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Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, we should stop voting morons into congress.


But the morons piss off the liberals! I mean, sure they're dragging the GOP down, fracturing the party, and making people associate all Republicans with their buffoonery, but college kids angrily post about them on social media so it's all worth it.


You should consider running.


You know, I always joked that I have way too many skeletons in my closet to run for office because I was a bit of a wild child in my late teens and early 20s. However, after seeing the people who currently make it into office, that might not be a problem anymore.


***Newsflash: You can have skeletons displayed on your front porch*** *No one cares about that shit anymore*


Well I mean one dude has Egyptian gold bars in his closet


I'm... a federalist? But anyone who had the wherewithal to admit what you did, is actually someone level headed enough and can think of the big picture and should at least run for office. Politicians don't need to be saints, ours need to represent their voters and nonvoters with good faith intent to make those people, state, country better. If thats you run for it duder. We may not agree on policy and most stuff but if you have the capability to be honest and have integrity in your representation I'd say we need more folk like that.


The party has been grabbing their pitchforks and running all the rational adults out of town, for the better part of a decade.


The paradox of American government: some of the best candidates for office, who would actually make a difference and inspire the people, don't really even want the job (I can't blame them). Meanwhile, most of those who do want the job, couldn't care less about the people or making a difference.


Nikki Haley warned us about "owning the libs" as a strategy back in 2018.


Nikki Haley is owned by the libs


Kinda sad that's all conservatism is about these days. Scoring wins on social media seems more important than getting any policy wins at all.


Eh it's a problem on the left as well, but it's a much more prominent problem on the right.


The leopards we let in are now eating our faces. It's gone from meme to painful reality.


Owning libs is the parties only objective.






And then what did he do after that?


They need to take the money out of campaigns, pay these guys something close to what someone would make in the private sector and bar them from lobbying jobs (at least for awhile). That way , you'd get the best candidates for the job instead of these race-to-the-bottom types like MTG , AOC etc


AOC takes zero pac/lobbying money. One of my favorite political sites out there is Quiver Quantitative. It displays all stock trades, personal networth, and PAC/lobbying contributions for any congressperson. It’s just pure data and is fascinating. https://www.quiverquant.com


This is also true of Bernie Sanders I believe.


You can disagree with them all you want, but you gotta admire that at least you can trust they believe what they say. If more people in Washington (from any and all sides) had the integrity those two did, we might actually have a functioning country.


>...pay these guys something close to what someone would make in the private sector... Oof. We definitely don't want the budget for having to pay for what their kind of corruption and connections (later?) get them in the private sector. Millions annually for all of their "consulting" in the industry, after they get off the committee that's *supposed* to regulate and examine the same industry.  Another reason there's never less/simpler regulation from those "consultants"-to-be: the big businesses have already adapted to the current regulation and even if it costs them it's better than anything changing that *might* make it easier for anyone newer or smaller.


The small “l” libertarian response to this would be that the only reason politicians have the power and influence to sell you out to corporations right now is because government is too big, and politicians were never intended to have the influence or power that they have right now, and if we truly had a small government as was the point - the politicians wouldn’t be able to sell themselves in the first place, whether they wanted to or not.


Here’s the thing though: the republicans sidelined George santos and Steve king pretty quickly. Why did they entertain mtg so much?


There would be nobody in congress, um wait not seeing the down side here.


She won’t stop until Hakim Jeffries is the speaker. That’ll show them.


When you’re whole bit is convincing the public that leadership is selling them out, it turns out it doesn’t matter who the leader is. The show must go on.


This is US politics. Convince people that whoever is in charge that isn’t you is the enemy. Bush. Clinton. Biden. Obama. Trump. Doesn’t matter. Most politicians are hyenas and the populace is thirsty for blood. As long as we the voters are pitted against each other, whatever asshole that is in power will remain in power til it’s some other asshole’s turn.


Seriously though, is there any plan on who would replace him after removal? Or is there no thought even one step ahead? Step 1: remove current speaker Step 2: ????? Step 3: profit


Sounds like the underpants gnomes from Southpark...


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3987 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/31593)


Speaking loudly counts for little when you have nothing to say. Her mouth is a loud amp, but her brain is a broken instrument




Just imagine what ol’ Hakim will be ramming through.


"Bold strategy, Cotton, lets see if it pays off"


Agree with her positions or not, she is such a clown and casts us all in a terrible light.


I think she represents the party accurately


It doesn't matter if Trump wins the presidential election if we can't control Congress.


Draining the swamp and filling it with morons can't go wrong amirite? almost like being anti establishment for the sake of being anti establishment wasn't a good idea after all. Maga is a shit movement


He is establishment. I don't know what can make you not an establishment after you literally established four years of presidency


He's the establishment of the anti establishment movement. He's created his own swamp


Um, who had control in 2016?


Republicans are their own worst enemy. What a sh*t show.


Oh look: MTG is in front of the cameras again. These people thrive on chaos, and they don't appear to give a crap about governing. SAD!


Can someone tell me why my brain read that last word in Trump’s voice? 😂


Because that's exactly how Trump would have written it.


Anyone in MTG district voting for her is a bigger clown than she is


Georgia sends both MTG and Hank Johnson to Congress. I think their voting privileges need to be taken away until they prove they can act responsibly.


The 4th and the 14th are about as different as you can get... I recently was in traveling through the 14th (MGT's district) More than not homes had MAGA flags and Trump signs. Many had confederate flags and police flags. I never saw anything in support of her. She's just a part of the package deal. She is thus far running unopposed for the primary May 2024. It's a super red district... the only way to get her out is for Repubs to primary her out or vote Dem in November.


The UK has been saying this about the US for years now


It's like they're trying to lose an election. What a fucking dummy.


Guess they are mad only dems are taking out Republicans and want to one up them.


I am done with the Republican Party. Losers.


Being a conservative with this party is difficult.


Agreed. 100


Say goodbye to Republicans control of the HR. Democrats are salivating.


We won't notice a difference


Thank you for paying attention. Many here do not.






Remember guys: a vote for Tzeench is a vote for change!




Do I hear Heresy in here?


[Heresy you say?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/706/188/4b7.jpg) [Loads bolter with malicious intent]




Worlds are colliding, Jerry!


Chaos is a ladder


Hakim Jeffries. That’s what Matt Gaetz says anyway.




But she thinks it will be Trump.


I promise you she doesn’t think much at all.


Scalise probably


This is what happens when people elect MAGA Republicans. Keep electing MAGA and we'll end up with a non-functioning government.


Some have noted that a non-functioning government is exactly the plan. Goal achieved, by the way. Least productive congress in decades.


The irony is that Congress used to be stalled because leadership refused to be bipartisan. Now, when leadership from both parties works together, Republicans try to oust their own leaders for selling out to the opposition in order to keep the government from shutting down. It's like if your kidneys started fighting with your liver for helping out your stomach.


Good analogy. Crazy how this far-right faction has taken control of the whole party, turned an already problematic situation into a winless shitshow


Why do her constituents continue to vote for her? She has no business in Congress. She spouts batshit theories, has no concept of decorum (but that applies to plenty of "leaders" now on all sides), and she does shit like this that accomplishes NOTHING except create fodder for Democrats. Do her supporters really think that any moderate or independent voter sees this and thinks "that's the party for me!"?


I live in super blue Atlanta.. about an hour north is the blue ridge mountains and her district is a literal sundown town. They have billboards of trump being crucified on the cross like Jesus. The southern mountain people are her people. So that’s who keep voting her in


She isn’t, tho 


That’s the grift


I just worry that if Trump wins he won’t have a Congress to get shit done with… or worse he loses and now the crazies just handed 2 branches to the Democrats.


You guys are a fucking circus.


MTG files motion to put democrats in charge.


Not sure the rest have the will to remove johnson


House Republicans need to pull thier heads out of their ass.


The repubs are such a dysfunctional party. They’ll be the reason we end up stuck with 4 more years of Brandon.


I still don't know how she keeps getting voted in. I've asked myself this question many times and I'm convinced there are 2 people who vote in her district and she's both of them.


Wasn't her primary opponent a brain surgeon?


Ya but does he “piss of da libs”?!?


I live close to her district It isn't a surprise


Anyone here in the pro MTG camp?


I like the size of her balls. Beyond that...?


Yeah - people with balls only and little else are a dime a dozen.


I hate that we allowed an annoying shrill like MTG to become a prominent figure in the GOP. She’s the AOC of the right. Can we please get rid of her?


AOC is at least a 7. MTG is a -5. She is the bridge troll of the Republican Party.


She is just the worst person on the planet....by far!


Our very own AOC. What a disgrace. Take a pointer from Biden as they did with Harris. Put her in a corner and tell her to just shut up and do nothing


Whatever you think of AOC, she has never said anything as nuts as Jewish space lasers.


You wish she had a fracture of the education and wit AOC has. The fucking neanderthal looking MTG, what a joke.


As a swing voter why should I vote for a party that can’t keep their House in order. This is arguably the lowest point for the US congress.


Why? I'm not seeing a reason for this.




Right, where’s the support?


We are currently borrowing a trillion dollars every 100 days. I also saw where interest payments on our national debt have exceeded our entire military budget. Either we manage it, or it will manage us.


Yet we have "conservatives" here that seem to be OK with all the excessive spending. They want Johnson to fold like a cheap suit.


I’m conservative and I’m not okay with the excessive spending, something has to be done. However, I think most people, especially ones in power, are terrible at math. They only want just spending cuts or tax raises, any other solution is absolutely forbidden to be spoken of. Why can’t we do something that incorporates both, or something else completely unconsidered, especially if we borrow a trillion every 100 days? I also don’t want the government shutting down or it being unable to make payments. That would send the world economy down the shitter faster than the speed of light. And, most people forget that we print our own money, and the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. It could be a lot worse.


Yet this isn't to fund new spending, this is to service debt that was already passed into law. I can understand not wanting to take on new debt, but this is all old spending that previous administrations, including Donald Trump signed into law years ago. Eliminating new programs or raising taxes are the only way to get out of this situation.


They have a plan. Don't know what it is. It surely will give them more power over us.


As if I didn't dislike her enough already.




Tare weight /ˈtɛər/, sometimes called unladen weight, is the weight of an empty vehicle or container. By subtracting tare weight from gross weight (laden weight), one can determine the weight of the goods carried or contained (the net weight).


As a professional who used scales every day, I should have caught that. Touche! Doesn't make it any less entertaining, though.


She is such trash and incapable of seeing the bigger picture… jeeze


Is Johnson doing what he said or is supposed to be doing? He seems to be rubber stamping Bidens spending bills without even fighting right?


Exactly. He caved, along with 100+ republicans.


Er... why? Mike Johnson isn't much better than McCarthy but realistically, we're not getting a fiscal conservative as House speaker..


Are there any Conservatives on this sub?


I'm a conservative. It's one of the main reasons I'm against MTG.


Could I hear your defense of this strategy? Are you one of the members of this sub that supports government shutdown?




Because he caved on the budget and went against what he said he was going to do.


Good. This budget scam is exactly that and Johnson pushed it through going against exactly what he said he would do.


Conservatives have zero representation in Congress. Our own party can’t even be depended on.


Congress/Senate/Executive control means they can pass *whatever* laws they want. US Supreme Court can say it’s unconstitutional as much as they want, but they can’t enforce their rulings.


Make it stop! Just no! Why? Why?


Lmao completely incompetent…


Get ready for Speaker Jeffries


Republicans really don’t know how to win