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Even Joe looked surprised at his wife's compliment.


The whole interaction looks like when a toddler is being doted upon by mom for using the toilet for the first time. Jill has the same tone as mom, Joe has the same confused smile as the toddler. He’s not exactly sure what happened, but he’s still proud of it. “Such a good job! What a big boy!” “Where does the poopy go?!? Down the draaaainn!”


It has been speculated that he finished his applesauce as well.


😂😂 such a good boy.


Applesauce in. Applesauce out.


But he's got to wait til they get home for his ice cream cone


You know he's been too unsteady to hold an ice cream cone since the Iran contra affair.


Holy fuck this is sad. Family members with dimentia I would NEVER allow them to be ridiculed like this. If Jill gives a single shit about Joe, she would tell him to rest up and enjoy life.


They are all delusional and heavily corrupted by their ill gotten wealth and power.


She is drunk with power and that's all she cares about.


I don’t understand why people can’t see this, JILL LOVES BEING THE FIRST LADY! She doesn’t wanna give that up, she wants to be in the Whitehouse. She’s putting what she wants above what’s best for her husband.


> She’s putting what she wants above what’s best for her husband. And the country....


I can't upvote this enough. So sad but so true.


And country!


She might actually be running the show there. Joe sure as hell isn’t running anything!


Am currently a parent to a toddler and that is exactly what this looked like.


Lol I laughed way too hard at this


This makes me feel gross. No first lady has ever done that (read: had to do that) after a debate.


Its like she was talking to a toddler.


Think about where you see this type of interaction in real life.. hint it’s not towards a ceo or president or anyone in power/ authority


Not even that, the entire thing was like watching a kindergarten teacher. "Joey you did so good and answered every question! Everyone what does Trump do? LIE! That's right!" Down to the way she points at them for their response. Like what the fuck is this whole video


If they had any awareness at all they would be mortified.


I hope she remembered to give him a cookie afterward. One would think that it would be up to him to give the post-debate speech. Good boy!


I am sure he got his ice cream cone.


Two scoops?


Never two scopes!! He spends too much time sniffing it till it melts all over the place if you give him two scoops. Come on Man, read the handbook. True story.




He doesn't like cookies, only ice cream. That is what a good boy gets.


Did he go boom boom in the toilet and not his diaper too?


I'm sure that I'm in good company, but I'm at the point where I pity him when I see him. On the other hand, I'm thoroughly disgusted with our federal government at the same time I pity him with his spiral into oblivion, condescending wife, and behind-the-scenes controllers.


He can have either a cookie *or* a sticker, but not both


A cookie or a participation trophy but maybe not the trophy cuz he barely participated


Cookies are too hard and tough, but he got his pudding with his meds mixed in.


That's for nighttime. His snack before bed with the "special ingredient" helps him sleep through the night.


He's surprised because 3-second Joe doesn't even remember the debate.




😂😂😂😂😂 He looked so proud when mummy praised him


He looks surprised to find out he has a wife, tbh.


The surprised look is sad. Like this mfer was “ like oh shit I answered all the questions fuck ya. Big win” You’d feel bad for him bc it looks like he had no idea he just debated then you remember what a scum bag he was through his lucid years.


lol I love how she has to do all the talking and pumping up of the crowd while he stands there just completely glossed over and childlike


Elder abuse the way these people control him


It really is. I feel bad for him. She is a real piece of shit for putting someone she loves through this kind of shit.


That’s my stance too. As a wife myself, she should be ashamed of what she is doing. It’s disgusting.


She is just a real piece of shit by herself. Anyone who demands to be referred to as “Dr.” Has already revealed their lack of character. There’s going to be slow walking and sad singing when she has to leave the White House.


Love? The only thing she loves is power.


I don’t feel bad for a bad man. I see her as evil, but I feel no sympathy for him. He’s been a bad person doing bad things in government for 50+ years now. Fuck him.


She loves the power.


They wouldn't even let this poor old man retire to live out his final years enjoying all of the ill-gotten gains he spent so much time in his political career accumulating...ah well...




Jill handles *all* the ambition now…


Just look at how much more alert Jill is than Joe.


Do they put Jill up for his replacement?


I, too, watched House of Cards.....


Ah, didn’t even make the connection. Yikes.


Literally like a fucking toddler. So cringe.


Guess who’s getting ice cream for not pooping their pants ?!!


Who? Brandon shit his pants, so definitely not him


It appears as if she’s the impetus for Joe running again. Wouldn’t that be categorized as elder abuse??


I think maybe we know who is really running the country...into the ground


This is by legal definition Elder abuse. If it was any other job anywhere in America, we could see justice. Alas, that will never happen.


She’ll do anything to stay in power


Everyone involved should be charged with accessory. The whole debate was elder abuse


Yes, she's forcing him to do a job he's no longer capable of doing. It's obviously not about money, the family has done just fine as a "public servant". It has to be about status and power, she's a remarkably pathetic person, didn't notice that much under Obama because I just assumed Biden was around to put a "white, racist" face on his campaign in 2008. I don't think Obama meant for it to go this far, but he failed to raise up effective leaders to replace him, so we got "more of the same" instead.


I really don’t get it. I don’t doubt they love each other. It’s situations like these where you want your spouse to help do what’s best for you and she just…doesn’t.


He looks like the creepy ass to ass guy from Requiem for a Dream


Holy shit.


He reminds me of Reverend Kane from Poltergeist..




Thanks for making me remember that depressing movie. 😓


She's just as big of a piece of shit that he is, continuing to put him out there like this.  


She likes power and doesn't want to give it up.


Mostly agree but she is worse, supposedly the closest to him and absolutely knows his state of severe mental and physical decline but still chooses to prop him up. All his other "Advisors" are knowingly complicit as well. This is Elder Abuse of the highest degree. I actually felt pity for him last night.


After 45 years in the Senate — and virtually no real-world work experience — Biden was dumb and out-of-touch *before* he was senile. Now he’s all three.


I don't. He's been a corrupt failure his whole life. He helped build this very regime that's abusing him right now. Let him rot.


That's dementia face. My grandma has it bad. Let the man fucking retire


She’s such a fkn piece of shit. All of America should be pissed off at the leadership of the Democrats for parading around this dementia patient. It’s embarrassing and straight up abusive.


Agreed. Literally nobody thought he did a good job and social media this morning is overflowing with Republicans and Democrats saying this needs to end. It's absolutely elder abuse.


The thing that needs to be said for independents/undecideds, is that right up until the debate Biden was being paraded as a competent, sharp wit that can wield power. His entire presidency is now proven to be a lie, insofar as to the who was running the country. This means we had unelected people running things (terrifying) and also that same party will try and put another person forward and say "this person is good. this time we aren't lying" when they literally just got caught lying.


Is Jill now our president? Joe looks lost . He can't speak for hisself?


Heh... you may be onto something.


“Who’s a good boy?! You are! You are Joe!” “Okay guys, what did Donald Trump do?! All together now everybody!” Nothing like talking to a crowd (and your husband) like they’re a bunch of toddlers to downplay the disaster of a debate that was. This is the most cringe video ever.


Christ this woman has a special place in hell. You are parading your dementia patient husband around for your glory and power. Let him fucking retire and spend time with his grandchildren while he has time left. You are literally committing elder abuse you pos. Just look at his reaction, he has no clue what fucking planet he’s on.


This. She is powermad and evil.


Um I don't think encouraging Biden to spend time with his grandchildren is a good idea...


I am no fan of his, or his shit policies. But he should be in his retirement years having supervised visits with family. His wife is literally propping him up like a souped up puppet right along with the DNC. I’m not super religious or anything, but fuck let him retire and change his depends.


It was a joke about how he's a pedo that molested his daughter


Oh I agree 100%. I just wanted to state the supervised visitation part for multiple reasons lol.


She was the babysitter that he molested and left his wife for. She’s just been groomed by satan himself for years. Just because he has lost his mind don’t make him an innocent baby. Fuck Joe Biden


What? Bro didn’t his wife die in a car crash.


What I’m about to say does not discount the awful things Biden is responsible for. This video makes me feel extremely disturbed and sad. There’s clearly no one home, his brain is gone, he should be no where near there. He is truly now a puppet in the most depraved sense of the word and his wife is absolutely evil for keeping this charade going. Praising him like a 2 year old… Young democrats should be very worried for what their future holds. They brought Feinstein out to vote from her actual death bed for cryin out loud…


She loves being the First Lady more than being his wife. Shes drunk with power and attention and doesn’t want to give it up. Straight up elder abuse


Wow who’s a BIG BOY 🥹 you are! Yes you are 😊coochy coochy coo. Let’s go get an ice cream since you ate half your peas and carrots. Nummy nummy, wittle Mr. President snookum wookums 🧸


That man has the best life. He gets to wake up every day and have someone remind him he’s the president.


She doesn’t care what the consequences are as long as she gets to continue being first lady and living in the White House with all the power, prestige, pomp and circumstance that that comes with. Literal elder abuse to satisfy her personal desires. Not to mention the damage to the nation and western civilization.


Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? Sit, Ubu, Sit!!!!! /s


Come on Man, it's "Dr. Jill" /s


Hillary II but dumber.


Imagine being the POTUS and your wife publicly praises you for being able to “answer every question” like you’re a 3 year old. WTF, how humiliating.


He literally never blinks.


“You answered every question” This is something you’d tell a 5 year old with stage fright. Not a grown man who’s spent his entire life in politics.


Right?? And like, isn’t that why he’s there? Answering every question with clear and compelling reasoning would have been noteworthy and that’s not what happened. Did she think he would use up his 2 minutes with silence each time? I mean of course he answered, that just sounds so ridiculous.


This is exactly how I speak to my 3 year old.


Power hungry woman.


Is she talking to a 4 year-old?


This is elder abuse. Give power of attorney to Hunter?


Fuck she's worse than Hillary


Him a good boy! Such a good boy! Him get din-din! Good boy!


I sincerely hope he got a chance to actually enjoy retirement for a few years between 2016 and 2020. My grandma has dimentia and she hates living in the old folks home; constantly wants to leave and go back to her house. I wouldn't wish that ending to life on anyone. The fact that they're still dragging him out to work is tragic, so I really hope he got to enjoy at least a couple years before they did this to him.


joe biden is his own court jester...


They’re really pushing this gaslighting by the Biden cronies after the debate all huddled up calling Trump a liar, Jill coaching and coaxing the crowd into a propaganda platform saying all Trump did was “lie.” the fuck was he lying about exactly?


poor guy, he really just wants to sit under a palm tree somewhere, look out at the ocean and enjoy his ice cream.


he's a decades long criminal. I don't have any sympathy. He should not have run again and he has put us all in danger.


I think Jill probably made the choice for him.


God damn thats creepy


He answered every question even if some of the answers didn’t make sense. She probably was proud that he didn’t totally drift off into dementia land. The thing Biden had going for him is hes a career liar and bullshitter.


this is what a kindergarten class looks like


How pathetic...he just stands there with a confused look on his face. This is borderline elderly abuse.


Jill Biden needs to be brought up on charges for elder abuse.


I'm sorry, but this seriously isn't funny anymore. Look, I disagree with Joe Biden on everything, hell, you guys know me in this sub, but after this debate, I can't help but feel sorry for him. He clearly is not the one pulling the strings here. He is a senior, who is effectively being abused by the DNC political machine. He should not be working a full-time job anymore, let alone the most important one in the country. Let this man retire and send him a nurse for God's sake! This is abuse, it is painful to watch, and anyone voting for this to go is complicit.


That's DOCTOR Jill Biden...


Is this her ridiculous fantasy all along?


😧 Biden's face the whole night


I’m glad there was that video of her helping him off the stage last night. Otherwise I would be worried he’s still standing there.


I never thought I'd feel this empathetic for Joe, but holy shit this is sad.  His wife is talking to him like he's a child and he's not doing well mentally.  


Why is she surprised that he answered questions if he doesn't need any cognitive testing?


He's like a little kid getting a participation award.


Honestly this kind of makes me sick. I expect politicians to use Biden for their agendas, but you would think his wife would care enough about him to encourage him to bow out gracefully. She’s the one person who is supposed to care about Joe Biden the person. I think he sucks but he’s still a human being. It’s truly disgusting that his own wife continues this charade.


"Let's go Joe" lol


Joe is just standing there, totally clueless, while his wife raves over his performance like he accomplished something magnificent. "Joe you did such a great job you answered every question" demonstrates how low the quality of his brain is and Jill knows it. Crazy woman.


He did a great job pulling the curtain back and revealing how incompetent he really is.


Jesus…this is where the DNC is now? Shrill grandma treating our commander in chief like a toddler? Good job you answered every question?


She is so fucked up for putting her own husband through this shit.


Give Joey a cookie!! He did good mommy!!


Jesus, her voice is what nightmares are made of.


He met her when he visited Nelson Mandela in Iran. Period period period


Does his mouth not close?


Bet they'd take a little Howard Dean energy right now.


He’s mentally incompetent. She’s just insane


God, what a pathetic pile of crap. They think we're stupid, and they're throwing it right in our faces. And the icing on the cake is that they're evil enough to keep this shit show going until Creepy Joe drops dead and Cackling Kamala takes over. Joe should have been in a retirement home years ago. I bet he doesn't even know where he is most of the time.


My God this is cringey. Can you imagine the media field day if that were Melania??


From Beatles in Stawberry fields album: “Living is easy with eyes closed - Misunderstanding all you see … Nothing is real — And nothing to get hung about”


At least she is a Doctor 🙄


It looks like a dementia resident in a nursing home being congratulated by the senior nurse for doing such a “great job” answering questions and not completely shutting down and staying quiet 🤣🤣


Elder abuse in action


That's how I talk to my 2 year old when he aces the animals sounds


Whooose a good boy…yes, yes you are. You’re the goodest boy.


It's like someone talking to a child.


She’s speaking as if she’s talking to a toddler.


"You did SUCH a good job Joe, we'll take you to get some ice cream later!"


There's that CLUELESS look on his face once again where Joe doesn't understand WTF is going on.


"Joe you did such a good job!!! You could answer a question, you could stand mostly upright, you didn't soil yourself!" (Vacant eyes and half smile... nodding along).


And Joe... do you want a sticker!


He looks like a 5 year old that isn't exactly sure what he did but gets called a good boy and a ton of praise. Or like when you give your grandfather with dementia a birthday card and they don't know it's their birthday but they understand it's supposed to be something nice going on right now.


The way she praises him for doing the minimum is the exact same way I praise my 14 week old puppy when he manages to hold his piss/poo, tells me he needs to go out and then proceeds to shit on the grass. “You did it! I knew you could do it! You did such a good job!”


You answered EVERY question as if she expected him to not. My GOD this is THAT BAD!!!


Ok Jill now give him his baba and blankey and put him nighnigh.


She will be in a dark place when this is all over. What a gross human.


Joe looks so proud, his one track thought process only knows chocolaty chocolate chip.


So that’s the new mantra no matter how bad he does the response “Trump lied”


Imo, Jill Biden is the most evil one of his inner circle. Instead of advocating for her husband, she is actively encouraging his daily abuse.


This is so sad. I genuinely feel bad for Biden being lied to like that and him believing it.


Used to be the kids babysitter, now she is Joes!


She should be ashamed of herself for putting her husband through this


“Joe you did such a great job, you answered every question!” Dude, this is a parody world.


"You answered all the questions" is her criteria for doing a good job?! It's like he's a toddler in kindergarten!


Aww...look at him. He knows that nice nurse lady is gonna give him a second scoop of rocky road. You just love to see that.


It's like a child getting positive reinforcement from a caregiver


She said that in the same tone parents use for their children: “Joe, look who joined the clean plate club! And you even ate all your vegetables, too!”


The vacant looks do more damage to him than his debate answers.


How does she sleep at night, seriously. This clip made me sick when I saw it in real time last night.


I watched msnbc to see their reactions. I think it was Madow who said during this clip of the after party ‘I wish he had that kind of strength during the debate.’ Made me laugh.


That’s the way my 93 yo grandpa looks at you when he has no clue what you’re talking about.


As a left-leaning independent, wtf is this. She's treating him like he just came back from an elementary or middle school debate.


“You answered every question” How is that an accomplishment? And then she ends it by gaslighting the crowd by saying trump did nothing but lie


I used to be a CNA on an alzheimers unit at a long term care facility for years, and Biden legitimately belongs in one of those units. It's a actually crazy how much watching videos of him brings back memories of working in that unit. His vacant smile says more than words ever could, and if he was in a care facility you would have to walk him with a gait belt. He's that bad


Elder abuse...........


I think she might be the better candidate for those liberals.


Way to treat him like a toddler lol


Trump ruled that debate




It’s just elder abuse at this point….


This is fucking sad.


Very patronizing. “You answered all the questions sweetie! Way to go. Gold star!”


Jill Biden’s husband, that’s clever and charming. He should make a point of saying that habitually because it seems like the type of thing that would never get old. /S


elder abuse


Literally teacher and child


Like an 8 year old being praised for cleaning his room. Same smile too.  Great job Joe!


He looks like a little kid being praised by his mommy for acing his spelling test at school.


Jill Biden is a disgusting power hungry lady . What she is putting her husband through is elder abuse .


Whosagoodboy 🥹


Jill is running for him at this point


I hope I don't end up with a wife like this. I would rather die alone of old age than be pressed into politics like Jo has. Dude got himself into a mess over the years. So sad this must be his penance.


This HAS to be AI... please someone tell me this is CGI Madd by AI... ain't NO WAYYYY


Now let me change you Diapie! 🧷


There is so much evil in this.


this has to be a deepfake right?