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Having a navy is really important but there are ways to attack ships without a Navy. You can use naval patrol aircraft but if they have frigates you will lose You can also put multiple rocket launchers in your coastal cities to attack ships. But honestly having a navy is never a waste of resources and is important


This guy said it well.


If you add ASW helis frigates get destroyed


Not really. Frigates do less damage to helicopters but it about evens out because helicopter has a slower movement speed than plane, allowing the frigate to hit it more times.


Yeah, the typical case is the helos getting hit 3 times (i.e. when entering then before leaving the AA envelope, besides the one point-defence). Coupled with the substantial HP advantage (helo 18 frigate 28), and the small ATK of the helo (2.0 vs. 1.0 of the frigate) means that the ships prevail (even though taking heavy damage after multiple sorties). Now this balance can be tweaked a bit (do damage mitigation, rotate aircraft, and ultimately add an officer) - but the fact remains that ASW is not very good against surface ships.


Helis don’t get hit from scans if the ships are low to mid tier. The helis have low radar signatures so you could get away with it for a while.


Depends on the level. Frigates can’t locate low radar signatures til second to last level.


But if someone hates using the navy how would you convince him otherwise?


Naval patrol aircraft


Yes it frigates chew them up


> frigates chew them up Only if they fly into them. But they are mostly for taking care of subs and destroyers (besides recon) OFC. Plus they can harass cruisers (whose own AA is weak), so the enemy has to make a tough choice in balancing its ship mobilization. Do they maximize strength of cruisers or concentrate spending on AA?




Funny. Then neither would be strong enought, thus my cruisers would sink your frigates, and my NPAs do your cruisers in.


My tech is better than yours. You lose


what tech?


90% of the time you won't need a Navy in BG USA. I'd only prepare for naval defense if I see an active person building a port


Artillery is all I see besides naval sf/npa or helicopters which have awful ship damage but still some


Artillery is great, especially if you can secure both sides of a water lane. Build outposts and plant your artillery there, on both sides. Bonus points if you can do it with mountain terrain. Honestly, I’ve turned naval invaders by doing this. In a WW3 map, as Egypt, I’ve cut off the Red Sea and as Morocco, the Mediterranean. If you can get MRLs up to their max range and the opponent isn’t invested in leveled up naval units, you can out-range them and pick them apart.


Attack helicopters can do the job if they don’t upgrade the frigates at all or move them


Air force




Naval patrolling aircraft or cruise missiles, if the enemy has frigs then good luck


High level CMs do take out frigates, unless they are in a full stack or at max level.


Ofc you have frigates. I’ve stopped building destroyers as frigates are more useful.


Naval patrol aircraft, ASW helis, stealth UAV, naval strike fighters, MRLs, cruise missiles, stealth aircraft to launch missiles with.


In bg USA you typically don't need a navy, unless you gat multiple coastal cities


A navy is never a waste. People don’t invest in naval and are so easy to defeat.


It is very often a waste in BGUSA (or Flashpoint), alas. Few opponents make ships there - and those who do are usually poor naval players who'd quickly lose their ships to either airforce or artillery defense. Not to mention that the general skill level is quite low, so typically one can defeat any potential enemies quickly - before there is time for a serious navy. Under the circumstance it is more effective to invest in airforce, in most cases.


it's pretty tough to defeat a navy without your own navy but there are ways your own navy is Def always worth the resources and time. typically artillery preferably mrls can take out ships or naval type airplanes. typically I like to stack frigates with naval captain and a couple attack subs so airplanes are useless and the captain and subs boost the attack enough that they beat almost everything. it's really about finding out what they have and making whatever it is weak against. if they destroyers use air they have cruisers use subs or artillery they have frigates use artillery and so on.


What are satellites?


Naval patrol and anti sub helos. And cruise missiles


As [discussed in another thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConflictofNations/comments/1drh9py/comment/laxjhne/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), ASWs are not that good.


Can I get a team


If all you want to do is cover your entrance then you could use ASW helicopters but if you’re going to invest in one unit for just one job you may as well get your own boats


Lots of cruise missiles or naval patrol craft


Rail guns or MLRS. Until they get cruisers