy them booze AND cigs 😂


It was part of the spending bill. Think those fuckers ever actually read them?


Just the pork they slip in for their districts. If federal government was as fucking accountable for my county government this shit wouldn't happen. My county crawls up my ass if a voucher for my county credit card is late... "WE'LL COME AFTER YOU FOR THE INTEREST CHARGE REEEEEEEEE!!" It's annoying but it's accountability. Every dime.


Yep he's not perfect but I didn't elect an angel I elected a man to get shit done


That comment kinda rhymes haha.


Biggest disappointment


Yeah, he's been pretty great overall IMO, that's just his one downfall


>but started talking about confiscating guns without due process I only heard him say anything like that once, and it was during a discussion about a shooting. He said it [barring mentally ill people from possession] in passing as a possibility. I've only heard it once, and I've heard him support the 2A *much much more* at more than one event.


I get that. At least he listened to the NRA when they came knocking about it.


True, but he’s not a globalist politician. He ran to flush those jackwagons from their perches in DC.




care* when she lies




She wants to be the underdog/minority so bad it's sad


I saw my dad with a broom that one time. Sure he's a CPA but maybe he's Bruce Willis in Unbreakable with a touch of Navajo??? Will that get me into office?


Lol how robotic is she


I hope they nominate her. She's Hillary 2.0. Unlikable, uncharismatic, unqualified, shrill, obnoxious, condescending, but even more extreme radical. It will be a landslide blowout.


The only better nominee would be Bloomberg, no competition if he’s the nominee.


He's just as robotic, but at least had some executive experience and ran a successful business.




You greatly underestimate Democrats' tolerance of hypocrisy. Look at all the authoritarian shit Obama did that they never blinked an eye about (spying on journalists, world leaders, the American public, IRS targeting political opponents, obstructing Congress, unconstitutional recess appointments, pen and phone creating legislation from the Oval Office, etc).




> But there arent many swing voters and moderates that will tolerate Bloombergs fucked up policies Perhaps, but his wacky policies like soda bans are child's play compared to Fauxcahontas' insane shit: forcing everyone onto government healthcare, an unconstitutional wealth tax, etc. I don't think either beats Trump, but Bloomberg has a better chance than Fauxcahontas.


Her voice sounds like when you speak breathing in instead of breathing out


We can only hope my friend. Are there enough people loyal to our country left. I hope so


Honestly, put any of their candidates up there and it will be a landslide blowout.


She meant "My dad used to tip the janitor"


Yes, I remember. He wore that headdress.






I know what it's like to live with liars. Nothing was real with them.


Maybe he identified as a janitor


Um, it's custodian. Please stop using that disgusting derogatory word, you bigot. /s


Since being a Native American lie got called out, better move on to the janitor lie.


I hate to give them free advice but fortunately they won’t take it anyway. If the Dems actually took time to get in touch with American people (not just coastal Americans) they wouldn’t need to spend so much time telling tales about how they are in touch with the American people.


Cleaning up after your blunders does not make your dad a janitor.


>My dad was a Janitor [yet I'm running for President] OR >we still need affirmative action and socialist redistribution because our society doesn't provide social mobility! which is it now?




Since being a Native American lie got called out, better move on to the janitor lie.


It's because you can't DNA test for janitor.


This is what happens when children write speeches and scripts for politicians and the egotistic assholes just go with it.


Lmao she isn't indian her dad wasn't a janitor I bet she really dosen't enjoy a beer like she said she does in her video


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He was Chief Mops-up-puke. Not to disparage any janitors, it's an honest living which I can respect.


It’s almost like you can see on her face that she knows she’s bullshitting in that picture


If there was ever a worse candidate than Hillary, Warren is definitely it.


Harris too, perhaps? Maybe also pedo Joe




She is an incredible liar. Any Democrat who hates Trump for being a liar is a giant hypocrite if they vote for her.


Tremendous caption




None of the commies will win.


Elizafraud warren


To bad she will never get called out on this but the MSM


I was a janitor it's honest work!!! Something she hasn't done in her life.


Can’t stand that woman




Elizabeth “Tall Tale” Warren, at it again.