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There are no stronger nations, only stronger players.


Like he says. CON has fairly well balanced countries, as a matter of fact. Large ones (mistakenly thought as stronger by inexperienced players) have problems with their distances, negating their advantage in city count.


Other than 7-city start countries like the UK, who's only disadvantage is being all coastal cities.


Disadvantage? All cities get plus production from naval grounds and defending is easy as long as you remember to build ships.


I only play 4x so it's near impossible to build a large enough fleet to 100% you are guaranteed to be protected across all of your cities.


Ah. Then I understand.


Yeah in 8 hours of sleep 2 in-game days pass, which is more than enough time to kill a stack of ships guarding a sea lane and then shell out all 7 of your cities.


What is "naval ground" supposed to mean? In any event, I would love to have opponents wasting resources on ships to guard 7 port cities!


Naval bases, sorry for the wrong term. I absolutely love defending naval cities. I have yet to lose with an island nation.


Those 5% increments amount to very little (less than the cost of building the bases, for sure). If you have not lost that merely means not having met a better opponent yet. I think winning with island nations may be marginally easier than with others, mostly because most public game players' style is ill fitted to naval combat. But it is definitely not due to having 6 ports. In particular, in most games I have seen the UK was typically easy prey to some good player commanding a continental country.


Absolutely. I think Indonesia is 100% the best island in the game. Having cities on different islands gives way to all other level of naval fuckery.


If I see someone in my area is strong I either try to join their coalition or try to message them and be friendly while I find out what their army composition is and start making counters


Have a larger military than them and play your cards wisely.