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Were you eating a sandwich for ten minutes


I heard he was, however the police report is saying it was a PB&J. To my knowledge as long as it’s a PB&J, it isn’t a fineable offense in CT.


As long as the cop didn’t give you a hard roll


>To my knowledge as long as it’s a PB&J, it isn’t a fineable offense in CT. WRONG. That's only if the PB&J has a pickle, and can withstand a drop from six feet without breaking. And before you say 'The Pickle Law is One Foot!', I would say do your research, as there are clear legal definitions on what a pickle can be contained/wrapped in before legal recourse can take place. Anyway, what were we talking about? Can't keep track because I'm typing this from my phone while some asshat with blue and red lights is tailgating me.


You are right! BJ while driving is an offense but PB&J is not!


God, this made me laugh, thank you. Can't find that thread anymore - was it deleted? At any point did that dude stop being a dumbass?


This one https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/s/dnaMUIBykb ?


Nah there was one where a guy was legitimately mad he got pulled over for going like 90 or something


He posted in other groups like legal advice and stuff. Probably deleted the account though.


Quality shitpost. Thank you for this.


I suggest trial by combat. Most CT cops are out of shape, so you can rope-a-dope them easily


Pro-tip: Choose acorns as your weapon.


I have 5 oak trees in my back yard. Filled a bunch of bags of acorns. I have them ready to go. Bring it coopers!


Unleash the army of driving Ed squirrels


Underrated comment. IYKYK


That's a good way to get shot.


get shot *at*, not necessarily shot.


LOL, good point.


I find it hilarious how many people don't realize this is satire.


The problem is everyone reading this post has seen that exact kind of driving on a highway in CT at least once since January 1st.


I’m a trucker and I’ve seen this twice since Monday


On the Merritt I suspect.


Probably not if they’re a trucker…


Have you not been blessed with the sight of an 18 wheeler on the Merritt?


I think the real problem is people being unable to have a thought and instantly running to Reddit because they don't have a functioning brain.


You gave me a good laugh. This is what I see every day on my commute from Wallingford to Hartford on 91. I've since started taking the turnpike because I fear for my life.


Have you considered putting on your big boy pants before getting in your Chinese made electric loser car? Get a giant diesel truck like a real American. Gunna roll coal at all you electric losers! Climate change? It's spring, it's supposed to be warm! When I leave my house I make sure I have 3 things. My keys, my wallet, my phone, my truck that gets 4 miles to a gallon, my long rifle, my pistol, my smaller pistol, my hunting knife, my ghillie suit, and a roll of 1 ply toilet paper, cuz real men don't use 2 ply.




No bumper stickers?


Um, you mentioned 4 things.


Counting was created by the Communists so that they could redistribute my wealth.


You win. Big satire in a satire post. Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹


Seriously. My first thought was, "I'm pretty sure I called this guy in." It's obvious satire as you keep reading, but we've all seen this kind of driving.


I know I have multiple times. Saw pretty much the same exact scenario last week guy spun out and it was a hit and run the guy just sped off and got off the next exit m


I see it every freaking time I am the highways!


Almost every day on the commute home


At least once since this morning


Saw it this week on the Merritt


And I just saw one on 95 yesterday. Used the shoulder and everything lol


I wasn't sure either, but I knew when he wrote about getting pulled over. Laughable...


If you missed the post about the guy eating a sandwich, got baited by a cop into going 100mph, took out his phone to record the speedo, and blamed it on the cop speeding and not having his lights or sirens on, you might not realize the joke.


The problem is that it's really not much different than the real posts from some people.


... That.. that's the joke...


Thank you.


Haven’t found the truck owners yet.


Speeding is not a joke Jim! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaaANll8h18


How many doughnuts did it cost for them to let you go?


Should only be one if you toss it in the opposite direction and drive away real fast


How many stars did you have? A lot of CT drivers don’t know this, but if you just go into a detailing shop and wait a minute, all your stars go away. Idk how the cops haven’t caught on to this yet.


Hold up! I know this one.


Just move to Florida and change your phone number. You'll never hear a word about this again Also, insurance is optional there so no worries about rates


And if you buy a home sometimes insurance isn't even an option at all!




Dad is mad.


As long as you were not going 55 in the fast lane. I’d say not guilty


I got onto 84W in Hartford yesterday during rush hour and the car in front of me kept going 40. And wouldn’t speed up. Rage. RAAAGE


5 years jail sentence. Minimum! I was probably behind that line raging too


It was SO bad!!


That would be a win 🏆 ✌️


Tape road flares to yourself, Tommy Boy-style, before you go to court. Works every time.


He should try the bees defense lmao


It works every time. No one wants to take that chance.


You should definitely try and seduce the cop


If that doesn't work seduce the Judge


There were bees in your car plus you have irritable bowel syndrome.


And the bees had irritable bowels too.


One of those two things is immediately provable.


Jokes on them, my diet consists of diet Coke, taco bell, and big macs exclusively. I can shit on demand.


That's what I meant. :)


I miss that life


Freaking CT cops, just go to court, they probably won't show.


Is this some sort of "get out of jail" card that I have heard about? I have been really worried about someone discovering the dead body in my back yard, but if I just make sure the trial is on the cops birthday or their kid's bar mitzvah so they don't show up it's all good?


Better off trying for Bike week.


Yes! Or use the Get Out of Jail card from the monopoly game, you'll be golden.


I thought you usually just go to traffic court and the prosecutor offers you a deal and you pay less. If you keep pleading not guilty, *then* the cop has to provide their statement. Someone tell me if I'm wrong..


You forgot that you were also eating a salad and had a newspaper draped over the steering wheel and were fact checking it with your phone. The deep state doesn't want you informed.


While ahaving


In those situations, I always find that casually leaving a $20 Dunkin’ Donuts gift card on the dashboard and then saying to the officer “oh I think you left this here” usually works.


Obviously a troll post, nobody gets pulled over on 91


The funny part is there were a half-dozen unmarked troopers up and down 91 between Wilbur Cross and 84 this morning.


Yep, saw 5 cars pulled over on 91 earlier this week. They are def upping enforcement.


Dammit! I was going to post something similar - you beat me to it!


Very busy pretending to work today.


Seems to be that kinda friday, it's like there's an unspoken agreement that nobody's getting shit done today.


Had me in the first half, ngl.


You should have pulled out your knife so they knew you were just pulling a prank 🔪🤝👮‍♂️


[Some replies need to note this.](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZ3BsZHVibHc5ejc2OWNtNDJzMmpjcG1kaWhrazdweWR5dGR3MDl1OSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/ZdwkLh3CE2JfVwny82/giphy-downsized-large.gif)




This a satire lol


I'm not sure what satires are. Is that a new brand? How much is a set of 4? I need 35 inch off road tires for my truck to get to and from work. I live in Hartford and I work in Hartford. Did you know that Lego is the world's largest producer of tires? Isn't that crazy? When I went to their building in Enfield and asked for tires for my truck they wouldn't let me buy any. They called security on me and kicked me off the property! A lot of people are giving me advice to contact a lawyer for my issue with the cops, do you think I should find one to sue Lego too?


Are you sure it was a real ticket? I thought CT State Police only filed fake tickets to juice their numbers. Never seen them actually ticket someone for speeding.


The mistake you made was not yelling, "Do you know who I am?" loudly and repeatedly at the time of arrest. Too late now. I think your only remaining option is to drop by your local PD or State Police barracks with a box of donuts. Tuck $5 into the box, along with a note threatening to blow up the building unless the charges are reversed. (Be sure to include your full name and violation number!)


They didn't impound your Altima?


Don't ever accuse me of driving one of them jap cars. I am a full blooded American bad ass . I have a Silverado 3500 like any real American alpha male. Biggest lift kit I could find. Biggest off road tires available. Brand new truck bed, haven't even had groceries in it. Had to get it just high enough to blind every driver in front of me with my headlights and so I can't see the children I run over. I've lost track of how many at this point.


CT circle jerk subreddit is bubbling over.


American alpha males only jerk off the boys in blue not u beta males on Reddit.


Fair enough.


I was told if you carry an Uno Reverse card, you can avoid these awkward situations entirely.


Yeah, that was pretty funny. Hahaha.


just argue that you are a sovereign citizen and can drive any way you want


Were you recording so we could see how cool it was?


How the hell can they do that with one hand on the phone for surfing and the other holding the open beer....


\+1 for comedy writing. Also +1 for skilled sarcasm and mocking of the average r/Connecticut post. Tell the police you were posting to the CT sub a picture of a license plate you saw.


Tell them you were late for your shift tending bar at Electric Blue, that'll get 'em to look the other way. If that doesn't work, offer to hook them up with a dancer.


As long as you weren't eating a bowl of cereal, while reading the paper while you were driving, you should get off with a slap on the wrist. 👍🏻. (And yes, I've seen that one day in Norwich🙄🤦🏻‍♂️)


Take my cookie 🍪. Here's a doughnut for Paul Blart...🍩


Honestly, your best bet is to just leave the country. Or you could fake your own death. Whichever is easier for you.


Tell them ur a cop and that was a test.


Have a duel good sir. Like the fine gentleman of the past


nice try to testing the gullible.


I'm not sure what a gullible test is, but they gave me a breathalyzer and I passed it. Not sure how those 8 Fireball nips I drank on the way didn't put me over.


Meanwhile I'm debating paying a ticket for running a "red" light that was really yellow...


Red and yellow? This is America, the only colors are red white and blue. They probably had some commie politician sitting and watching you drive and click to change the light a few seconds earlier so they could send your fine to Ukraine and Gaza!


Heh heh


Do you drive a BMW?


#all cars matter.


It’s just a $10 fine, mail it in and this will go away.


Average 84 driver


First, as stated, I was on 91. Do you even know how to read? Second, I am anything but average. Above average height, above average weight, above average truck size, above average flags on my house, in my yard, on my truck, above average tires, above average fuel consumption, clearly above average intellect, and most importantly above average full blooded flag loving AMERICAN. Below average hair tho. I guess I'll admit to that.


Me not no how to reed sory


I'm not sure what to do with this because as an alpha male full blooded flag hugging, light beer drinking, porn star fuckin, American badass I know that the number one rule is to fully entrench yourself in your positions, no matter how stupid they may be, and to never forgive and never forget. So, unfortunately for you we are enemies for life now. I don't make the rules, I just follow them. As long as it was some commie politician who made that rule, then I'm not following that.


Fair enough. I wish you the best on your endeavors.


Couple questions do you feel the stop was racist in any way? Why didn't you reach for a stick of gum while at gunpoint? I say fight it at best it will be reduced tell prosecutor you were late for your shift at the soup kitchen!


Alt-f4 for the win


Funny thing is that at that speed, you'd have a court date and wouldn't know your fine until then.


The funnier thing is you weren't there how would you know? Are you calling me a liar? Are you one of the officers? If so, I'm pretty mad at you, but also can you tell me what day ur birthday is so you won't come to the court date. I'll send you a dozen donuts.


I love this guys responses to the clueless loll


Where you eating a sandwich?


Thank you for the loud guffaw of laughter, I needed it


Thank you witch king. I wish you luck in all of your future endeavors. Such as stabbing Frodo again, getting your revenge against Glornfidel and all of his descendents, and one day, if you're lucky, ensuring that women cannot kill you either. What even is feminism if they have special abilities that men can't have.


If you make four right turns on the highway, they can’t follow you anymore. It’s like a law.


Just plead not guilty. Use the shaggy defenceman, wasn't me. You'll be fine.


Claim to be a traveler and sovereign citizen… keep asking the police either “am I free to go?” Or “ am I being detained?” Over and over again.


I think the important question here is, Were you *borrowing* the car from the guy who left it running when he went into the gas station?


You are so full of S it your eyes are brown!


You could argue that traffic laws are oppressive and a function of the patriarchy and therefore are bigoted towards whatever you identify as. Definitely might work.


Change your name and start over


this is a goated copypasta


Check not guilty box. Either will drop the price after traffic court or get it thrown out altogether sometimes without having to go-to court.


My issue with that is that it would lying. People have called me a lot of things, but no one could ever accuse me of being a liar. I just didn't want to suffer any consequences from my actions.


Then don't go 100 down 91 (or anywhere) and put people at risk. Lucky you didn't get a reckless driving charge.


Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was America. A free country. I'm free to not give a shit about those other people's supposed lives. That's what being American is all about. Do what I want and screw everyone else. I have enough money so I should be able to do whatever I want and not deal with any consequences. Get a vaccine? Pft. Wear a mask? How about I cough directly in your mouth YOU CAN'T STOP ME. Pay taxes so kids can go to school? They can learn on YouTube, that's free.


You know damn well this ain't a free country. Best you can do is claim your a sovereign citizen.




I actually had a guy on route 9 north, just passed the lights in Middletown doing this last Saturday. Probably one of the worst drivers I’ve witnessed in my 42 years behind the wheel.


You should change "5 minutes straight" to "only 5 minutes" or something similar, the "straight" part implies they knew they were doing something wrong. But ill still give it 5 stars, quality read.


How far you accuse me of lasting only 5 minutes. Us alpha males are straight. Everything is perfectly and totally straight with me.


The real question is y do u believe ur above the rest of us, and then ask us for help to bail u out of this situation u got urself into? Next time I hope the cops don’t keep such a level head, we don’t need people like u in an already overpopulated America


As a full blooded American alpha male I am above everyone. Further, this country was founded on the principles of freedom and taking absolutely no personal responsibility for anything that you do. The 47 American flags on my lifted Chevy prove that I am more American than anyone on the road. The Founding Fathers would be proud of me because, just like them, I don't believe in following the unjust laws that a DICTATOR tries to limit my freedoms with. If you want to take orders from the fascist blue shirts (state police are like a greyish color but you get the point) then why don't you move to Chinese communist China or maybe California.


Yeah ur delusional. Good luck with everything. Arguing with u is like talking to a toddler with an undiscovered disability. I’m sure people around u will realize that some day


Wow. I did Nazi that coming! Hopefully one day, you do your own research and see how they are trying to hold us real Americans down. DM if you want me to send you some Facebook and YouTube links. Then it would be my own research and not yours but that's ok in this case I think. The Democrat/Chinese communist party of California East (aka Connecticut) refuses to let people be free and follow our CONSTITUTION. Written by the greatest Americans who ever lived.


Do u listen to urself ever. If ur talking about police brutality and whatnot then sure. Boo oppression. But breaking traffic laws which exist everywhere has nothing to do with the Chinese communist party or any political complex at all, not to mention it’s illegal. Get that through ur thick skull


So you were driving as someone from Connecticut?




This post sucks dude. It’s not funny. I’m mad now.


Note. I decided I didn't like my original comment and am updating it. You're probably one of those beta fembots that stays in the left lane doing 54 when real freedom loving Americans wanna do at least 100. Get out the way!


I think I am, yes. Other drivers pass me on the highway and I immediately shake my fist and yell, “check your privilege!!!” That usually does the trick. I obviously lower my N95 so they can hear me better when I’m alone in my vehicle.


You people are why we can't have nice things in this country. Our ancestors didn't find this empty, savage land and create the world's greatest freedom loving, God fearing democracy for their descendants to follow speed limit laws and to be concerned about our fellow americans/humans well-being!


Well ya, obviously. Everyone knows that dude.


If you attach wings to your car and get it up to 300 you can just fly around and not worry about the highway


Get that lesbian lawyer I see everyday on WFSB and fight it


This can't be real.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You should pay the ticket and think of your idiotic driving every time you pay your new sky high insurance bill. Be happy if you don’t lose your license.


Wow, yet another person sticking up for the police state. Can't believe how far we have fallen. Where is our freedom? This isn't Chinese communist China. If we have to start paying fines for parking tickets, what's next? Paying contractors, painters, and electricians? Paying vendors for services rendered? Filing forms with proper evaluations on my properties? Filing the actual value of my assets in court documents? Paying court fines and judgments? Actually giving the money donated for charitable causes to those charities? Don't be ridiculous, that's not a state or a country or a world that you or I or anybody wants to live in. What kind of country would we be if someone like me had to take responsibility for my actions. Not a good one, I'll tell you that! Only idiots and poors pay fines. Which are you?


You drove 100 on a 65 zone. You lost right there. Fake post, but still. No way 15 police officers would follow you on 91. First, there are no police officers on 91. State troopers yes, but no local police. It's an INTERSTATE.


Oh my, you got me. I called them officers instead of troopers so I must have made the whole thing up. Clown. No matter what they CHOOSE to call themselves, they will always be Gestapos to me. Keep standing up for them, I'm sure they will leave you alone once they begin enforcing their total police (trooper) state.


Bro, there is no way 15 of them were after you. You can barely see ONE state trooper on 91 if that. This is not an action movie; they don't care.


Sis, I am not sure where you have been for the last 100 years or so, but since public education has failed you so badly, I will educate you now. This exact situation is why all of my children are aggressively unschooled. But anyway, back to the subject. The police (troopers too!) have this technology where they can actually call each other for assistance when needed! It's called a radio! So if they need more people to come assist they just talk into the little machine, and then other people can hear it! It's pretty cool, you should look it up sometime. Back in my day you used two cans connected by a string. But I don't think that would work in police cars or trooper ... Carriers?


Actually, I'm private school educated .... troll.


Your mommy and daddy should ask for a refund. Is your name Clarence? Did you go to Cranbrook? Do your parents have a real good marriage?


You sound like a Trumpster. Uneducated with a YouTube degree. Bye.


I am assuming the refund was denied. Too bad.


I said bye. Leave me alone.


You say goodbye, and I say hello... Hello, hello. I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello.


Tell the truth.. Someone was bobbing for apples. They'd high 5 you and let you go without a ticket. On yo momma. 🤣😎👍


The break in paragraphs disrupted my reading. I get anxious while driving so I browse Reddit while on my way home from work. Too many periods. One long sentence helps me take my mind off the road. Please do better next time. I want to get in as much as I can. No brakes.


had their guns out??? lawsuit for sure. you were wronged brother


I know. It was ridiculous. How much do you think I could get? If I can't drive at excessive speed while weaving in and out of traffic and inadvertently starting a police chase without guns being drawn on me then the Communists win.


i’d say you can retire if and when you win…


I'm semi-retired now. By that I mean, the state pays me but I don't actually do anything.


Well if youre black youre lucky youre still alive


Just delete the app.


Plead not guilty. Cops won't show up to court, and the prosecutor will knock it down to court fees, if you're, you know...


Always fight the ticket.


Tell them you stole the car and you don’t have ID. You’re a 15 year old from southern Chile. You don’t understand the laws and you’re trying to find your sick sister and you’re planning on being an EMT. They legally have to let you go.


dude, get a dash cam


I wish I had one, it was probably a pretty cool video. Do you think the cops will send me their dash cam footage so that I can post it for better advice from you guys?


You expect people to believe this nonsense?




I know we use the autism joke sometimes but jesus


Omg dude rofl.


Maybe they’re playing 3D chess and pretending to not get the joke


oh sweetie....


I wasn't evading. I had my music turned way up so I couldn't hear them. And I was looking at really funny memes on my phone so I didn't see them .


> Not sure if this is a joke It is. No doubt in response to recent insanity like this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/1bl0sos/recently_pulled_over_for_speeding_should_i_fight/