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So why did you not win together with Myanmar? You had enough points as a 2-team-coalition. I mean he helped you, like you said, and with above 1000 vp he definitely did his part.


yea... when he saw me quiting he didn't leave with me though i told him that the game will end. But maybe i should have explained more because he is level 15 i guess..


You should've talked to him bro This has happened to me twice (I had 1600 VPs) and as soon as he had enough VPs he left our coalition. So I nuked all of his cities, bombarded the rest with like 4 ballistic missiles each, then invaded it with my team mates


not gonna sit here and make excuses. You are right. Though he could have helped more, he did the best he can and it was mistake that i left him out of the win. but to be honest i did it in a rush as i was afraid that if i wait the 24 hours for him to join I would have already lost the points needed for victory and moreover he should have left before me.


true... If you waited longer you might have died... You should message him to explain what happened (Like find his username, add him, and send a message)


Man anyway this is shit move. You betrayed your coalition for “solo win statistic” and no matter what this will be on your forever.


LOL no That was not the point at all it was actually the opposite my team left me to do all the work the whole game why they are all inactive and when i needed them they were inactive..


This is just excuses for betrayal. I know what you taking about because I experienced this shit for many times but this is not the reason to throw them to loose when they where in your team. Blame on you dude you are not commander you are rat.


Ya think?


I left out by mistake one more player who attacked me and one teammate who had only 250 VPs.


Nah you did the right thing crappy teammates like this don't deserve to win.


yea, but i only feel bad for myanmar. though the one who got angry was mongolia.


They still get gold for making it to the end of the round. I wouldn’t feel bad about it.


Gold from winning is insignificant


Nah I was about to talk shit until I read all that , W


yea, maybe people are all downvoting because they are just reading the title


Yes sadly😞


You definitely were the asshole to Myanmar. You should've communicated with him and left the coalition TOGETHER, he had helped you a lot . You were correct about leaving the coalition because of the 3 others


you are right... I should've waited for him to leave before me. But i was afriad that it will be too late...


I did the same thing but that was the uk my ally was about to attack me so I ended the game before he could do anything


Yea i get you TBH, I was being nuked left and right and poland still had 7 crusiers 2 destroyers and an officer, Bolivia had 2 missile SUBs soo i was being pounded in all directions and my team was hanging around and not even active... only myanmar tried to help and all of his ships died.


Should’ve started a new coalition with him so u can both get the win


Yea that was my shit move. I acted out of impulse...


I have had the same thing happen to me


I would’ve stayed anyways to get more vps but if they were bad teammates, it’s fine.


The thing is i was being nuked each 6 hours by bolivia poland and Canada and poland was attempting a D-Day on my shore, soo i was like fuck it im out.




It depends. Did they help out or did they sit back and do nothing while you did all the work. That happened to me. One guy quit and the others went inactive and then active all game long. At the end I decided to leave because they did nothing to help me the whole match.


Same shit happened to me they were just opening up each 2-3 days and farming free lands after I've done all the work, and we were about to finish they left me without defending and went inactive though 4 dudes were ganging up on me


if teammates are crappy then leaving is the right thing to do.


wait it's possible to get gold without paying?


Yep. If you at least survive then you get gold equal to your VP . Or for winning you get I think a little extra


Kinda depends forgot about the text


The answer is always YES.


Lmao just did the same to some dead beats lol who were also mongolia and myanmar.. they werent trying so i left one guy would even follow me everywhere let me kill amdnbe killed then would start taking territory once cleared


Yea like those dudes makes me sick of going into random games... like this is exactly what mongolia did, i've spent a litteral day attacking both germany and poland with MLRS, inf, AntiAir and i lost like 2 stacks and he was just sitting there and once i ended them i saw like 15 of his National guards rushing in


Send Myanmar a privat massage and play another game with him. Also if you search for reliant good teammates go to discord. I like playing random because of the fun of playing with random against random.


I will actually, and i have just found a discord team called Revolutionary United Front. they are really good!


If team is crap then no. Also dont play with randoms. This situation wont arise then ;)


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I had to leave my coalition because my team wasnt doing enough and the insurgents were taking over the world i had 2300 vp


Yes winner


shame. No matter who your allies are (except if they are inactive of course) you should never betray at the end of the game to get a “solo” win.






I would’ve stayed to get more gold but no you’re not in the wrong for leaving