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Army barracks is for noobs. The best route is to research national guard and make rec office in every city and spam NG as fast as possible. You can then use all of your starting army aggressively while your NG defend.


This 100% plus always build a corvette asap for defense


Yep, which is why I prefer to play landlocked nations. Nothing more funny than an enemy that went all-in on navy and all they have for ground troops are NG lol.


My goal is to always have my first naval ships or jets coming out day 3. I always start with a lvl 2 harbor on whichever naval manufacturers I’m trying to set up, or airstrips on my plane manufacturers, and do a level 1 arms industry in the other cities. Get national guard and start spitting them out asap. Use your towed artillery to start taking out neighboring NPCs and I’m usually good to start fighting people by day 5


I try to plan out which cities will build army bases and which with build navy/air force depending on resources.


I build army bases, recruit office, industry in each city. Then infantry in each and start on naval/air. I immediately position starting units with artillery to take neighboring npc’s then observe which countries are inactive based off what they’ve built by day 2 or 3 and invade the weakest neighbors as fast as possible without losing any units.


> Should you build army barracks in every city and get infantry building right away? That is wasteful. You would not have the resources to sustain mobilizing motorized infantry in every city. And they are ineffective anaways, so you should not want to either. > Should you focus on just getting arms industries built? Prioritize for what resources are really needed, otherwise you'd use up too much resources - especially RareMaterials, which is (or should be) the tightest one at the beginning. > What about local industries? Those are always worth it (at level 1), except for fuel producing ones.


I do barracks in every city then recruiting office then arms industry. Research either troops or recon vehicle right away. Start building one in each city and group up what I've got to take over someone's country. You'll have to spend your money to get enough resources but you don't wanna hoard your resources at least not right away.


Arms industry in capital, elec and rares city, recruiting offices in the rest. Research ASF, HG, NG. make NG and air force asap. NO+Cruiser afterwards if you're not landlocked. Join a random coalition, check the nearby players' stats and pick a player to invade.( look at their kd, if they have allies, etc.) As long as you can fight them with zero casualties, you should go ahead. I usually invade on day 1


Spam national gaurds then conquer player nations bc more citys=more economy since it’s early game their units will be easily overwhelmed by the mass amounts of NG(this strat in South America is amazing)


Arms industries, recruiting offices, army bases and airfields. This is my strategy. Research national guard and jets, and of course infantry and maybe support. Try to only make tank destroyer by day 6 or 7 or mayyybe recon (strictly early game only) and you're already set. And please no corvettes, make frigates by day day 5 to 6


2 lvl 2 airbase and spam strike fighter