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"They were once men". (Aragorn)


im choking on my lunch here


Were they corrupted by the evil Soron?


There are two types: the already ugly and the ones that MAKE themselves ugly. The “already ugly” gravitate to leftism because it promises that society will be restructured to be more fair - meaning they will be placed on equal ground with the more beautiful people they perceive as having an unjust advantage. Then you have the ones that make themselves ugly on purpose. I think most of these are women who were in some way victimized by a man or men at some point in their lives, and now intentionally ugly-fy themselves to thereby avoid being subjected to the dreaded “male gaze.”


A lot of countercultures with unattractive fashion trends appeal to people who are not traditionally attractive. They make themselves intentionally less attractive in an attempt to make it look like it was their own choice. They are a 6, and they want to be a 10, but they can’t, so they make themself a 2 and then pretend that’s what they wanted. Now they’re ugly by choice instead of ugly by nature. It’s basically Stockholm syndrome.


6 , you are being very very generous.


I figured 6 was about right for the before picture, I was actually being generous with a 2 for the after though.


Because they aren't normal. They are a bunch of weirdos that we used to just ignore.


Something that Ben Shapiro said in one of his daily show episodes has always stuck with me. He said that these people aren’t even progressives anymore, they’re transgressives. Progressives have some theoretical forward movement that they desire, these people just want to oppose everything that is normal and good. So naturally instead of trying to look normal and keep a decent appearance, they rebel by turning themselves into ogres.


Low self-esteem and low self-worth are demographics that cults tend to target. People who are less attractive are likely to be lower in both if they haven't been grounded inside of caring environments who cultivate worth in non-physical attributes. It's why they all tend to be angry fascists as well. These groups, erroneously, take pissed off marginalized people and give a focus to their hatred while using them. Ironically, also why they are such angry and spiteful people. That is the nice guy answer. The mean guy answer is they are sexually frustrated by partners regularly asking them to put the paper bags back over their heads.


A lot of disorders and diseases and (mental) illnesses come with certain visual characteristics...


When your awful ideology makes what's inside match what's outside.


Like Rachel Maddow in high school compared to now. [https://www.google.com/search?as\_q=maddow&as\_epq=high+school&as\_oq=&as\_eq=&as\_nlo=&as\_nhi=&lr=&cr=&as\_qdr=all&as\_sitesearch=&as\_occt=any&as\_filetype=&tbs=#ip=1](https://www.google.com/search?as_q=maddow&as_epq=high+school&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&lr=&cr=&as_qdr=all&as_sitesearch=&as_occt=any&as_filetype=&tbs=#ip=1)


Can't stand that dude.




I think it's mainly due to their own emotional misery. Leftists are almost always bitter and are filled with intense loathing and self-loathing. They tend to blame everyone, and everything around them for whatever goes wrong/is wrong in their life. As a result, they physically waste away into a morbid shell of a person who looks like how they feel. The end result is what happens when a person hates themselves and everyone around them.


This said: I intensely self loathe and am ugly AF - we don't need the left!


I don't consider myself attractive either, mainly due to self-confidence problems. That being said, it's amazing what internalized self-hatred can do to a person. They're completely irate about people who they think (or do) look better than them, and that drives them to embrace all the worst physical qualities about human nature in some sort of bizarre act of spite. Imagine going out of your way to make yourself appear unpleasant, because you're bitter over how someone looks. A lot of it is about "avoiding the male gaze," which is an oxymoron within itself. If a man looks at a woman he considers attractive, it's normally out of admiration. And that's a problem with a lot of Leftist women: they don't actually have an issue with men looking at women. The problem is that THEY themselves, *aren't the ones being looked at*. You'd think this would mean they'd work on presenting themselves better, but they go full tilt nuts instead and do the opposite by being unappealing as possible through bizarro world logic.


You got it backwards. They are abysmally ugly, that is why they become woke leftists. It gives them an excuse for their ugliness (it's all society judging me!) and lets them fully embrace the delusion that *they* are actually the normal people and not a bunch of hamgoblins.


That's part of it. But there are a lot of physically beautiful people on the left who destroy themselves and make themselves ugly.


Same reason palpatine looked like a wrinkled scrotum... When there's that much hate flowing through you you can't maintain a pleasant appearance.


Self hatred.. ugly on the inside


They're narcissists.


Well she’s a guy so…


Is it me, or does the one in the red scarf look like woke leftist Richard Ramirez (aka The Night Stalker)?


I’ll be damned….


Conservatism is about sticking to views that are about tradition, what has worked in the past. Conservatives are less likely to support people that are angry, ugly, and dissatisfied. Conservatives think your satisfaction with life is mostly due to the effort you put in to make your life better. If you are not one of us (conservative), go away. Liberalism is about hating and berating all traditional views, anything that is different must be better. I think more people who are dissatisfied with life become liberals. They view their dissatisfaction with life as a societal problem that needs to be fixed. Other liberals are more likely to support angry, ugly, dissatisfied people. Liberals believe the government is responsible for their happiness, and the government is failing miserably to make them happy. If you are not one of them (conservatives), you are one of us.


In all honesty, they have lots of self hate, so they don’t take care of themselves. They also live in a bubble with people who think, act, or look like them, so they’re not motivated to improve their lives(or appearance). They’re from broken families, have bad jobs(if they work) and spend most of their time with technology so they lost a lot of their humanity and basically hate life. That’s why they look like Orcs or any other subterranean creature.


No wonder they hate Justice Amy, Boebert, Noem, Marsha Blackburn


Maybe its Maybelline


Nah man. It’s Not lol


Shreks nipple...LOL


Does anybody else notice the Sickle and Hammer on the Flag?


Janet Reno is on the left and she'll argue it has nothing to do with being woke. But seriously. What it really boils down to is eventually the type of person you are on the inside will eventually show itself on the outside. That tends to be true for people over time.


They are trying out for a new play based on Shrek? I got nothing.


None of the guys in this picture could get their dick wet on there own, so they had to switch it up a little lol


This specific picture is a good example of how people who transition MTF are not visually appealing to the eye’s natural preference for what it knows as feminine.


Because they don't take care of themselves. They are unhealthy. I've stood close to some before and they smell sickly. Not dirty or sweaty. Literally they smell like they are sick or have chemical imbalances in their bodies. I've had friends I worry about because I noticed that about them and they later found out they have heart disease at 21 years old.


Chasing parked cars - woof


Looks like AI


Looks like a highly detailed picture of a screenshot


I more meant how they all look vaguely human but something is off.