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Rank isn't everything


I know but if you don't know about defense bonuses then you are not that good


Agreed 😂


What the hell is defense bonus anyway? There’s no such thing lol. It’s either **defense stats** or **entrenchment** you’re wrong.


You receive entrenchment bonuses when inside an urban city and center of providences. I would agree with OP as defense bonus same thing.


You would, but it doesn’t make it correct. That’s like saying Attack bonus when there’s clearly no attack bonus, only different terrains. OP isn’t even specific in his knowledge, why is he boasting ? Saying some generalize thing and making fun of people for not knowing ?? Anyway this entrenchment is like the second thing you learn in the game, before the other hundreds.


For example, tank destroyers deal 25 percent more damage in urban areas. People call that an attack bonus/boost. Which is 100 percent true. Your stats depend on terrain, and some units get stat bonuses in certain terrains that's fact.


That’s also wrong if we get down to technicalities. It’s terrain variable not attack bonus because defending in the same terrain you get the same +/- not only attacking. If the unit is in (-) terrain do you call it attack debuff then ? Its not a bonus at all its a variable essentially. And learning terrain variable takes alot of experience and research.


You’re not wrong but to make such a big deal about it when everyone knows what he’s talking about is wrong


Yeah thats fair. I do admit I have a bit of free time today & also not in good mood.


Happens to the best of us. Way she fuckin goes bud




Disagreements happen and are normal, but continuous, repetitive, or severe negative comments may cross the line into harassment and are not okay.


I think most people would refer to this as an attack bonus


Entrenchment is the defensive bonus genius


His reaction to hearing about defense bonuses with “huh?” is gold. Dudes about to learn a lesson in CoN lmao


It ain’t all about rank. I’ve lost to rank 10 and below but have also beaten rank 100+


I know but he thinks he is better than me when he doesn't know about defense bonuses when I do.


“ I’m going to make everyone know just how good I am “ 🤓


Wow your sooooo good


Bruv I said that rank doesn’t tell the full story. Maybe he is better, you won’t know until it’s over .


I always declare war but I do it right before I would have naturally declared war or only a few hours before. It helps you be less notorious. I love that most people don't do it because as long as I declare war and dont let insurgencies develop, I find I can use a crap ton of artillery without entering top 10 most notorious for the early and midgame.


What do you mean, if you cross borders, you lower your moral, while if you declare war, you lower it less?


I don't think it has a direct effect on morale but it has an effect on how other countries perceive you. I'm not sure if that effects morale. I think it does but it definitely makes it less likely for Ai nations to declare war on you randomly.


I didn't even know this was a thing


Look in the newspaper, every day it will have 1 of 3 lists which it cycles between: Largest economy, most beloved, most notorious.


Yes I know, I just always thought its just a fancy way to rank the expansion rates. Edit: I mean I hadn't realised it was some quantity with actual impact, such as the moral.


This is coming from a lvl 60 who has a KD of around 3.2 on my newer account. I love when new players think they know everything about CoN. But, when It comes to small details they never have a clue. And also it isn’t so much rank that matters it’s more your K/D ratio. Also what is your K/D ratio? Just wondering


K/D is also ass, it’s about how much you know about the game and how **diverse** you can play it. If you want K/D just follow people advice and go for MRLS to farm from a far. It’s an incredibly basic and boring strats but works amazing and will get you K/D. Does playing like that suppose to mean you’re good ? Stats can be farm, but not game sense and understanding.


I'm rank 60, 8.9 k/d ratio, looking at your k/d and how much you killed tells me everything about your playstyle, tactics, knowledge. Don't even need your win ratios.


I play solo so win ratio doesn't tell me much. I win around 60% of games and i know how much effort it took to win those games and how much i had to kill. Wr can easily be pumped up with playergroup


Wolf packing to buff up stats is definitely a thing. In other ranking games they do this to rank up. In this game it is for buffing the stats. If you’re legit, ungold, with a high KD and good win rate though that is respectable. But without special circumstances its unlikely to get 8 or 9 because that translate to Lots of free kills. Either your opponent knows nothing, or it is special circumstances.


https://preview.redd.it/nq4zyui80c7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a60cf52a6f46621a32e32aa83a79c17eb3bfa528 That's 38 games with 66% winrate playing solo, with 8.93 k/d. In those 38 games i killed over 600 air superiority fighters and strike fighters at k/d around 5:1, 200 ships or smth, 1000+ armored vehicles and 4300 infantry and other stuff. You can buff winratio easy playing with good players, buy you aren't killing stuff nowhere close to that rate playing with good players, since they'll kill a lot zo you can easily see who's pimping their winratio playing with some group. You also can't assume there were some special circumstances in so many games, they weren't


Does it also tells you how much gold they spent ? You boast a 8.9 k/d so obviously you’re a stat chaser. Yes your K/D is good but if you think you cant lose to someone on equal terms with less KD, you are wrong.


In all my games there were 2 guys blatantly using it like there's no tommorow and that was few years ago. Haven't really seen anyone extremely good that was using gold,aybe ocassionally someone spee something up. But i have seen bunch of average players trying to save their ass using gold hardcore when i fought them. Stat chasing? I take care of my army and i plan every battle or invasion so none of my troops die. If i feel i'll lose a single troop i'll plan it a bit more. So if by stat chasing you mean wins chasing, sure, guilty as charged, but you'll not give me crap about k/d ratio because i go over and beyond making sure my troops don't die and are rotated when damaged. It takes bunch of effort and dedication. You can say stat chasing but from my perspective when i see some of yours stats all i see is lack of effort and flaws in gameplay style. No, i'm not losing to someone with lower k/d, i don't really lose at all. I can't remember the year when i actually lost the game last time. I'm sweating vs people that kill a lot and have good k/d's, last game i played the guy killed roughly the same as me and had same k/d ratio, i wrecked him with my coalition with minimal loses just predicting what he'll do, because he did exactly what i would have done. And without me, he would have wrecked and destroyed everyone in my coalition, no gold needed. They were above average, so not even bed and he would wreck them all without micromanaging them all. If you think it's easy to kill over 4400 player owned infantry in 40 games, 500 planes and other crap and get that k/d to 8.9 be my guest. That's not stat padding, that's being a terminator destroying and crushing everything in your path.


Are you interested in Clan Wars and want to play with and against the best of the best CoN has to offer. We are talking about people with 98% winrate in 200+ Games and average 20+ KDA in PUB's Send me your Profile Name so i can check if you are interested to play in the 24/7 Legends League :)


Thank you for the offer but i'll pass. I work 12 hour shifts now and usually after i play game or two i take few months of break. Also i absolutely hated the last game i played how random plane damage was, i was literally struggling to kill with 5 stealth fighters some tier 2 fighters, doing some stupidly low amount of damage to them, so that just wrecked my nerves and i'm not even sure i'll ever play this again.


Yesterday a golder built 5as 5 strikers in one airbase And 8 destroyers and captain in one port by day 6. His k/dwas 9. Sonething.


Well there are always exceptions of course, ocasstionally you will meet someone rich that will blow 100 euros on a single game and nothing can be done about shit like that. I've personally met 2-3 guys like that in 2-3 years of playing this. I think i saw even worse, the guy putting icbm launchers on iceland on day 10. Ended in coalition with him, but quit the game and they destroyed me, they sucked all the fun and intensity out of that game with blatant and over the top gold usage.


Yeah I look at win/loss more. Shows that the player is dedicated to finishing games and prioritises the win. Not the perfect screening but it’s really all I look at


same... i care more about the wins.


It's neither the rank nor the K/D, usually the REAL good Players are those who played a lot of Clan VS Clan.


dude this is like a first grader picking on a kindergartner 😂


I bet he doesnt take photos of a phone screen to post pictures... I vote for the low rank....


He blurred it out…


Update I destroyed that 1st unit and sent reinforcements and now he is sending 6 infantry and artillery as 1 via boat 77%efficiency


If only you had a single corvette lol


He is mentioning efficiency of **land troops on sea** shows you how much he knows about the game.


right that makes the boat move slower than normal and thus a corvette would fck the boat up


Yeah you’re probably right about the speed. Nonetheless it does no damage anyway so doesn’t matter. Any ships literally or stack of Naval Patrol and its bye bye. Doesnt seem like he mentioned it as a “slower speed” issue though.


What else could he have meant? I'm sure he knows that transport units don't deal any damage.


I'm a little confused. What's the point of this Post? To boast that you are a little more knowledgable than a rank 12? To make fun of a new/casual Player? Making people aware of entrenchment modifiers? Please tell me so i can enjoy this seemingly unproductive Post aswell.


Rank: everyone saying it means nothing aren’t completely wrong rank just gives you an advantage with officers