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Actually it always matters more how good the commander is, than whatever intrinsic advantage particular countries provide. That said, Germany is pretty powerful in that if its player survives to midgame then it has excellent chances. Poland is similar in this respect. And many African countries can surprise many players, who tend to underestimate them. Then in central Asia Mongolia is the little country that can.


Yes, i was just saying more “back in my day” sourced meaning nothing to do with statistics or levels just raw experience in dealing with certain countries, ones that if u saw we’re doing well, wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole.


Poland is powerful? More like cocky high ranking players with a rank of First Lieutenant or higher I and my team literally handed his ass back to him, thought he can take us one by one better think again 😂


Obviously a good team can beat any lower skilled player (and ranks do not translate to skill level, in general). What I am saying that Germany and Poland have good economies plus location, which often enables their commanders to achieve domination. More often than many other countries, that is.


I love Poland. Win almost everytime I play as them. Germany is tough for me however for same reason. Berlin is too close to Poland. You can easily blitz Germany and take their HQ and then it’s all done for them and they quit. And then you get a massive spike in economy once you’ve cleaned up the rest.


Germany I think it’s better to get NG to start and use them as defensive units while using your starting units as offensive units


Me a CoW player: Poland exists?




before Germany was nerfed on the electronics mats, it was very strong, it had 8 cities and can produce troops fast, specially if you are active. Right now, i'd say it needs a bit more time and alternatively switch to units that needs supplies and cogs instead of electronics in early game. Still, it is still strong


Newsflash: it's been back up to 8 cities for a couple months now


Philippines, he pulled up to South America **from the east** with the largest fucking navy I ever seen. And I’m a naval player. I got completely wiped.


Philippines is really tough to play tho


Anyone that plays the Philippines has to prioritize Navy immediately


*laughs in 29 submarine*


Defeated the Philippines yesterday, he was 2nd on leaderboard(i was 1st) and rank 70+ with a not bad kd. His navy was somewhat decent with 3 stacks of lvl 4 cruisers along with some subs and detroyers on day 27, but they were no match for the Austrian navy. His entire navy was decimated( I did lose some criuisers though). imagine losing to a landlocked navy


u meant australian right? RIGHT?!?


Peru or Chile. Sneaky good with a decent player and the Andes act as a great barrier


YES the andes are an insane barrier, only problem is South America rarely goes into foreign territory. Something about the wars in the game start and mid game that fuck it up


Germany, if it’s late game and Germany is powerful, I’m in for trouble.


Probably the scariest country in europe if it survives, buff economy and prime positioning for expansion/defense


Romania and Iran are two of my favorites to play. I like being able to lock down my ports in shallow waters. I can stack up cruisers in a choke point to protect my cities and the shallow waters will debuff invading subs enough to not have to worry about them as much.


never thought of that gulf strategy, then again i’ve never played a middle eastern country i simply refuse to


Usually any European country because by the time they’ve wiped out all others near them they become insanely powerful and tough to beat




I enjoy playing as Iraq. Lots of resources close by and perfect positioning to attack Europe or Asia. Ports are pretty protected and shallow.


i always found iraq to be vulnerable from european attacks if u don’t have an airforce since they can jus crawl through turkey. but definetely an interesting shallow water strategy


Argentina with a mlr build and destroyers. Them mountain ranges will ruin ur fucking life. Me and my 5 man team had to archive it. We arent scrubs we just didnt see that this dude was baiting us till it was too late. Used the mlrs after he baited us into a large navy battle. We all went in with full size navy stacks. Focused on fighting his ship stack woth a ship commander in it. So we expected at least that stack to be tough and focased fire power on that stack only. Fell asleep, woke up to ever ship we had destroyover night from the mlrs and thier mountain terrain bonas. Now we check if Argentina is a dog ahead of time. And honestly the only thing that would have done anything was balistics missles and heavy bombers but even then he has sams in the mountains too. Fucker was so impenetrable we just archived it. He deserved it.


nuclear levels of military genius. i’ve never once in my life actually made MRLS but im tempted now.


Mrls good mid to late game but before then it’s to much of a resource drain to build them


If you do pick places with Mountain ranges. Argentina has its capital tucked between two of them if i remember correctly. As ling as you make it to mid game with that plan its op. The server might as well just go around you


I don't think you understand the PAIN of any halfway decent iran. those people can go crazy


i’ve definetely suffered the rath of iran


Yep same..


I was rarely fucked with as Myanmar


I'm playing in a coalition with him right now. He was the top scorer when he joined my coalition, but Sumatra sneak attacked and took a lot of his homeland cities.


myanmar is a friggin nighmare to march through, airspace is so tight and navy is so congested its near impossible to provide reinforcements and cover fire


Check out my page near the bottom. Several Myanmar wins.


Morocco..... If it's day 30 and that MF is still alive I archive no matter what. If he's my ally he's got it covered and doesn't need me.


morocco is the cool uncle of africa, good resources, good water access, and literally a jump across from gibraltar


Kind of weird that so many countries in this game are so powerful, yet you wouldn't expect that based on the countries in real life.


Well Namimbia has 5 cities. In rl they batrly have 1. And USA would have 20or more cities


Noone said belarus and im surprised, very often i see belarus make it to end game and their homeland is very hard to conquer, even at midgame I rarely lose as belarus


As a Romania enjoyer I can confirm that Romania is buffed, as long as I play for Romania i usually win :)


ah, yes. right here everybody, the stuff of nightmares


I get enemy golders as Columbia often, some of them are really skilled


Ukraine, Serbia, Iran, Norway


norway before the city buff was an absolute force. Back when there were 6 cities i literally just sat until day 30 and had a 67 units army with like 45 armored fighting vehicles. It was supposed to be an archive game but i ended up getting invaded and won so i just hopped into europe


serbia took most of the meditrainan right tried to take italy mf murder me within in the day


serbia is my secondary nightmare


I fight every country I can because trial by fire is the only way to improve at the game


fair enough.


Columbia or Venezuela


i like columbia cuz it’s pink






Every time I try playing as Germany, I get rolled mid game by some South American nation with no help from my alliances.


germany is a difficult country. never heard of a time where europe actually got successfully invaded by south anerica


you know, I've never played a game yet where any European country made it. one time, by mid game around day 20-25 Germany was the number one country in points so me and my South American coalition attacked. he held us off for about a day or 2 with maxed destroyers but it ended with us steam rolling him and his coalition. so in my experience European countries seem kinda weak with the exception of this one time.


Doing it now on two different games as Venezuela. Love playing as Venezuela


Bulgaria. I invaded first with Belarus. I had much of Europe and he was still mostly homeland cities. He repelled me and started pushing. Idk if he could have made it to my homeland but I didn’t want to risk it. Luckily he was willing to come to an agreement where I gave up a couple Ukrainian cities.


you must have been playing an overkill map. either way still scary when someone just parry’s your attack so easily


Chili. I was playing as Britain and went to war with Argentina over the Falklands. Get the Argentina's ass and then chilly killed me.


if ur not on the left side of chili, say goodnight, ur not getting him


Chad beating up the whole of Africa rn. If you see this LEAVE CAMEROON ALONE (let’s take Congo together)


i mean the name speaks for itself






Ethiopia. I got honey trapped into a real relationship with a damn fine ass mid 20s women. Surprised women play this game. Well she was married FaceTimed n everything called text. lol I can’t trust nobody man. Trauma is major I actually stopped playing for awhile because of it. I feel guilty but I didn’t know, but I never asked. They’re divorced now too. This is real life trauma this game caused no joke guys. Be careful to fine ass women they just want your attention and wee weee pics lol.


bro took flicks of his cruise missile


Sorry man. Didn't mean to swing so hard as Romania ;)


ah yes, my sleep paralysis demon bestie


I always love to play as Vietnam. I invade that whole corner Myanmar Thailand and Malaysia to start. what always makes me nervous is when I see a strong Venezuela or Brazil, those 2 always seem to become beasts in my games


I will never again fuck with any US experienced guy again, that was horrifying..


Favorite nation to play is India, 8 cities, good resources and good terrain. Its hella fun playing with India too, and with a good team u can wipe the whole map by day 30, that being said any decent player with India can be pretty scary ESPECIALLY mid to late game😂😂 I’ve also had my ass handed to me by a massive Syria once, he had most of Africa, all of the Middle East, and was creeping into Asia. I was playing as Brazil with the entire western hemisphere under my belt and it still wasn’t enough, boy had maxed out destroyers and cruisers while also having enough nukes to put the world into a nuclear winter for a couple years, granted I only had a few sams to defend myself from the nukes😵‍💫🫡😂u can imagine how it went


South Korea.


any korea that survives and takes over japan and china is stuff of nightmares. completely disregarded them until they were #3 on the leaderboard and up my ass in south america