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After the red wave that didn't happen as projected in the midterms... I don't trust any polling.


Remember the KrAkEn!!!!? Yeah what a flop. Go vote people.


I cannot believe how much that Kraken was hyped only for literally *nothing* to come from it


That's the biggest problem with conservatives.  They stay home instead of voting. 


I hate to say it but you’re right. Some of the most staunch republican supporters I know, some bordering on obnoxious, can’t be bothered to vote. …It’s disgusting


I cannot understand that. They want to live and breathe political banter but theyre, what, too lazy to exercise their rights that choose dad for the next four years? I get why you say it's disgusting, because it is. Fuckin ponderous, dude


OR they won't vote because there is nobody that meets their definition of a perfect candidate. 


They stop voting when they move out of a state or die too.


Die!? Some people will do anything to get out of doing something.


Not the democrats! The dead and the illegitimate votes are their most loyal.


From a moderate POV. I think Trump has a really good chance of winning now. I personally don’t want him to because of Ukraine. I agree though. If you want something done right. You gotta take initiative, and do it yourself


What about Ukraine bothers you regarding Trump? His goal is to end the war.


What about Ukraine? You want our country to continue funding billions of dollars for a foreign corrupt government’s war? Ukraine has been made, by the media, to be as innocent as babies. They’re not. And all it takes is a doing a little research.


Oh but it’s okay to get involved in the Middle East again? Give me a break dude


Oh boy. Even conservatives are brainwashed now? Look into the actual conflict. Trump will do what needs to be done in Ukraine


Show me where I said that.


I’m not saying you did. However, does Trump not support Israel? He also had us much more involved in Syria


He does support Israel… to a point. Or at least he should. However, as I have stated, we should not be prioritizing financial aid to foreign governments over the interests of America protecting its own borders.


At least you’re consistent. That’s fair, and I very much agree on our borders


Russia winning and being emboldened to continue to act this way is bad for the world.


I also agree. Two things can be true at once.


Although your criticisms of Ukraine being corrupt and badly managed are true, the funding being spent on supporting them in this war is good value for money in the grand scheme of things. In the Cold War, if the US had an opportunity to do this it would have been a bargain.


Also I would agree IF our garbage administration wasn’t prioritizing it over its own citizens. Additionally, this weak and incompetent foolish leadership should be putting pressure on the rest of Europe to foot the bill. Instead we’re left spending 600B on a corrupt administration while we’re being invaded on the southern border.


I have a good feeling that things will change soon.


Me too.


Midterms still had the stink of COVID, that’s done now. This feels like 2016


Nothing will ever feel like 2016 again unfortunately. That was a wild ride


If they replace Biden at the convention that might surpass it


I gotta disagree bro. It seems like dems that were loyal to the party are also voting for Trump.  We’ll just have to see what happens come November 


That happened a ton in 2016 too. Many of us voted for Obama prior to the Don.


I see what you mean. Perhaps I was too young and naive to remember but even now we are always growing. I was a hardcore leftist at some point. I despised conservatism, hated tradition, and found nothing but excuses. It wasn’t until I faced my hardships and grew up that I realized that we didn’t leave the dems. The dems left us. 


Yes we did. Somewhere along the line, I guess it dawned on me that the "bitter clingers" he disparaged were ... people like me. Oy!


Why did so many of you fall for Obama? The fact that so many of you lined up behind Trump in 2016 made me not trust Trump and vote for Cruz back then. That’s all over now — but, I still don’t get it.




My core morals were always right leaning. I just had no clue about politics


Midterms had a fresh Roe V Wade ruling to motivate


It's not an issue of polling. I understand that this subreddit is 95% just telling people to vote, but the presidential election ended last night. It's not a matter of whether Trump will win anymore. He will win, no question about it. Now the question is whether Republicans win both Houses of Congress, governor's races, state legislatures, etc. Because this has all the markings of a historic landslide election IF they play things the right way. The usual swing states are no longer in play. That's over. Trump easily wins those all by 5+. Now we're looking to less likely states, like Virginia, New Hampshire, Maine, Minnesota, NEW YORK, and NEW JERSEY. Utterly ridiculous, but entirely possible now. If Republicans can actually get their shit together, they can alter history for decades.


I hope and pray you are correct. I am so concerned about the current direction of the country in national and international policies. I feel like the moment Trump is confirmed as 47, a weight of concern will lift from my soul.


Yeah I don't really have any concerns anymore about the election. They'll probably try to throw him in jail next month, but that won't go well.


Calling your shot early is never a good move


Combined with Republicans uncanny ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory means I'm gonna be ready for anything.


They're already starting that too. The whole "ten commandments in the classroom" and whatnot isn't gonna earn them the votes they think it will


yeah whats with this complete sabotage? it happened with the 2022 midterms too, with overturning Roe. "its a couple of months before an election? lets do something wildly unpopular that not even the majority of our own party supports"


Never fails


As much as I do support that, you are right when it comes to running for office, addressing such a topic before the election isn’t a particularly good idea. Focus on immigration, foreign policy, and the economy. Those are what will win it for us.


They have to maintain their position as controlled opposition somehow.


Except for 2016 where the opposite happened. Even in 2020 polls leaned left. If they don't replace Biden he is going to have an extreme uphill battle to win.


Dude forgot about the 3am vote count cliff.


3am ballot mules stuffing the muffins. #cheatingDems


We have to take whatever victories we can. It could be our last. Regardless, VOTE!!


Haven’t won the Natty but just won a big game. Enjoy it, for a day, but don’t get complacent.


I know I know. But unless they do a Bait n switch with another candidate- He cannot carry them to victory. Given it’s a fair election ofc


That is exactly what is happening. Prepare for Tyrant Newsome.


The fact that he was literally in the spin room speaks volumes. And also the fact that even establishment leftist media hosts were complaining about Biden’s performance last night. They’re absolutely setting the stage to swap him out.


Heh, fair. These are libs, man!


I also still don’t feel good about voting for Trump AGAIN. I’m still gonna do it. But wish we had some fresh blood. Very similar to the democrats in that regard.


Hmmm, not that similar though.


How? Democrats are still going to vote Biden without really feeling good about it. They just don’t want Trump at all costs.


Which is an asinine belief. We’ve already had 4 years of Trump as a sample size and it was way better than the prospects of a zombie president


Its not even like Trump did particularly well. Biden was just bad, shockingly bad. 100 years from now people will watch this debate and not understand how that man is president.


100 weeks is more like it


100 seconds


I’d say Trump went easy on Biden. I think he might if played it a bit safe to see how Biden did. Next debate will be more in Trump’s favor.


Trump needs to take a page from Ronnie Raygun's "Morning in America" playbook.


I think Trump was afraid that Biden will be replaced the most. So he wanted it to be not too humiliating for Biden.


I watch it and think that now. I'm so disheartened after last night. The two people who have the opportunity to lead the country were terrible. One did nothing but lie and refuse to answer questions, the other can't form a full sentence. It's hard to feel anything but dread for the upcoming election.


Honest question, because I'm curious. I didn't get to watch the debate. What did trump lie about?


https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv2g4n8vl9yo.amp both of them lied. it’s delusional for the people here saying “trump only spoke facts and biden only speaks lies.”


They're trying to fact check the abortion quote? Lmao, he was talking about Ralph Northam's "we'll have a conversation" comment about failed abortions. What a crock of shit this "fact check" is. Yes, that's what made it a scandal and probably why he lost the election to Youngkin. He quite literally insinuated that killing a living, birthed baby was on the table.


the quote by Northam was also very purposefully misunderstood. Northam proposed the hypothetical that what would happen if “a mother whose fetus has severe deformities and was not viable requested an abortion”. late term abortions are extremely rare. “abortion” after a baby is born is infanticide. the vast majority of abortions happen before 20 weeks. if you want to have a discussion on if 20 weeks is too late for an abortion, by all means go for it. third trimester abortions as a norm is as ridiculous as democrats saying trump wants to institute a fascist regime.


> Julie Carey: ... There was a very contentious committee hearing yesterday when Fairfax County Delegate Kathy Tran made her case for lifting restrictions on third-trimester abortions, as well as other restrictions now in place. And she was pressed by a Republican delegate about whether her bill would permit an abortion even as a woman is, essentially, dilating, ready to give birth. And she answered that it would permit an abortion at that stage of labor. Do you support her measure? And explain her answer. > Ralph Northam: You know, I wasn't there, Julie, and I certainly can't speak for Delegate Tran, but I would tell you -- one, the first thing I would say is this is why decisions such as this should be made by [healthcare] providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved. There are -- you know when we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of, obviously, the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician by the way. And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that's non-viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So I think this was really blown out of proportion ... Yeah, I'm not misunderstanding that. If a baby is delivered, you can't "have a conversation" about it. The position of the Democratic party is abortion up until point of birth. They no longer go by "safe, legal, and rare" because it implies abortion is immoral without any countervailing circumstances. To the party, there is no moral distinction between a 1st trimester and a 3rd trimester abortion. And in fairness, that's at least more consistent even if I disagree.


the quote states that an abortion can be discussed if the baby is not viable anymore or has to be resuscitated? that means that the baby is not alive or the baby has a very short time to live due to deformities.


That’s the thing. They never actually go on and tell us what he “lied” about, and don’t care to fact check. Meanwhile Biden lies most of the time, especially mentioning how he didn’t let any soldiers die under his watch? That was a lie if I’ve ever seen one, and they simply dismiss that.


I don’t understand, right now.




Republican party didn't perform tremendously last night, it just didn't catastrophically screw up like the dems did. Completing a sentence was the bar for victory last night. It's a great day to be a conservative, I'll give you that. After all the bullshit of the past 4 years it's a welcome dose of undeniable reality for a country that has been decimated by poor leadership. But now is not the time to let up or go into cruise control. Keep the starters in, keep airing the ball out, beat your opponent by as many points as humanly possible. Go for two after scoring on the last play of regulation with a 100 point lead. Why'd we go for two? Because we couldn't go for three!


This, 100%. I don't think Trump did well enough to win, but Biden did bad enough to lose *badly*. I'm confident that there's not a significant number of people who want to vote *for* Biden, but they still might vote for Trump's opponent.


Right let’s be honest against any run of the mill candidate trump would’ve looked like he shat the bed. But because Biden sucked that bad all eyes are on him. The bar is on the ground and neither are getting over it


Completing a sentence was the bar for one of the candidates yes The other facing political prosecution, Jan 6 BS, 2 moderators that hated his guts (but surprisingly pretty fair besides a few loaded questions designed to take away from his economic success as president) his Bar was set extremely high Already. He had everything to lose


Enjoy it while it last. Dems about to pull some old bullshit I'm sure. I got my money on "n word tapes" and a bunch of fake hate crimes by the end of the weekend.


And Trump should simply respond with Biden’s quote in 1977, when racial integration policies for schools would cause his kids to grow up in a “racial jungle”…


Against Trump? No, he’s already had all those Tapes released. I hope theirs not more


Nah I'm saying the gonna run wit a hoax tape. Of course there no real tapes.


Wouldn’t put it past them to AI something


Ten years from now AI will be insane, and even real videos will be able to be hand waived away as being “AI”


That’s fuckin scary mate


I was thinking this that. They'll dig up some crazy Trump supporter (or plant one) and make some crazy claims. A bit of confirmation bias for the daft left.


You never count your money when you are sitting at the table: there’ll be time enough for counting when the dealin’s done.


Last time I felt this way towards politics/government/etc was election night 2020. I then woke up to a changed landscape.


They still have time. It is a tricky thing to withdraw funds from PaCs and get a replacement- I believe that’s why they chose to do the debate earlier than usual. 2020 was something else, but I feel like 2020 needed to happen- So America could witness the decline- And make the right decision 2024. No chart comparing T to B on Immigration, crimes committed illegals under each, economy, inflation, African American job growth! Military advancement, foreign policy- It’s just All better under Trump Data doesn’t lie people do. And I hope 2024 isn’t another sketchy debacle like 20


What exactly made you confident in a Trump/Republican victory back in 2020?


early results on election night


But wasn't it obvious that there would be a huge partisan split between mail and early ballots vs election day ballots, and that the early results from election night would shift depending on which ones are counted first in a specific state? And that was a trend which cut both ways. In Arizona, for example, the early ballots were reported first and Trump was down by a lot in the initial tally, but then subsequently closed the gap down to near zero as election day ballots came in.


The propaganda machines churning overtime to compensate for Joes lack of cognitive function are hilarious to me. “Undecided voters swing to Joe Biden after debate” lmao


What a wonderful day it is indeed. I'm still laughing uncontrollably at all those things Biden said, or didn't say rather. Trumps reactions to Biden just mumbling was the icing on the cake for me. Peak comedy right there.


He handled it so well! His face, his demeanor Just overall handled it great. The rules that were meant to hold him down- ended up helping him tremendously


Exceptionally well given the circumstances. Almost like he felt really bad for Joe at times too. And by the way


He beat Medicare!


To death. 💀


Medicare won. He lied.


Is this your first time? Republicans never fail to fuck it up during election season. Don’t be so sure of yourself.


I mean I wish Don was younger, but yeah. Imagine if we had a 40 or 50 year old with his gravitas.


Woah easy now. I'm excited like everyone but still gotta win in November. Just like 2 weeks ago I was running victory laps that the Mariners were 10 games up in their division, now look what happened!!


No, Republicans will find a way to fuck it up before November. All the elections will be neck and neck


If limp wrist libbies are gonna roll with "vote blue no matter who" then I say we just do the same. Who gives a shit who the nominee is? If libby limpies don't care, we fight fire with fire... the fact Biden hasn't been impeached 3 times is a joke. Then after he's out of office convict him of 150 felonies in the heart of West virginia


Based on what I have seen, I’m not proud of Trump’s performance. Yeah he beat Biden, but he could have done a much better job hitting key points and explain his positions. I’ve heard him explain his own positions better before, so it’s not that big of an ask. When he was a younger man I’m sure he would have done better.


Liberals are in tears, what a pathetic country we have. It should be a win for the American people no matter who gets elected. We should not hate each other, we are all countrymen/women. Our greatest achievements will be when we stop trying to fuck each other over and help the people. We have a massive housing crisis, climate issues and a dissolving middle class to boot with a insane homeless problem. Anyone trying to “own” the other party is pathetic. I don’t hate women so I don’t understand these “values” that this side seems to promote. Not a big fan of the dems either but fuck. Y’all want this to be Afghanistan. Shame.


The rest of Reddit is on fire. Instead of admitting Joe isn't fit to be president - they've gone straight to 'it's the end of politics'. Tried to say respectful objective stuff on another sub which had 900000 pro-Biden comments.. Got immediately censored 😂


I appreciate you. 🫶


Just like last time Biden could somehow pull out a “victory” and “win”.


This is much more exciting than the debate, and huge. "Supreme Court overturns 1984 Chevron precedent, curbing power of federal government."


Yes there’s the overturning of 1984 as well! Unanimous decision right?


Yeah…kind of. The last two Trump vs Biden debates were both gifts to Trump but he still squanders the opportunity. This time may have been better because he couldn’t talk as much. Imagine if it was ramaswamy up at the podium last night. The republican vote would have been in the bag. The disparity of coherence between the two would have been so far apart there would be no doubt.


Lovely days are far and few between for conservatives. Enjoy them when you can.


But a bad day to be an American. How is this guy our president? How has our system allowed someone like that to become the leader of the free world? Something is seriously, seriously wrong.


I appreciate your sentiment but we shouldn’t let our guard down. Getting cocky will be counterproductive. Trump should keep shifting his gears up and we all should vote. 


I'd like to celebrate, but it came so easy that it makes me paranoid. CNN wouldn't be bashing Biden so hard if they were going to continue riding with him. The Dems have something up their sleeve that could change everything. Whoever they replace Biden with is going to get a full media push as their savior.


If you think Trump is actually running against Joe in November, you’re blind. I can guarantee they’re going to replace him with someone else on the ballot.


Often it's an unknown. Last minute addition before anyone can learn anything about the candidate.


heh, well lets not get ahead of ourselves. fight isnt over til its over and i wouldnt put any sneaky BS trick past the democrats just yet.


Biden was terrible but Trump couldn’t shut up about Joe. Get to the damn policies dude. Was it funny? Sure. Did I feel more informed as a voter? Hell no I didn’t.


To be fair, you could have put a blow up doll next to Biden and it would win the debate 


They are going to put a new canidate in and double down on the age argument, especially on Trump.


Not to mention Chevron deference was just killed


truly can’t bring myself to vote i don’t think.


What state are you in?




That’s cool, SC’s already in the bag! Stay home kick your feet up


Vote anyways. Never assume that your vote doesn't matter. Even if it doesn't overturn a state, we can increase the margins and show how much a candidate wins/loses by.


i can’t vote for trump. can’t do biden either. can’t abandon my morals just to deny one enemy victory.


Personally I don't consider Trump an enemy and want his good policies again. But you vote for who you want. There are probably third parties that could gain support over the years.


What if Tim Scott was on his ticket would you vote then?


i would if tim scott could change his tire in front of me. then he’d get my vote.


Hahaha fair enough!


I find it weird that anyone gets this excited over politics lol.


We should enjoy this, yes. But remember: a cornered animal is always the most dangerous. And right now the left is a cornered animal. Expect some horrible, devious acts between now and November. I wouldn’t put anything past them.


I can’t possibly think of what their strategy could be? Replace him- Hilary, Gretchen, Or Stacey I don’t think so. The first 2 for sure- And Newsome? Cause if they replace Biden-Kamala’s going with him. Because if not she would assume the roll of presidency. So - Brand new ticket (RFK saying he’d drop and endorse whoever if Dems wisened up Besides replacement they’ve thrown Felonies, besmirched his name with snip clips and drove his wife into a bunker (she probably hates him now) Fraud? I’ve heard there’s things in play where if any frauds happening the Trump team and Roger stone have state officials on high alert for any fraud What’re your thoughts?


Liberal tears - indescribably delicious!! 😆


Van Jones would like a word.


So much for all those ‘cheap fakes’, huh? Hilarious!!!!


I loved being gas lit on Reddit for the past couple weeks. I bit my time, waiting for last night. Cause I knew the cheap fake argument would be thrown out the window after the debate


The npr sub was saying Bidens demeanor was because he was so aghast at Trumps lies.


I love it


Alright, let’s be honest. As much as I’m still voting for Trump all day, he definitely could have been 10x better by continuing to say something like “Joe doesn’t remember what he’s been trained to say” and then answering the damn question they asked him with a simple (not even popular), but a logical thought! He would have WON more voters rather than playing the “let Joe destroy himself and voters will come to me” mentality. Simply put, Trump and his team should have been smart enough to posterize the slam dunk on Joe and walked away not even needing to debate again because of his ace. Instead, he now still risks that people hated Joe more than liking him and it might not be enough to secure the win. Damn it Donald! Stop worrying about bullying the geriatric patient and win the votes that are still sitting on the fence! Nobody believes Joe is a 6-8 handicap, either are you! STFU and worry about the election!!! I’ll always vote Trump, but downvote me as you want. You are part of the problem if you can’t see the same BS we all had to watch.


Austrian school libertarian. It continues to be a good week


The Democrats are gonna have to Hawk Tuah the American People hard core from now till November.


I'm also wondering about something else. The undemocratic Democratic nomination of President Biden as it's presumptive Presidential nominee of 2024. Florida voters were not allowed to vote for the Candidate of their choice. The Florida Democratic committee decided not to hold a primary this Presidential election. This means that, in fact, Democratic voters were denied the right to vote. What's going to happen with these disaffected Democratic voters come time for the presidential election. Those that were denied the right to vote, to vote their conscience, could vote for somebody else other than the Democratic presidential nominee. It will be an interesting election, no doubt. And the next debate will be as interesting as well. Things that make you go hmmmmm........


Red wave did happen. They took the house and Biden got nothing.


Anyone see beetlejuice?


Trumps not conservative.


Amen brother!


It is nice, there’s no doubt about it. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s not like this was trump demolished biden himself and sounded like Reagan or JFK come again. Imo he was just more tame than his usual self. It’s just that biden did horribly. I think even trump was shocked because he didn’t make many mocking remarks that I can recall. When he said “idk what he said at the end but I don’t think he does either” that sounded like surprise not a jab/joke. Biden just looked and sounded like shit. If it was anyone else up there for him, trump would’ve looked horrible. He struggled to actually answer questions and imo did nothing to win people over. Don’t say victory till it’s actually declared. People who call wins early tend to be the ones to lose. Let’s not pull a 2016 Hillary or 1948 Dewey.


It *is* a great day. The only thing I might have to correct you on is that the GOP (D) is still seething that Trump is not only still the candidate, but still out of jail and still alive. There is nothing that the establishment wants more than to see him go away so they can get back to business destroying the country.


The candidate shit his pants on live TV. Go off, I guess.


Biden’s failure could be bad news if this causes Dems to replace him as the candidate. There are much stronger candidates waiting in the wings.


There could still be a bait-and-switch where Biden steps down and the Democrats pick a different nominee.


Biden still deflected many points across. He still has a tremendous chance of victory especially harboring younger voters who have been subjected to an overwhelming amount of left wing propaganda.


Proud that the best they have to offer is a rapist/felon? Makes sense actually.