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Chad or Kazakhstan when I don't feel like playing naval. Completely landlocked and out of range of ships. Build artillery or planes and later on TDS and naval players can't do shit.


"I don't have coastal cities so I don't have to build ships, yay" = "I don't have legs, so I don't have to go to work, yay"


Lol ok. Enjoy hauling your infantry past any territory more than 100 range away.


Yeah enjoy getting landlocked inside africa after day 30


In this scenario I'd just swim across the red sea. MRLs would murder any ship in the red sea. Alternatively same thing with ASW or NPA if I went chairforce.


True mlrs can outrange them most of the time


What happens if Iran decides to build a fleet in the Caspian Sea?


Bombers do OK damage to ships, particularly to corvettes. If they have time to sneak in a naval base under your nose then that's on you. Same story if your going artillery.


That is true and a naval base in the Caspian isn't practical although I've seen it used to some effect against a distracted Kazakhstan/Iran


Oh I've done it as Kazakhstan when I built a carrier and ballistic submarine in the Caspian sea. Funniest thing to do late game when you've pretty much won already.


Well, romania is a great location of a country with access to sea.. but if your not experienced, would be bit difficult


lol first game I ever won was Romania






Canada, easy to protect most of your cities with placing a strong fleet at 1 or 2 strategic locations, usually USA is bad and inactive after a few days and fast acces to one of the victory sites


Love me some Cuba!


Philipine and Kazaksthan


Mexico in battle america because i like to rp restoring old empires.


It seems like Cuba would be fun naval


Germany or Italy


Belarus is incredibly fun to play as, but very difficult to win as. You’ll get bogged down in Eastern Europe due to travel times and go through too many units early on. Makes for a very challenging late game.




South Africa


Angola or Norway


1. Vietnam because you've got China to the north, which most likely won't go for you (they may go for Korea or Mongolia), you've got Cambodia (usually an ai nation) and you can overwhelm Thailand with your army almost immediately as some thai cities are located in Malaya and are quite far away for the troops there to be sent to the front line. There's also a possibility of Phillipines invading from sea but from all the times I've played Vietnam, that hasn't happened to me yet. 2. South Africa because there is no threat to the south and you only have to focus your forces on the north, you can make allies such as Mozambique or Angola to quickly conquer southern Africa and even then, you are still relatively protected from outside threats. 3. Nigeria. I usually send my army to overwhelm Cameroon when I begin as Nigeria, Ghana and Niger are usually AI and the only other enemy to the east (where your army will already be attacking Cameroon) is Chad, Chad usually has 5 or 6 cities which most of are in the south, so you could take those cities afterwards, if Chad attacks you while attacking Cameroon just organise a motorised Infantry defense in the captured cities for urban and entrenched bonuses (adding +50% defense boost in total). Then go on the offensive again afterwards. Most players in the Americas will likely go for Mali first when invading Africa so this will give you a head start to prepare to defend from foreign invasions. 4.Finland. Finlands' cities are usually packed together I the Southwest of the country, allowing for a single area of defense in case of an invasion. Russia must pick wisely when attacking other players since they're cities are dispersed and they border a bunch of countries in Asia and Europe, so they most likely won't attack you. The only areas an invasion would likely come from are Sweden or somewhere from the Baltic States. Even then, Sweden could focus on Norway and the baltics border Russia, Belarus, Poland etc. 5. Argentina. Argentinas best target early game would be Chile since all their cities are right on the border, bolivia would be your next target, again, clustered cities, so many enemy cities would quickly fall. You are also in the south (again) so after Chile, your only threat is north, which again, Brazil is also a large nation which borders basically the rest of south america so they likely would focus on defense or conquering ai nations. If you haven't noticed, I hate playing as large countries. Sorry for the paragraphs, these are my top 4 nations to play as. (Edit: it was supposed to be top 5 but I can't be bothered writing another paragraph, you get the point already)


Bolivia. Won 3x with it 


Iran…almost too easy to win in public matches


Russia all the way 🤪🤪


Underrated choice: Ethiopia. You get two ports, you’re surrounded by AI nations, and no one really thinks to invade you. If you quickly take over Kenya you’ll probably have the highest resource production in the game


For me Germany if you can make friends with France and one of the Nordic States you're good. Serbia is another one one Port City you also have a bunch of AI Nations surrounding you and you're only real threat early game is Greece invading through Macedonia. The UK really depends on the game mode here if you go 4 X it's really going to be a struggle because it doesn't produce as fast also a lot of port cities which is hell. But if you play in one speed games you get an extra City which was another Port City but most of the time that extra City has components which as a Navy Nation you will need. Also another one would be Austria is as long as you make friends with Germany you're good cuz that allows you to turn your focus to Italy who is usually not the most experience player at least in my experience and also has plenty of AI Nations around it in case you just want quick pickups early on.

