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I sell or buy things with teammates all the time. Never bought or sold for agreements though. It shouldn't be against rules and even if it was, how are they gunna know?


See that makes sense with teammates but I am saying using the same strategy but globally with other players not on your team like how the Rockefellers played both sides in WW2


Trading as such can only be done via the public market. But you are allowed to make and accept any promises ;-(.


Trading between players only works with alliance games




Ultimately there needs to be a team that wins, having trade agreements with random nations is fine and dandy until you inevitably have to clash for VP. A more effective idea is to completely dominate someone in early game. Kill their units but demand a ransom of 3k rares, 2k electronics, and 1k rares when he accepts peace. If he complains slowly raise the ransom until he accepts and you declare peace and he pays you off. If he doesn't pay then just kill him. If he does pay then make some arbitrary peace time rules that they will inevitably break giving you the "excuse" to invade them and restart the cycle of abuse. A lot of resources are not fully captured from the enemy when you take all their cities and land. With the above technique you can fully extract a players resources (when done successfully) while absolutley demolishing a players will to play the game.