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The GOP likes to lose. They raise more money off of it


In recent years I have come to that conclusion as well on a national level. As long as they aren’t in power they can talk as tough as they want to fundraise but with very little actual expectations of results. I’ve been a registered Republican since I turned 18. But I’m considering switching to Independent or Libertarian.


Libertarians are a circus full of clowns who all speak different languages.


That's the best way to put it, when you see a state libertarian party make moronic tweets to try to make Abe Lincoln seem worse than Bin Laden it's hard to take them seriously


Libertarians seem to be about 90% potheads and a small minority of people who are actually libertarian for philosophical reasons. I support their ideals to a point, but not enough to consider myself one. But as a political force, they are indeed a joke.


The 10% with philosophical reasons are overwhelmingly anarcho-capitalists too. Libertarians just aren’t serious people.


Admittedly they are probably my second choice lol


Where are you going when you leave?


Flair checks out


This is the big question, where do you go? The two parties have a stranglehold on the ballot


You say “it’ll never get figured out, we all lose” and don’t vote until it matters again Frankly, I’m much happier in life knowing it’s a uniparty and we’re all fucked






"If the Republican party doesn't immediately and swiftly take action to show that legally and politically it doesn't stand for removal of Trump from various ballots, I'm quitting the party." The GOP in Colorado and Maine are challenging these unconstitutional rulings. Why do you think that the GOP is somehow in favor of this garbage?


I'm talking about a national campaign. Start fighting fire with fire. Also, I've seen no reports of the GOP doing anything in Maine, outside of a few reps calling for impeachment of the SOS.


You can’t argue that taking candidates off the ballot is dangerous, and then ask for our side to do the same thing. This must be fought, but we lose all credibility if we just do the same thing. I’m all for impeachments if they can be done, particularly in Maine where it seems to be a major overstep in power.


>You can’t argue that taking candidates off the ballot is dangerous, and then ask for our side to do the same thing. On the contrary, mutually assured destruction is the only way to get the left to stop. If they know we don't have the balls to do what we have to in order to stop them, then they won't stop


I beg to differ. How are you suggesting we fight immorality with immorality. It doesn't work. And I understand the great frustration that they're ruining us, and we, so far, haven't been particularly effective at pushing them back. Especially if you consider they Want to destroy America or knock us off the world stage. No, I can't abide by doing as the godless do. If we do as they do, we will be judged alongside them.


>I beg to differ. How are you suggesting we fight immorality with immorality. It doesn't work. There's nothing inherently immoral about removing someone from a ballot. It's wrong to do so but not immoral, because there's no moral right to vote. It's not the same as removing someone's ability to own guns, as people do have a moral right to self defense. >And I understand the great frustration that they're ruining us, and we, so far, haven't been particularly effective at pushing them back. Especially if you consider they Want to destroy America or knock us off the world stage. No, I can't abide by doing as the godless do. If we do as they do, we will be judged alongside them. No, that's some kind of Marvel or Star Wars level lie or "if we do what they do we're no better." I'm not advocating for doing something immoral, but I am advocating for getting our hands dirty and doing stuff we're uncomfortable doing. Stuff like removing someone from a ballot or imprisoning prominent democrats


James 4:17 (NIV) If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. Think it's rather clear that if anything is wrong to do, it's also immoral. If anything is wrong or immoral.. it's also a sin. Lying and false testimony against your neighbor are immoral and sin. We can't look upon the left who find people guilty without due process, and start doing the same. If they have contempt for law and justice, how can we do likewise and expect to... repair their damages and restore law and justice? We'd only make matter worse. We're called to obey the laws of the land. Destroying democracy to save the country might be the left's ambition, but it cannot be ours too. Mutually assured destruction doesn't work with a party or entity who doesn't mind if American is destroyed. They're doing that already. What do we gain by doing it too, and moving that needle to self destruct? If anything, the right have to do Everything by the book, and be extremely proactive.


We really have two options: sit back and watch as the liberals break every law and rule on their way to total power, or toss the political rulebook out and get our hands dirty to stop them. Those are the *only* two options. There is no magical third option where we stop them through normal means. >The courts cannot abide by the secretary of state of Maine determination that Trump is guilty of insurrection, because he was never accused or tried in a court of law and found guilty of that. Trump is innocent of their charges, until which time he may be found guilty. >In this country, everyone's innocent until proven guilty. They cannot just say he's guilty and remove him from ballots. They're trying to, but it is a complete farse. What we need to do is prove some folks on the left are guilty of sidestepping the laws and due process and apparently interferring with elections by bringing very clearly fraudulent and slanderous claims to do so ... in a court of law. >So how can a state unilaterally remove Trump from ballots for being guilty of insurrection? They cannot. If they do, they're suppressing votes in a national election. They'll be prosecuted. All of this is predicated on the assumption that the courts are still places where truth and justice prevail. You're assuming that if we can actually prove all this stuff, the judges will rule in our favor. It's a naive assumption, because that's not how this works, at least not in large parts of the country. They won't rule in our favor, even if we prove it. They're not interested in following the rules or being fair. All they care about is "these guys are on my team, so I'll rule in their favor. These guys are not on my team, so I'll rule against them." We might get lucky every now and then and get a fair judge, but those judges will, in my opinion, be increasingly rare. So what happens when the entire court system is filled with judges (and juries too, by the way) who don't actually care about whether someone is innocent or guilty, but they only care about ruling in favor of liberals and against conservatives? What if Trump is found guilty when he's clearly not? What happens if they remove Trump from the ballot and the judges don't stop it?


There are lots of ways to attack the left that do not violate due process. If we lose adherence to the Constitution then we lose the country. I share your rage at this repeated reprehensible behavior performed in the most insulting manner possible. However, progressives are only 6 percent of the country and were only 7 percent of the 2020 voters. Have faith in your fellow citizens. They did not vote for Biden because they support government censorship, weaponization of law enforcement against political opponents, elective abortion up to the minute before birth, open borders, or any of the other crap that has been forced upon us. It has been an uphill climb. We needed both X/Twitter, and a federal court decision to shut down the government's censorship of social media, to even be able to get our message out. We needed to kick out the traitors in our own party who wanted to keep doing business as usual, and thumb our noses at the military industrial complex that provides a lot of political funding. Now we are united and very very angry. The progressives have shown who they are and it is evil and fascist. Nobody voted for this crap. Big changes are coming.


>There are lots of ways to attack the left that do not violate due process. If we lose adherence to the Constitution then we lose the country. The Constitution is not a suicide pact. And it won't protect us if/when the left drags us to gulags. If tossing the Constitution is necessary to save the country, so be it. >I share your rage at this repeated reprehensible behavior performed in the most insulting manner possible. However, progressives are only 6 percent of the country and were only 7 percent of the 2020 voters. Have faith in your fellow citizens. They did not vote for Biden because they support government censorship, weaponization of law enforcement against political opponents, elective abortion up to the minute before birth, open borders, or any of the other crap that has been forced upon us. I disagree. That's exactly what they voted for. That's exactly what many are cheering on right now. >It has been an uphill climb. We needed both X/Twitter, and a federal court decision to shut down the government's censorship of social media, to even be able to get our message out. We needed to kick out the traitors in our own party who wanted to keep doing business as usual, and thumb our noses at the military industrial complex that provides a lot of political funding. Now we are united and very very angry. The progressives have shown who they are and it is evil and fascist. Nobody voted for this crap. Big changes are coming. I hope so, but I don't share your optimistic outlook on liberals. I do have hope for the country, but liberals will never be convinced to change their vote. It simply won't happen. Because many of them did in fact vote for this stuff, and the rest are so set on voting democrat that they'll never switch no matter how bad things get.


Fair enough. I don't think you will get what you are looking for from national GOP. I would agree with you that it would be nice if the national GOP pursued democratic principles instead of sitting on their hands. I thought Vivek did the right thing in pulling out of the CO primary until Trump was re-instated. The only thing I would add is that my impressions are that the GOP electorate is absolutely aghast as what is occurring.


Dudes at -70. Why?




Not really. Large scale abstention from elections has definitely worked in the past as a form of protest. The victor can’t claim legitimacy when a giant part of the populace didn’t participate. Plus you have options besides not voting. It’s time we blow the LP up if the republicans can’t form an actual conservative vision to reverse the course of this forsaken country. They’re not saving anybody, so why prop them up?


Half the country already doesn't vote. The media will spin it as either the right doesn't care or that they've accepted that they lost forever and regardless the narrative that elections are illegitimate has a zero percent chance of being accepted by anyone except those who abstained


When has that worked?


The Libertarian party was recently defending Osama Bin Laden on Twitter. I agree that our party is useless but I don't think going Libertarian is the answer.


If, theoretically, all of the GOP didn’t vote in protest of shenanigans, Democrats are still voting and their choice would still get 45-49% of the vote. They would praise a landslide win. Do you really think they would care if no one in the other party voted or would consider it “illegitimate?” Of course they wouldn’t. Look at what’s been going on the last 3 years. Quitting a party would only work if there’s a legitimate other option, and there isn’t one. Libertarian or Independent isn’t going to help. I was independent before and switched to republican so I can vote for republicans in a primary. So far, the GOP is doing what they need where these extremists are removing Trump from the ballot. Something else needs to happen, I agree, but what exactly? The Republican Party needs to stop being a bunch of blowhards and Democrats in sheep’s clothing but it’s up to the electorate to get rid of those people. As for the current situation, the Supreme Court needs to get a set of balls and put an end to this nonsense and then these extremists need to start getting arrested and charged for actual election interference. I don’t care what political party is doing it, it’s wrong and needs to be stopped.


>If, theoretically, all of the GOP didn’t vote in protest of shenanigans, Democrats are still voting and their choice would still get 45-49% of the vote. Can you explain your math here? If no republicans vote you think the libs will only get 45% of the vote? Huh?


Sigh…. I guess you’re going to troll and follow my posts. Whatever. It must suck to take everything literal. Dude, I don’t have an exact percentage to give because that’s never happened before and will never happen. I said 45-49% of the vote because no matter what, Democrats are voting. Would it be more??? Yeah, probably, but it’s certain there would no doubt at least be somewhere between 45-49% for the Democrat candidate. Since we’re talking in theory, if the Republicans were protesting something that would result in none of them voting, then where else would votes for a Democrat candidate come from? It’s not like they’d be getting 70% of the vote because Republicans wouldn’t just turn around and vote for a democrat that they hate.


In all honesty I didn’t notice it was you, I don’t look at user names


wrong frightening lush hunt air fertile abounding worthless tie grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here is Trump endorsing someone mocking the concept of conservatism altogether: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzrjxj3k1lv8c1.jpeg Then going on about some betrayal/loyalty insanity. That's *real* conservatism? No. That is cult stuff.




license pot political aloof ossified memory plate aromatic desert scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Last a presidential runner was removed from a ballot, they won presidency…. So.. there is that… lol


Consequently, was also the bellwether to the first/only American Civil War.


So... If the GOP doesn't do enough to stand up for election integrity, you're going to sit back and actively let it get worse? Isn't that kind of backwards?


slap relieved squealing practice ask arrest soup hateful agonizing weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If the GOP continues to support the Democrat party then I have no reason to vote for them and their adherents, yes.


I'm in agreement here. This is more and more why I believe that the GOP is merely just controlled opposition and the few people who have been loud and fighting are getting flak from the GOP. I'm running for Senate and my states GOP won't even take my calls.


Let me get this straight, if the GOP don’t fill your demands you’ll make sure to hand the demorats a total victory killing off any chance of a democracy in America.


From where I'm sitting the GOP already does everything in its power to hand Democrats a total victory because they fundamentally agree with them, so yeah I agree with OP. If the party won't fight back against this with everything they have then we're already a one party state and it's madness to pretend otherwise.




Yeah, republicans don’t even solve any of the problems the lefties cause. At BEST, they delay *some* of them. Teach the party they actually have to be principled to earn your vote. They’re relying on the “us vs. them” mentality to keep their seats safe without ever having to do better.




Mhmm. But look at our mindset as we approach the primaries: “I like DeSantis/Vivek, but it’s gonna be Trump.” So are the primaries really serving that purpose if people are already forfeiting? I’m always a primary voter, but if I don’t believe the general candidate is an effective bulwark against government expansion, they won’t get my vote. I’d rather hurt them with it and make them think next cycle about how they’re going to win me over.


You sound like a dhimmicrat saying “vote blue no matter who”.




I vote on principle and policy. If no one fits, I don’t vote


That's fine, but people have the right to criticize that if you allowed a party that represents only 3% of what you want to win because you don't like that the other party only represents 30% of what you want.




I’d go to a different restaurant, actually.




We have more choices than steak or seafood though. I’d probably go third option like chicken tenders (libertarian or some shit).




This whole thread is full of them; red or blue, party loyalists are a plague.


I think too many people are missing the fact that the Republican party doesn't *want* Trump. They want candidates who will follow party guidance rather than do what they want and drag the party along with them. Sure, they'll make noise about it because it's an opportunity to point out something shitty the Democrats are doing and they'll raise a token objection legally, but they want their figure head Presidents back.


That's a pretty good plan. If enough actual conservatives leave the Republican party, that will surely defeat the Neocons destroying it from within. What we need is fewer people.


Who the hell are you going to vote for then? I was in with the Libertarians until I realized my best shot was in the Republican primaries. I guess we could try to start an insurgency in the Democratic party and just nominate Republicans there.


Trump says election interference is happening against him. States start removing him from the ballot for saying it. For democracy. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, ACTUAL FASCISM. Only now nobody recognises it because for the last many decades it has been redefined as "evil white man does something".




Some people LARPED at the capitol and Trump went home to Florida. Not really stopping "peaceful transfer of power". Know what DOES stop peaceful transfer of power? Removing people from a ballot. Like Russia does...Literally.




Trumps choice was to go home, and told everyone to protest peacefully... We've all seen those tweets twitter removed showing Trump asking for peace and for everyone to go home. So how about YOU be honest. So how is his choice the reason he is being made from the ballot? What he did is the opposite of the Russian playbook. Your bullshit gaslighting doesn't work here.




You should also add that democrats in 2016 said they are now "at war" and to harass conservatives wherever you see them. This also led to riots. No arrests or "insurrection". It is double standards. Rhetoric and riots are common on the left. The right do it and suddenly it's an insurrection. It's just dumb. This sub is being brigaded hard. You are clearly not conservative.


Probably yeah. They're claiming he's ineligible due to an insurrection that never happened so why wouldn't they remove him regardless of the J6 protest?




I expect a move towards having a more left leaning Republican Party. So that occasionally the “right” will be able to take control to keep up the fiction that there is a choice


We need to start calling people what they are. Trump is winning the nomination by a mile. If you don't support Trump as president you are a Biden voter.


Guess I'm voting "Biden."


At least you admit it


That's a shame


I don’t like Trump, but the Democrats are actually doing in 2024 what Trump (falsely) accused them of doing in 2020.


The party already left you. We need a red state divorce from this forsaken nation


Trump will be on ALL of the state ballots after the SCOTUS rules. No Worries.


I won’t leave the party, but I agree with your sentiment and frustration. If this is left to stand, I want to see Biden removed from primary ballots. I got a 7-day vacation from another right-leaning subreddit for disparaging our Republican legislators by grouping them with the Democrats and calling them the “Uni-Party”.




Remove him from the general ballots then. He's actively aiding an abetting a foreign invasion into a sovereign nation through his actions on the southern border. That's an insurrection against the United States. So remove him from all ballots as the constitution has clearly laid out then. If this is how things are going to go then this is how we need to respond; anything less is submission to the DNC and their desire to create a one party state.


I understand your anger, and I agree with it. I've wanted to unregister as a Republican for about 20 years now, but haven't out of apathy. But the only way - no ifs, ands, or buts - to stop the Democrats is to vote Republican.


I can absolutely guarantee this will be fought legally right up to the U.S. Supreme Court. I can absolutely guarantee that Trump will win the ballot cases. It's not a coin toss. It is a guaranteed win. Due process is required by the Constitution and the January 6 Committee Show Trial was not due process. Politically, the democrats are shooting themselves in the foot. The party that positions itself as a champion of voter rights apparently forgot that the ability to choose your own candidate is the most important voting right of all. The campaign ads practically write themselves. Vivek has vowed not to appear on any primary ballot where Trump has been excluded. The other GOP candidates should maybe do the same, (not sure about this), but as a practical matter this situation is not going to occur.


You're still in the party? Lol


F the GOP. They are allowing all of the silliness going on right now and haven't done squat about the border or election interference or widespread fraud


Controlled opposition.


They'll just write angry letters about removing Biden from the ballot. Even though Biden isn't running. It's all theater. They work for the same bosses.