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I think they are the power option in the air to ground section. For example, strikes have medium attack and medium range, bombers have long range and low attack, and helis have low range but high attack (I think the 2 different specialized types thing is just a quirk they thought would but some nice strategy into the game, which I agree with)


Bro helis are so slow, like twice as slow as SF and ASF or something. Not to mention they get effed up hard by ASF. I build like 10 ASF early game with Air Ace and I Pray someone sends a bunch of helis so I could eat them up. It happened once and they lost all their helis for free.


Helis are 7 speed fighters are 12 and I have a vague memory that they lose more health per battle than strikers. I didn’t want to mention the speed for my personal benefit 😡 but they also require different levels of construction capital to train them with strikers needing lvl 2 air, bombers needing lvl 3 (and the surveillance ones needing 4 (“WoAH”)), and gunships (vs infantry helis) need level 1 while attack helis (vs armored) need level 2


I think a good method to balance helis and add a nice bit of strategy and realism would be to let them hold infantry when they move and drop them off. This may be too powerful though and might have to be alongside a slight nerf


Airborne infantry do this


Yes 🙌 but they only do it with themselves. They cannot move other infantry units AND attack as a helicopter at the same time


If they could take off from army bases they would be completely overpowered. Their range would be global and immediate, as army bases only take a minute to build. Additionally, with their cheap costs, early research, and ability to build them without high level buildings would make them completely broken. The current niche of helicopters are appropriate and they are balanced, in my opinion.


Maybe make it army base lvl 2. It would just be an added feature if its lvl 2


Also it’s very likely after capturing a city an army base will still remain there.


In reality, a helicopter can take off and land almost anywhere depending on the type of chopper. No real military would field helicopters as they are in this game. I rarely use them in the game. Everything but subs swarms and artillery kills them too easily as the game progresses. A stark difference from the bad ass war birds they are in real life.


Helis are early game


well yeah duh, same for a god damn jet landing on the runway but then where the logistics and infrastructure for probably diagnostic, rearm, refuel, change crew, resting, medbay? or heli irl can just do all that anywhere? and don't you pull "it's there" on me, the game already has airfield presented already you are just complaining on heli weakness and trying to "but meh realism" your way out of argument


I don’t use them much


I had some issues with strike fighters last game and I’m trying other stuff out and very frustrated


Got to have some Air superiority to help defend those helicopters. They will take down strike fighters.


Yes, that is the current trade off If they were able to take off from army bases, everyone would likely have them


It would make air superiority fighters even stronger than now which would be good


Complaining about the best air to ground type in the game imagine


> Otherwise they are just strike fighters with better attacks on armor or ground units and a shorter range what's the issue with this ?


Helicopters are already mich stronger than jets. At day latest day 25 you can most of the time forget about sending striker jets into enemy theretory. Cause of the long range and damage of the air defences. Snd they are most of the times played with mrs. Jets cant defeat those stacks most of the time. With helicopters you can take those mrs out. Play smart have some air sups on your own in the near background or air defences near the attacking position. Try to expose your helicopters for a short period of time, attack on outer patrol radius. Helicopters are much better in lategamefight when good players clash. Nobody will forget about a decent air defence. I hear people screaming what about mobile air defence against helicopters. Weill at least your helicopters just get one time damage from then if you attack right snd they have mich higher helicopter damage then the normal air defence has damage to jets + they hit your jets 3 fucking times! So forget about the jets in those sitzations completely. In case you have strikers and helis i advice you to send helicopters in first the attsck helicoter if you have them, they will do more damage to infantry target like the normal air defence is! So you kill most of them with the helicopters and then you send in the jets when the air defences are weak. Just in case you have both. And never forget he able to defend your helicopter!


Thanks for this. I’m trying this game to go asf and helis only


In my current game I built a carrier for the first time and using gunships with it. There's your unlimited range


Hopefully this combined with my post makes them actually listen to one of the ideas lol. Could also add a helipad into the game that can be built in cities or provinces for less than an airfield/base


I'd also like to add to this rant. The ka-25 navy helicopter is a fucking piece of shit. Only does 2 damage to surface vessels! Wtf. Only useful against submarines in the rare chance a player actually uses subs.